Cyberpunk THING
Cyberpunk 2077by z9r
Created 11 months ago
Updated 5 months ago
A bullet's a bullet, and Night City is full of hardened gangoons with hair triggers and bad attitudes. But they've never run into anything like you.
Load Order Files
- 2. Cyber Engine Tweaks
- 3. redscript
- 4. RED4ext
- 5. Codeware
- 6. ArchiveXL
- 7. TweakXL
- 8. Browser Extension
- 9. Deceptious Quest Core
- 10. Input Loader
- 11. Native Settings UI
- 12. Mod Settings
- 14. Berserk Unchained
- 15. Berserk Unchained - Retain Unspent Charge Level
- 16. Better Access Point Hacking Netrunner Rewards
- 17. Body Shield
- 18. Buttslinger Quickmelee
- 19. Dash Fix
- 20. Gorilla Grapple
- 21. Keep Drawing The Line
- 22. Keep Drawing The Line - Invisible Standby Line
- 23. No uncrouching when melee attacking from stealth
- 24. Optical Camo Realism and Utility
- 25. Optical Camo Realism and Utility - Stealthrunner Compatibility
- 26. Overclock Overheat
- 27. Ricochet Redux
- 28. Second Heart Fix
- 29. Set Bonuses
- 30. Silent Silencers and Throwing Knives
- 31. Sonic Shock Prevents Trace (restored)
- 32. Stand After Sliding
- 33. Stealth Finishers (ZKV_Takedowns)
- 34. Renaissance Punk - Perk Scaling
- 35. Stealth Remote Control Cars and Turrets
- 36. Stealthrunner - Stealth Gameplay Expansion
- 37. Stock Market and News System
- 38. SynthDose - More Drugs
- 39. Trace Position Overhaul
- 40. Weapon Handling Control
- 42. Challenging Breach Minigame
- 43. Convo Skill Check Scaling
- 44. Damage Scaling and Balance (Formerly Level Scaling)
- 45. No shooting delay
- 46. Random Netrunners
- 48. Artistic
- 49. New Quest - Californication
- 50. New Quest - Encore
- 51. New Quest - Hot Fuzz
- 52. New Quest - One More Light
- 53. TV Anywhere
- 55. Aurore Romanced (Lady Marmalade)
- 56. Flaming Crotch Man Romanced
- 57. Here's Johnny
- 58. Immersive Vik
- 59. I Really Want To Stay At Your House - Judy
- 60. I Really Want To Stay At Your House - Kerry
- 61. I Really Want To Stay At Your House - Panam
- 62. I Really Want To Stay At Your House - River
- 63. Judy Romanced Enhanced
- 64. Kerry Interactions Enhanced
- 65. Panam Romanced Enhanced
- 66. Pet Your Cat
- 67. Rita Wheeler Romanced
- 68. River Romanced Enhanced
- 69. Romance Hangouts Enhanced
- 70. The Passenger
- 72. Apartment Cats - Corpo Plaza
- 73. Apartment Cats - Dogtown
- 74. Apartment Cats - Japantown
- 75. Apartment Cats - Northside Motel
- 76. Apartment Cats - The Glen
- 77. Apartment Cats - Custom Cats
- 78. Dance Off
- 79. DLC Liberation Protocol
- 80. Gambling Props - Poker Chips and Playing Cards
- 81. Gambling System - Roulette
- 82. Idle Anywhere
- 83. Immersive Food Vendors
- 84. Immersive Food Vendors - Dogtown
- 85. Immersive Rippers
- 86. Immersive Rippers - Dogtown
- 87. Kabuki Gun Range Enhanced
- 88. Night City Interactions - Core
- 89. NCI Addon - Badlands and Pacifica
- 90. NCI Addon - Badlands and Pacifica Beer Tweak
- 91. NCI Addon - Heywood
- 92. NCI Addon - Watson
- 93. NCI Addon - Westbrook
- 94. Parking Spots Enhanced
- 95. QoL - Interactive Judy's Apartment Devices
- 96. Roller Coaster Enhanced
- 97. Wilson's Range
- 99. Authentic Shift (QoL Gear Ratios Shifts Audio Sound ASMR and OPTIONAL Tuning System)
- 100. Car Modification Shop
- 101. Delamain No. 22
- 102. Extra Vehicle Controls
- 103. No Camera Auto Centering
- 104. Virtual Car Dealer
- 105. Virtual Car Dealer - Browser Extension
- 106. Vehicle Summon Tweaks - Dismiss
- 107. Vehicle Summon Tweaks - Repair Cost
- 108. Vehicle Pack - Basic Pack 1
- 109. Vehicle Pack - Basic Pack 2
- 110. Vehicle Pack - Corpo
- 111. Vehicle Pack - Gangs
- 113. Borg Malorian Restored
- 114. Comrade's Hammer Restored
- 115. Cronos (New Iconic Weapon)
- 116. DR-10 Wormhole Smart Revolver
- 117. DR-10 Wormhole Smart Revolver Rebalance
- 118. Extra Iconics
- 119. MaxTac Silencer (New Iconic Weapon)
- 120. Midas Collection
- 121. Midnight Arms MA70 BSG Smart LMG
- 122. Mjolnir
- 123. Modular Kyubi Revamp - Precision
- 124. Modular Kyubi Revamp - Damage Increase
- 125. Overcompensator
- 126. Plan C
- 127. Rostovic Koplje Smart Precision Rifle
- 128. Slaught-O-Matic Platinum
- 129. Slaught-O-Matic QoL
- 130. Trigger Mode Control
- 132. Actual Chrome Compression
- 133. Black Chrome - Cyberware Expansion
- 134. Extra Berserks (ranged capable)
- 135. Extra Hands (cyberware)
- 136. Heat Converter
- 137. Jarngreipr (Lightning Projectile Launcher)
- 138. Jenkins Tendons Cyberware Can Recharge While Airborne
- 139. Kiroshi Optics Night Vision Mod
- 140. Megingjord (hover legs cyberware)
- 141. Nano Drone
- 143. Clean Computer Wallpaper
- 144. Crouch vignette effect remover
- 145. Diverse Death Screens
- 146. Dynamic Cherry Blossoms
- 147. Dynamic Graffiti
- 148. Dynamic Wanted Stars
- 149. E3 Smart Windows
- 150. Enable Advert Animations (Ads)
- 151. Enable Finisher Ragdolls
- 152. Enhanced Craft
- 153. Equipment-EX
- 154. Focus Vignette Removal
- 155. Immersive Timeskip
- 156. Less Samurai
- 157. Malorian Arms 3516 Alternative Ironsight Animation
- 158. Malorian Arms 3516 Slide Fix
- 159. Night City Recolor
- 160. No Paper Bags From Vending Machines
- 161. Playable Arcade Machines
- 162. Preem Scopes (Remove Tint Glitches Scanlines and 3D Depth Effect - FOMOD)
- 163. QoL - Higher TV Quality
- 164. QoL - Stencil Text Enhanced
- 165. Ragdoll Physics Overhaul
- 166. Spicy Clean Hack Screen
- 168. Adaptive Sliders
- 169. Backpack Search
- 170. Cleaner Main Menu and Pause Menu
- 171. Crafting Recipe Owned Labels
- 172. Fading Crosshairs
- 173. Fading Crosshairs - Minimal Crosshairs
- 174. Filter Saves by Lifepath and Type
- 175. Find-EX
- 176. Limited HUD
- 177. Mark To Sell
- 178. Muted Markers
- 179. Named Saves
- 180. Native Settings UI Side Menu Add-on
- 181. Quickhack Hotkeys
- 182. Real Vendor Names
- 183. Simple XP Multiplier
- 184. Smarter Scrapper
- 185. Stash Filters
- 186. Stash Search
- 187. Untrack Quest Ultimate - No Main Quest re-tracking - No leftovers
- 188. Vehicle Durability Display
- 190. Appearance Change Unlocker - Character Preset Manager
- 191. Arcade Anywhere
- 192. Clear Skill Checks
- 193. Computer Anywhere
- 194. Custom Quickslots (Consumables Grenades and Cyberware Abilities)
- 195. Deadeye Sound Remover
- 196. QoL - Faster Checkpoints
- 197. Faster Iguana Hatch
- 198. Faster Vehicle Knockback Animation
- 199. Flashback Fixer
- 200. Game v2.0 patch - Quick Message Exit
- 201. Hide Read Shards
- 202. Immersion patch - No crowd panic from stealth activity
- 203. Immersion patch - No crowd panic from using devices
- 204. Instant Wardrobe
- 205. Looting QoL
- 206. Metro Pocket Guide
- 207. More Climbable Objects
- 208. No Intro Videos
- 209. Quickhack Loadouts
- 210. Relic Effect Periods
- 211. Replace Weapon Mods
- 212. Retrothrusters QoL
- 213. Sensible Time Bomb
- 214. Stay Hydrated - Stay Nourished - Stay Healthy
- 215. TV Mute Control
- 216. Zoomable Scopes
- 218. Allow Unbound Actions (Keybinds)
- 219. Better Armor Tooltip
- 220. Bug Fix - Base Fists and Arm Cyberware Attack Speed Fix
- 221. Bug Fix - Full-Auto Tech Weapons Bolt Duration
- 222. Bug Fix - Recon Grenade Bouce Fix
- 223. Car Dodge Stutter Fix
- 224. Cop Killer - NCPD Fixes
- 225. Decals Flickering Fix
- 226. Disable W-S Keys To Select Dialogue Options
- 227. Don't Hide Stamina Bar on Holster (Bug Fix)
- 228. Eddies Notification Fix
- 229. Fix Adrenaline (Overshield) Decay
- 230. Gamepad Button Hold Indicator Fix
- 231. Immersion patch - The Hunt quest missing audio restore
- 232. In Cold Blood - NPC Execution Fix
- 233. Passenger Targeting Fix
- 234. QoL - Fix for holotext shadows with RT or PT
- 235. Radio Port Vehicle Fix
- 236. Rasetsu screens bug fix
- 237. Repeating Synaptic Accelerator Bug Fix
- 238. Stanley's Morning Audio Fix
- 239. Status Bar Bug Fixes
- 240. Small TV Channels Fix
- 241. TV Adverts Fixes
- 242. TV Audio Fixes
- 243. V's Apartment TV Volume Fix
- 245. Cyberpunk THING