Isometric Experience Modlist
Created 2 months ago
Updated 2 months ago
This is the complete modlist that I'm currently using. Still a work in progress and it will surely change in the future. It's by no mean perfect, and it doesn't aspire to be for now.
Load Order Files
- 2. Update
- 3. HeartFire
- 4. Dragonborn
- 5. Dawnguard
- 7. Fish
- 8. Rare Curious
- 9. Saint and Seducers
- 10. SurvivalMode
- 11. Resource pack
- 14. Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)
- 15. Address Library for SKSE Plugins
- 16. PapyrusUtil AE SE - Scripting Utility Functions
- 17. powerofthree's Papyrus Extender
- 18. ConsoleUtilSSE NG
- 19. Scaleform Translation Plus Plus NG - Updated
- 20. Better Jumping SE
- 21. JContainers SE
- 22. FileAccess Interface for Skyrim SE Scripts - FISSES (Anniversary Edition) BETA
- 23. Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice
- 24. Crash Logger SSE AE VR - PDB support
- 25. NetScriptFramework
- 26. Base Object Swapper
- 27. Keyword Item Distributor
- 28. Time Format Changer
- 29. dTry's Key Utils AE-NG-2024
- 30. Spell Perk Item Distributor
- 31. Auto Input Switch
- 32. Dynamic Key Action Framework NG
- 33. FormList Manipulator - FLM
- 34. Sound Record Distributor
- 35. Music Type Distributor
- 36. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - USSEP
- 38. (Part 1) SSE Engine Fixes for 1.6.1170 and newer
- 39. Bug Fixes SSE
- 40. Mfg Fix
- 41. WIDeadBodyCleanupScript Crash Fix
- 42. Chillwind Depths CTD Fix
- 43. Scrambled Bugs
- 44. Recursion Monitor
- 45. powerofthree's Tweaks
- 46. Powerofthree's Tweaks - Settings-v1.0
- 47. Papyrus Tweaks NG
- 48. Papyrus Tweaks NG - Settings-v1.1
- 49. Disable Auto Vanity Mode - Stops Camera Spinning Around Player Character
- 50. NPC Stuck in Bleedout fix
- 51. Stuck on Screen Load Door Prompt Fix
- 52. SKSE Menu Framework
- 53. Constructible Object Custom Keyword System
- 54. Inventory Interface Information Injector
- 55. Object Categorization Framework
- 56. Keyword Compatibility Framework
- 57. Extended Hotkey System
- 58. ImGui Icons
- 59. Modex - A Mod Explorer Menu
- 60. Actor Limit Fix
- 61. Payload Interpreter
- 62. Xinput Modkey SE
- 63. Dynamic Interface Patcher - DIP
- 64. Auto Parallax
- 65. Skyrim Priority SE AE - CPU Performance FPS Optimizer
- 66. SSE ReShade Helper
- 67. SSE Display Tweaks
- 69. Alternate Start - Live Another Life - SSE
- 70. Alternate Start -- New Beginnings
- 71. I Used to Be a Dungeon Boss like You - An Alternate Perspective or Alternate Start Addon
- 74. Console Commands Extender - Anniversary Edition Update
- 75. More Informative Console
- 76. ConsolePlusPlus
- 78. SkyUI
- 79. SkyUI SE - Flashing Savegames Fix
- 80. MCM Helper
- 81. SkyHUD
- 82. UIExtensions
- 83. Infinity UI
- 84. TrueHUD - HUD Additions
- 85. moreHUD SE
- 86. moreHUD Inventory Edition
- 87. iWant Widgets
- 88. IWant Widgets NG
- 89. Contextual Crosshair
- 90. Compass Navigation Overhaul
- 91. QuickLoot IE - A QuickLoot EE Fork
- 92. A Matter of Time - A HUD clock widget
- 93. Fractal's AMOT (A Matter of Time) Compass Config
- 94. OxygenMeter2
- 95. Oxygen Meter 2 - Nordic UI like Skin
- 96. Detection Meter
- 97. Detection Meter - AE Support
- 98. Better Third Person Selection (AE - SE)
- 99. Stay At The System Page - AE
- 100. Whose Quest is it Anyway NG
- 101. Gold To Septims
- 102. Custom Skills Framework
- 103. Custom Skill Menu
- 104. Denji - A Custom Skills Menu Update
- 105. Horse Stamina HUD - Script-Free
- 106. Show Player In Menus
- 107. The Handy Icon Collection Collective
- 108. Wider MCM Menu for SkyUI
- 109. SoulsyHUD
- 110. SoulsyHUD - Edge UI Preset
- 111. SoulsyHUD icon pack
- 112. Weapon FX fix for Soulsy HUD
- 114. Dialogue History
- 115. Less Intrusive HUD II SE
- 116. Less Intrusive HUD II SE - AE
- 117. Edge UI
- 118. Immersive Loading Icon
- 119. Nordic UI-Vanilla Icon Compass Marker Restored for Compass Navigation Overhaul
- 120. NORDIC UI - Compass Markers Restored
- 121. SkyALERT - Detection Meter Redesign
- 122. Body Slots - Edge UI
- 123. EDGE UI Alternative Buttons Layout Replacer
- 124. Edge UI misalignment fix
- 125. Edge UI misalignment fix Alter Buttoms replacer pa
- 126. Edge UI - Even More Misalignment Fixes - Part 1
- 127. Edge UI - Even More Misalignment Fixes - Part 2
- 128. Edge UI - Even More Misalignment Fixes Button- Part 2
- 129. Imgui Edge UI Alter Buttons patche
- 130. Edge UI - No Quest Fix
- 131. A Matter of Time - Edge UI Patch
- 132. Sovngarde - A Nordic Font
- 133. Vibrant Map Markers
- 134. Compass Navigation Overhaul - Edge UI Reskin
- 135. Edge UI - QuickLoot IE reskin
- 136. Nordic...ish - A TrueHUD preset based on Nordic UI
- 137. SSIRT v4.1
- 138. The Elder Scrolls Legends - Loading Screens
- 139. The Elder Scrolls Legends - 4k Texture
- 140. Heroes of Skyrim - Main Menu Replacers
- 141. Heroes of Skyrim - Main Menu Randomizer (16x9)
- 142. Main Menu Design Replacer
- 143. MainMenuRandomizer
- 144. Unread Books Glow SSE
- 145. Unread Books Glow SSE with MCM
- 146. Edge UI - Loading Screen Fix
- 147. Aura's Scrumptious Supplement
- 148. B.O.O.B.I.E.S (aka Immersive Icons)
- 149. Phenomenally Enriched and Nuanced Ingredients for SkyUI
- 150. Casting Bar
- 151. Edge UI C.O.C.K.S 21-9 fix
- 152. Edge UI Like - Casting Bar Patch
- 153. Dragonborn Reskin - Tween Menu
- 154. Dialogue Interface ReShaped
- 156. Toggle Camera
- 157. Fractal's Formatted and Disabled Config for Toggle Camera
- 158. Customizable Camera
- 160. Some Collision Camera - ESL Flagged
- 162. Local Map Upgrade
- 163. Atlas Map Markers SE - Updated with MCM
- 164. Discrepancy's Greenwood Shack Map Marker Patch
- 165. HD Local Map
- 166. Dragon's Eye Minimap
- 167. Local Map Upgrade - Edge UI Patch
- 168. Edge UI - Dragon's Eye Minimap
- 169. Flat World Map Framework
- 170. Skyrim and Solstheim Paper Maps by Mirhayasu for FWMF
- 171. Duncan's Paper Maps for FWMF
- 172. Paper Darkend Map for FWMF
- 173. Update for Darkend Paper Map for FWMF
- 174. Vigilant Paper Map for FWMF by Limon
- 175. Wyrmstooth Paper Map for FWMF by Limon
- 176. Apocrypha Paper Map for FWMF
- 177. Skyrim Paper Map by Caro Tuts for FWMF
- 178. Blackreach Paper Map for FWMF
- 179. Skuldafn Paper Map for FWMF
- 180. Update for Skuldafn Paper Map for FWMF
- 181. Adding Odahviing
- 182. Markarth Paper Map by Mirhayasu for FWMF
- 183. Deepwood Vale Paper Map for FWMF
- 184. Beyond Skyrim Bruma Paper Map by Mirhayasu for FWMF
- 185. Beyond Reach Paper Map for FWMF
- 186. Forgotten Vale Paper Map for FWMF
- 187. Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers Paper Map for FWMF
- 188. Sovngarde Paper Map for FWMF
- 189. Flat Map Markers AE - Updated
- 191. True Directional Movement - Modernized Third Person Gameplay
- 192. Motion Sensitive Fix SE
- 193. Fix any Pre-update Gamepad contoller mods to work with 1.6.1130
- 194. Gamepad++
- 197. Audio Overhaul for Skyrim (4.1.2)
- 198. Immersive Sounds - Compendium
- 199. Audio Overhaul and Immersive Sounds Patch Redux
- 200. Regional Sounds Expansion (SRD - Wilds Dungeons Towns Ambience Birds - Fixes)
- 201. Reverb Interior Sounds Expansion
- 202. Acoustic Space Improvement Fixes
- 203. Skeletons of Daggerfall
- 204. Whales Off The Coast
- 205. Distant Dragon Roars
- 206. Murder of Songbirds
- 207. Blackreach Eerie Ambience
- 208. Nordic Winds
- 209. Wildwood Echoes
- 210. Ambient Warfare
- 211. Whispering Tomes of Apocrypha
- 212. Revenant Spirits of the Soul Cairn
- 213. Murmurs and Mead
- 214. Ribbit Remix
- 215. Bulwark - Shield Audio Overhaul
- 217. NPC Dialogue Audio Enhancer
- 218. Phoenix Legacy - Epic Music-UI Overhaul -
- 219. Phoenix Legacy Word Wall Add-on
- 220. Yggdrasil Music and SoundFX
- 221. Dragon's Dogma Menu Themes - Eternal Return (Full Version)
- 222. Bloodborne UI Sounds
- 223. Soulsborne Sound FX SSE
- 224. Chapter II - Jeremy Soule Inspired Music
- 225. The Northerner Diaries - Immersive Edition (music by Jeremy Soule)
- 228. Cleaned Skyrim SE Textures
- 229. A. Noble Skyrim - FULL PACK_2K
- 230. Particle Patch for ENB
- 233. Static Mesh improvement Mod - SMIM - Quality Addon
- 234. Static Mesh Improvement Mod
- 235. NSM - SMIM Patch
- 236. Unofficial Material Fix
- 237. Assorted mesh fixes
- 238. Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes
- 251. Complex Parallax Enabled (Alpha)
- 252. Complex Parallax Materials
- 253. HD Remastered Landscapes
- 261. Realistic Water Two SE
- 262. Water in Wells - mesh-only animated wells
- 265. RAID Weathers
- 266. RAID Weathers - Audio Overhaul Skyrim patch
- 269. Enhanced Lights and FX
- 274. Bells of Skyrim
- 277. Kojaks Whiterun Outskirts Market for SSE
- 278. Spaghetti's Cities - Whiterun
- 279. Whiterun Has Walls Redone
- 280. Whiterun Has Walls Redone - Patch Hub
- 281. SKYKLFS MODULAR WR PT 1 Dragonsreach
- 282. Pompous Dragonsreach Door SE
- 283. Whiterun Dragonsreach Double Door Mesh and Placement Fix
- 285. SKYKLFS MODULAR WR PT 3 Archway
- 291. Boreal Whiterun 1k
- 292. Whiterun Stone Pavers - 1K - Parallax
- 293. Tomato's Whiterun City Stone walls - 1k Parallax
- 294. Whiterun better architecture and Jorrvaskr - Parallax
- 313. Spaghetti's Palaces - Dragonsreach
- 319. Wigfrid's Erdtrees and Gildergreen
- 324. Ambiance - A Vanilla+ Ambient Lighting Overhaul
- 325. Window Shadows RT (beta)
- 326. Relighting Skyrim SE
- 327. Window Shadows and Relighting Skyrim Patch
- 328. ELFX Shadows
- 329. ELFX Shadows - Official Patches Hub
- 333. Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim
- 334. Optimised Scripts for Vokrii
- 335. Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
- 336. Optimised Scripts for Ordinator
- 337. Expanded Mastery Perks for Ordinator
- 338. Static Skill Leveling Rewritten
- 339. Gold Is Souls
- 340. Natural Character Growth and Decay SE Port
- 363. RaceMenu
- 364. Another RaceMenu Rotation Mod
- 366. Maximum Skeletons D-Won Edition
- 367. Undeath - XPMSSE - Strange Runes - Skeleton Patch
- 368. XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended
- 369. XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - Fixed Scripts
- 370. XPMSSE Left Hand Sheath Rotation Fix
- 394. Pandora Behaviour Engine Plus
- 401. Flickering Meshes Fix
- 402. Lexy's LOTD Special Edition Guide Patches
- 404. No grass in Cities
- 405. Street Cleaning - City FPS Helper
- 406. Major City FPS Boost
- 409. moreHUD SE - Legacy Settings Loader
- 410. A Matter Of Time - Legacy Settings Loader
- 411. Unread Books Glow SSE with MCM - Settings Loader
- 412. Customizable Camera - Legacy Settings Loader - Show Player In Menus Patch
- 417. Community Shaders
- 418. Grass Lighting
- 419. Screen Space Shadows
- 420. Grass Collision
- 421. Light Limit Fix
- 422. Subsurface Scattering
- 423. Wetness Effects
- 424. Water Effects
- 425. Terrain Shadows - Heightmaps
- 426. Terrain Shadows
- 427. Screen Space GI
- 431. 17.1 SSEEdit Output
- 432. 17.2 Synthesis Output
- 433. 17.3 Bodyslide Output
- 434. 17.4 Pandora Output
- 435. 17.5 Wrye Bash Output
- 436. 17.6 Mator Smash Output
- 437. 17.8 Skse Settings
- 438. 17.9 Dip Output
- 439. 18 Papyrus Compiler OUTPUT
- 440. 18.1 VRAMr
- 441. 18.2 zEdit Backups
- 445. For whatever reason, this list is upside down. So yeah, start from the bottom.