by Anonymous
Created about 11 hours ago
Updated about 11 hours ago
Expires in 7 days
No description provided.
Load Order Files
- 2. Oblivion.esm
- 3. Av Latta Magicka.esm
- 4. Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm
- 5. Cobl Main.esm
- 6. Fundament.esm
- 7. MigMaster.esm
- 8. Waalx Animals & Creatures.esm
- 9. DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
- 10. DLCSpellTomes.esp
- 11. DLCThievesDen.esp
- 12. DLCFrostcrag.esp
- 13. DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
- 14. DLCVileLair.esp
- 15. DLCOrrery.esp
- 16. DLCHorseArmor.esp
- 17. Knights.esp
- 18. DLCShiveringIsles.esp
- 19. Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
- 20. Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp
- 21. DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp
- 22. DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp
- 23. DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp
- 24. DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp
- 25. DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp
- 26. DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp
- 27. DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp
- 28. DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp
- 29. Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp
- 30. MigMiscellanea.esp
- 31. SB_WeaponDropFix.esp
- 32. SB_SkillBonusItems.esp
- 33. LessMaddeningShiveringIsles.esp
- 34. Lava Does Fire Damage.esp
- 35. Knights Infamy.esp
- 36. DLCMergedBooks.esp
- 37. Creature Fix Compendium.esp
- 38. Walk through Oblivion Gates.esp
- 39. Evenstars Colourwheel LOD Update.esp
- 40. lVWD for Leyawiin.esp
- 41. IC LOD.esp
- 42. LINK.esp
- 43. Achievements.esp
- 44. Dynamic Map.esp
- 45. WorldMapsForAllWorldspaces.esp
- 46. Marking the Landmarks.esp
- 47. Map Marker Overhaul.esp
- 48. Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp
- 49. LootMenu.esp
- 50. Loot Feed.esp
- 51. Follower Status.esp
- 52. Extended UI.esp
- 53. QZ Easy Menus.esp
- 54. Display Stats.esp
- 55. MigStatsCheck.esp
- 56. Enhanced Hotkeys.esp
- 57. BookTrackerUpdatedv1.1.esp
- 58. Better Enemy Health.esp
- 59. Quest Log Manager.esp
- 60. Diverse Effect Icons OBSE.esp
- 61. Cliff_BetterLetters.esp
- 62. OUT Essentials.esp
- 63. OUT - Dungeons.esp
- 64. Really Textured Normal Maps.esp
- 65. Bomret's Texture Pack for Shivering Isles v1 with meshes from USIP.esp
- 66. Harvest [Flora].esp
- 67. All Natural - Real Lights.esp
- 68. NAO.esp
- 69. BrumasNorthernLights.esp
- 70. drifting mist.esp
- 71. Atmosphere additional effects.esp
- 72. Falling Leaves.esp
- 73. Better Rainbows.esp
- 74. RoadLights.esp
- 75. WindowLightingSystem.esp
- 76. Diverse Chapels Vanilla.esp
- 77. Ducks and Swans.esp
- 78. BettysButterflies.esp
- 79. Vanilla Gear Redux.esp
- 80. MagicArrows.esp
- 81. Dynamic Oblivion Combat.esp
- 82. De-Nock Arrows.esp
- 83. StarX Vampire Deaths.esp
- 84. Av Latta Magicka.esp
- 85. lGet rid of small Souls.esp
- 86. De Rerum Dirennis.esp
- 87. Weapons Of Morrowind.esp
- 88. Unique Artifacts for Unique People.esp
- 89. JBlades!1.1.esp
- 90. tbskGuardsFeatures.esp
- 91. Colorful Clothing - Collection.esp
- 92. Travelling Equipment.esp
- 93. Feldscar.esp
- 94. Frostcrag Village.esp
- 95. Gottshaw Village.esp
- 96. Molapi.esp
- 97. Reedstand.esp
- 98. Sutch Village.esp
- 99. Urasek.esp
- 100. ImpeREAL City Unique Districts - All the Districts - Merged.esp
- 101. The Imperial Water.esp
- 102. IceWaterfrontTunnel.esp
- 103. Add some flavor - Talos bridge.esp
- 104. Add some flavor - Roadside inns.esp
- 105. Add some flavor - Priories.esp
- 106. ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles - All The Castles - Merged.esp
- 107. County Gates.esp
- 108. AgronakChampionHouse.v1.01.esp
- 109. Knightly Orders for Cities.esp
- 110. xulRollingHills_EV.esp
- 111. xulImperialIsle.esp
- 112. xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp
- 113. xulAncientYews.esp
- 114. HESU ValenwoodMine.esp
- 115. HESU SkyrimTemple.esp
- 116. HESU SmokeTown.esp
- 117. Legion Forester Outposts.esp
- 118. Nobody Goes into the Mountains but Hunters.esp
- 119. Better Dungeons.esp
- 120. BrumaGuildReconstructed.esp
- 121. Unique Forts Fort Aurus.esp
- 122. Unique Forts Fort Doublecross.esp
- 123. Unique Forts Fort Facian.esp
- 124. Unique Forts Fort Hastrel.esp
- 125. Unique Forts Fort Irony.esp
- 126. Unique Forts Fort Naso.esp
- 127. Unique Forts Fort Rayles.esp
- 128. Unique Forts Fort Redman.esp
- 129. Unique Forts Fort Teleman.esp
- 130. Unique Forts Fort Vlastarus.esp
- 131. Vergayun.esp
- 132. Enhanced Cyrodiil - Cities.esp
- 133. Glowing Wonders.esp
- 134. Reworked Posts.esp
- 135. SI Unmarked Locations with markers.esp
- 136. SINSOutskirts.esp
- 137. SI Driftdwell.esp
- 138. SI Whispersins.esp
- 139. OblivionDeadLands.esp
- 140. More Mythic Dawn Agents.esp
- 141. Very Horny Knights.esp
- 142. Shivering Isles Raiders.esp
- 143. Countess.esp
- 144. Necromancer Battlemages.esp
- 145. Tavern Goers 2 - Redux.esp
- 146. Street Vendors of Cyrodiil.esp
- 147. DaedraShrinesProddedWithAStick.esp
- 148. CulusTheMighty.esp
- 149. Basic Physical Activities.esp
- 150. NIARA.esp
- 151. Ultimate Leveling.esp
- 152. OCRAFT.esp
- 153. OCRAFT - Integration.esp
- 154. OCRAFT - Cobl Glue.esp
- 155. OCRAFT - Stations for Sale.esp
- 156. MigFEA.esp
- 157. MigPickpocket.esp
- 158. MigTraining.esp
- 159. Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells.esp
- 160. GOSH.esp
- 161. DialogTweaks.esp
- 162. Consistent Beggar Voices.esp
- 163. YourMotherWasAHamster.esp
- 164. ProgressTracker.esp
- 165. CIBLppSupport.esp
- 166. Oblivion Content Restoration Project.esp
- 167. The Lost Spires.esp
- 168. The Lost Spires - Cleaned Up Scribe.esp
- 169. The Lost Spires - Assorted Fixes.esp
- 170. The Ayleid Steps.esp
- 171. The Ayleid Steps - The Guardian's Atlas.esp
- 172. BrotherhoodRenewed.esp
- 173. Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.esp
- 174. thievery.esp
- 175. Bounty Quests.esp
- 176. No More Wild Goose Chases.esp
- 177. lSinderion's Serendipity.esp
- 178. SM Plugin Refurbish Lite.esp
- 179. SM Plugin Refurbish Lite OBSE.esp
- 180. Shivering Isles - New Dukes.esp
- 181. HackdirtTheDeepOnes.esp
- 182. TheWellOfMinlorada.esp
- 183. Cobl Glue.esp
- 184. Cobl Si.esp
- 185. Cobl for DLC Homes.esp
- 186. SMO.esp
- 187. AutoHaggle.esp
- 188. za_bankmod.esp
- 189. kuerteeCrimeHasWitnesses.esp
- 190. Enemy Spell Variety.esp
- 191. Reznod_Mannequin.esp
- 192. Enhanced Grabbing.esp
- 193. Take or Equip.esp
- 194. Convenient Open Spells.esp
- 195. AoG - Greed Arena.esp
- 196. Camping.esp
- 197. Note to Self.esp
- 198. Simple Horse Utilities.esp
- 199. QuestsMakeFriends.esp
- 200. Character Customization Expanded.esp
- 201. Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp
- 202. Ragdolls.esp
- 203. EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp
- 204. Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp
- 205. xulRiverEthe.esp
- 206. xulPantherRiver.esp
- 207. FGRebuild.esp
- 208. MGRebuildN01.esp
- 209. EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer for OOO.esp
- 210. OOOShiveringIsles.esp
- 211. WACIntegration.esp
- 212. Improved Chests (OOO Compatible).esp
- 213. Cobl Tweaks - OOO.esp
- 214. Bounty Quests OOO Patch.esp
- 215. OOO Patches Merged.esp
- 216. Prebash Merge.esp
- 217. OCOv2 - Filter Patch for Mods.esp
- 218. Ragdolls for Oblivion - Filter Patch for Mods.esp
- 219. BasicHarvestFilterPatch.esp
- 220. Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp
- 221. Cobl - Buffet Plate and Hibernation Potion Disabler.esp
- 222. WACIntegration - Filter Patch for Mods.esp
- 223. Bashed Delayers - MERGE ONLY.esp
- 224. CIBFilterPatch.esp
- 225. Unique Artifacts for Unique People - Distribution.esp
- 226. NPC Names - Filter Patch for Mods.esp
- 227. OOO Harvest Containers Filter patch for mods.esp
- 228. DispMiscPatch_OCRAFT - Filter Patch for Mods.esp
- 229. MOBSification of MODS.esp
- 230. Cava Obscura - Filter Patch For Mods.esp
- 231. Unique Landscapes Separate - OOO Adaptation.esp
- 232. Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp
- 233. Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul - OCRAFT Patch.esp
- 234. Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul - OCRAFT Patch.esp
- 235. BasicHarvest4MOO.esp
- 236. MOO Loading Screens - New Pics.esp
- 237. ILOO.esp
- 238. Late Loaders Merged.esp
- 239. NPC Merge.esp
- 240. Conflict Resolution.esp
- 241. Diverse Effect Icons.esp
- 242. Diverse Effect Icons for SM.esp
- 243. Diverse Effect Icons for OOO.esp
- 244. Diverse Effect Icons for MM.esp
- 245. DispMiscPatch_OCRAFT - Better Camps Patch.esp
- 246. Diverse Effect Icons for MM-Reborn.esp
- 247. EVE_KhajiitFix.esp
- 248. EVE_ShiveringIslesEasterEggs.esp
- 249. EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp
- 250. LFO - Females Addon.esp
- 251. LFO - Humans Addon.esp