Librum VR


TESV Skyrim VR

by TheLibrumTeam

Created over 2 years ago

Updated over 2 years ago

Librum is a comprehensive gameplay, graphics, and content overhaul that attempts to change all of this. Combining together some of the best and most popular mods for Skyrim SE, a suite of new quests and adventures that outnumber Skyrim’s own, the tradition of great “hardcore” gameplay overhauls that have come before – like Skyrim’s _Requiem_ and _YASH_ or Oblivion’s _Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul_ – and a host of unique-to-VR immersion improvements, Librum brings new life (and new challenge!) to Skyrim in a way that has never been experienced before. Librum is available for both VR and SE.

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Load Order Files

5.65 KiB

Embed loadorder.txt

If you want to have a quick way for users to view your list on your own site or elsewhere, use this iframe.

Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>
34.68 KiB

Embed modlist.txt

If you want to have a quick way for users to view your list on your own site or elsewhere, use this iframe.

Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>
5.81 KiB

Embed plugins.txt

If you want to have a quick way for users to view your list on your own site or elsewhere, use this iframe.

Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>

Ini Files

0.08 KiB

Embed settings.ini

If you want to have a quick way for users to view your list on your own site or elsewhere, use this iframe.

Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>
4.36 KiB

Embed skyrimprefs.ini

If you want to have a quick way for users to view your list on your own site or elsewhere, use this iframe.

Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>
4.38 KiB

Embed skyrimvr.ini

If you want to have a quick way for users to view your list on your own site or elsewhere, use this iframe.

Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>