Heartland Redux
TESIV Oblivionby Anonymous
Created 9 months ago
Updated 9 months ago
No description provided.
Load Order Files
- 1. DLC: DLCVileLair
- 2. DLC: DLCThievesDen
- 3. DLC: DLCSpellTomes
- 4. DLC: DLCOrrery
- 5. DLC: DLCMehrunesRazor
- 6. DLC: DLCHorseArmor
- 7. DLC: DLCFrostcrag
- 8. DLC: DLCBattlehornCastle
- 9. DLC: Knights
- 10. DLC: DLCShiveringIsles
- 11. Oblivion Decompressed Records
- 13. xOBSE 22.10 Beta
- 14. EngineBugFixes
- 15. Blockhead
- 16. SkyBSA
- 17. OBL Mod Limit Fix
- 18. Oblivion Display Tweaks
- 19. Menu Alt-Tab Crash Fix
- 20. AveSithis Engine Fixes
- 22. Unofficial Oblivion Patch
- 25. SB Weapon Drop Fix
- 26. Clickable Magic Gate
- 28. Oblivion Reloaded Combined(ORC)
- 29. Whiteflame fix
- 30. ORC Drazden's Preset
- 32. Oblivion Upscaled Textures BSA
- 33. Bomret's Texture Pack for Shivering Isles BSA
- 34. Really Textured Normal Maps - Updated BSA
- 36. Upscaled Vanilla Loading Screens plus Shivering Isles - 4k
- 37. Class portraits diversified
- 38. Pick Me - lockpicking interface retexture
- 40. Simple Oblivion Trees
- 41. Simple Shivering Isle Trees
- 42. Improved Doors and Flora
- 43. Improved Doors and Flora - Update
- 44. Improved Trees and Flora
- 45. Improved Trees and Flora 2
- 46. Improved Trees and Flora 2 - Update
- 47. Tree Bark HD Reduced
- 48. ITFBark2012
- 49. 2020 Retexture Project - Grasses
- 50. 2020 Retexture Project - Trees and Shrubs
- 51. 2020 Retexture Project - Landscapes and Rocks
- 52. Ice Layer with Effects
- 54. VKVII Oblivion Imperial City
- 55. Arena Of Awe - Retexture
- 56. 2020 Retexture Project - Farmhouses
- 57. Farm fence retexture and UV maps
- 58. Bruma retexture
- 59. Leyawiin Woodland
- 60. Leyawiin Woodland floor fix
- 61. Improved Chorrol
- 62. Improved Chorrol - Update 2
- 63. Improved Bravil
- 64. Improved Bravil - Update
- 65. VKVII Oblivion Sidewalk Stonewall
- 66. Strand Magic - A Mage Guild Theme
- 67. Give Me Some Skingrad - Retexture
- 68. Cheery Cheydinhal - Retexture
- 69. Cathedral HD
- 70. Cloud Ruler Temple HD
- 71. Anvil Exterior Retex
- 73. Oblivion Realm HD
- 74. Oblivion Caves retexture
- 75. Oblivion Caves retexture 2K Enhanced meshes
- 76. Bettys Sewer Textures
- 77. 2020 Retexture Project - Caves
- 78. Geckos Ayleid Ruins Textures V2 - NO Parallax
- 79. Gecko's Fort Interior Textures
- 80. Gecko's Imperial Dungeon Textures - 2K Parallax
- 81. Reman Ruins - Retexture
- 82. Retextured Caves and Mines Doors
- 84. Beautiful Creatures - Spriggan
- 85. Beautiful Creatures - Spider Daedra
- 86. Improved Storm Atronachs
- 87. Improved Flame Atronachs
- 88. Improved Frost Atronachs
- 90. Mesh Improvement Project
- 91. Mesh Improvement Project - Tweaks and Fixes
- 92. Hi-res Soul Gems
- 93. HiRes Silver Clutter
- 94. HiRes Gold Clutter
- 95. High-Res Varla and Welkynd Texture Replacer
- 96. Particled Ayleid Stones
- 97. Better Ropes
- 98. Arena Poster
- 99. Improved Skulls and Bones and Ironwork
- 100. Kaizits Animated Ingredients
- 101. Kaizits Animated Ingredients - Update
- 102. Kaizits Animated Ingredients - Update Fix
- 103. Kaizits Animated Daedric Ingredients
- 104. Kaizits Animated Daedric Ingredients - Fix
- 105. Nirnroot retexture
- 106. Double Sided Cobwebs
- 107. Better Chapel Altars
- 108. Better Chapel Altars - Richer Normal Map
- 109. Darooz Upperclass clutter
- 110. Colovian Carpets - A rug and mat retexture
- 111. Tamrielic Tapestries- Retexture
- 112. Unique Signs
- 113. Retextured Inn Signs
- 114. Retextured Road Signs
- 115. Painters Touch
- 116. Paintings Variation
- 117. Paintings Variation SI
- 118. VKVII Oblivion Mages Guild Clutter
- 119. Improved Fruits Vegetables and Meats
- 120. Improved Fruits Vegetables and Meats - Update
- 121. Reb's Average Misc Junkyard
- 122. Reb's Average Containers
- 123. No more crosshair on Rythe's painting
- 125. Dalls_Horse_Armor
- 126. Retextured Amulets
- 127. Retextured Rings
- 128. Reb's Average Oghma Infinium TES4
- 129. Cutlass Retexture
- 130. Silver Weapon Replacers
- 131. Scabbard For Dwarven Longsword
- 132. Chillrend Replacer
- 133. Daedric Longsword Replacer
- 134. Daedric Dagger Replacer
- 135. Daedric Claymore Replacer
- 136. Madness Longsword Replacer
- 137. Weapon Improvement Project
- 138. Weapon Improvement Project - UOPClubStatic.nif Fix
- 139. Half-off Clavicusvile Mask remodel replacer
- 140. Visually Improved Staffs
- 142. Improved LightBeam
- 143. Improved Light Beam - Transparency Fix
- 144. DOWNPOUR - rain retexture
- 145. High Quality Snowflakes by Xelus
- 146. Brumbeks Sky Pack
- 147. Improved Moons
- 148. Better Window Reflections
- 149. Fire retexture
- 201. Local output