Bathrobe's Personal Nordic Souls List


TESV Skyrim SE

by Bathrobe SamuraiB

Created about 1 month ago

Updated 16 days ago

My personal use, self-modified list for Geborgen/Jack's amazing Nordic Souls. My list has the updated Community Shaders, along with a few more Quest mods like Olenveld, Glenmoril, Vominheim, and Darkend. Combat has been expanded with MCO, difficulty is raised with Know Your Enemy/Armor 2, and an Achievement system has been put into place, along with much, much more. Feel free to compare with Nordic Souls This work would not have been possible without the combined help and knowledge from Jack/Geborgen, Lively, Meteor, and Hunnybeez. Thank you to all of the mod authors whose content makes up this list! You will need to make ini adjustments for Dragon's Eye Minimap, and adjust the Alchemy of Time ini in accordance with Cooking Over Fire. With my setup, I also have run Hephaestus in Synthesis, to pair with Heim.

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