Comparison Results

The Riza Experience (tm)


TESV Skyrim SE

by thehawkseye

Uses Anniversary Edition paid upgrade downgraded to Special Edition

Created about 2 years ago

Updated about 2 years ago

  • loadorder.txt 13.31 KiB
  • modlist.txt 16.46 KiB
  • plugins.txt 11.75 KiB


The End is Nigh


TESV Skyrim SE

by IrishBaconGames

The End is Nigh Overhauls almost every gameplay system in Skyrim Anniversary Edition and requires all Creation Club Content. The overhauls are Vanilla +, Minimalistic, and intended to be lore friendly. Gameplay is intended to be more difficult than Vanilla Skyrim, but you also have more ways to deal...

Created over 2 years ago

Updated over 2 years ago

  • loadorder.txt 34.48 KiB
  • plugins.txt 33.58 KiB