Wasteland Prospects


Fallout New Vegas

by Rage

moddinglounge.com/wasteland-prospects/ moddinglounge.com/wasteland-prospects/documentation/ discord.gg/fEBJYFnKsp

Created over 1 year ago

Updated 5 months ago

Explore Nevada all over again, with a new and invigorating look on the Wasteland. Explore new areas, meet new friends, take on challenging enemies, and see what New Vegas is all about. Featured as just a New Vegas modlist, you won't be restricted to a complex setup with TTW, but instead focus your travels on Nevada. Take on a new look of New Vegas, with an ever growing list of graphical adjustments and improvements. Experience classic weapons with completely fresh and new animations and discover new weapons and equipment.

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<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="https://loadorderlibrary.com/lists/wasteland-prospects/embed/settings.ini" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>
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Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="https://loadorderlibrary.com/lists/wasteland-prospects/embed/loadorder.txt" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>
15.50 KiB

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Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="https://loadorderlibrary.com/lists/wasteland-prospects/embed/fallout.ini" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>
15.60 KiB

Embed falloutcustom.ini

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Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="https://loadorderlibrary.com/lists/wasteland-prospects/embed/falloutcustom.ini" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>
17.05 KiB

Embed falloutprefs.ini

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Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="https://loadorderlibrary.com/lists/wasteland-prospects/embed/falloutprefs.ini" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>
15.83 KiB

Embed modlist.txt

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Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="https://loadorderlibrary.com/lists/wasteland-prospects/embed/modlist.txt" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>
5.66 KiB

Embed plugins.txt

If you want to have a quick way for users to view your list on your own site or elsewhere, use this iframe.

Feel free to remove the `allow-scripts` from the sandbox attribute. It's used to have the theme of the embed match the user's system theme, collapse separators on modlist.txt, and toggle showing of disabled mods on modlist.txt.

<iframe title="Load Order Library iframe" src="https://loadorderlibrary.com/lists/wasteland-prospects/embed/plugins.txt" width="875" height="1000" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>