Comparison Results

The Riza Experience (tm)


TESV Skyrim SE

by thehawkseye

Uses Anniversary Edition paid upgrade downgraded to Special Edition

Created about 2 years ago

Updated about 2 years ago

  • loadorder.txt 13.31 KiB
  • modlist.txt 16.46 KiB
  • plugins.txt 11.75 KiB




TESIV Oblivion

by jbk1000009

Heartland for Oblivion by Sam & TDDarkShadow. This is the final version of the list and is uploaded from the updated Heartland v2.2.6.2 by Sam & TDDarkShadow, which is identical to the deprecated Heartland v2.2.6 by Sam.

Created 5 months ago

Updated 5 months ago

  • loadorder.txt 2.00 KiB
  • modlist.txt 7.07 KiB