A Better Starfield
Starfieldby ejams1
Created 3 months ago
Updated 3 months ago
No description provided.
Load Order Files
- 2. Starfield.esm
- 3. Constellation.esm
- 4. ShatteredSpace.esm
- 5. OldMars.esm
- 6. SFBGS003.esm
- 7. SFBGS004.esm
- 8. SFBGS006.esm
- 9. SFBGS007.esm
- 10. SFBGS008.esm
- 11. sfta01.esm
- 12. sfbgs00b.esm
- 13. sfbgs009.esm
- 14. sfbgs024.esm
- 15. sfbgs021.esm
- 16. sfbgs023.esm
- 17. sfbgs01c.esm
- 18. StarfieldCommunityPatch.esm
- 19. Starfield HD.esm
- 20. RRLN - Rabbit's Real Lights Neon.esm
- 21. TNClassM.esm
- 22. poi_variations_shuffle.esm
- 23. sksfderek.esm
- 24. MB_Scrappy.esm
- 25. RRLAC - Rabbit's Real Lights Akila City.esm
- 26. RoyalAliens.esm
- 27. stroudpremiumedition.esm
- 28. projectwarfare.esm
- 29. RRLHT - Rabbit's Real Lights HopeTown.esm
- 30. RRLNA - Rabbit's Real Lights New Atlantis.esm
- 31. RRLP - Rabbit's Real Lights Paradiso.esm
- 32. NCCFunHouse.esm
- 33. DangerousEbbside.esm
- 34. Eli_RenamedSnowglobes.esm
- 35. Eli_RenamedEvidence.esm
- 36. Eli_SurveySlates.esm
- 37. RRLD - Rabbit's Real Lights Dazra.esm
- 38. Better_Living_II.esm
- 39. Better_Outpost_Radius.esm
- 40. DWN_DecorativePack.esm
- 41. OutpostMissionBoards.esm
- 42. Aurie_BuildOuptostsWithCredits.esm
- 43. RRLNH - Rabbit's Real Lights New Homestead.esm
- 44. RRLC - Rabbit's Real Lights Cydonia.esm
- 45. New Atlantis Subway.esm
- 46. IW Warfighter.esm
- 47. ArmaLite - AR-121.esm
- 48. BSDM14.esm
- 49. oldworldfirearms.esm
- 50. weap_starlight.esm
- 51. CraftableWeaponSkins.esm
- 52. CraftableWeaponSkins-TrackersAlliance.esm
- 53. CraftableWeaponSkins-OldMarsSkinPack.esm
- 54. CraftableWeaponSkins-ConstellationSkinPack.esm
- 55. ProjectWarfareAddonPack1.esm
- 56. x2357primeweaponskinsprojectwarfare.esm
- 57. RD_ArmaLite_AR-121_Fix.esm
- 58. ZW_AIO_CombaTech_Dark.esm
- 59. ZW_AIO_Laredo_Carbon.esm
- 60. Shades_Vehicle_Tuner.esm
- 61. ImmersiveShellCasings.esm
- 62. SOL - Sensible Outpost Lighting.esm
- 63. RRL OBJECTS - Rabbit's Real Lights Landing Pads.esm
- 64. RRLG - Rabbit's Real Lights Gagarin.esm
- 65. SETI_ShipLights_by_BosDragon.esm
- 66. SpacesuitPack_All_Z.esm
- 67. ClothingPack_Standalone_Z.esm
- 68. VaruunX_Z.esm
- 69. CrimsonX_Z.esm
- 70. KZ_AIO.esm
- 71. OddZealot_ConstellationTankTops.esm
- 72. 45KO_CharGen.esm
- 73. Starfield_Hair+Beards_Z.esm
- 74. Shades_Tattoo_MegaPack.esm
- 75. SarahMorgan.esm
- 76. Bedlam.esm
- 77. BattensWrecks.esm
- 78. vcspacemotel.esm
- 79. du_takeover.esm
- 80. RoyalWeathers.esm
- 81. Earth POIs.esm
- 82. SYNTH_Combat_Wicked_Metal.esm
- 83. SYNTH_Ambient.esm
- 84. SYNTH_UI.esm
- 85. WeaponSoundFixes.esm
- 86. GoloBloodrushSkill.esm
- 87. GoloKenjutsuSkill.esm
- 88. rbt_WeaponPerks.esm
- 89. GoloAerobicsSkill.esm
- 90. GoloBeginnersLuckSkill.esm
- 91. GoloCoffeeFiendSkill.esm
- 92. GoloMomentumSkillCombat.esm
- 93. GoloSentinelSkill.esm
- 94. rbt_CaptainsChoice.esm
- 95. GB_ShipBuilderConfigurator.esm
- 96. Experimental Ship Weapons.esm
- 97. GB_SBCX_ShatteredSpace.esm
- 98. SeizureOfShips.esm
- 99. ShipBuilderCategories.esm
- 100. ShipVendorFramework.esm
- 101. Sit To Add Ship.esm
- 102. ConstellationPremiumEditionIntegrated.esm
- 103. OldMarsDistributed.esm
- 104. Shades_Glowy_Stuff.esm
- 105. Varuun DLC items in base game.esm
- 106. newhaircolors.esm
- 107. atom74.esm
- 108. g17x.esm
- 109. bubegg.esm
- 110. franky.esm
- 111. starbornamongus.esm
- 112. moretraits.esm
- 113. novafinch_apollo9.esm
- 114. rvulpack.esm
- 115. starcola.esm
- 116. trippy_farmerbackground.esm
- 117. ImprovedFollowerBehavior.esm
- 118. SubtleFlashlight - Less Wide - BlueNoSpec.esm
- 119. ZW_AIO_KoreKinetics_Quantum.esm
- 120. x2357primeweaponskinsmelee.esm
- 121. PlanetDB.esm
- 122. VisibleCompanionAffinity.esm
- 123. MoreSurveyMissions.esm
- 124. SP2_VascoRecognizesMorePlayerNames.esm
- 125. BetterDeathPhysicsNoCollision.esm
- 126. PlayerSpeedRevised-37Speed.esm
- 127. costofspacing.esm
- 128. rbt_BalancedBallistics.esm
- 129. AccurateADS.esm
- 130. LevelScaling.esm
- 131. disablemagicboost.esm
- 132. Leveled Mission Rewards.esm
- 133. rbt_CostOfLiving.esm
- 134. rbt_SpacefaringEconomy.esm
- 135. rbt_SuitUp.esm
- 136. ReworkedspacebountiesV2.esm
- 137. RoyalStarbornNPCs.esm
- 138. RoyalSpaceMagic.esm
- 139. RoyalTerror.esm
- 140. RSB_NerfedRewardPatch.esm
- 141. Samantha Says - Dynamic Medical Bill.esm
- 142. Samantha Says - Dynamic Repair Bill.esm
- 143. SSMod_MoreLegendaryEffects.esm
- 144. ws_VariableContrabandPrices.esm
- 145. rbt_FitnessPerks.esm
- 146. Red_Mile_Terror.esm
- 147. Pathfinder_MEA_Redux.esm
- 148. SaltysRegistrationFeeFix.esm
- 149. NoMoreTinyOldEarthGuns.esm
- 150. RoyalWeathersVaRuunkai2.esm
- 151. InstantScan.esm
- 152. rbt_RealO2.esm
- 153. SmarterSpacesuitAutohide.esm
- 154. SmarterSpacesuitAutohide_SFBGS001.esm
- 155. ShatteredSpaceDelayed.esm
- 156. TheTrackersAllianceDelayed.esm
- 157. StarfieldsAnon.esm
- 158. WorkbenchFilterFramework.esm
- 159. LeaveNoWitnesses.esm
- 160. creweatsfood.esm
- 161. vivs_FurnishYourFleet.esm
- 162. grav_79_z.esm
- 163. Increased Trait Count.esm
- 164. BetterBackgrounds.esm
- 165. x2357primearmorskinsciviliansurvivalsuit.esm
- 166. OVERRIDE_Starfield.esm
- 167. UCMO_CE_Visors.esm
- 168. Luxor's Andreja.esm
- 169. ProjectWarfare_Norm_Patch.esm
- 170. PXC_AmmoHud_Patch_BSD-M14.esm
- 171. PXC_AmmoHud_Patch_PWHE.esm
- 172. PXC_AmmoHud_Patch_PWHE-AP1.esm
- 173. PXC_AmmoHud.esm
- 174. PXC_AmmoHud_Patch_KZ_AOS.esm
- 175. GravityIsReal.esm
- 176. BlueprintShips-Starfield.esm
- 1. DLC: ShatteredSpace
- 2. DLC: Constellation
- 4. Address Library for SFSE Plugins
- 5. Starfield Engine Fixes - SFSE
- 6. SFSE ASI Loader Updated
- 7. Starfield Shader Injector and ReShade Helper
- 8. Disk Cache Enabler
- 9. Real Time Form Patcher (SFSE)
- 10. Trainwreck - A Crash Logger
- 11. Cassiopeia Papyrus Extender
- 13. Baka Disable My Games Folder
- 14. Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE)
- 15. Baka Quick Full Saves
- 16. Baka Quit Game Fix
- 17. Baka Console EditorIDs
- 18. Sprint Stuttering Fix
- 20. powerofthree's Tweaks SFSE
- 21. Enemy Friendly Fire (SFSE)
- 22. Detailed Reference Info - SFSE
- 23. Auto Unlock SFSE
- 24. Gravity Affects Weight (SFSE)
- 25. Simple Offence Suppression SFSE
- 26. Fast Travel To Unknown
- 28. Starfield Community Patch (SFCP)
- 30. Eli's Renamed Crimson Fleet Evidence - Better Sorting
- 31. Eli's Renamed Snow Globes - Better Sorting
- 32. Eli's Renamed Survey Data - Better Sorting
- 33. PraxisUI Inventory
- 34. Smooth Ship Reticle (120fps Smooth UI)
- 35. AmmoHud
- 37. Starfield HD Overhaul
- 38. SOL - Sensible Outpost Lighting
- 39. SETI - Ship Exterior True Illumination
- 40. EXE - Effect Textures Enhanced
- 41. EXE Laser Beam FIx
- 42. Rabbit's REAL LIGHTS Akila City
- 43. Rabbit's REAL LIGHTS New Atlantis
- 44. Rabbit's Real Lights Gagarin
- 45. Rabbit's Real Lights Cydonia
- 46. Rabbit's Real Lights HopeTown
- 47. Rabbit's Real Lights Landing Pads
- 48. Rabbit's Real Lights New Homestead
- 49. Rabbit's Real Lights Paradiso
- 50. Rabbit's Real Lights Dazra
- 51. Rabbit's Real Lights Neon
- 52. Crowd NPC eye Ambient occlusion Fix
- 53. Immersive Shell Casings
- 54. Luma - Native HDR and more
- 55. Clean Reflex Sight Lenses
- 56. Precious Metal Credsticks
- 57. STARQUEEN 5 - Starfield Female Skin Textures
- 63. FA - STARQUEEN 5.3.1 WIP
- 65. Nem's Deco Pack
- 66. Scrappy Structures 2.0
- 67. Better Living II - Outpost Stuff (Shattered Space)
- 68. Better Outpost Radius
- 69. Outpost More Mission Boards
- 70. Furnish Your Fleet
- 71. Stroud Premium Edition
- 73. Starfield Hair and Beards - RTFP
- 74. Shattered Space Hairstyles - RTFP
- 75. Shades Tattoo Megapack
- 76. Ultimate Sarah - Replacer Plugin Version
- 77. More Presets
- 78. RETINA - Photorealistic Eyes Overhaul
- 79. Luxor's Andreja
- 81. Varuun X (Vanilla)
- 82. Crimson X (Vanilla)
- 83. ZoNE79 Spacesuit Pack
- 84. ZoNE79 Clothing Pack
- 85. Constellation Modular Outfits - Tank Tops and Jackets
- 86. KZ Aggregation of Scraps
- 87. UC Military Overhaul - Complete Edition
- 88. IW - Warfighter
- 89. Pathfinder MEA Redux by HooliG4N83 and Shade
- 90. X2357's Prime Armor Skins - Civilian Survival Suit
- 92. ArmaLite AR-121
- 93. Red Dog's AR-121 Fixes and Tweaks
- 94. Project Warfare - Hardened Edition
- 95. Project Warfare - Addon Pack 1
- 96. Arboron Starlight Laser Pistol
- 97. RTFP Patch - Arboron Starlight
- 98. Black Stone Dynamics EBR M14
- 99. No More Tiny Old Earth Guns
- 101. Craftable Weapon Skins - CWS
- 102. Dark CombaTech - All-In-One (Weapon Skins and Optional Texture Replacements)
- 103. Laredo Carbon - All-In-One (Weapon Skins and Optional Texture Replacements)
- 104. X2357's Prime Weapon Skins - Project Warfare
- 105. Kore Kinetics Quantum Series - All-In-One (Weapon Skins and Optional Texture Replacements)
- 106. X2357's Prime Weapon Skins - Melee Weapons
- 108. Shades Vehicle Tuner
- 109. Ship Vendor Framework
- 110. Ship Builder Categories
- 111. Seizure Of Ships - Take Over Restricted Ships
- 112. Sit To Add Ship to Fleet
- 113. Ship Builder Configurator
- 114. Ship Builder Configurator Extension - Shattered Sp
- 115. Experimental Ship Weapons
- 116. TN's Class M (and Starborn Guardian) Ship Building
- 117. Captain's Choice - A Shipbuilding Overhaul
- 118. Salty's Registration Fix
- 119. Starfield Anonymous Ship Pack
- 121. SYNTH - A Music Mod
- 122. Weapon Sound Fixes
- 123. Spoken Hazard Alerts - Repacked
- 125. Dark Universe - Takeover
- 126. POI Variations - No More Duplicates
- 127. Batten's Shipwrecks (POIs)
- 128. Human Activity on Earth - Man-made Points of Interest
- 129. Bedlam - Dungeon Randomizer
- 131. Improved Follower Behavior
- 132. Gravity is Real - Interior Gravity Matches Exterior
- 133. Royal Weathers - An Immersive Starfield Climate Overhaul
- 134. Royal Weathers - Va'Ruun'kai
- 135. More Survey Missions
- 136. Vasco Recognizes More Player Names
- 137. Better Death Physics
- 138. Constellation Premium Edition Integrated
- 139. Old Mars Distributed
- 140. Varuun DLC items in base game
- 141. Smarter Spacesuit Auto-Hide
- 142. Smarter Spacesuit Auto-Hide - Shattered Space
- 143. Workbench Filter Framework (WFF)
- 144. Quick Lowered Weapons - Third Person
- 145. New Atlantis Subway
- 147. Project Warfare - Normal Balance Patch
- 148. Dynamic Medical Bill - A doctor heal cost modifier
- 149. Build Outpost Items with Credits
- 150. Spacefaring Economy
- 151. Cost Of Spacing
- 152. Royal Space Magic - Starborn Powers Overhaul
- 153. The Dark Side of Neon - An Ebbside Overhaul
- 154. MLE - More Legendary Effects
- 155. Royal Aliens
- 156. Royal Terror - Terrormorphs Redone
- 157. Royal Starborn NPCs
- 158. Starborn's Bounty - Always Loot
- 159. Player Level Scaling - Melee,Unarmed,Grenades,Mines
- 160. Leveled Mission Board Rewards
- 161. reworked space bounties quests bounty
- 162. Reward Nerf Patch - Reworked Space Bounties Quests Bounty
- 163. Dynamic Repair Bill - A ship repair cost modifier
- 164. Balanced Ballistics (And Lasers)
- 165. Suit Up - RTFP
- 166. No More Magic Boost Packs
- 167. Cost Of Living
- 168. Variable Contraband Prices - Redux
- 169. Red_Mile_Terror_Hardcore
- 170. S.C.Z.B.A - Real O2
- 171. The Trackers Alliance Delayed Start
- 172. Shattered Space Delayed Start
- 173. Leave No Witnesses
- 174. Crew Eats Food
- 175. Accurate Aiming - 50 Percent
- 177. The Forsaken Manor
- 179. Deadly Effective - Minimal Skills Overhaul
- 180. Momentum - A New Skill
- 181. Coffee Fiend - A New Social Skill
- 182. Kenjutsu - A New Combat Skill
- 183. Bloodrush - A Doom Inspired New Physical Skill
- 184. Sentinel - A New Physical Skill
- 185. Aerobics - A New Physical Skill
- 186. Beginner's Luck - A New Social Skill
- 187. Better Backgrounds
- 188. Increased Trait Count
- 190. Apollo 9mm Pistol
- 191. Atom AK Rifle
- 192. Civilian Survival Suit
- 193. D.E.R.E.K
- 194. Old World Firearms - Pipe Weapons
- 195. Franky's Emporium
- 196. G17x
- 197. Mariner Habs
- 198. More Backgrounds
- 199. More Traits
- 200. Motel Akila - Unique POI
- 201. New Hair & Hair Colors
- 202. Starborn Among Us
- 203. Starcola
- 204. Sub Orbital Shuttle - SOS8
- 205. Tiny Reasons to Explore
- 206. Water Cooled Miner Outfits
- 207. GRAV-79 v1.0
- 210. DualSense - PS5 Icons
- 211. Undelayed Launching (Skip Intro Screens)
- 212. Shades Glowy Stuff
- 214. Customisable Animation Speed
- 215. Faster Airlock and Hatch and Door Animations - Sound Fix
- 216. Subtle Flashlight - Blue (No Specular) - Narrower
- 217. No More Temple Puzzles
- 218. Smart Captain's Planet Resource Database
- 219. Visible Companion Affinity
- 220. Player Speed Revised - 37.5 Faster Walk
- 221. Instant Scan - 3 scans
- 223. ADS - Packed Loose File Overrides