All Lists 3109 total

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End Times Challenge


TESV Skyrim SE

by OmniTheStarSpawn

A mod list that was featured in the eponymous challenge series on YouTube and Twitch by the list's author. The focus is heavy on improving immersion and merging modern combat systems with Skyrim's vanilla combat; all-the-while striking a decent balance between realism and game-like convenience. Race...

Created 3 months ago

Updated 8 days ago

CSVP - Colloquy's Skyrim Vanilla Plus - A NGVO Fork


TESV Skyrim SE

by Colloquy

Colloquy's Skyrim Vanilla Plus is a modlist based on the visuals offered by 'Next Generation Visual Overhaul' from Biggie_Boss, with additions from Gate to Sovngarde by JaySerpa. LOOT Sorted and Root Built, this list is highly customizable.

Created 3 months ago

Updated about 8 hours ago

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