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New Vegas Transcended


Fallout New Vegas

by electricsunrise

List built around Transcendence by Qolore7 (like Skyrim's Requiem) and the mods recommended on that page. Has a few lightweight dungeon mods. Uses Viva New Vegas Extended as a base as well as YUPDate and Goodies. Best played without sprinting active.

Created 15 days ago

Updated 7 days ago

Fallout 4: London MODLIST

Fallout 4

by theDeluxeSam007

The full-conversion mod, Fallout: London, is an amazing DLC for Bethesda's Fallout 4. Just like Fallout New Vegas that is for Fallout 3. FILM Workshop ENB + own Reshade settings

Created 15 days ago

Updated 10 days ago

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