Dying Breath
Fallout 4Created 2 months ago
Updated 19 days ago
No description provided.
Load Order Files
- 1. DLC: Wasteland Workshop
- 2. DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop
- 3. DLC: Nuka-World
- 4. DLC: Far Harbor
- 5. DLC: Contraptions Workshop
- 6. DLC: Automatron
- 8. Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)
- 9. xSE PluginPreloader F4
- 11. Address Library for F4SE Plugins
- 12. Buffout 4
- 13. High FPS Physics Fix (
- 14. Backported Archive2 Support System
- 15. Long Loading Times Fix (
- 16. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - UFO4P (
- 17. RobCo Patcher
- 18. MCM Hotkeys
- 19. Base Object Swapper (
- 20. Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender (
- 21. Actor Velocity Framework
- 22. Scaling Flag Remover (
- 23. Spell Perk Item Distributor (
- 24. Mod Configuration Menu (
- 25. MCM Booster
- 26. Game Configuration Menu
- 27. MCM Settings Manager
- 28. Better Console - F4SE
- 29. Shadow Boost FO4 (
- 30. Baka Framework (
- 31. Baka MaxPapyrusOps (
- 32. Sprint Stuttering Fix
- 33. Workshop Framework
- 34. FO4 Photo Mode
- 37. No Bethesda and S.P.E.C.I.A.L Intro
- 38. No More 3D Loading Screen
- 39. Clock Widget - Show Real Time While Loading
- 41. HUDFramework
- 42. Condition Boy - Now with Condition Girl
- 43. FIS - The NEW FallUI Item Sorter
- 44. FallUI - HUD
- 45. FallUI
- 46. FallUI - Workbench
- 47. FallUI - Map
- 48. FallUI - Sleep and Wait
- 49. FallUI - Confirm Boxes
- 50. FallUI - Icon Library
- 51. 3039 x2 - FallUI HUD Preset
- 52. Vault Boy Coloured Animations
- 53. Alternate UI Fonts
- 54. Custom Camera (
- 55. LevelUpMenuEx (
- 56. Fallout 4 Wheel Menu
- 57. Wheel Menu - FallUIified
- 58. FOV Slider and Player Height (
- 59. PiP-Boy 2000
- 60. Better Dials for Power Armor - Fallout 4
- 61. Extended Dialogue Interface
- 62. Extended Dialogue Interface - Wolfmark Fix Preconfigured
- 64. Perfect landscape by Pfuscher
- 65. Enhanced Vanilla Asphalt Roads
- 66. Roads Redone 2K
- 67. Luxor's Puddle remover
- 68. Gravel Redone 4K
- 69. Another Pine Forest Mod
- 70. GRASSLANDS - A Fallout 4 Grass Overhaul
- 71. Better Landscape Grass
- 72. Better Leaf Piles
- 73. WET
- 74. Wetness Shader Fix
- 75. Real Water HD for ENB 2
- 76. WAVE
- 77. BA2 2k Rubble Debris Clean
- 78. Remove Ugly Flat Trash
- 79. Remove 3D Debris
- 81. Fallout 76 Weather
- 82. Radiant Clouds and Fogs
- 83. No Interior Fog
- 86. Ceft's Main File
- 87. FlaconOil 1K BA2
- 88. NMC's Texture Bundle
- 93. Luxor's Vertibirds 4k
- 95. VWR - Vanilla Weapons Redone - Explosives
- 96. ZP's Fire and Smoke
- 97. HFs - Vault bed - remodel
- 98. HFs - Dog Manor
- 100. HFs - Makeshift Battery remodel - 2K
- 102. HFs - Tin Cans - 2K
- 104. HFs - Plastic bin - 2K
- 106. HFs - Kitchenware - 2K
- 108. HFs - Coat Rack and Umbrella - 2K
- 110. HFs - Wooden shelfs - 2K
- 111. HFs - Large Water Pump
- 112. HFs - Sanctuary Hills sign
- 113. HFs - Flatbed Cart's
- 114. HFs - Ironing Board
- 115. HFs - Forgotten rusty trash
- 116. HFs - Drive-In Speaker
- 117. HFs - Dentist's kit
- 118. HFs - Burnt Books
- 119. HFs - Some dining stuffs
- 120. HFs - Grill
- 121. HFs - Gentleman's set
- 123. HFs - a little nicer Bread Box v2 - 2K
- 125. HFs - Light bulb - 2K
- 126. HFs - Sign Wet Floor
- 128. HFs - Bibika - 1K
- 130. HFs - Appliances - 2K
- 132. HFs - a little nicer chemicals - 2K
- 133. HFs - a little nicer Benches
- 134. Halffaces - Couches (Lite version)
- 135. HFs - Potted Plants
- 137. HFs - Ugly Stools Redone LITE - 2K
- 139. Halffaces - Globes All-in-One - 2K
- 140. Halffaces - Old Rusty Trashcan
- 142. Halffaces Coffee Cup V1 - 2K
- 143. Halffaces - a little nicer ugly tables
- 145. Halffaces - Charming Halloween smile - 2K
- 147. Halffaces - a little nicer Wood Basket - 2K
- 149. Halffaces - a little nicer Metal Buckets - 2K
- 150. Halffaces - Fly swatter (or ping-pong paddle)
- 152. Halffaces - Federalist Chair Office replacer - 2k
- 153. Halffaces - Ottoman butt support
- 154. Halffaces - a little nicer Federalist Tables
- 156. Halffaces - Woodbox replacer - 2K
- 158. Halffaces - Ancient Pottery - 2K
- 159. Halffaces - Wooden Barrel
- 160. HFs - Sign Wet Floor V1 - 2K
- 161. Halffaces - Kitchen Bar
- 162. Proper Flyers And Posters
- 163. Retextured First Aid Kits - Ephla's Unique First Aid
- 164. V2. New Bottle Caps Tin
- 165. HD Chems Project_Jet and Xcell
- 166. HD Chems Project_Psycho and MedX
- 167. HD Chems Project_Buffout and RadX
- 168. HD Chems Project and Immersive Animation Framework Patch
- 169. Tin Cup Replacer
- 170. Modern Drinks Replacer
- 172. Previsibines Repair Pack Stable Branch - PRP
- 173. PRP Resources
- 185. Color Map 4K with Locations
- 186. Pip-Boy Flashlight v6 BETA 3.02
- 187. Standalone Workbenches
- 188. Munitions Ammo Crafting Patch
- 189. Munitions Ammo Crafting Patch - Patch
- 190. Dynamic Light Glowing Beverage Pack
- 191. SKK Fast Start new game (Fallout 4)
- 192. SCDC - Subjective Cinematic Dialogue Camera
- 193. Random Encounter Framework
- 194. Random Encounter Framework-GCM Patch
- 195. GCM DLC Automatron
- 196. GCM DLC Far Harbor
- 197. Starlight Drive-In And Diner - Lighting
- 198. Cough
- 199. Have a Seat
- 200. Faster Workbench Exit
- 201. Legendary Effect Overhaul (LEO)
- 202. Jumping Requires AP
- 204. Crafting Highlight Fix
- 207. Bullet Counted Reload System (BCR)
- 208. Alcohol Numbs Pain
- 209. PowerArmor Training
- 211. Campsite - Simple Wasteland Camping (and HD Sleeping Bags)
- 212. Campsite - SMM Menu Patch
- 213. Pillows for Sleeping Bags and Tents
- 214. Hunter of the Commonwealth
- 215. The Mobile Mechanic - Portable Workbenches and Junk Scrapping
- 216. Mobile Mechanic Automatron Add-On
- 219. Settlement Menu Manager
- 220. Place Everywhere (
- 221. Compact Crafting 1.01 - ESL Version
- 222. Compact Crafting - Performance Textures
- 223. Settler Built Settlements
- 224. SBS - Zed410s Living Commonwealth Collection
- 226. Super Mutant Weaponry - Post-Apocalyptic Weapons
- 227. Munitions - An Ammo Expansion
- 228. The Attachment Pack
- 229. New Vegas LMG 1.3
- 230. AEC19 Laser Cannon
- 231. RedRocketLauncher
- 232. Tesla Heavy Autocannon
- 233. 10mm Revolver (10mm Ruger Super Redhawk)
- 234. PJAR - Makeshift Pistol
- 235. Police Sidearm - (Smith and Wesson 39 59 Hush Puppy)
- 236. Frommer Stop Pistol
- 237. The Charger Pistol - a Gauss based weapon platform
- 238. The Riot Pistol - (Linda Pistol)
- 239. .38 Machine Pistol (Mac-11)
- 240. Vertibird Sword
- 241. Vertibird Sword (Simple Mesh Edit)
- 242. Objective Rifle (OICW)
- 243. VSV Rifle
- 244. Select Assault Rifle
- 245. Makeshift .32 SMG (Handmade Borz SMG)
- 246. Militia Carbine (Spitfire Carbine)
- 247. Handmade Assault SMG (Raider Vityaz)
- 249. Lever Action Shotgun (Winchester 1887 Terminator Shotgun)
- 251. Police Shotgun (Remington 870)
- 252. The Riot Shotgun - Fallout New Vegas
- 253. The Assault Shotgun (Prototype AA12)
- 254. Handmade Assault Shotgun (Raider Saiga)
- 255. Ruger Rifle Pack (10-22 and .44 Carbines)
- 256. Cowboy Carbine (Winchester Model 1907)
- 257. M72 Gauss and Battle Rifle - Vanilla
- 258. DKS-501 Sniper Rifle - Standalone
- 259. Handmade Anti-Materiel Rifle (REDUX) -4K
- 260. Select Blaster
- 261. Gatling Gun - Rat Runners Arsenal
- 262. RB - 13 - Handmade Blaster
- 263. LAER (Laser Assisted Electrical Rifle)
- 264. Makeshift Melee Weapon Pack
- 266. Plasma Cycle -2K
- 267. P94 Plasma Rifle
- 268. Skewer Launcher
- 269. Skewer Harpoon Gun Replacer
- 270. Advanced Plasma Pistol
- 271. Classic Super Sledge
- 272. M2 Flamethrower Redux
- 273. Winchester P94
- 274. Spec Ops Pistol
- 275. Burst Pistol
- 276. Magnum Pistol
- 277. Bullpup Scout Rifle
- 278. Incendiary Launcher
- 279. Fisto
- 280. Vintage Revolver Rifle
- 281. Select Rapid Machinegun
- 282. Modern Apocalypse - Thing's MP5 (REDUX)
- 283. F4NV Nuka Breaker and Rebar Club
- 284. Bone Handle Machete
- 285. Hunter's Knife
- 286. Capital Wasteland .32 Caliber Pistol
- 289. Militarized Minutemen
- 290. Militarized Minutemen Rolled Sleeve Crash Fix
- 292. Gunner Outfit Pack
- 294. Railroad Uniform
- 295. Railroad Uniform - CBBE
- 296. No AWKCR and AE For Mods File Dump
- 297. Evil Detective - CBBE
- 299. Capital Wasteland Raider Pack
- 300. Desert Punks - A Raider Outfit Pack
- 301. Desert Punks - CBBE Bodyslide Uniboob
- 302. JU Helmets Redux
- 303. LL Patch for Desert Punks and JU Helmets Redux
- 304. El Cazador
- 305. Legionary's Gear - A Tribute To The Bad Guys
- 306. Legionary's Gear II - The Centurion
- 307. Christmas Snowman Mask
- 308. Fastnacht Jersey Jester Mask
- 309. Fastnacht Plague Sniffer Mask
- 310. Fastnacht Owl Mask
- 312. Raiders - Tribal Forged
- 314. CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit
- 315. Tactical Courser
- 317. TheKite's Handmaiden - CBBE
- 319. Dead Money Hazmat Suit
- 320. Dead Money Hazmat Suit for CBBE BodySlide
- 322. Tumbajamba's DC Security Commander Armor
- 323. Tumbajamba's DC Security Commander Armor CBBE
- 325. Maximus' Brotherhood of Steel Knight Under Armor Replacer
- 327. Mercenary Outfit Pack (STANDALONE)
- 329. Ghoul Mask
- 330. Mechanist Armor Retextured
- 331. Wasteland Samurai
- 332. Enclave Remnant's Armor
- 333. Pirate Captain - Unique Raider Armor
- 334. Wasteland Santa Claus
- 335. Enclave Officers Uniform
- 336. Enclave Operator
- 337. Stealth Suit - New Vegas
- 338. CBBE Bodyslide Support for New Vegas Stealth Suit
- 339. Fallout London - Camelot Merc
- 340. NCR Veteran Ranger - F4NV REDUX
- 343. Enhanced Vanilla Armor and Clothing - EVAC
- 344. Proto Vault Suit
- 345. Eli's Armour Compendium - EAC - CBBE
- 346. Backpacks of the Commonwealth
- 347. Nuka Gear
- 348. Wanderer's Vault Suit
- 349. Lucy's Vault-Tec Backpack
- 350. Lucy's Vault-Tec Backpack and Backpacks of the Commonwealth Compatibility Patch
- 351. Project Mojave Outfit Pack
- 352. Project Mojave Outfit Pack - CBBE
- 353. Capital Wasteland Outfit Pack
- 354. Capital Wasteland Outfit Pack CBBE
- 355. Capital Wasteland Outfit Pack Part II
- 356. Vault-Tec Outfits
- 357. Harborman
- 358. Fisherman Fatigues
- 359. Mint Winter Parkas by FavoredSoul
- 360. Hatcher Imports - Armors and Drinks from Hatcher Island
- 361. Magnolia's Burlesque Outfit
- 362. Bunnygirl Outfit - CBBE - AWKCR
- 363. WW2 Military Fatigues Overhaul Pack
- 365. Raider Power Armor Chop-Shop
- 366. Vault Tec Power Armor
- 367. T 65 Power Armor
- 368. Red Shift Power Armor
- 369. Ultracite Power Armor
- 370. T-47R Power Armor
- 371. Bastion - Soviet Power Armor - community choice
- 372. SuperAlloys - Cohesion - 2K
- 373. SuperAlloys - Enhancement - 4K
- 374. SuperAlloys - Enhancement - Cubemap
- 375. Consistent Power Armor Overhaul
- 376. Fallout TV Show - Matching Red BoS Power Armor Decals
- 377. Show Accurate Brotherhood Armor
- 378. Power Armor Frame GunMetal and Chrometic Retexture
- 382. Quantum Creatures
- 383. Defective Synths
- 384. D.E.C.A.Y - Better Ghouls
- 385. FallEvil - Paleheads
- 386. Capital Wasteland Radscorpions
- 387. Fallout 3 - NV Feral Ghouls Replacer
- 388. Fallout 3 - NV Feral Ghouls Replacer (DLC Add-on)
- 389. Radspiders Redux
- 390. Wasteland Bestiary - Radstorks
- 391. Crows and Ceatures Collection
- 392. The Famished
- 393. Super Mutants HD
- 395. Unique Raider Gangs And Patrols 2 - Nightmare Edition
- 396. Unique Raider Gangs And Patrols
- 397. Commonwealth Encounter Pack
- 398. Random Encounter Framework- AR2 Patch
- 401. Caves Of The Commonwealth 1.2
- 402. Vault Tec in Concord
- 403. Hunkered Down - Commonwealth Overhaul
- 404. Atlas Summit Redux
- 405. The Forest DLC - For Hunters and Hikers
- 406. A Forest LOD
- 407. Map (Fix)
- 408. The Wilderness
- 409. The Marshland
- 410. Sombre Mountain
- 411. Mining Explosives Helping Shader
- 412. Minuteman Watchtowers (ESL)
- 413. Minuteman Watchtowers - Survey Addon
- 414. Open Commonwealth
- 415. Emirals Previs Patches for PRP .74
- 417. Fourville
- 418. Fourville PRP Patch
- 419. Vault 83 The Librarian
- 420. Vault 28 - The Absent Ghoul
- 421. Vault 494 - A Vault-Tec Story
- 422. Far Better Far Harbor - Exploration Expanded
- 423. Far Better Far Harbor - EE Facegen
- 424. Welcome to Goodneighbor
- 425. Ashland Station - Quest-Dungeon-Settlement
- 426. Polaria Systems (Dungeon)
- 427. Nordic Europa Research Facility (Dungeon)
- 428. Operation Manhattan - New York BoS Quest
- 429. Attack of the Lobotomites
- 430. In The Flesh - A Horror Quest Mod
- 431. America Rising 2 - Legacy of the Enclave
- 432. America Rising 2 - Legacy of the Enclave PRP
- 433. The Commonwealth Responders - A Fallout 4 Quest Mod
- 434. Combat Zone Restored
- 435. The Machine And Her
- 436. The Machine and Her Revival
- 437. Emirals The Machine and Her PRP Previs
- 438. The Wild Key Chase - Quest and Location mod
- 441. HiPoly Faces REDUX (Seamless Kit - CBBE - TWB - FG - AB)
- 442. Appealing Moles
- 443. Commonwealth Cuts - KS Hairdos - ApachiiSkyHair
- 444. deLuxe Makeup
- 445. Female Neck Tweaks
- 447. Expressive Expressions - For Females
- 448. Expressive Expressions - For Males
- 450. Wasteland Heroines Replacer and Presets All in One
- 451. Synths Revamped
- 452. Varied Raiders
- 453. 512 Standalone Hair Colors (1 ESP)
- 454. Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar v3.0
- 455. MeanMachineEyes ( Standalone )
- 456. High Poly NPCs
- 458. LooksMenu (
- 459. Looks Menu Customization Compendium
- 460. Looks Menu Customization Compendium Fix
- 461. Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-
- 462. BodySlide and Outfit Studio
- 463. Extended Facial Sculpting - now with 90 percent less beta
- 464. Eye Normal Map Fix Fallout 4 Edition
- 468. Nomore eye shine
- 469. CBBE Naturalistic Female BodySlide Preset (Outfit-Nude) Type 2
- 470. Collection of textures and presets for the girls
- 472. The Eyes of Beauty Fallout Kaleidoscope Edition - All-in-One
- 473. The K Makeup
- 474. The Eyes of Beauty Fallout Edition - Remastered
- 475. Anto Hair Pack
- 477. Beards N' Staches - A Facial Hair Expansion
- 479. Naturalistic Female Face Presets Pt.1
- 480. Bennzoor's Male Face Presets (For LooksMenu) New Faces
- 481. textures for freckles and eyes
- 482. Oni cute asian face parts
- 485. Base Face - A face retexture
- 486. femshepping and radbeetle's KS Hairdos Conversions
- 487. femshepping and radbeetle's KS Hairdos Conversions - Hat texture fix for version 9
- 488. Kirs freckles
- 489. Looking Stranger - Heterochromia and Odd Eyes
- 490. Lots More Male Hairstyles
- 491. Rubys Round Glasses - Replacer-Standalone-AE-SMU Four Eyes Compatible
- 492. MoreHairstyles
- 493. MiscHairstyle
- 494. IceStorms Hair
- 495. KS Hairdos - Addon(s) with Physics
- 496. Follower All-In-One Synthetic Facelift
- 497. Brotherhood of Steel Synthetic Facelift
- 498. Triggermen Synthetic Facelift
- 499. femshepping's Assorted Mashups
- 500. Lots More Facial Hair
- 501. Atom Cats Synthetic Facelift
- 502. Institute Synthetic Facelift
- 503. Cabot Family Synthetic Facelift
- 504. Sanctuary NPCs Overhaul
- 505. Sanctuary Synthetic Facelift
- 506. Silver Shroud Synthetic Facelift
- 507. Diamond City Synthetic Facelift
- 508. Covenant Synthetic Facelift
- 509. Goodneighbor Synthetic Facelift V2
- 510. Nick Valentine Synth Detective I Synthetic Facelift
- 511. Courser Synthetic Facelift
- 512. Merchants Synthetic Facelift
- 513. Automatron Synthetic Facelift
- 514. Gunners Synthetic Facelift
- 515. Railroad Synthetic Facelift 2.0
- 516. Face Fixes - All in One
- 517. Better Locational Damage
- 518. BLD - Better Aim Models
- 519. BLD - IAF Patch
- 520. BLD - Looks Menu Customization Compendium Patch
- 521. Better Locational Damage - RobCo Patch
- 522. MAIM HUD - Modern and Minimal FallUI HUD Preset
- 523. CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul
- 524. See-Through-Scopes
- 525. Third Person Aim Down Sights
- 526. NPC Accuracy Revised
- 527. VAFS Redux
- 528. Auto Beam - True Laser Sights Framework
- 529. Automatically Lowered Weapons
- 530. Bastion - A Power Armor Overhaul
- 531. Armor Penetration Bug Fix - F4SE
- 532. Bastion Armor Penetration - Munitions Ammo Expansion Project (RobCo Patcher)
- 533. Energy Weapon Calculation Fix
- 534. Manual Reload - F4SE (
- 535. Realistic Death Physics - No Animations
- 536. Enhanced Movement
- 537. Enhanced Movement INI
- 538. Uneducated Shooter - QE Leaning and Gun Inertia
- 539. Take Cover
- 540. Fatigue - Enhanced Combat Realism
- 541. Different Colored Grenade Arc
- 542. RAW INPUT - The Ultimate Mouse Sensitivity Fix
- 543. No Sneaking in Power Armor
- 544. Melee hold block
- 548. Burst Impact Blast FX 9.5
- 549. Ultra Interior Lighting
- 550. ELFX and ULR merged patch
- 551. Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn and Dusk
- 552. Terrain Undersides - 2 Million Sunblock
- 553. Lightweight Lighting
- 554. Lightweight Lighting Extended (LLE)
- 555. Lighting Series - All In One
- 556. Radioactive Signs - Lighting - Cyberpunk 2077
- 558. Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul
- 559. Terrifyer - Ghouls
- 560. Lush Ambience - A Green Soundscape
- 561. F4 - Music Overhaul
- 562. Fallout 4 -Orkus Postapocalyptic Soundtrack
- 563. Automatron DLC.rar-12111-1-8-5
- 564. Realistic powerful minigun sound
- 566. Immersive Animation Framework
- 567. First-Person Swimming Animations
- 568. First-Person Running with Hands Animations
- 569. NPC Drinking Fix
- 570. Player Comments and Head Tracking
- 571. BCR- Lever Action Rifle
- 572. Dak's Cowboy Carbine First Person Animations
- 573. Much Better 3rd Person Animations - MoreLikeVicky's Edition
- 595. Armor LL Overhaul Faction
- 596. Weapons LL Overhaul
- 597. DyingBreath Lite
- 598. DyingBreath - BodySlide Output
- 599. VRAMr
- 605. Dying Breath - Previs