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Apostasy - FeelsBHaddMan Edits


TESV Skyrim SE

by FeelsBHaddMan

My own personal edits I've made to the Wabbajack Auto-Installer TES5 Skyrim Modlist: Apostasy. To see the mods added, [Ctrl + f] for "[NoDelete]." For Wabbajack, this prefix tag in the mod name has Wabbajack ignore the mod when updating the modlist.

Created 15 days ago

Updated 15 days ago

NessPJ Skyrim SE Community Shaders Parallax Modlist v1


TESV Skyrim SE

by Nesspj

NessPJ Skyrim SE Community Shaders Parallax Modlist v1. My personal modlist, which is a WIP. Basically a Modlist trying to achieve both nice visuals and immersion without becoming too resource heavy. Practically no new Game content is added (except for a different Magic system because TESV Skyrim's ...

Created 16 days ago

Updated 16 days ago

Chaos Mage Randomized Challenge


TESV Skyrim SE

by OmniTheStarSpawn

A mod list that was featured in the eponymous challenge series on YouTube by the list's author. The focus is heavy on improving immersion and merging modern combat systems with Skyrim's vanilla combat via the BFCO combat system; all-the-while striking a decent balance between realism and game-like c...

Created 20 days ago

Updated 7 days ago

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