Little Bit of Everything (LBoE)


TESV Skyrim SE

by Ferroxius

Created 9 months ago

Updated 29 days ago

A WIP manual modlist/guide designed in the spirit of Qwest and Septimus What to expect: - A generally nice visual makeover without being too taxing on the system (60+fps on my rx6700xt) - A generally improved vanilla gameplay design from Simonrim - Some new quests, followers and lands without being too excessive - Around 500 mods which should allow someone to easily build off of this if they wish

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If you want to have a quick way for users to view your list on your own site or elsewhere, use this iframe.

Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>