Current working Load 2.14.25
by rpschwa
Created 5 days ago
Updated 5 days ago
No description provided.
Load Order Files
- 2. BSPF-ShipCombatRevisedReactors-Patch.esm
- 3. BSPF-StarfieldExtendedShieldsRebalanced-Patch.esm
- 4. BSPF-USUQuestRewards-Patch.esm
- 5. Lodecs_WEAP_CustomArmory_Patch_CraftableQualityExtendedLMR_LM.esm
- 6. Patch-SPE-Deimog.esm
- 7. PXC_AmmoHud_Patch_PWHE-AFP_MWH.esm
- 8. PXC_AmmoHud_Patch_PWHE_MWH.esm
- 9. SVF-Deadalus-Patch.esm
- 10. SVF-Dominion-Patch.esm
- 11. SVF-IconicShips-Patch.esm
- 12. SVF-LKShips-Patch.esm
- 13. SVF-LowerLandingPad-Patch.esm
- 14. SVF-LowerLandingPadUnlocked-Patch.esm
- 15. SVF-OutpostVendorNewShips-Patch.esm
- 16. SVF-Starvival-Patch.esm
- 17. TN_USS_SMSEX_AIO.esm
- 18. StarfieldCommunityPatch.esm
- 19. unofficial starfield patch.esm
- 20. unofficial shattered space patch.esm
- 21. AmmoFramework.esm
- 22. PXC_AmmoHud.esm
- 23. poi_variations_shuffle.esm
- 24. Lodecs_WEAP_CustomArmory.esm
- 25. PXC_AmmoHud_Patch_LCA.esm
- 26. ProjectWarfare.esm
- 27. ProjectWarfareAddonPack1.esm
- 28. PXC_AmmoHud_Patch_PWHE-AP1.esm
- 29. PXC_AmmoHud_Patch_PWHE.esm
- 30. ProjectWarfareAmmoPatch.esm
- 31. PXC_AmmoHud_Patch_PWHE-AFP.esm
- 32. Armored Constellation Suit.esm
- 33. AshApogeeCombatOverhaul_Weapons.esm
- 34. AvonTechDeployables.esm
- 35. AvontechWeaponUpgrades.esm
- 36. Banshee.esm
- 37. Banshee_Mantis.esm
- 38. USU - No Level Requirements.esm
- 39. BASE.esm
- 40. BetterFlashlight.esm
- 41. blackstone bunker.esm
- 42. ShipBuilderCategories.esm
- 43. BetterShipPartFlips.esm
- 44. BSPFCargoExpanderX3.esm
- 45. BetterShipPartSnaps.esm
- 46. TNShipModsAllInOne.esm
- 47. BSPF-TNShipModsAllInOne-Patch.esm
- 48. Dank_LEO.esm
- 49. AutoDoc.esm
- 50. ShipVendorFramework.esm
- 51. AvontechShipyards.esm
- 52. BASE-containers.esm
- 53. TNUsefulShipStructure.esm
- 54. BCUsefulHabs.esm
- 55. BetterHabs.esm
- 56. gnShipbuilderSchematics.esm
- 57. GrafsHabs-Nova1x1.esm
- 58. GunsmithBench.esm
- 59. TNSeparatedCategories.esm
- 60. Habz_HopeTech.esm
- 61. Darkstar_TraineeMaelstrom.esm
- 62. ShipColorize.esm
- 63. DerreTech.esm
- 64. IncreasedSpaceLootDistance.esm
- 65. Inquisitor_Arsenal_Perk.esm
- 66. ith-shipmodulesf.esm
- 67. SKKShipPartsNoLevelAllVendors.esm
- 68. ith-shipthrustersf.esm
- 69. Easier Ship Building.esm
- 70. Easy Digipick.esm
- 71. Inquisitor_Constellation_Magazine_Improved.esm
- 72. Inquisitor_Demolitions_Overhaul.esm
- 73. Inquisitor_Ship_Weapon_Recharger.esm
- 74. Inquisitor_WatchOfTheStars_Mod.esm
- 75. Infirmary.esm
- 76. GguysReliantMedicalHabPack.esm
- 77. GravBoosters.esm
- 78. Useful Brigs.esm
- 79. Habz_Stroud.esm
- 80. Lodecs_WEAP_CustomArmory_Patch_BulletFollowsDot_LM.esm
- 81. EnhancedLightsandFX.esm
- 82. MatilijasAerospace.esm
- 83. Missing Weapon Quality Tiers.esm
- 84. Missing Weapon Quality Tiers - SS.esm
- 85. Nades.esm
- 86. nh_fuelTanksAsCargo.esm
- 87. Non-Lethal Framework.esm
- 88. OpenNearbyDoors.esm
- 89. OUT-OutpostsPlus.esm
- 90. legendaries.esm
- 91. MayhemCutter.esm
- 92. NASALandmark.esm
- 93. InstantScan.esm
- 94. OwlTech_Habs_Ship_Living.esm
- 95. SecurityGuardRobots.esm
- 96. Shades_Added_Skills.esm
- 97. NLF - Useful Brigs - Patch.esm
- 98. vcDenAstrodynamics.esm
- 99. OutpostMissionBoards.esm
- 100. OutpostShipbuilderUnlocked.esm
- 101. SHMassEffectEngines.esm
- 102. SimpleImmersiveLooting.esm
- 103. SP2_AllCockpitsNavConsoles.esm
- 104. SkillTreeOverhaul.esm
- 105. Outpost_Trade_Kiosk.esm
- 106. OverPoweredWeaponPack.esm
- 107. Piloting4ForMClassShips.esm
- 108. TNDerreTechPatch.esm
- 109. Starfield Extended - Armor & Clothing Crafting.esm
- 110. Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality.esm
- 111. Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality - Shattered Space Patch.esm
- 112. SOL - Sensible Outpost Lighting.esm
- 113. Starfield Extended - Game Settings.esm
- 114. SVF-TheDenAstrodynamics-Patch.esm
- 115. The Eye Revised.esm
- 116. Starfield Extended - More Shielded Cargo Bays Rebalanced.esm
- 117. TNAidAndAmmoCrafting.esm
- 118. TNSupplementalCockpits.esm
- 119. TNSupplementalReactors.esm
- 120. TNSupplementalThrusters.esm
- 121. TNWeaponToModuleSnapping.esm
- 122. TNTextilePerkRestored.esm
- 123. TN_AIO_AvonTech.esm
- 124. TN_AIO_Matilijas.esm
- 125. TNClassM.esm
- 126. TN_ClassM_AllInOne.esm
- 127. towerhab.esm
- 128. TrilB_Mod002-CargoTerminal.esm
- 129. UnlimitedJetpack.esm
- 130. Aardvark Shipyard.esm
- 131. AshApogeeCombatOverhaul.esm
- 132. BSPF-ShipColorize-Patch.esm
- 133. BSPF-ShipCombatRevisedHabs-Patch.esm
- 134. BSPF-ShipCombatRevisedThrusters-Patch.esm
- 135. ith-shipweaponsf.esm
- 136. BSPF-ShipCombatRevisedWeapons-Patch.esm
- 137. BSPF-SKKShipPartsNoLevelAllVendors-Patch.esm
- 138. TNExpandedCargoHolds.esm
- 139. BSPF-TNExpandedCargoHolds-Patch.esm
- 140. BSPF-TNSeparatedCategories-Patch.esm
- 141. BSPF-TNUsefulShipStructure-Patch.esm
- 142. USU.esm
- 143. BSPF-USU-Patch.esm
- 144. BSPF-USUNoLevelRequirements-Patch.esm
- 145. DerreTechLegacy.esm
- 146. DisplayStuffGC01.esm
- 147. DWN_ShowMyHome.esm
- 148. DWN_ShowMyHome_ShatteredSpace.esm
- 149. egtech-addspaceship.esm
- 150. GameplayOptionsExtended.esm
- 151. godlyconspacesuit.esm
- 152. Habz.esm
- 153. Habz_Menu.esm
- 154. HWS_HarvestWithScanner.esm
- 155. inquisitor_additional_vehicles_mod.esm
- 156. Inquisitor_BattlefieldMastery_Perk_Mod.esm
- 157. Inquisitor_Combined_Arms_Mastery.esm
- 158. Inquisitor_DefenseDepot_Perk.esm
- 159. Inquisitor_NEW_Deimos_Glowing_Wings.esm
- 160. Inquisitor_SpecialForces_9th_Battalion_Weaponry.esm
- 161. Inquisitor_Special_Forces_Background_And_Traits.esm
- 162. inquisitor_special_forces_base.esm
- 163. Inquisitor_Special_Forces_Weapon_Technologies.esm
- 164. ith-shipenginesf.esm
- 165. IW Warfighter.esm
- 166. LBN_LockonRange.esm
- 167. MillsGarage.esm
- 169. ND5.esm
- 170. NeonSmuggler.esm
- 171. OwlTech_Lets_Work_Habs.esm
- 172. OwlTech_Lets_Work_Habs_DS_PATCH.esm
- 173. OwlTech_Lets_Work_Habs_UB_PATCH.esm
- 174. Richer Merchants.esm
- 175. RosieTannehill-AnActualDoctor.esm
- 176. RRLNA - Rabbit's Real Lights New Atlantis.esm
- 177. SeizureOfShips.esm
- 178. Shades_Vehicle_Tuner.esm
- 179. ShowMorePOI.esm
- 180. Sit To Add Ship.esm
- 181. smsex_series_aio recut for better flips.esm
- 182. Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality - Legendary Clothing Enabled.esm
- 183. Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality - Legendary Clothing Enabled - Shattered Space Patch.esm
- 184. Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality Extended.esm
- 185. Starfield Extended - Craftable Quality Extended - Shattered Space Patch.esm
- 186. Starfield Extended - Armor & Clothing Crafting - Legendary Clothing Enabled Patch.esm
- 187. Starfield Extended - Armor & Clothing Crafting - Shattered Space Patch.esm
- 188. starfieldcompendium.esm
- 189. starfieldcompendiumimages.esm
- 190. Starfield_NPC_LED_Z.esm
- 191. stroudpremiumedition.esm
- 192. SVF-Generic-AllShipModulesUnlocked-AllShipVendors-Patch.esm
- 193. SVF-Generic-AllShipModulesUnlocked-OutpostOnly-Patch.esm
- 194. SVF-Generic-ShipVendors-Patch.esm
- 195. Synaptic.esm
- 196. TankGirlsPlayerHome.esm
- 197. TIG_Shipyards.esm
- 198. TIG_ShipyardsSBC.esm
- 199. TNCraftableNades.esm
- 200. TNHabTweaks.esm
- 201. TN_Textile_ShatteredSpace.esm
- 202. USU - M Class.esm
- 203. USU - Reduced Build Restrictions.esm
- 204. vehiclerhyno2.esm
- 205. VisibleCompanionAffinity.esm
- 206. Warthog.esm
- 207. Wicked Outpost Projeckt 2.esm
- 208. WorkbenchFilterFramework.esm
- 209. Binoculars.esp
- 210. ClassMPiloting.esm