Comparison Results

The Riza Experience (tm)


TESV Skyrim SE

by thehawkseye

Uses Anniversary Edition paid upgrade downgraded to Special Edition

Created about 2 years ago

Updated about 2 years ago

  • loadorder.txt 13.31 KiB
  • modlist.txt 16.46 KiB
  • plugins.txt 11.75 KiB


send halp

TESV Skyrim SE

by MarrowGnawer

I crash to desktop after loading from clicking new game. I don't have a prior save to load from.

Created over 1 year ago

Updated over 1 year ago

  • skyrim.ini 1.84 KiB
  • skyrimprefs.ini 3.63 KiB
  • loadorder.txt 2.40 KiB
  • modlist.txt 5.47 KiB
  • plugins.txt 2.28 KiB