DeceasedBrains Problem Solver Modlist
Fallout 4Created almost 2 years ago
Updated 6 months ago
You find a minigun in some idiots container called the Problem Solver Keep the show disabled button now works (apparently theres already a weapon that is just a painted automatic assualt rifle in Fallout 4's Nuka Cola DLC so now the joke is ruined)
Load Order Files
- 2. Fallout4.esm
- 3. DLCRobot.esm
- 4. DLCworkshop01.esm
- 5. DLCCoast.esm
- 6. DLCworkshop02.esm
- 7. DLCworkshop03.esm
- 8. DLCNukaWorld.esm
- 9. ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor.esl
- 10. ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl
- 11. ccBGSFO4115-X02.esl
- 12. ccBGSFO4116-HeavyFlamer.esl
- 13. ccBGSFO4110-WS_Enclave.esl
- 14. ccBGSFO4096-AS_Enclave.esl
- 15. ccBGSFO4046-TesCan.esl
- 16. ccFSVFO4007-Halloween.esl
- 17. ccOTMFO4001-Remnants.esl
- 18. ccSBJFO4003-Grenade.esl
- 19. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
- 20. Community Fixes Merged.esp
- 21. HUDFramework.esm
- 22. TMR_GlitchfinderAIO.esm
- 23. NPCRespawnFix.esl
- 24. CanarySaveFileMonitor.esl
- 25. Ownership Fixes.esp
- 26. YouAndWhatArmy2.esm
- 27. DocsoftheCW.esl
- 28. Climb_The_Commonwealth.esl
- 29. Knockout Framework.esm
- 30. Diamond City Supplements.esm
- 31. Godrays Performance Fix.esm
- 32. Hit Those Objects.esm
- 33. IngameLoadingCrashFix.esl
- 34. JumpFallPoseFix.esl
- 35. Low Profile Loader.esm
- 36. Lucky Critter.esl
- 37. Munitions - An Ammo Expansion.esl
- 38. PACE.esm
- 39. PANPC.esm
- 40. Radiation Immunity Fixed.esl
- 41. Rebuild_SharedResources.esm
- 42. REFramework.esm
- 43. TacticalReload.esm
- 44. Dank_ArmorPaintExtended.esl
- 45. PainTrainAndImpactLanding-BuffedAndReworked.esl
- 46. DiamondCityAmbience.esl
- 47. MorePrefabs.esl
- 48. Turnonthedam.esl
- 49. CookingWorkshopObjects.esl
- 50. DisarmGrenades.esl
- 51. FindMyPowerArmor.esl
- 52. FitnessAtSettlements.esl
- 53. FreeTimeForSettlers.esl
- 54. HCKTerminalHack.esl
- 55. InventoryWeightInfo.esl
- 56. NPSShopping.esl
- 57. PhoropterUsable.esl
- 58. SettlersAsHairdressers.esl
- 59. STWT.esl
- 60. SmartRecruitmentBeacon.esl
- 61. LarannKiarRecruitModsAIOArchivePackESL.esl
- 62. GoodneighborExpanded.esp
- 63. Homemaker.esm
- 64. MemoryPodVR.esl
- 65. MultipleMarkerBeds.esl
- 66. MultipleMarkerBeds_Replacer.esl
- 67. PRCH.esl
- 68. StayAwayWhileBuilding.esl
- 69. VATSEmotion.esl
- 70. TrainandResearch.esl
- 71. XDI.esm
- 72. BakaFramework.esm
- 73. BakaWaitAnywhere.esm
- 74. WorkshopFramework.esm
- 75. SS2.esm
- 76. SS2_XPAC_Chapter2.esm
- 77. SS2_XPAC_Chapter3.esm
- 78. FalloutInstrumentPack.esl
- 79. ArcadeTerminals.esl
- 80. VotWMaster.esm
- 81. Fallout 4 Fixes.esm
- 82. VotWSpecialVideos.esl
- 83. zbwRadioAttenuatorHolotape.esl
- 84. CWOutfitPackPart2.esl
- 85. LIF.esl
- 86. LIF_RandomPA.esl
- 87. Power.esl
- 88. Arbitration - Resources.esm
- 89. CWPointLookoutFO4.esm
- 90. CWPointLookoutFO4Patch.esl
- 91. HoloGlowNS21.esl
- 92. RadiationProtectorESL.esl
- 93. BakaFullscreenPipboy.esm
- 94. KARMA.esm
- 95. AmericaRising2.esm
- 96. PipWS_Replacer.esl
- 97. MAIM Master.esm
- 98. WW-Fixes-SettlerSleepAIFixesReplacer.esl
- 99. PPF.esm
- 100. Munitions - Vanilla Ammo Addon.esl
- 101. Seasons.esm
- 102. SubwayRunnnerDynamicLighting.esp
- 103. JunkierJunk.esp
- 104. WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp
- 105. WCLI_PoseidonEnergyTurbine.esp
- 106. Rebuild_Settlements.esp
- 107. PLI_Roadside_Pines_Motel.esp
- 108. SS2Extended.esp
- 109. WCLI_North_Point_Park.esp
- 110. ThisIsTrash.esp
- 111. WCLI_LilGentryPlayground.esp
- 112. Galaxy News Radio.esp
- 113. PigAAMBeretta.esp
- 114. Ceft_Main.esp
- 115. 10mmRemeshMicaREPLACER.esp
- 116. F4NVServiceRifleRedux.esp
- 117. 3dscopes-replacer.esp
- 118. SanctuaryDrawbridge.esp
- 119. FFHD.esp
- 120. Flashy_PersonalEssentials.esp
- 121. CheatTerminal.esp
- 122. PLI_Dark_Hollow_Pond.esp
- 123. PrivateContract.esp
- 124. Dank_ECO.esp
- 125. Dank_LEO.esp
- 126. Reddz_NuclearFootball.esp
- 127. PLI_Federal_Ration_Stockpile.esp
- 128. IntegratedAutomatron.esp
- 129. Remington870.esp
- 130. 9mmPistol.esp
- 131. CombinedArmsNV.esp
- 132. RL_Recruit_Framework.esp
- 133. AnimalRescue.esp
- 134. PoseidonOffices.esp
- 135. EnclaveRemnants.esp
- 136. FensFastTravel.esp
- 137. CROSS_GoreCrits.esp
- 138. ThePlexor.esp
- 139. Better_Notes.esp
- 140. 9mmPistol - Munitions Patch.esp
- 141. Below-the-belt-only-Groin.esp
- 142. ClassicRadiationPoisoning2.esp
- 143. BNPA_NAVI Armor.esp
- 144. Building_Bridges_FO4.esp
- 145. Bullet in the Chamber.esp
- 146. DiverseMinutemen.esp
- 147. ConsoleEx.esp
- 148. CROSS_GoreCrits_FarHarborPatch.esp
- 149. MentalHealth.esp
- 150. CROSS_SynthGore.esp
- 151. FPSDodgeAVF.esp
- 152. Defective_Synth.esp
- 153. Dank_ECO-INNR.esp
- 154. M8rDisablePipboyEffects.esp
- 155. DocDrumlin.esp
- 156. Dank_ECO_DLCCoast.esp
- 157. Dank_ECO_DLCNukaWorld.esp
- 158. Dank_ECO_DLCRobot.esp
- 159. Dank_LEO-Automatron.esp
- 160. Dank_LEO_DLCCoast.esp
- 161. Realistic Sprinting.esp
- 162. Dank_LEO_DLCNukaWorld.esp
- 163. 3dscopes-replacer-servicerifle.esp
- 164. REInterestingQuestBooster.esp
- 165. DiverseRaiders.esp
- 166. DiverseSettlers.esp
- 167. DocsoftheCW_CapsFix.esp
- 168. UniqueRaiderPatrols1.esp
- 169. UniqueRaiderPatrols2.esp
- 170. ESPExplorerFO4.esp
- 171. Food Sanitizer.esp
- 172. REPatch_PrivateContractTalonCompanyMercenaries.esp
- 173. ImmersiveAnimationFramework.esp
- 174. IAF - Far Harbor & Nuka World.esp
- 175. Infiltrator - Lockpicking Overhaul.esp
- 176. JJ_SS2_Patch.esp
- 177. LFWN-CAMWPack.esp
- 178. SimpleDodges.esp
- 179. DodgeInvincibilityFrames.esp
- 180. LooksMenu.esp
- 181. PANPC - Explosion Responses.esp
- 182. MiscAnimTweaks.esp
- 183. Moveable Cats.esp
- 184. Non-Lethal Armory.esp
- 185. Munitions-Additional Ammo.esp
- 186. NAVI headlamp fix.esp
- 187. NoevilPA.esp
- 188. Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment_GunForHire_Addon.esp
- 189. GunForHire-eXoPatch.esp
- 190. PACE - Less Combat Chatter.esp
- 191. PANPC - Trap Alerts.esp
- 192. PerfectPacify_Knockout.esp
- 193. Private Contract PANPC Patch.esp
- 194. Q_VATS_TimeMult_0.esp
- 195. RAW INPUT.esp
- 196. PIE_IAF.esp
- 197. SKKPlayerUndead.esp
- 198. RescueTheCats-AIO.esp
- 199. Ruder.esp
- 200. Scopes.esp
- 201. SCOURGE.esp
- 202. SCOURGE - Fallout4.esp
- 203. SCOURGE - DLCRobot.esp
- 204. SCOURGE - DLCCoast.esp
- 205. SCOURGE - DLCNukaWorld.esp
- 206. SimpleAttackReactions.esp
- 207. SimpleCombatGrabs.esp
- 208. SimpleFinishersRE.esp
- 209. Sit Or Save (Only Sofas).esp
- 210. StartMeUpShaunDefaultAppearance.esp
- 211. TD - 9mm Pistol.esp
- 212. TD - Combined Arms.esp
- 213. True Damage.esp
- 214. True Damage - Perk Module.esp
- 215. True Damage - Perk Module DLC.esp
- 216. True Damage - Munitions.esp
- 217. True Damage - DLC.esp
- 218. True Damage - Munitions Additional Ammo.esp
- 219. True Damage - Munitions Vanilla Ammo Addon.esp
- 220. WorkshopPlus.esp
- 221. StartMeUp.esp
- 222. Publick Occurrences Expanded.esp
- 223. NukaWorldReborn.esp
- 224. StopRemoveItems.esp
- 225. VivaNukaWorldQuests.esp
- 226. Em_VivaNWReborn_UFO4P_Patch.esp
- 227. StartMeUpNukaWorldPatch.esp
- 228. WCLI_NatickSubstation.esp
- 229. CameraTweaks.esp
- 230. haxewFightingArenas.esp
- 231. BeastWhisperer.esp
- 232. InvokersMREs_Redux.esp
- 233. AN76_InvokerMRE_CoffeeCaffeinates.esp
- 234. SkeletonStyleFramework.esp
- 235. CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit.esp
- 236. AlienAssaultRifle.esp
- 237. LAER.esp
- 238. CorpusPraesidium.esp
- 239. CLB_BogeymanBasic.esp
- 240. MS Rename Anything Enhanced.esp
- 241. CROSS_CryoLance.esp
- 242. ConceptPlasma.esp
- 243. CourserCrusher.esp
- 244. CROSS_Blades.esp
- 245. Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCCoast.esp
- 246. CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp
- 247. Dank_ArmorOverrides.esp
- 248. Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCNukaWorld.esp
- 249. Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCRobot.esp
- 250. SKKCorpses76.esp
- 251. dm_PA_Collection.esp
- 252. EG7.esp
- 253. ExcavatorPA.esp
- 254. Fusion Gun.esp
- 255. GravityFist.esp
- 256. RB_ProtonAxe.esp
- 257. Institute Sword.esp
- 258. InstitutePowerArmor.esp
- 259. InstituteTurboplasmaRifle.esp
- 260. SKKCombatSettlers.esp
- 261. SKKSynthVision.esp
- 262. X12Plasmacaster.esp
- 263. SKKBattleground.esp
- 264. FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
- 265. ConcordResurrected.esp
- 266. Locky Bastard.esp
- 267. Locky Bastard - Extended.esp
- 268. Locky Bastard - Extended - Restore Gated Patch.esp
- 269. LockyBastard_RestoreGated.esp
- 270. SKKWorkshopAccessMonitor.esp
- 271. chatterbox_radio.esp
- 272. CityAmbience.esp
- 273. Project Reality Footsteps FO4.esp
- 274. Project Reality Footsteps FO4 Expansion.esp
- 275. RepopulateSalem.esp
- 276. WastelandWeather-for-DiamondCity-Goodneighbour.esp
- 277. Flashy_GunForHire_NamesPatch.esp
- 278. OpenCommonwealth.esp
- 279. REPatch_CrimeAndPunishmentGunForHire.esp
- 280. Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment.esp
- 281. RED.esp
- 282. RED-CAP.esp
- 283. REPatch_CrimeAndPunishment.esp
- 284. RED-StartMeUp.esp
- 285. BZW_HEV_Suit.esp
- 286. PhotoMode.esp
- 287. SS2WastelandReconstructionKit.esp
- 288. SettlementMenuManager.esp
- 289. AEH_ShackinUp.esp
- 290. afpABetterWorldWorkshop_Cabin.esp
- 291. BasementLiving.esp
- 292. Bogeyman-EG7Patch.esp
- 293. CutContentNPCsAiO.esp
- 294. Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
- 295. Dreamspace03SanctuaryHills.esp
- 296. ImprovedHostileFactions.esp
- 297. ImprovedHostileFactionsEncounters.esp
- 298. ImprovedHostileNPCTravelPatch.esp
- 299. ImprovedCaravanGuards.esp
- 300. ImprovedHostileForged.esp
- 301. PLI_HarbormasterHotel.esp
- 302. PLI_Unmarked_Raider_Camps_P1.esp
- 303. Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
- 304. Housekeeping.esp
- 305. ImprovedGuardEncounters.esp
- 306. ImprovedGuards.esp
- 307. ImprovedHostileGunners.esp
- 308. ImprovedHostileSuperMutants.esp
- 309. PLI_Unmarked_Raider_Camps_P2.esp
- 310. PLIDHP_OC_Patch.esp
- 311. Prefabs.esp
- 312. WoodenPrefabsExtended.esp
- 313. Workshop Highlight Fix.esp
- 314. WCLI_RockIslandLighthouse.esp
- 315. WorkshopFramework_ScriptOverride.esp
- 316. FO4LODGen-HighTrees.esp
- 317. FO4LODGen-DLCCoast-WindTurbines.esp
- 318. FO4LODGen.esp
- 319. Colt6520.esp
- 320. Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - The Castle.esp
- 321. Colt6520_LLInjector.esp
- 322. ServiceRifle_LLInjector.esp
- 323. Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp
- 324. 6520_Sights.esp
- 325. Addiction Overhaul.esp
- 326. AlienAssaultRIfle_LLInjector.esp
- 327. PANPC 2.0.8 DLC Weather Patch.esp
- 328. AppalachiaCommonwealth.esp
- 329. Atomic World.esp
- 330. Suit Up.esp
- 331. Colt6520_Fix.esp
- 332. Rebuild_Settlements_Sanctuary_PreWarTextures.esp
- 333. Combined Arms_LLI.esp
- 334. CourserCrusher_V3-N Courser_LLInjector.esp
- 335. DCVendorOverhaulAIO.esp
- 336. CROSS_InstituteExpeditionSuit_ArmorLLI.esp
- 337. Cryolance_LLInjector.esp
- 338. Dank_ECO-Munitions.esp
- 339. Dank_ECO-Munitions_INNR.esp
- 340. Liv_SS2C3_Induction_TrueDamage_Patch.esp
- 341. Dank_ECO_TacticalReload.esp
- 342. DCGuard_Overhaul.esp
- 343. DCGuard_Overhaul-RandomEncounters.esp
- 344. DCGuard_Overhaul-DCEPatch.esp
- 345. REPatch_TheFensSheriffsDepartmentBleachers2.esp
- 346. 4estGimp - FSD CandP.esp
- 347. DCVendorClutter.esp
- 348. DeepAddiction.esp
- 349. DiamondNewVendors.esp
- 350. Useful Gas Masks.esp
- 351. DiamondCity-OverridePatch.esp
- 352. DiamondCityExpansion-eXoPatch.esp
- 353. fo4kc02.esp
- 354. fo4kc02_camera.esp
- 355. OWR_SFM.esp
- 356. FusionGun_LLInjector.esp
- 357. InstituteSword_LLInjector.esp
- 358. JetfuelRadio.esp
- 359. VAFS Redux.esp
- 360. OWR_8BH.esp
- 361. Sarcastic.esp
- 362. PANPC CAP NoEnableKeyword patch.esp
- 363. PANPC Defective Synths Patch.esp
- 364. PANPC Enclave Remnants Patch.esp
- 365. PANPC Gun for Hire NoEnableKeyword patch.esp
- 366. VAFS Redux - LEO Patch.esp
- 367. Passthrough.esp
- 368. ProtonAxe_LLInjector.esp
- 369. VAFS Redux DLC Patch +VATS.esp
- 370. HDR - CFM - TD - VAFS.esp
- 371. WCLI_NahantRedRocket.esp
- 372. tumba_MinutemenMarshalOutfit.esp
- 373. AutomatronUnlocked.esp
- 374. Minutemen Supply Caches.esp
- 375. AKSounds.esp
- 376. Minutemen Weapon Pack.esp
- 377. LIF_DLC_Guns.esp
- 378. Buffed Minutemen.esp
- 379. minutemen_scout.esp
- 380. CombinedArmsEXPack.esp
- 381. commonwealth_whispers.esp
- 382. Companion Affinity Pip-Boy Tab.esp
- 383. Dank_WOP-CombinedArms.esp
- 384. EvilViking13_MinutemenMorale.esp
- 385. tumba_MinutemenRangerOutfit.esp
- 386. Tumba_MM_Armor_Collection.esp
- 387. WestTek.esp
- 388. Thing's MM Pack - Munitions Patch.esp
- 389. Tumba_MM_CheatContainer.esp
- 390. WhoIsTheGeneral.esp
- 391. XDI ServiceCost.esp
- 392. Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp
- 393. QWM-CAAKM.esp
- 394. Cobb Milk Powder.esp
- 395. QMW-3DM82A3.esp
- 396. ETRFC.esp
- 397. Stop Eating Scrap! Redux - Chem Recipes.esp
- 398. QMW-3DSCOPEVSS.esp
- 399. PipeGun.esp
- 400. Pipe Gun Improvements.esp
- 401. PreWarFoodPrep Clean.esp
- 402. QMW-3DSCOPEAUG.esp
- 403. QMW-3DSCOPEMK12.esp
- 404. QMW-CAG36.esp
- 405. StompAttackF4SE.esp
- 406. 9mm Pistol - Unofficial Update.esp
- 407. Crowbar.esp
- 408. Crowbar_LLInjector.esp
- 409. IntroTweaks.esp
- 410. Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp
- 411. TDMysteriousStrangerReplacer.esp
- 412. WW-Fixes-AtomicWorld.esp
- 413. FIS-Naming-Weap-Armo-EN.esp
- 414. Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp
- 415. AccessHatch.esp
- 416. Backpacks of the Commonwealth.esp
- 417. RedRocketGlowingSeaSettlement.esp
- 418. FortHagenIsAlive.esp
- 419. ImprovedAREnclaveCrossGorePatch.esp
- 420. ImprovedAREnclave.esp
- 421. ImprovedAREnclaveBoss.esp
- 422. REPatch_AmericaRising2LegacyOfTheEnclave.esp
- 423. ImprovedAREncounters.esp
- 424. Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
- 425. Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
- 426. Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
- 427. Vivid Waters.esp
- 428. Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Quest.esp
- 429. Vivid Weathers - Settings.esp
- 430. komodopatch_panpc_vividweathers.esp
- 431. WW-Fixes-BackpacksOTC.esp
- 432. PersistentVolumeSliders.esp
- 433. Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
- 434. VividWeathers Audio Slider Patch.esp
- 435. LootableVertibirds.esp
- 436. LootableCrates.esp
- 437. LootableCrates MergedDLCs.esp
- 438. Better Chems.esp
- 439. F4lloutNV - Killcam.esp
- 440. WW-Fixes-LootableCrates.esp
- 441. WW-Fixes-WMF.esp
- 442. Wasteland Illumination.esp
- 443. Move_Away_Setter_CP.esp
- 444. SKKCombatStalkers.esp
- 445. BetterCapsStashesRedux.esp
- 446. CHALLENGES.esp
- 447. OA_LootableMaterialsCrates_vanilla.esp
- 448. LootableCars.esp
- 449. SKKGlobalStashScrapping.esp
- 450. SKKHostileWorkshops.esp
- 451. SKKInstituteAccess.esp
- 452. SKKSettlementAttackSystem.esp
- 453. UT_Killstreak2.esp
- 454. HandsOff.esp
- 455. MMSquads.esp
- 456. OA_LootableMaterialsCrates_vanilla_mergedDLC.esp
- 457. Dank_ECO-LEO.esp
- 458. Dank_LEO_ChipCraft_Mats.esp
- 459. Dank_LEO-VAFS.esp
- 460. Enemies Fear Power Armor.esp
- 461. CommonwealthEncounterPack.esp
- 462. LIF_DLC_Grenade.esp
- 463. VaultSuitBoxes.esp
- 464. Fusion Core Charging Station.esp
- 465. Fusion Cores 76.esp
- 466. LIF_DLC_Ammo.esp
- 467. LIF_DLC_Armor.esp
- 468. LIF_DLC_Cola.esp
- 469. MinuteMenArsenal.esp
- 470. MinutemenManufacturing.esp
- 471. Ony'sMovement-.-.esp
- 472. Tumba_MM_Merchant.esp
- 473. Tumba_MM_AnnouncerReplacer.esp
- 474. Tumba_MM_RonnieReplacer.esp
- 475. Tumba_MM_LL_Injection.esp
- 476. Tumba_MM_PrestonReplacer.esp
- 477. DeeZire.esp
- 478. DeeZireDLC01.esp
- 479. DeeZireDLC03.esp
- 480. DeeZireDLC04.esp
- 481. MAIM 3.esp
- 482. Hot Diggity - Maim 3B Full Patch.esp
- 483. Flashy_PersonalEssentials - MAIM 2.esp
- 484. VAFS Redux - MAIM Patch.esp
- 485. MAIM 3 - Dismemberment Patch.esp
- 486. Better Chems - Maim 3 Patch.esp
- 487. MAIM - EFT Anims.esp
- 488. Dank_ECO-WestTek.esp
- 489. QMW-3DSCOPEM249.esp
- 490. QWM-3DSCOPE550.esp
- 491. QMW-3DSCOPESPAS12.esp
- 492. RidableBot.esp
- 493. ASmallAdditionStandaloneDrivables.esp
- 494. VVKnifeAnims.esp
- 495. VVKnifeAnimsNukaWorld.esp
- 496. SKKScriptLatencyTest.esp
- 497. InstantVault.esp
- 498. InstantVault_NukaWorld.esp
- 499. InstantVault_FarHarbor.esp
- 500. InstantVaultExtras.esp
- 501. AllSetsExtended.esp
- 502. ASEFarHarbor.esp
- 503. ASE_PerfPatch.esp
- 504. PRP.esp
- 505. PLI_USAF_Satellite_Station_Olivia.esp
- 506. PRP-SS2.esp
- 507. Rebuild_Settlements_Previs.esp
- 508. GoodneighborExpanded[Patch-Previs].esp
- 509. Atomic World Previsibines.esp
- 510. DiamondCity-PreVis.esp
- 511. MWHitFx.esp
- 513. WCLIPET18F_Previs.esp
- 514. WCLINS_Previs.esp
- 515. WCLINRR_Previs.esp
- 516. WCLINPP_Previs.esp
- 517. toastprp-americarising2.esp
- 518. PLIDHP_PRP_Patch.esp
- 519. WCLIRIL_Previs.esp
- 520. PLIUSAFSSO_SS2CH3_Patch.esp
- 521. PRP-SS2-Fixes-Ch1.esp
- 522. PRP-SS2-Fixes-Ch2.esp
- 523. Em_OpenCommonwealth_Previs.esp
- 524. WCLILGP_Previs.esp
- 525. PRP-Gun4Hire.esp
- 526. PRP-SanctDrawBridge.esp
- 527. PRP-Crime&Punishment.esp
- 528. PRP-RepopulateSalem.esp
- 529. Em_VivaNWReborn_Previs.esp
- 530. Radium.esp
- 531. PLIRPM_PRP_Patch.esp
- 532. Precombines_settings.esp
- 533. LOST Audio Tweaks.esp
- 534. WW-LAT-PRP.esp
- 535. WW-LAT-LootableCrates.esp
- 536. WW-LAT-BackpacksOTC.esp
- 537. LAT - Inner City Ambience Patch.esp
- 538. LAT - Ambient Wasteland Patch.esp
- 539. LAT - Radium Patch.esp
- 540. PANPC Unique Raider Patrols 2 Patch.esp
- 541. PANPC Unique Raider Patrols 1 Patch.esp
- 542. Power Armor to the People.esp
- 543. Power Armor to the People - Next-Gen Update.esp
- 544. Power Armor to the People - Hellfire CC.esp
- 545. Power Armor to the People - X-02 CC.esp
- 546. Power Armor to the People - Institute Power Armor - Corpus Praesidium.esp
- 547. Power Armor to the People - Nuka-World.esp
- 548. Power Armor to the People - Far Harbor.esp
- 549. Power Armor to the People - Automatron.esp
- 550. Power Armor to the People - Excavator Power Armor.esp
- 551. Power Armor to the People - Institute Power Armor.esp
- 552. NEO_PATTP_Patch.esp
- 553. NPC Accuracy Revised.esp
- 554. Radios Give Happiness.esp
- 555. Radios Give Happiness - ExtraRadios Patch.esp
- 556. REPatch_CommonwealthHitSquads.esp
- 557. REPatch_GunnerHitSquad.esp
- 558. Simple Happiness Emitter.esp
- 559. dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
- 560. WW-EBT-LAT.esp
- 561. Seasons Change - Vivid Weathers Patch.esp
- 562. AN76 - Season Vivid.esp
- 563. s99_TunableRadio.esp
- 564. zzzzzenhancedbloodetso.esp
- 565. SS2_NobodysLeaders2.esp
- 566. SS2_NobodysLeaders2_Automatron.esp
- 567. SS2_NobodysLeaders2_VaultTecWorkshop.esp
- 568. GtN_SettlersatPlay.esp
- 1. DLC: Wasteland Workshop
- 2. DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop
- 3. DLC: Nuka-World
- 4. DLC: Far Harbor
- 5. DLC: Automatron
- 6. DLC: Contraptions Workshop
- 7. 1. PreCulling - PreCombines - SCOL settings plugin
- 13. Immersive Sprint
- 62. Button Lowered Weapons - First and Third Person
- 63. Train and Research - Get passive Experience just like in the SIMS
- 65. Creation Club From NG
- 67. Baka Wait Anywhere
- 68. Baka MaxPapyrusOps
- 69. SSF - Skeleton Style Framework
- 70. Memory Pod Framework - Make custom VR Workshops
- 71. HUDFramework
- 72. Scopes Framework
- 73. Baka Framework
- 74. RL_Recruit_Framework
- 75. Actor Velocity Framework
- 76. First Person Dodge - Actor Velocity Framework
- 77. Immersive Animation Framework
- 78. Knockout Framework (Death Alternative)
- 79. Random Encounter Framework
- 80. Workshop Framework
- 81. Workshop Framework - Old-Gen Replacers
- 82. Workshop Framework - Script Override
- 83. Extended Dialogue Interface
- 84. Extended Dialogue Interface - Wolfmark Fix Preconfigured
- 85. Achievements Mods Enabler
- 86. Address Library for F4SE Plugins
- 87. Disable Exit Save
- 88. Discord Rich Presence REMAKE (F4SE)
- 89. Lighthouse Papyrus Extender
- 90. Papyrus Common Library
- 91. RAW INPUT - The Ultimate Mouse Sensitivity Fix
- 92. RobCo Patcher
- 93. Scaling Flag Remover
- 94. Shadow Boost FO4
- 95. Spell Perk Item Distributor
- 96. Story Encounter Booster
- 97. SUP F4SE
- 98. SUPDate Checker(F4SE-Nexus API-GitHub)
- 99. Baka ScrapHeap - Script Memory Limit Expander
- 100. Console Util
- 101. SKK Workshop Access Monitor (settlers return stuff)
- 102. Settlement Menu Manager
- 103. Gordon Freeman's HEV Suit
- 105. Buffout 4
- 106. 2. Buffout 4 recommended settings
- 107. 10mm Pistol debulked remesh replacer and standalone
- 108. 7. Shadow Boost FO4 by PK0 recommended settings
- 109. 9mm Pistol (Browning Hi-Power) Redux
- 110. 9mm Pistol (Browning Hi-Power) Redux - Munitions Patch
- 111. An76 - IAF Patch
- 112. Animal Rescue
- 114. Below the belt
- 115. Better Console - F4SE
- 116. Better Notes
- 117. BitCh_
- 118. Breaking Bad - Walter White Preset
- 119. Building Bridges (Asynchronous Multiplayer - Fallout 4)
- 120. Canary Save File Monitor
- 121. Ceft's Main File
- 122. Cheat Terminal
- 123. Classic Holstered Weapons System (CHW)
- 124. Climb the Commonwealth
- 125. Commonwealth Encounter Pack
- 126. Community Fixes Merged
- 127. Companion Jump Fall Pose Fix - F4SE - Garden of Eden SE
- 128. Companion Shoots At Player Fix - F4SE
- 129. CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul - Synth Addon
- 130. Defective Synths
- 131. Diamond City Supplements
- 132. Diverse Minutemen
- 133. Diverse Raiders
- 134. Diverse Settlers
- 135. Doc Drumlin by SKK
- 136. Don't Remove Items
- 137. Empty Vendor List Bug Fix - F4SE
- 138. Enemies Fear Power Armor
- 139. Equipment and Crafting Overhaul (ECO) - Redux
- 140. Escape Freeze F4SE
- 142. Enclave Remnants
- 143. FallUI
- 144. FallUI - Icon Library
- 145. FallUI - Map
- 146. Fens Fast Travel
- 147. First-Person Running with Hands Animations
- 148. First-Person Swimming Animations
- 149. First-Person Swimming Animations Tweak
- 150. FIS - The NEW FallUI Item Sorter
- 151. Flashy(JoeR) - Crime And Punishment
- 152. Flashy(JoeR) - Gun For Hire - Commonwealth Mercenary Jobs
- 153. Food Sanitizer
- 154. FreeFall
- 155. Galaxy News Radio V2.0 (Voiced Radio and Dungeon)
- 156. ConsoleEx - Console Extender - F4SE - Garden of Eden SE (DIY LOOSE FILES)
- 157. Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender
- 158. Godrays Performance Fix Redux
- 159. Gun For Hire - eXoPatch (Sim Settlements 2 Compat)
- 160. Half-Life Interface
- 161. Hit Animations - Alternate Reactions
- 162. Hit Those Explosives
- 163. Hit Those Objects
- 164. Hostile NPC Respawn Fix - F4SE - Garden of Eden SE
- 165. Hot Diggity - Skills Perks - Redux
- 166. Hot Diggity - Maim Patch
- 167. Immersive Menus - 1080p
- 168. Infiltrator - Lockpicking Overhaul
- 169. Integrated Automatron
- 170. Ingame Loading Crash Fix
- 171. Interior NavCut Fix
- 172. Junkier Junk
- 173. Junkier Junk - Sim Settlements 2 Patch
- 174. Junkier Junk - This is Trash - A Scrapping Alternative Patch
- 175. Legendary Effect Overhaul (LEO)
- 176. Let the weather in - Wasteland Weather for Diamond City and Goodneighbor
- 177. LevelUpMenuEx
- 178. Light Mode Loading Screen
- 179. Long Loading Times Fix
- 180. Long Save Bug Fix
- 181. LooksMenu
- 182. Lore Friendly Weapon Names - Combined Arms Modern Weapons Pack
- 183. Low Profile Loader
- 184. Lucky Critter
- 185. Magic Effect and Spell Engine Fixes - F4SE
- 186. MAIM
- 187. MAIM_3_EFT_Anims
- 188. Manual Reload - F4SE
- 189. MCM Settings Manager
- 190. MGEF Condition Bug Fix
- 191. Misc anim tweaks and fixes
- 192. Mod Configuration Menu
- 193. Modern Retro-Like HUD - FallUI HUD Preset
- 194. More Doctors (For Survival Mode)
- 195. More Doctors (For Survival Mode) Caps Fix
- 196. More Player Rude Interrupt Dialogue
- 197. Move Away Settler Crime And Punishment
- 198. Moveable Cats
- 199. Munitions - An Ammo Expansion
- 200. New Equipment Overhaul (NEO)
- 201. No evil Navi paintjobs
- 202. Non-Lethal Armory
- 203. Nuclear Football
- 204. Nuka-World Reborn
- 205. Open Commonwealth
- 206. Outfit ReDress Fix
- 207. Ownership Fixes
- 208. PACE_
- 209. PANPC
- 210. People Live In - Dark Hollow Pond
- 211. People Live In - Federal Ration Stockpile
- 212. People Live In - Roadside Pines Motel
- 213. Perfect Pacify Knockout
- 214. PerkPointsPerLevel
- 215. PlayerUndead death recovery by SKK
- 216. Private Contract - Talon Company Mercenaries
- 217. Private Contract PANPC Patch
- 218. PrivateProfileRedirector F4
- 219. Cannibal Toast's PRP Patch Compendium - Crime and Punishment
- 220. Cannibal Toast's PRP Patch Compendium - Gun For Hire
- 221. PRP Main
- 222. PRP SS2 Forwards Chapter 1
- 223. PRP SS2 Forwards Chapter 2
- 224. Sanctuary Draw Bridge PRP Patch
- 225. PRP SS2 Previsibines Expansion Pack
- 226. We Can Live In - Lil' Gentry Playground - Previs - Previsibines Repair Pack (PRP)
- 227. We Can Live In - Natick Substation - Previs - Previsibines Repair Pack (PRP)
- 228. We Can Live In - North Point Park - Previs - Previsibines Repair Pack (PRP)
- 229. We Can Live In - Poseidon Energy Turbine 18-F - Previs - Previsibines Repair Pack (PRP)
- 230. People Live In - Dark Hollow Pond - Previsibines Repair Pack (PRP) Patch
- 231. People Live In - Roadside Pines Motel - Previsibines Repair Pack (PRP) Patc
- 232. Rebuild Settlements PRP Rebuilt
- 233. Cannibal Toast's PRP Patch Compendium - Flourishing Salem
- 234. Goodneighbor Expanded (Has PRP Patch)
- 236. PTSD Mental Health Management System
- 237. Publick Occurrences Expanded
- 239. Radiant Redundance - Poseidon Offices
- 240. Radiation Immunity Fixed
- 241. Radium - A Music Mod
- 242. Random Encounter Framework Patch Hub - Commonwealth Hit Squads
- 243. Random Encounter Framework Patch Hub - Crime And Punishment
- 244. Random Encounter Framework Patch Hub - Gunner Hit Squad (Stand Alone)
- 245. Random Main Menu
- 246. Random Encounter Framework Patch Hub - Private Contract - Talon Company Mercenaries
- 247. Realistic Sprinting - A Logical Approach
- 248. Rebuild AIO - Sanctuary - Prewar Textures
- 249. RED - Roleplayer's Expanded Dialogue (has a crime and punishment patch)
- 250. Remington Model 870 Shotgun
- 251. Rename Anything Enhanced - Seriously don't call me settler
- 252. Rescue The Cats
- 253. RidableBotRebuild
- 254. Sanctuary draw bridge
- 255. Scaleform Copy Paste
- 256. SCOURGE
- 257. See-Through-Scopes
- 258. Service Pistol - Beretta 92 93r - Another Another Millenia
- 259. Service Rifle
- 260. Sim Settlements 2 - All Chapters Pack
- 261. Simple Attack Reaction Speed (Fix)
- 262. Simple Attack Reactions - Limb-Specific Animations
- 263. Simple Combat Grabs
- 264. Simple Dodges - Sidestep Dodges and Dodge Rolls
- 265. Simple Dodges Addon F4SE - iframes - AP cost - etc
- 266. Simple Killmoves - Resident Evil Style Finishers
- 267. Sit Or Save (Or Sleep)
- 268. Sneak and Critical Attack Sound Restored
- 269. Sprint Reload
- 270. Sprint Stuttering Fix
- 271. Tactical Reload
- 272. TextInputMenu
- 273. The Midnight Ride - Glitchfinder All-In-One
- 274. The Plexor - A Unique Joke Weapon
- 275. The Rebuild Collection - AIO
- 276. The Rebuild Collection - Shared Resources
- 277. This is Trash - A Scrapping Alternative
- 278. To Your Face FO4
- 279. TRUE DAMAGE - Patch Repository - 9mm Pistol (Browning Hi-Power) Redux
- 280. TRUE DAMAGE - Patch Repository - Combined Arms - Modern Weapon Pack
- 283. Uneducated Shooter - QE Leaning and Gun Inertia
- 284. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
- 285. UpscalerBasePlugin
- 286. VATS Overhaul
- 287. Viva Nuka-World
- 288. Viva Nuka-World Reborn UFO4P Patch
- 290. Vivid Weathers
- 291. We Can Live In - Lil' Gentry Playground
- 292. Open Commonwealth Previs Patch
- 293. Viva Nuka-World Reborn Previs Patch
- 294. We Can Live In - Natick Substation
- 295. We Can Live In - North Point Park
- 296. We Can Live In - Poseidon Energy Turbine 18-F
- 297. We Can Live In - Rock Island Lighthouse
- 298. Weapon Debris Crash Fix
- 299. Weapon Mod Fixes
- 300. Workshop Plus
- 301. You And What Army 2
- 303. Advanced Needs 76 - Main File
- 304. Advanced Needs 76 - MAIM Compability Patch 4 AN76
- 306. Classic Radiation Poisoning 2 v1.1
- 307. Combined Arms - Modern Weapon Pack
- 308. Combined Arms - Modern Weapon Pack - 1.1 Patch
- 309. CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul
- 310. CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul - Update
- 311. High FPS Physics Fix
- 312. 3. High FP Fix OLD-GEN Recommended settings
- 313. 4. Baka ScrapHeap recommended settings
- 314. FallUI - Sleep and Wait
- 315. Rename Anything
- 316. FallUI - Workbench
- 317. Gmod Ragdoll and Death Sound Effect
- 319. New Equipment Overhaul and Power Armor to the People
- 320. NAVI - Brand New Power Armor
- 321. NAVI - Brand New Power Armor - Fix
- 322. NAVI headlamp fix
- 323. Perchik71 - In Game MOD Explorer (MCM)
- 324. Start Me Up - Alternate Start and Dialogue Overhaul
- 325. Start Me Up Redux - An Update for Alternate Start and Dialogue Overhaul
- 326. True Damage
- 327. 3rd Person Behavior Fixes
- 328. Seasons Change
- 329. Weapon Behavior Ironsights movement direction lock fixes and tweaks (3rd person)
- 330. FallUI - HUD
- 331. Munitions - Additional Ammo
- 332. DJIND0's True Damage Munitions Patch
- 333. RobCo - Advanced Needs 76 Wood Chopping
- 334. Camera Tweaks
- 335. Borderlands-Style Fighting Arenas
- 336. Random Encounter Framework Patch Hub - Gun For Hire
- 337. Gun For Hire - Overrides Patch
- 338. Rations and MREs (Invoker's Meals Ready to Eat Redux)
- 339. Invoker's MRE Redux-Flashy's Advanced Needs 76 Caffeine Patch
- 342. Beast Master - Creature Companion Overhaul
- 343. SKK Settlement Attack System
- 344. Institute Access Anytime
- 345. Global Stash (Connect all Workshops and Workbenches) by SKK
- 346. SKK Corpse Looting 76
- 347. Hostile Workshops
- 348. SKK Combat Settlers (health and power armor)
- 349. InstitutePowerArmor
- 350. Fusion Gun
- 351. 4estGimp - Fusion Gun Redux
- 352. CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit
- 353. Rheinmetall EG-7 Energiegewehr
- 354. Bogeyman of the Commonwealth - a Synth Boost and Partial Modlist
- 355. Alien Assault Rifle
- 356. Institute Sword by Mr. Mobius
- 357. Institute Turboplasma Rifle
- 358. Advanced Plasma Pistol
- 359. The Gravity Fist - A Heavy Unarmed Energy Weapon
- 360. CROSS_Blades
- 361. Proton Axe
- 362. Heavy Institute Armor Corpus Praesidium
- 363. CROSS_Courser Strigidae
- 364. LAER (Laser Assisted Electrical Rifle)
- 365. Bullet Counted Reload System (BCR)
- 366. X12 Plasmacaster
- 367. Courser Crusher
- 368. CROSS_Cryolance
- 369. SKK SynthVision (are they among us)
- 370. Excavator Power Armor
- 371. Pain Train And Impact Landing - Buffed And Reworked
- 372. Power Armor Collections 76 style
- 373. Power Armor to the People
- 374. SKK Instant Battleground
- 375. NPCs Travel
- 376. NPCs Travel - MCM Settings Menu
- 377. SKK Settlement Attack System - MCM Settings Menu
- 378. See Through Scopes - MCM Settings Menu
- 379. Global Stash - MCM Settings Menu
- 380. Vivid Weathers - MCM Settings Menu with Hotkeys
- 381. SKK Combat Settlers - MCM Settings Menu
- 383. SKK Combat Stalkers - MCM Settings Menu
- 384. Locky Bastard
- 385. Locky Bastard Restore Gated Lockpicking Patch
- 386. Locky Bastard - Extended
- 387. Concord Resurrected - No Longer A Ghost Town
- 388. Diamond City Ambience
- 389. More Prefabs
- 390. Turn on the Water Dams - Activate the Power
- 391. Locky Bastard - Extended - Restore Gating Patch
- 393. Settlement Alarm Replacement - Fallout Shelter
- 394. New Vegas Perk Menu Music Replacer
- 395. Catch and Disarm Live Grenades
- 397. Inner City Ambience - An Urban Soundscape
- 398. Project Reality Footsteps FO4
- 399. Project Reality Footsteps FO4 Expansion
- 400. Assignable Cooking Stations - Idle Conversations
- 401. Chatterbox - Immersive Conversation Ambience
- 402. Half Life Gibbing - SFX Replacer
- 403. Settlers Go Shopping - Idle Conversations at Settlement Stores
- 404. Player Curses During Lockpicking and Hacking
- 405. Find my Power Armor
- 406. Settlers at Hairdressers - Idle Conversations
- 407. Settlers Get An Eye Exam - Short Idle Conversations
- 408. Waiters at Settlements - Idle Conversations
- 409. Fitness at Settlements - Settlers Work Out During Daytime (DIY LOOSE FILES)
- 410. Assigned while Unassigned - Allowing Loitering for Settlers
- 411. See Your Carry Weight When Buying and Selling
- 412. Smart Recruitment Radio Beacon
- 413. Flourishing Salem - Overhaul
- 414. Enhanced Blood Textures
- 415. ZP's Gore Galore
- 416. Settlers Stay Away While Building
- 417. Provisioner and Supply Line Management System
- 418. Emotions in VATS - Headtracking and Facial Animations
- 420. Visit Prewar Sanctuary and Red Rocket - A memory pod experience - Sims
- 421. Enhanced Blood - better performance
- 422. Cut Content NPCs - All in One
- 423. LarannKiar Recruitment Mods All-In-One Archive Pack
- 424. Settler Sleep AI Fixes - Bed Sharing - Auto Bed Search - Assignment Priority - Huge Bed Collection
- 425. Sleep AI Fixes - Base Game Beds - Replacer - ESL
- 426. Bogeyman of the Commonwealth - EG-7 Patch
- 428. Red Blood - Improved Melee Weapon Blood Splatter
- 429. Neo Classic Fallout Interface Fonts
- 430. Sim Settlements 2 Wasteland Reconstruction Kit
- 431. A Better World - Cabin Workshop Pack
- 432. Basement Living - Bunker and Basement Player Homes (with standalone Workshops)
- 433. Workshop Highlight Fix
- 434. Homemaker - Expanded Settlements
- 435. Shackin' Up - A Prefab Shack Mod
- 436. Unique Prefabs
- 437. Wooden Prefabs Extended
- 438. Housekeeping - Scavenging Deluxe
- 439. Nina's Proper Pipe Guns Replacer
- 440. People Live In - Harbormaster Hotel
- 441. People Live In - Unmarked Raider Camps Pack 1
- 442. People Live In - Unmarked Raider Camps Pack 2
- 443. People Live In - USAF Satellite Station Olivia - Sim Settlements 2 - Chapter 3 Patch
- 444. People Live In - USAF Satellite Station Olivia (No PRP Patch Required just load the mod after PRP
- 445. People Live In - Dark Hollow Pond - Open Commonwealth Patch
- 447. FO4 Photo Mode
- 448. Wedding Ring trigger for NAVI - Brand New Power Armor
- 449. PRIME Plus -Hydraulica-
- 450. PRIME -HI Tech Power Armor Sound Rework-
- 451. [Faction] Improved Hostile Factions
- 452. [Faction] Improved Guards
- 453. UT Killstreak - Unreal Tournament Killstreak mod
- 454. Appalachia Commonwealth
- 455. We Can Live In - Nahant Red Rocket
- 456. Hot Diggity Redux - Community Fixes Merged - True Damage - VAFS Redux Patch
- 457. VAFS Redux - LEO Patch
- 458. VAFS Redux MAIM Patch
- 459. VAFS Redux
- 460. Period's Sarcastic Loading Screens (ALL DLC INCLUDED)
- 461. Suit Up
- 463. Unique Raider Gangs And Patrols
- 464. Unique Raider Gangs And Patrols 2 - Nightmare Edition
- 465. Seasons Change - Tree Flicker Fix
- 466. Videos of the Wasteland 2.6
- 467. Arcade Terminals
- 468. Fallout 4 Fixes
- 469. Atomic World
- 470. Atomic World 2.0 PRP Patch
- 471. Atomic World 2.0 PRP Patch - Update
- 472. Wasteland Illumination
- 473. Subway Runner - Revival
- 474. Useful gas masks
- 475. Equipment and Crafting Overhaul (ECO) - Redux - Extensions
- 476. 4estGimp - Diamond City Outskirts Edit
- 477. Diamond City Expansion
- 478. Diamond City Expansion - eXoPatch
- 479. DC Vendor Shops Overhauled
- 480. SKK Combat Stalkers (nexus edition)
- 481. Random Encounter Framework Patch Hub - The Fens Sheriff's Department
- 482. Place Everywhere
- 483. Diamond City Vendor Clutter
- 484. Place Everywhere- INI toggleable
- 485. The Fens Sheriff's Department
- 486. The Fens Sheriff's Department - Textures
- 487. The Fens Sheriff's Department - Random Encounters Patch
- 488. Ranged Killcam (Kill Camera mod Outside of VATS)
- 489. The Fens Sheriff's Department - Diamond City Expansion Patch
- 490. Ultimate Diamond City Mega Patch
- 491. Hands Off - Lock Settlement Containers and Doors
- 492. Addiction Overhaul
- 493. Better Chems
- 494. Better Chems - Maim Patch
- 495. Deep Addiction
- 496. PANPC Vivid Weathers Patch
- 497. PANPC Crime And Punishment Patch
- 499. PANPC Unique Raider Patrols Patch
- 500. PANPC Defective Synths Patch
- 501. PANPC Unique Raider Patrols 2 Patch
- 502. PANPC Enclave Remnants Patch
- 503. PANPC DLC Weathers Patch
- 504. PANPC Gun For Hire Patch
- 505. 4estGimp - FSD Crime and Punishment
- 506. Wall Pass-Through Power Conduits
- 507. FO4LODGen Resources
- 508. Arcade Workshop Pack
- 509. AnotherOne Colt 6520 Patch
- 510. Turn that Dial - Tuneable Radios
- 511. Colt 6520 10mm pistol
- 512. Colt 6520 Fallout Show Sound Replacer
- 513. Classic Firing Sound Replacement
- 514. Vault-Tec Radio Attenuator (VaTeRaAt)
- 515. Jetfuel Radio Standalone
- 516. Jetfuel Radio - The Refueled Patch
- 517. 8-BIT HITS
- 518. Synthstream FM
- 519. Colt 6520 10mm pistol - Glow Sight Alignment Fix
- 520. SS2C3 - True Damage Patch
- 521. RobCo - Sim Settlements 2 Chapter 3 - SS2 True Damage Patch
- 522. Weapons Level List Patches
- 523. PipboyTabs
- 524. Power poles and wire attachment point
- 525. Companion Affinity Pip-Boy Tab (CAPT)
- 527. Fallout Instrument Pack
- 528. Basic HUD - A FallUI HUD Preset
- 529. AMPED HUD - FallUI
- 530. XDI Service Cost
- 531. Vault Boy Coloured Animations
- 533. Who's The General - Minutemen Quest Cleanup
- 534. Baka Fullscreen Pip-Boy and Quick-Boy
- 535. Reaper's Robco Munitions Patches
- 536. Minutemen Weapon Pack REDUX - Munitions Patch
- 537. Faction Housing Overhaul - The Castle
- 538. Minutemen Arsenal
- 539. West-Tek Optics Pack
- 540. Minutemen Manufacturing
- 541. Minutemen Morale Pack
- 542. Minutemen Supply Caches
- 543. Buffed Minutemen Militia
- 544. Commonwealth Whispers
- 545. RobCo - SCOURGE Excluded Companions
- 547. Minutemen (Radiant) Squads
- 548. Spulunker's Stitches - Minutemen Weapons Pack (REDUX) Precombine Fix
- 549. Right-handed Nukaworld AK Replacer
- 550. Fallout 4 - 3rd Person Animations june 2022 - Pistols Rifles GripStraight Rifles
- 551. Better Caps Stashes Redux (Overhaul)
- 552. Much Better 3rd Person Animations Tactics
- 553. RE Tactical Handgun - Animation Mashup
- 554. Tumbajamba's Minutemen Scout Outfit
- 555. Automatron Unlocked
- 556. Tumbajamba's Minutemen Ranger Outfits
- 557. Tumbajamba's Minutemen Marshal Outfits
- 558. Tumbajamba's Minutemen Armor Collection
- 559. Car Battery Fusion Core Retexture and Model
- 560. Fusion Cores 76
- 561. Incremental Fusion Core Charging Stations - Recharger
- 562. Lootable Vault Suit Boxes
- 563. Lootable Vault-Tec Containers and Wood Crates
- 564. Lootable Crates
- 565. Lootable Cars
- 566. LOST Audio Tweaks
- 567. LAT Optional Patches
- 568. Leveled Item Fixes (LIF)
- 569. FallUI - Confirm Boxes
- 570. Combined Arms - Expansion Pack
- 571. Combined Arms Expansion Pack - 1.0.2 - PATCH ONLY
- 572. Weapon Overhaul Project
- 574. Lootable Vault-Tec Containers and Wood Crates - Merged ESP
- 575. Lootable Crates-Merged DLCs
- 576. Capital Wasteland Outfit Pack Part II
- 577. 9mm Pistol (Browning Hi-Power) - Unofficial Update
- 578. Combined Arms - Expansion Pack See Through Scopes patch
- 579. Stop Eating Scrap Redux
- 580. Fallout 4 - Point Lookout
- 581. Fallout 4 - Point Lookout Patch
- 582. Scrap Everything
- 583. Scrap (Not Quite) Everything CONTINUED plus Loot Reduction
- 584. Scrap Everything - Vault 88 CtD fix - Ultimate Edition
- 585. Vault Boy Coloured Animations XDI Patch
- 588. Crowbar - Standalone
- 589. Faster Terminal Displays
- 590. Gordon Freeman's HEV Suit Update
- 591. Grittier Mysterious Stranger Replacer
- 592. HoloGlow - A glowing holotape mod
- 593. Intro Tweaks
- 594. KARMA
- 596. Modern UI Sounds
- 598. Metal Gear Solid - Quests and UI Sounds replacement
- 599. MW Player Hit Sounds and Effects
- 601. Pipe Gun Improvements
- 602. Pre-War Food Prep
- 603. Stomp Attack (F4SE - Garden of Eden)
- 604. Taco bell sound - sledge hummer hit sound replacer
- 605. Terminal Windows Startup Sounds
- 607. Vanilla Reanimation Project - Pipe Guns
- 608. XDI Wolfmark Fix
- 610. Proper Credit (Nexus Mods Bethesda logo Replacer)
- 611. Little Cobb Creamery Milk Powder
- 612. Not Great Not Terrible - Scarier Geiger Counter Sounds
- 614. We Can Live In - Rock Island Lighthouse - Previs - Bethesda
- 615. ETRFC - Exit Terminals Ready For Combat
- 616. We Can Live In - Nahant Red Rocket - Previs - Previsibines Repair Pack (PRP)
- 617. Gordon Freeman Character Preset
- 618. Gordon Freeman Face Preset
- 619. AI Enhanced 4K Cyberpunk style Intro Logos Replacer - White
- 620. We Can Live In - Rock Island Lighthouse - Previs - Previsibines Repair Pack (PRP)
- 621. PRP Plugins
- 622. Wasteland Wonderglue has PRP Patches
- 623. Classic VATS Targeting Sounds
- 624. Fallout 3-styled VATS Exit Sound
- 626. Legendary Effect Overhaul (LEO) - Extensions
- 627. Backported Archive2 Support System
- 628. Radiation Cleaning
- 629. The Access Hatch plus Doors and Tunnels
- 630. Optimization Patches Collection
- 631. Homemaker - Expanded Settlements CTD Fix
- 632. Fort Hagen Is Alive
- 633. Red Rocket Glowing Sea Settlement
- 637. America Rising 2 - Legacy of the Enclave
- 638. Random Encounter Framework Patch Hub - America Rising 2 - Legacy of the Enclave
- 639. Cannibal Toast's PRP Patch Compendium - America Rising 2 - Legacy of the Enclave
- 640. [Faction] Improved AR2 Enclave
- 641. Pip-Boy W.S
- 643. Strong Power Armor Assets
- 644. Backpacks of the Commonwealth
- 647. Seasons Change - Vivid Weathers Patch
- 648. Advanced Needs - Seasons Change Vivid Weathers Patch
- 652. Key Remapping Done Proper
- 653. MCM Booster
- 654. Vivid Weathers - Audio Slider Patch
- 655. Persistent Volume Sliders
- 656. Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - Tweaked
- 658. Lootable Vertibirds
- 659. Better Call Saul Intro Lvl Up Replacer
- 660. F4lloutNV - Killcam
- 664. Publick Occurrences Expanded Ravenhart Edition
- 665. Publick Occurrences Start Me Up Redux Patch
- 666. Driveables of the Commonwealth - Giddy's
- 667. Combat Knife Animations
- 668. Faster Workshop (Workshop Lag Fix)
- 669. SKK Script Lag latency detector
- 670. Instant Vault
- 671. All Settlements Extended
- 672. All Settlements Extended - Far Harbor
- 673. ASE - Performance Patch
- 674. NPC Accuracy Revised
- 675. SS2 Nobody's Leaders 2
- 678. Simple Happiness Emitters - New Buildable Object for Settlement Workshops
- 679. Radios Give Happiness - Settlement Workshop Tweak
- 680. Tune The Radios Extra Radios Patch
- 683. SS2 Settlers at Play
Ini Files
- 1. [AudioMenu]
- 2. fAudioMasterVolume=1.0000
- 3. fVal0=1.0000
- 4. fVal1=1.0000
- 5. fVal2=1.0000
- 6. fVal3=1.0000
- 7. fVal4=1.0000
- 8. fVal5=0.5000
- 9. fVal6=1.0000
- 10. fVal7=1.0000
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- 13. uID2=3221227525
- 14. uID3=3221227526
- 15. uID4=0
- 16. uID5=369118334
- 17. uID6=0
- 18. uID7=0
- 19. []
- 20. uPersistentUuidData0=949155464
- 21. uPersistentUuidData1=3340782867
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- 23. uPersistentUuidData3=3518378515
- 24. [Controls]
- 25. bAlwaysRunByDefault=1
- 26. bGamePadRumble=1
- 27. bInvertYValues=0
- 28. fGamepadHeadingSensitivity=0.6667
- 29. fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0300
- 30. [Decals]
- 31. uMaxDecals=100
- 32. [Display]
- 33. bAllowShadowcasterNPCLights=0
- 34. bBorderless=0
- 35. bComputeShaderDeferredTiledLighting=1
- 36. bEnableWetnessMaterials=1
- 37. bForceIgnoreSmoothness=0
- 38. bFull Screen=0
- 39. bMaximizeWindow=0
- 40. bPrecipitationOcclusion=1
- 41. bSAOEnable=0
- 42. bSinglePassDirShadow=1
- 43. bTopMostWindow=0
- 44. bVolumetricLightingEnable=0
- 45. bVolumetricLightingForceCasters=0
- 46. fBlendSplitDirShadow=0.0000
- 47. fDirShadowDistance=3172.0000
- 48. fInteriorMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=2600.0000
- 49. fInteriorMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=1950.0000
- 50. fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd=4600.0000
- 51. fLeafAnimDampenDistStart=3600.0000
- 52. fMaxFocusShadowMapDistance=450.0000
- 53. fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault=256.0000
- 54. fMeshLODFadePercentDefault=1.2000
- 55. fMeshLODFadeScalar=3.0000
- 56. fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=8192.0000
- 57. fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=2844.0000
- 58. fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=4096.0000
- 59. fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=2048.0000
- 60. fShadowBiasScale=1.0000
- 61. fShadowDistance=14000.0000
- 62. fTessFactorMaxDistanceScale=100.0000
- 63. flocalShadowMapHalveEveryXUnit=750.0000
- 64. focusShadowMapDoubleEveryXUnit=450.0000
- 65. iDirShadowSplits=2
- 66. iMaxAnisotropy=2
- 67. iMaxDecalsPerFrame=60
- 68. iMaxFocusShadows=0
- 69. iMaxFocusShadowsDialogue=0
- 70. iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame=35
- 71. iPresentInterval=0
- 72. iScreenShotIndex=0
- 73. iShadowMapResolution=512
- 74. iSize H=720
- 75. iSize W=1280
- 76. iTiledLightingMinLights=40
- 77. iVolumetricLightingQuality=3
- 78. sAntiAliasing=TAA
- 79. sD3DDevice=
- 80. uPipboyTargetHeight=1400
- 81. uPipboyTargetWidth=1752
- 82. uiOrthoShadowFilter=1
- 83. uiShadowFilter=2
- 84. [GamePlay]
- 85. bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=1
- 86. bShowQuestMarkers=1
- 87. iDifficulty=2
- 88. [General]
- 89. bEnableStoryManagerLogging=0
- 90. bGamepadEnable=1
- 91. bPipboyCompanionEnabled=0
- 92. iStoryManagerLoggingEvent=-1
- 93. uGridsToLoad=5
- 94. [Grass]
- 95. fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=7000.0000
- 96. fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=0.0000
- 97. fGrassStartFadeDistance=1024.0000
- 98. [Imagespace]
- 99. bDoDepthOfField=1
- 100. bLensFlare=0
- 101. bMBEnable=0
- 102. bScreenSpaceBokeh=0
- 103. [Interface]
- 104. bDialogueCameraEnable=1
- 105. bDialogueSubtitles=1
- 106. bGeneralSubtitles=1
- 107. bShowCompass=1
- 108. iHUDColorB=165
- 109. iHUDColorG=165
- 110. iHUDColorR=165
- 111. uHUDActiveEffectWidget=2
- 112. [LOD]
- 113. fLODFadeOutMultActors=30.0000
- 114. fLODFadeOutMultItems=30.0000
- 115. fLODFadeOutMultObjects=30.0000
- 116. fLODFadeOutMultSkyCell=1.0000
- 117. [Launcher]
- 118. bEnableFileSelection=1
- 119. [LightingShader]
- 120. bScreenSpaceReflections=1
- 121. bScreenSpaceSubsurfaceScattering=1
- 122. [MAIN]
- 123. bCrosshairEnabled=1
- 124. bSaveOnPause=1
- 125. bSaveOnRest=1
- 126. bSaveOnTravel=1
- 127. bSaveOnWait=1
- 128. fHUDOpacity=0.9500
- 129. fSkyCellRefFadeDistance=150000.0000
- 130. [NVFlex]
- 131. bNVFlexDrawDebris=1
- 132. bNVFlexEnable=1
- 133. bNVFlexInstanceDebris=1
- 134. fKillRadius0=2000.0000
- 135. fKillRadius1=3000.0000
- 136. fKillRadius2=4000.0000
- 137. iMaxNeighbors0=32
- 138. iMaxNeighbors1=48
- 139. iMaxNeighbors2=64
- 140. iMaxParticles0=6000
- 141. iMaxParticles1=16000
- 142. iMaxParticles2=32768
- 143. iQuality=0
- 144. [NVHBAO]
- 145. bBackgroundAOEnable=1
- 146. bBlurEnable=1
- 147. bBlurSharpnessProfileEnable=0
- 148. bDepthThresholdEnable=0
- 149. bEnable=0
- 150. fBackgroundAOViewDepth=750.0000
- 151. fBias=0.1000
- 152. fBlurSharpness=16.0000
- 153. fBlurSharpnessProfileBackgroundViewDepth=1.0000
- 154. fBlurSharpnessProfileForegroundSharpnessScale=4.0000
- 155. fBlurSharpnessProfileForegroundViewDepth=0.0000
- 156. fCoarseAO=1.0000
- 157. fDepthThresholdMaxViewDepth=500.0000
- 158. fDepthThresholdSharpness=100.0000
- 159. fDetailAO=0.6500
- 160. fPowerExponent=2.5000
- 161. fRadius=0.6500
- 162. iBlurRadiusEnum=1
- 163. iDepthClampModeEnum=0
- 164. [Particles]
- 165. iMaxDesired=750
- 166. [Pipboy]
- 167. fPipboyEffectColorB=1.0000
- 168. fPipboyEffectColorG=1.0000
- 169. fPipboyEffectColorR=1.0000
- 170. [SaveGame]
- 171. fAutosaveEveryXMins=10.0000
- 172. [TerrainManager]
- 173. bShowLODInEditor=0
- 174. fBlockLevel0Distance=15000.0000
- 175. fBlockLevel1Distance=25000.0000
- 176. fBlockLevel2Distance=75000.0000
- 177. fBlockMaximumDistance=262144.0000
- 178. fSplitDistanceMult=1.0000
- 179. fTreeLoadDistance=0.0000
- 180. [VATS]
- 181. fModMenuEffectColorB=0.6500
- 182. fModMenuEffectColorG=0.6500
- 183. fModMenuEffectColorR=0.6500
- 184. fModMenuEffectHighlightColorB=0.6500
- 185. fModMenuEffectHighlightColorG=0.6500
- 186. fModMenuEffectHighlightColorR=0.6500
- 187. fModMenuEffectHighlightPAColorB=0.7529
- 188. fModMenuEffectHighlightPAColorG=0.7529
- 189. fModMenuEffectHighlightPAColorR=0.7529
- 190. fModMenuEffectPAColorB=0.4100
- 191. fModMenuEffectPAColorG=0.8200
- 192. fModMenuEffectPAColorR=1.0000
- 193. [Water]
- 194. bUseWaterDepth=1
- 195. bUseWaterDisplacements=1
- 196. bUseWaterReflections=1
- 197. bUseWaterRefractions=1
- 1. [Archive]
- 2. SCellResourceIndexFileList=Fallout4.cdx, LondonWorldSpace.cdx
- 3. SGeometryPackageList=Fallout4 - Geometry.csg, LondonWorldSpace - Geometry.csg
- 4. SResourceArchiveList=Fallout4 - Voices.ba2, Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2, Fallout4 - MeshesExtra.ba2, Fallout4 - Misc.ba2, Fallout4 - Sounds.ba2, Fallout4 - Materials.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Sounds.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Misc.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Materials.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Voices.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - VoicesExtra.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Meshes.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - MeshesExtra.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - MeshesLOD.ba2
- 5. SResourceArchiveList2=Fallout4 - Animations.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Animations.ba2
- 6. SResourceArchiveMemoryCacheList=Fallout4 - Misc.ba2, Fallout4 - Shaders.ba2, Fallout4 - Interface.ba2, Fallout4 - Materials.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Misc.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Interface.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Materials.ba2
- 7. bInvalidateOlderFiles=1
- 8. sResourceDataDirsFinal=
- 9. sResourceIndexFileList=Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures2.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures4.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures5.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures7.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures8.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures9.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures1.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures2.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures3.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures4.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures5.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures6.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures7.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures8.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures9.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures10.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures11.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures12.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Textures13.ba2
- 10. sResourceStartUpArchiveList=Fallout4 - Startup.ba2, Fallout4 - Shaders.ba2, Fallout4 - Interface.ba2, LondonWorldSpace - Interface.ba2
- 11. [Audio]
- 12. bEnableAudio=1
- 13. []
- 14. bEnablePlatform=1
- 15. [Camera]
- 16. f3rdPersonAimFOV=90
- 17. fMouseWheelZoomSpeed=3.0
- 18. [Combat]
- 19. bDisableCombatDialogue=0
- 20. bForceNPCsUseAmmo=0
- 21. [Controls]
- 22. bBackgroundMouse=0
- 23. fEnterWorkshopDelay=1.5000
- 24. fIronSightsPitchSpeedRatio=1
- 25. fMouseHeadingXScale=.021
- 26. fMouseHeadingYScale=.021
- 27. fPipboyLightDelay=0.3000
- 28. fPitchSpeedRatio=1
- 29. fPowerArmorExitDelay=0.4000
- 30. fThrowDelay=0.3000
- 31. fZKeyDelay=0.2000
- 32. [Decals]
- 33. bDecals=1
- 34. bSkinnedDecals=1
- 35. uMaxSkinDecalPerActor=20
- 36. uMaxSkinDecals=35
- 37. [Display]
- 38. bDynamicObjectQueryManager=1
- 39. bMultiThreadedAccumulation=1
- 40. bMultiThreadedRenderingUNP=1
- 41. bScreenshotToClipboard=0
- 42. bScreenshotToFile=1
- 43. bUsePreCulledObjects=1
- 44. fDecalLOD0=8192
- 45. fDecalLifetime=240
- 46. fDefault1stPersonFOV=80
- 47. fDefaultWorldFOV=90
- 48. fPipboyScreenDiffuseIntensity=0.150
- 49. fPipboyScreenDiffuseIntensityPA=1.0000
- 50. fPipboyScreenEmitIntensity=1.2500
- 51. fPipboyScreenEmitIntensityPA=3.000
- 52. fSAOBias=0.6
- 53. fSAOIntensity=7.1
- 54. fSAORadius=108.2
- 55. fSunShadowUpdateTime=1
- 56. fSunUpdateThreshold=1
- 57. sScreenShotBaseName=ScreenShot
- 58. [Gameplay]
- 59. bHealthBarShowing=0
- 60. fPlayerDisableSprintingLoadingCellDistance=0
- 61. [General]
- 62. bAlwaysActive=1
- 63. bBackgroundLoadVMData=1
- 64. bBorderRegionsEnabled=1
- 65. bDisableAllGore=0
- 66. bForceUpdateDiffuseOnly=0
- 67. bPlayMainmenuMusic=1
- 68. bSaveGameOnQuitToMainMenu=1
- 69. bUseCombinedObjects=1
- 70. fChancesToPlayAlternateIntro=0
- 71. fEncumberedReminderTimer=30.0
- 72. fFlickeringLightDistance=16384.0
- 73. iNumHWThreads=6
- 74. iTextureDegradeDistance0=1280
- 75. iTextureDegradeDistance1=1792
- 76. iTextureUpgradeDistance0=1024
- 77. iTextureUpgradeDistance1=1536
- 78. sIntroSequence=GameIntro_V3_B.bk2
- 79. sLanguage=en
- 80. sMainMenuMusic=\Data\Music\Special\MUS_MainThemeB.xwm
- 81. sStartingConsoleCommand=
- 82. uExterior Cell Buffer=36
- 83. uMainMenuDelayBeforeAllowSkip=0
- 84. [Grass]
- 85. bAllowCreateGrass=0
- 86. bAllowLoadGrass=0
- 87. bDrawShaderGrass=0
- 88. fGrassFadeRange=3532
- 89. fGrassWindMagnitudeMax=125
- 90. fGrassWindMagnitudeMin=5
- 91. iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=4
- 92. iMinGrassSize=20
- 93. [HairLighting]
- 94. fHairPrimSpecPow=125.0
- 95. fHairPrimSpecScale=0.02
- 96. fHairPrimSpecShift=0.36
- 97. fHairSecSpecPow=160.0
- 98. fHairSecSpecScale=1.2
- 99. fHairSecSpecShift=-0.40
- 100. [ImageSpace]
- 101. bDoRadialBlur=1
- 102. [Interface]
- 103. bAutoSizeQuickContainer=0
- 104. bShowTutorials=1
- 105. fCrosshairAlphaPercent=100
- 106. fSafeZoneX=64.0
- 107. fSafeZoneXWide=64.0
- 108. fSafeZoneXWide16x10=64.0
- 109. fSafeZoneY=36
- 110. fSafeZoneYWide=36
- 111. fSafeZoneYWide16x10=36
- 112. iHUDColorWarningB=255
- 113. iHUDColorWarningG=255
- 114. iHUDColorWarningR=255
- 115. uSubtitleB=255
- 116. uSubtitleG=255
- 117. uSubtitleR=255
- 118. [LOD]
- 119. bMeshLODRenderAllLevels=0
- 120. [LightingShader]
- 121. fDecalLODFadeEnd=0.3
- 122. fDecalLODFadeStart=0.2
- 123. fEnvmapLODFadeEnd=0.4
- 124. fEnvmapLODFadeStart=0.3
- 125. fRefractionLODFadeEnd=0.402
- 126. fRefractionLODFadeStart=0.256
- 127. fSpecularLODFadeEnd=0.268
- 128. fSpecularLODFadeStart=0.134
- 129. [MapMenu]
- 130. uLockedObjectMapLOD=16
- 131. uLockedTerrainLOD=32
- 132. [Menu]
- 133. bUseConsoleHotkeys=1
- 134. iConsoleSizeScreenPercent=40
- 135. iConsoleTextSize=20
- 136. rConsoleHistoryTextColor=153,153,153
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- 138. sConsoleINI=Fallout4Console.ini
- 139. [Papyrus]
- 140. bEnableLogging=0
- 141. bEnableProfiling=0
- 142. bEnableTrace=0
- 143. bLoadDebugInformation=0
- 144. fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500
- 145. iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=500000
- 146. [Pathfinding]
- 147. fWarpMaxTime=4
- 148. iWarpMaxPathFailureCount=3
- 149. [Pipboy]
- 150. bPipboyDisableFX=0
- 151. bPipboyEffectColorOnLight=0
- 152. fPAEffectColorB=1.0
- 153. fPAEffectColorG=1.0
- 154. fPAEffectColorR=1.0
- 155. [SSSSS]
- 156. fSSSSSPower=4.0
- 157. [SaveGame]
- 158. bAllowScriptedAutosave=1
- 159. bAllowScriptedForceSave=1
- 160. bDisableAutoSave=0
- 161. bDisplayMissingContentDialogue=1
- 162. fSaveGameFadeInDuration=-1
- 163. iAutoSaveCount=5
- 164. [ScreenSplatter]
- 165. bBloodSplatterEnabled=1
- 166. [VATS]
- 167. fVATSRangedLongDistance=2500
- 168. fVatsLightColorB=0.7529
- 169. fVatsLightColorG=0.7529
- 170. fVatsLightColorR=0.7529
- 171. [Water]
- 172. bReflectLODLand=0
- 173. bReflectLODObjects=0
- 174. bReflectLODTrees=0
- 175. bReflectSky=0
- 176. [Weather]
- 177. bPrecipitation=1
- 178. [Workshop]
- 179. bWorkshopAutoSaveOnExit=1
- 180. bWorkshopEnableGridBasedSnapping=0
- 181. fWireConnectEffectColorB=0.9
- 182. fWireConnectEffectColorG=0.8
- 183. fWireConnectEffectColorR=0.8
- 184. [Launcher]
- 185. bEnableFileSelection=1
- 1. [General]
- 2. sLocalSavePath=__MO_Saves\
- 3. bUseMyGamesDirectory=1
- 4. [Archive]
- 5. bInvalidateOlderFiles=1
- 6. sResourceDataDirsFinal=
- 7. [Display]
- 8. iLocation X=-3
- 9. iLocation Y=34
- 10. [HAVOK]
- 11. fMaxTime=0.133