Crash log
TESV Skyrim SEby Anonymous
Created about 24 hours ago
Updated about 24 hours ago
Expires in 18 minutes
CTD while load last save
Ini Files
- 1. CLA SSE - Sephs Skyrim Experimental Crash Log Analyzer (1.2.0) / 2023.09.10
- 3. If you are asking others for assistance / help, ALWAYS provide the crashlog as well!
- 5. Crashlog Tool: CrashLoggerSSE v1-15-0-0 Oct 12 2024 11:33:37
- 6. Game Version: 1.6.1170
- 7. Script Extender: 1.6.1170
- 9. RAM
- 11. RAM Total: 13.9 GB
- 12. RAM Used: 9.54 GB
- 13. RAM Free: 4.36 GB
- 14. Analysis RAM (all good):
- 15. It is absolute unlikely that the crash was due to RAM.
- 17. Header indicators:
- 19. Memory: 0x7FF62CF75B40 count: (3)
- 20. File: SkyrimSE.exe count: (13)
- 21. Address: 1AD5B40 count: (2)
- 22. Assembler: add [rax], eax count: (2)
- 23. [ 0] 0x7FF62CF75B40 SkyrimSE.exe+1AD5B40 -> 256277+0x28 add [rax], eax -//- count: (1)
- 24. [ 1] 0x7FF62B7800DB SkyrimSE.exe+02E00DB -> 19645+0x2B test al, al -//- count: (1)
- 25. [ 2] 0x7FF62BAFF20A SkyrimSE.exe+065F20A -> 37183+0x1A movzx ebx, al -//- count: (1)
- 26. [ 7] 0x7FF62BE6DED0 SkyrimSE.exe+09CDED0 -> 54049+0x300 test al, al -//- count: (1)
- 27. [ 8] 0x7FF62BE69FF2 SkyrimSE.exe+09C9FF2 -> 54018+0x22 test al, al -//- count: (1)
- 28. [ 9] 0x7FF62BAA988E SkyrimSE.exe+060988E -> 35641+0xEE nop -//- count: (1)
- 29. [10] 0x7FF62BAA6938 SkyrimSE.exe+0606938 -> 35600+0x9A8 mov edx, 0x3EE -//- count: (1)
- 30. [12] 0x7FF62BAB5654 SkyrimSE.exe+0615654 -> 442580+0x354 mov [rbp+0x478], al -//- count: (1)
- 31. [13] 0x7FF62BAB351A SkyrimSE.exe+061351A -> 35772+0x46A test al, al -//- count: (1)
- 32. [15] 0x7FF62BAE5F3F SkyrimSE.exe+0645F3F -> 36564+0x9F mov rax, [0x00007FF62D598928] -//- count: (1)
- 33. [18] 0x7FF62BADEAD5 SkyrimSE.exe+063EAD5 -> 36544+0x165 test bl, bl -//- count: (1)
- 34. [19] 0x7FF62C9DBB8E SkyrimSE.exe+153BB8E -> 109636+0x106 mov ebx, eax -//- count: (1)
- 35. Access Violation: Tried to execute memory at 0x7FF62CF75B40 -//- count: (1)
- 37. Missing Masters
- 39. 1. Please check the notification of your Mod Manager!
- 40. 2. If you cant find any entries there, try LOOT.
- 41. 3. If this yields nothing, you'll have to manualy check every mod of yours if you might have missed a dependency.
- 43. Solutions
- 45. SkyrimSE.exe: count: (13)
- 46. This file on its own is not the cause, however, we'll do further parsing...
- 47. Could not find any known issues related to SkyrimSE.exe.
- 48. SkyrimSE.exe _might_ be listed for the sole reason of... you're playing this game!!
- 50. hdtSMP64.dll: count: (1)
- 51. If this appears often, it might indicate a bad config (rare).
- 52. However, it might also just indicate that there were NPCs around that were wearing hdt/SMP enabled clothing...
- 53. Please increase the log level for hdtsmp64 (if you have not done so yet) and check its content.
- 54. Make sure to have Faster HDT-SMP that suits your Skyrim Version:
- 55. -
- 56. Also make sure you have these installed:
- 57. - SMP NPC fix:
- 58. You are using FSMP version: 1.6.1170
- 59. Please ensure that this is compatible with your SKSE version: 1.6.1170
- 60. Possible FOMOD settings for installation
- 61. You might want to try different AVX options, because eventhough supported, they might cause shutter/'lag' in populated areas...
- 62. CPU:
- 63. avx: True
- 64. avx2: True
- 65. avx512: False
- 67. Success Statistic: (this has been detected/handled, does not mean it's the cause)
- 69. Issues Found: 2
- 70. Issues Solved: 2
- 72. DEBUG State:
- 74. Culprit list content: (just a list)
- 75. SkyrimSE.exe, hdtSMP64.dll,
- 77. Random 'Fallback' Checks
- 79. How to read these results?
- 83. [ 3] 0x7FFF0F6A9283 NPCsNamesDistributor.dll+0039283 mov [rbp+0x88], al | D:\a\NPCs-Names-Distributor\NPCs-Names-Distributor\src\Persistency.cpp:186 NND::Persistency::Manager::ad const volatile (mangled: ?Load@Manager@Persistency@NND@@CAXPEAVSerializationInterface@SKSE@@@Z) D:\a\NPCs-Names-Distributor\NPCs-Names-Distributor\src\Persistency.cpp:181 NND::Persistency::Manager::ad const volatile (mangled: ?Load@Manager@Persistency@NND@@CAXPEAVSerializationInterface@SKSE@@@Z) -//- count: (1)
- 84. [ 4] 0x7FFF0F6A8ECF NPCsNamesDistributor.dll+0038ECF nop | D:\a\NPCs-Names-Distributor\NPCs-Names-Distributor\src\Persistency.cpp:171 NND::Persistency::Manager::ad const volatile (mangled: ?Load@Manager@Persistency@NND@@CAXPEAVSerializationInterface@SKSE@@@Z) -//- count: (1)