Gate to Sovngarde

TESV Skyrim SE

by Godliep

Created about 1 month ago

Updated about 1 month ago

After downloading Gate to Sovngarde the game kept giving an Open Animation Replacer error and none of the solutions on the GTS discord were working so I used the last resort and disabled the mods giving the error and the OAR error screen stopped showing up when I started the game, this is not my main problem as I am happy to play without the animations. When I started a new game in alternate perspective when I talk to the dragon to choose my start the game crashes to desktop. I reinstalled both Skyrim and the GTS collection from scratch after moving it from my HDD to SSD, and the collection was working 100% with no OAE or crashing when talking to npc and I only moved it as I was having performance issues. When loading the save game from my previous save talking to npc also causes a crash to desktop I'm dreading having to once again reinstall the entire collection because I have bad internet and it takes ages to download, but if there is no other solution I'll probably end up doing that.

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