All Lists 3129 total

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Licentia (Modified)


TESV Skyrim SE

by Curly

Welcome to the latest incarnation of Licentia. This modlist is intended as a high fantasy "Game of Thrones" Skyrim -- ultimate power fantasy where you can use an incredible amount of perks and spells to make the hero you want, with just a touch of racy sexuality. However, it does not do so via unimm...

Created almost 3 years ago

Updated almost 3 years ago

funnyeuphemism full modlist

TESV Skyrim LE

by Anonymous

This is the full list of active mods on the left pane of mod organiser. Many of these were merged. Many have been edited. Many should not be active at all. Might be a bit tricky to make sense of tbh. Sorry!

Created almost 3 years ago

Updated almost 3 years ago

The End is Nigh


TESV Skyrim SE

by IrishBaconGames

The End is Nigh Overhauls almost every gameplay system in Skyrim Anniversary Edition and requires all Creation Club Content. The overhauls are Vanilla +, Minimalistic, and intended to be lore friendly. Gameplay is intended to be more difficult than Vanilla Skyrim, but you also have more ways to deal...

Created almost 3 years ago

Updated almost 3 years ago

Lexy's LOTD


TESV Skyrim SE

by Curly

UPDATED TO 4/10/22. Welcome to Lexy's Legacy of the Dragonborn: Special Edition, the Skyrim SE version of my previous and popular SRLE Extended: Legacy of the Dragonborn guide. This is designed to be a full installation guide, taking you from a fresh Skyrim SE installation to a fully modified game. ...

Created almost 3 years ago

Updated almost 3 years ago

Aldrnari (Modified)


TESV Skyrim SE

by Curly

Aldrnari (ᚨᛚᛞᚱᚾᚨᚱᛁ) is my project to make a Skyrim I want to play. It is an ode to my love for folk music; in fact, the idea came when I began listening to Yggdrasil Music and SoundFX Overhaul and started listening to folk music all together. Aldrnari means "the nourisher of life" and is one of t...

Created almost 3 years ago

Updated almost 3 years ago

Living Skyrim 4


TESV Skyrim SE

by ForgottenGlory

ForgottenGlory's flagship modlist, Living Skyrim, is a full-featured overhaul of Skyrim SE with the intent to breathe life into the often empty areas of the world. NPCs, quests, new worldspaces, and interactive content are the focus of this modlist. All of this on top of a beautiful graphics package...

Created almost 3 years ago

Updated over 1 year ago

Viva New Vegas(wj-featured/vivanewvegas)


Fallout New Vegas

by Anonymous

Viva New Vegas is a lite modlist that tries to stay as close as possible to vanilla, but fixes as many bugs as possible, optimize the performance, and add in some quality of life features without being intrusive. This modlist makes use of JSawyer Ultimate Edition but can be played without.

Created almost 3 years ago

Updated almost 3 years ago



TESV Skyrim SE

by Curly

Tinvaak is a list focused on making Skyrim: Special Edition (SSE) into an actual roleplaying game. Many new mechanics and changes are present to offer an alternate take on the game.

Created almost 3 years ago

Updated almost 3 years ago

Tinvaak (Khajiit Speak)


TESV Skyrim SE

by Curly

Tinvaak is a list focused on making Skyrim: Special Edition (SSE) into an actual roleplaying game. Many new mechanics and changes are present to offer an alternate take on the game.

Created almost 3 years ago

Updated almost 3 years ago

Animonculory Visual Overhaul - AVO


TESV Skyrim SE

by Curly

Animonculory Visual Overhaul (AVO) is designed as a base for your own modlist. Featuring graphical enhancements, mandatory bug fixes and tweaks and method patching, it is the perfect base to build upon. AVO is made for Skyrim Special Edition Version 1.6.353 (also known as Anniversary Edition) and us...

Created almost 3 years ago

Updated almost 3 years ago



TESV Skyrim SE

by Curly

Ruvaak is a list focused on making Skyrim: Anniversary Edition (AE) into a dark fantasy roleplaying game. Many new mechanics and changes are present to offer an alternate take on the game. You can view many of these changes in the Changes to Gameplay article.

Created almost 3 years ago

Updated almost 3 years ago

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