All Lists 2994 total

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Nordic Souls


TESV Skyrim SE

by Geborgen

Nordic Souls is a comprehensive visual and gameplay overhaul for Skyrim SE/AE designed to "freshen up" and streamline the game while staying true to Skyrim's Nordic theme. It provides a perfect balance between a lot of lore-friendly content in the form of new quests and loot, a complete SimonRim gam...

Created over 2 years ago

Updated 7 months ago



TESV Skyrim SE

by aljoxo

A comprehensive modlist that focuses on bringing the gameplay of Skyrim to the modern age, without compromising on the original vision. Meticulously balanced and full of handpicked content, new gear, spells, and quest mods that are designed to integrate seamlessly into the game.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated 7 months ago

miikai's mod list


TESV Skyrim SE

by Anonymous

just doing this to save my modlist! feel free to use it, it changes the combat, graphics, adds a bit of new content (mostly npcs) and weapons/armor. it took me a long time to get this to work!

Created 7 months ago

Updated 7 months ago

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