Fallout 4Created over 2 years ago
Updated 11 months ago
FUSION is a lightweight mod list that focuses on removing the vanilla games annoyances and improving the core experience. The list is optimised for the low end and includes no ENB or large texture packs. Performance is better than the vanilla game and requirements have not changed from Bethesda's 2015 recommended specs
Load Order Files
- 2. Fallout4.esm
- 3. DLCRobot.esm
- 4. DLCworkshop01.esm
- 5. DLCCoast.esm
- 6. DLCworkshop02.esm
- 7. DLCworkshop03.esm
- 8. DLCNukaWorld.esm
- 9. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
- 10. CanarySaveFileMonitor.esl
- 11. SwimmingAnims.esl
- 12. DeadGeneral.esl
- 13. Autorun Console Commands.esl
- 14. Chem Station Renamed.esl
- 15. WorkshopFramework.esm
- 16. WSFWLayouts - space2jump.esl
- 17. SSTNoSmolderingTurrets.esl
- 18. VCM_CoastalCottage_Navmesh_Update.esl
- 19. VCM_Sanctuary_Navmesh_Update_W_Roof.esl
- 20. VCM_EgretTours_Navmesh_Update.esl
- 21. VCM_GreentopNursery_Navmesh_Update.esl
- 22. VCM_Murkwater_Navmesh_Update.esl
- 23. VCM_KingsportLighthouse_Vanilla_Navmesh_Update.esl
- 24. VCM_CountyCrossing_Vanilla_NavmeshUpdate.esl
- 25. VCM_RedRocket_Navmesh_Update.esl
- 26. FastTravelAIDetectionFix.esl
- 27. PPF.esm
- 28. Community Fixes Merged.esp
- 29. Ownership Fixes.esp
- 30. TMR_GlitchfinderAIO.esm
- 31. Snapgasm.esl
- 32. OutlineWorkshopShader.esl
- 33. DiamondCityAmbience.esl
- 34. BakaFramework.esm
- 35. REFramework.esm
- 36. DC Guard Variations.esl
- 37. WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp
- 38. NoFastTravelFromRedDeathIsland.esp
- 39. Community Fixes Merged - Weapon Mod Fixes Patch.esp
- 40. WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp
- 41. FO4ParticlePatch.esp
- 42. LegendariesTheyCanUse.esp
- 43. LooksMenu.esp
- 44. Companion Affinity Pip-Boy Tab.esp
- 45. WET.esp
- 46. AnimatedCandles.esp
- 47. Complex Vendors.esp
- 48. Better Landscape Grass.esp
- 49. General Atomics Fix.esp
- 50. Rusty Face Fix.esp
- 51. Wetness Shader Fix.esp
- 52. Gloomy Glass.esp
- 53. Fixed Gobo Effects.esp
- 54. Vanilla resonating lights fix.esp
- 55. DiamondCityBillboards.esp
- 56. GoodneighborView.esp
- 57. RAW INPUT.esp
- 58. PhotoMode.esp
- 59. FOVSlider.esp
- 60. Unused Map Markers - Cut Content Restored.esp
- 61. CTHHostileNPCsAndWeaponDrawn.esp
- 62. CRF_NukaWorldHairDyes.esp
- 63. Curated Companions AIO.esp
- 64. EVB-Dismemberable.esp
- 65. The Eyes Of Beauty - SHJ Edit.esp
- 66. Base Face.esp
- 67. Live Action Handy - With GlowMap.esp
- 68. Genetical Father 1.0.1.esp
- 69. Less Annoying Berry Mentats.esp
- 70. ScalingTweak.esp
- 71. ImTalkingToYou.esp
- 72. Chemfluence AI Combat Dynamics.esp
- 73. BlockingOverhaul.esp
- 74. RBValentineJawSync.esp
- 75. NPCs Use Items.esp
- 76. Thrive Redone.esp
- 77. Perk Up.esp
- 78. Capped Out.esp
- 79. Perennial Power Armor.esp
- 80. Enemies Fear Power Armor.esp
- 81. MUTATIONS.esp
- 82. Delayed Stimpak Heal Rate.esp
- 83. Infiltrator - Lockpicking Overhaul.esp
- 84. Weapon Scrapping Redone.esp
- 85. Clothing Scrapping Redone.esp
- 86. Grab and Eat.esp
- 87. CastleRecruiter.esp
- 88. LockedSafesLegendaryLoot.esp
- 89. AA Better Companions - No Conflicts.esp
- 90. PD_LowerWeapon.esp
- 91. BetterBloatflies.esp
- 92. Recoil Rebalance.esp
- 93. Shelter Or Save.esp
- 94. No Sneaking in Power Armor.esp
- 95. Better Vertibird.esp
- 96. Low Profile Loader - Reloading Technique.esp
- 97. FastTravelFromQuestHubs.esp
- 98. FastTravelFromVault81.esp
- 99. DangerousDeathclaws.esp
- 100. ValiusHDTextures2K.esp
- 101. Targeted Textures.esp
- 102. NF_Rocks_Fix.esp
- 103. Flutter Flicker Fixer For Foliage.esp
- 104. Enhanced Vanilla Rocks.esp
- 105. Enhanced Vanilla Plants.esp
- 106. Enhanced Vanilla Vines.esp
- 107. Natural Grasses & Groundcovers.esp
- 108. Enhanced Vanilla Armor and Clothing.esp
- 109. 10mmRemeshMicaREPLACER.esp
- 110. AOSuperAlloysCohesion.esp
- 111. AOSuperAlloysCubemap.esp
- 112. Frame Job.esp
- 113. Blasted Billboards.esp
- 114. Peeling Posters.esp
- 115. Transit Sign HD.esp
- 116. Crimsomrider's 1950s Feminine Outfits.esp
- 117. Upgradeable Vault Suit.esp
- 118. RB_LJDanse.esp
- 119. Makeshifttextures.esp
- 120. Laser Weapons Reposition.esp
- 121. DLC Timing.esp
- 122. Keep Radiants In Commonwealth.esp
- 123. WhoIsTheGeneral.esp
- 124. MinimalMinutemenRadiants.esp
- 125. Lunar-WhenFreedomCalls.esp
- 126. CHALLENGES.esp
- 127. Better_Notes.esp
- 128. AB-UFO4P-BetterNotes-Patch.esp
- 129. Less intrusive tutorial.esp
- 130. Publick Occurrences Expanded.esp
- 131. IntGrievingRaider.esp
- 132. ImmersiveLegendaryMutations.esp
- 133. HelpMePackItUp.esp
- 134. Brahmin Tipping Redux.esp
- 135. SimpleAttackReactions.esp
- 136. Diamond City Supplements.esp
- 137. CommonwealthEncounterPack.esp
- 138. PLI_Unmarked_Raider_Camps_P1.esp
- 139. PLI_Unmarked_Raider_Camps_P2.esp
- 140. PLI_HarbormasterHotel.esp
- 141. PLI_Federal_Ration_Stockpile.esp
- 142. WAVE.esp
- 143. WWE.esp
- 144. MagRack.esp
- 145. LOST Audio Tweaks.esp
- 146. Lightweight Lighting.esp
- 147. ElevatorLights.esp
- 148. Computer Console illuminated.esp
- 149. Computer Console illuminated Part 2.esp
- 150. BetterJunkFences.esp
- 151. Better_Settlement_Defence.esp
- 152. VCM_TheSlog_Navmesh_Update.esp
- 153. VCM_CoastalCottage_GarageFloorFix_F-ESL.esp
- 154. VCM_StarlightDrivein_Navmesh_Update.esp
- 155. FO4LODGen.esp
- 156. FO4LODGen-DLCCoast-WindTurbines.esp
- 157. Optimized Vanilla Tree LODs.esp
- 158. Far Harbor 3d Tree LODs.esp
- 159. FOLIP - New LODs.esp
- 160. FOLIP - Before Generation.esp
- 161. FOLIP - After Generation.esp
- 162. PRP.esp
- 163. LAT - PRP Update Patch.esp
- 164. PuddleReflectionFix.esp
- 165. FUSION LOD GEN.esp
- 166. FUSION Conflict Resolution Patch.esp
- 167. FUSION Sorting Patch.esp
- 3. DLC: Wasteland Workshop
- 4. DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop
- 5. DLC: Nuka-World
- 6. DLC: Far Harbor
- 7. DLC: Contraptions Workshop
- 8. DLC: Automatron
- 10. F4SE
- 11. Buffout 4
- 12. PrivateProfileRedirector F4 - Faster game start (INI file cacher)
- 13. Better Console - F4SE
- 14. Console Commands
- 15. Canary Save File Monitor
- 16. Baka MaxPapyrusOps
- 17. Fallout Priority - f4se plugin
- 19. Workshop Framework
- 20. RobCo Patcher
- 21. Address Library for F4SE Plugins
- 22. PipboyTabs
- 23. LooksMenu
- 24. Mod Configuration Menu
- 25. MCM Settings Manager
- 27. Lighthouse Papyrus Extender
- 28. Bullet Counted Reload System (BCR)
- 29. Spell Perk Item Distributor
- 30. Baka Framework
- 31. Random Encounter Framework
- 32. Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender
- 33. Console Util
- 35. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
- 36. Community Fixes Merged
- 37. Weapon Mod Fixes
- 38. Community Fixes Merged - Weapon Mod Fixes Patch
- 39. Escape Freeze F4SE
- 40. Ownership Fixes
- 41. The Midnight Ride - Glitchfinder All-In-One
- 42. Fallout 4 Particle Patch - No More Glowing Objects
- 43. High FPS Physics Fix
- 44. Faster Workshop (Workshop Lag Fix)
- 45. Rusty Face Fix
- 46. Crafting Highlight Fix
- 47. Weapon Debris Crash Fix
- 48. Sprint Stuttering Fix
- 49. Workshop Spotlight Fix
- 50. General McGann is a Skeleton
- 51. NPC Drinking Fix
- 52. Quality Assurance Bug Fix
- 53. Wetness Shader Fix
- 54. Gloomy Glass - All transparent materials revised
- 55. Vanilla Green House Roof Rain Stop
- 56. Fixed Gobo Effects
- 57. Bathroom Effects Fix
- 58. Long Save Bug Fix
- 59. 3rd Person Behavior Fixes
- 60. Simple Attack Reaction Speed (Fix)
- 61. Fast Travel Background Load AI Detection Fix
- 62. Graygarden CTD Fix - Unofficial UFO4P Patch
- 63. Outfit ReDress Fix
- 64. Long Loading Times Fix
- 65. Interior NavCut Fix
- 66. Guard Post Animation Tweak - No More Finger Guns
- 67. Reload Fix
- 68. Vanilla Resonating Lights Fix
- 69. Diamond City Billboards
- 70. Goodneighbor View
- 71. Armor Penetration Bug Fix - F4SE
- 72. RAW INPUT - The Ultimate Mouse Sensitivity Fix
- 73. Jet Script Bug Fix
- 74. Deadeye Weapon Effect Fix
- 75. Weapon Rack Fixes
- 76. Im Talking to You
- 77. To Your Face FO4
- 78. Energy Weapon Calculation Fix
- 79. Valentine Jaw Sync
- 80. No Fast Travel From Red Death Island
- 82. Looksmenu Player Rotation
- 83. FO4 Photo Mode
- 84. FOV Slider and Player Height
- 85. Console Commands Extender
- 87. FallUI - HUD
- 88. FallUI - Icon Library
- 89. FUSION - FallUI Hud Preset
- 90. FallUI - Inventory
- 91. FallUI - Workbench
- 92. Faster Workbench Exit
- 93. Customizable Targeting HUD
- 94. Companion Affinity Pip-Boy Tab (CAPT)
- 95. Outline Workshop Highlight Only
- 96. Clock Widget - Show Real Time While Loading
- 97. Unused Map Markers - Cut Content Restored
- 98. Disable Exit Save
- 100. Curated Companions
- 101. Cutting Room Floor - Nuka World Hair Dyes
- 102. Enhanced Vanilla Bodies - Dismemberable
- 103. The Eyes Of Beauty - SHJ Edit
- 104. Base Face - A face retexture
- 105. Live Action Handy - With Iris and GlowMap - Repack
- 106. Live Action Last Two
- 107. Genetical Father
- 108. The Many Faces Of Nora
- 109. The Many Faces Of Nate
- 111. Unlimited Survival Mode - F4SE
- 112. Tweaked scaling
- 113. Sighted Weapon Accuracy Fix
- 114. Recoil Rebalance
- 115. Essential Tier 4 Vendors - ESPless
- 116. Blocking Overhaul
- 117. No Sneaking in Power Armor
- 118. Easier Crouched Steadying
- 119. Grab and Eat Revisited - Quick Use items
- 120. No Water Jump
- 121. Chemfluence - AI Combat Dynamics
- 122. Less Food in Exteriors or unmarked locations
- 123. NPCs Use Items
- 124. Thrive Redone
- 125. Better Companions - No Conflicts
- 126. No PA Battery Pathing
- 127. Low Profile Loader - Reloading Technique
- 128. Encounter Zone Recalculation (Continuous Level Scaling)
- 129. Perk Up - Full Vanilla Plus perk Overhaul
- 130. Capped Out - A loot and levelled list rebalance
- 131. Perennial Power Armor - Lightweight Power Armor Rebalance
- 132. Infiltrator - Lockpicking Overhaul
- 133. Enemies Fear Power Armor
- 134. MUTATIONS - FO76
- 135. Delayed Stimpak Heal Rate
- 136. Weapon Scrapping Redone
- 137. Clothing Scrapping Redone
- 138. Complex Vendors
- 139. Recruiter Radio Freedom
- 140. Legendaries They Can Use
- 141. Simple Wait Anywhere (Lightweight)
- 142. Legendary Items in Safes
- 143. Automatically Lowered Weapons
- 144. Classic Holstered Weapons System (CHW)
- 145. Shelter Or Save
- 146. Faster Getup
- 147. Vertibird Jump
- 148. Better Bloatflies
- 149. Sprint Overhaul
- 150. Fast Travel From Quest Hubs
- 151. Fast Travel From Vault 81
- 152. Simple Offence Suppression F4
- 153. Remember Lockpick Angle - Updated
- 154. Remove Ammo from Dropped Guns
- 155. Dangerous Deathclaws
- 156. Turret Blind Spots
- 157. Better Vertibird - A Vertibird Overhaul
- 158. Essential Caravan Brahmin - ESPless
- 160. High Resolution Texture Pack 2K and 4K - Valius
- 161. Targeted Textures - Vanilla textures upscaled fixed and sized
- 162. SuperAlloys - Cohesion
- 163. SuperAlloys - Purple T-60 Titanium Fix
- 164. SuperAlloys - Enhancement - Cubemap
- 165. 3D Super Mutant Chains
- 166. Frame Job - A Power Armor frame Retexture
- 167. Blasted Billboards - A weathered billboard overhaul
- 168. Peeling Posters - Weathered paper based signs
- 169. Northern Foothills Rocks Fix
- 170. Flutter Flicker Fixer For Foliage
- 171. Enhanced Vanilla Rocks
- 172. Enhanced Vanilla Plants
- 173. Enhanced Vanilla Vines
- 174. Enhanced Vanilla Armor and Clothing - EVAC
- 175. Transit Sign HD Texture
- 176. Make Like a Tree
- 177. Computer Console illuminated
- 178. Computer Console illuminated Part 2
- 179. WET
- 180. Natural Grasses and Groundcovers
- 181. Better Landscape Grass
- 183. Marine Combat Armor Material Fix
- 184. Marine Wet suit Material Fix
- 185. 1950's Feminine Outfits (Vanilla - EVB - CBBE)
- 186. Rivet City Renegade - Wasteland Gear for Danse
- 187. Upgradeable Vault Suit
- 189. BCR- Lever Action Rifle
- 190. 10mm Pistol debulked remesh replacer and standalone
- 191. Scrap metal and makeshift welds - A Pipe Gun Retexture
- 192. Weapon Weight Improvements
- 193. Get Off My Face - Laser Weapons 1st Person Reposition
- 195. DLC Timing
- 196. Keep Radiants in the Commonwealth UFO4P Version
- 197. Whose Quest Is It Anyway
- 198. Who's The General - Minutemen Quest Cleanup
- 199. LunarFalloutPlus - When Freedom Calls
- 200. Minimal Minutemen - Radiants for the Returning General
- 203. Better Notes
- 204. UFO4P - Better Notes Patch
- 205. Interesting Grieving Raider
- 206. Help Me Pack It Up - A Prewar Mistake
- 207. Less intrusive tutorial
- 208. Immersive Legendary Mutations
- 209. Publick Occurrences Expanded
- 210. No Smoldering Turrets
- 211. Friendly Radstags - RobCo Patcher REDUX
- 212. First-Person Swimming Animations
- 213. First-Person Swimming Animations Tweak
- 214. Fallout 4 - Hot Coffee
- 215. WAVE - Wave Animation Vanilla Enhanced
- 216. Chemistry Station Renamed Crafting Workbench
- 217. Simple Immersive Chem Benches for Crafting
- 218. Sprint Reload
- 219. DC Guard Variations
- 220. Commonwealth Encounter Pack
- 221. Simple Attack Reactions - Limb-Specific Animations
- 222. People Live In - Unmarked Raider Camps Pack 1
- 223. People Live In - Unmarked Raider Camps Pack 2
- 224. People Live In - Harbormaster Hotel
- 225. People Live In - Federal Ration Stockpile
- 226. Brahmin Tipping Redux
- 227. Less Annoying Berry Mentats
- 229. Diamond City Supplements
- 230. Place Everywhere
- 231. This Settlement Does Not Need Your Help - BS Defence Redone
- 232. Workshop Framework Settlement Collection - Vanilla-DLCs by space2jump
- 233. The Slog Navmesh Update
- 234. Coastal Cottage Navmesh Update
- 235. Sanctuary Navmesh Update
- 236. Egret Tours Navmesh Update
- 237. Greentop Nursery Navmesh Update
- 238. Murkwater Construction Updated Navmesh
- 239. Kingsport Lighthouse Updated Navmesh
- 240. County Crossing Updated Navmesh
- 241. Red Rocket Navmesh Update
- 242. Starlight DriveIn Navmesh Update
- 243. Wasteland Workshop Evolved (WWE)
- 244. Total Snapgasm
- 245. Snappable Junk Fences
- 246. ScaffoldSnap
- 247. Conduit snap
- 248. Scavenging Station Better Snap
- 249. Snappable Magazine Shelves
- 250. Vault Doorway Endcap Snap Fix
- 251. Improved Conveyor Snapping
- 252. Snapping Diner Booths
- 254. LOST Audio Tweaks
- 255. LAT - PRP Update Patch
- 256. Diamond City Ambience
- 257. Under the Hood- Mechanical Power Armor Audio
- 259. Lightweight Lighting
- 260. Immersive Candles
- 261. Otis Repair Services - Lights In Load Elevators
- 263. FO4LODGen-Resources-1.1
- 264. HD LOD Textures
- 265. FAR - Faraway Area Reform
- 266. Just New Lods
- 267. Far Object LOD Improvement Project
- 268. Optimized Vanilla Tree LODs
- 269. Far Harbor 3D Tree LODs
- 270. TexGen_Output
- 272. FIS - The NEW FallUI Item Sorter
- 274. Previsibines Repair Pack
- 275. PRP Updates
- 276. Simple Puddle Reflection Flicker Fix (Water and Blood)
- 277. FUSION Configs
- 279. FUSION Sorting Patch