Journey to the Stars
vAlpha 020924
Starfieldby SiraMirai
Created about 1 month ago
Updated about 15 hours ago
Load Order Files
- 2. Starfield.esm
- 3. Constellation.esm
- 4. ShatteredSpace.esm
- 5. OldMars.esm
- 6. SFBGS003.esm
- 7. SFBGS004.esm
- 8. SFBGS006.esm
- 9. SFBGS007.esm
- 10. SFBGS008.esm
- 11. kgcdoom.esm
- 12. sfbgs00b.esm
- 13. sfbgs00c.esm
- 14. sfbgs021.esm
- 15. sfbgs019.esm
- 16. astrolabe.esm
- 17. sfta01.esm
- 18. heatleech infestations.esm
- 19. rvscav.esm
- 20. rvspace.esm
- 21. rvulpack.esm
- 22. sfbgs01c.esm
- 23. simple weapon tiers fix.esm
- 24. social skills extended.esm
- 25. qog-junkrecycler.esm
- 26. vortex phantom integration.esm
- 27. water cooled outfit - immersive fix.esm
- 28. outpostfishtank.esm
- 29. aesambientenvironmentfix.esm
- 30. aesbetterspaceadept.esm
- 31. aesimprovedpowerpersonalatmosphere.esm
- 32. aseliving.esm
- 33. aessimplecutter.esm
- 34. aseveil.esm
- 35. StarfieldCommunityPatch.esm
- 36. Suit Restoration.esm
- 37. TrackersAllianceMissionBoardFix.esm
- 38. kinggathcreations_legendary.esm
- 39. Security Checkpoints Dialog Fix.esm
- 40. NG+ Framework.esm
- 41. VisibleChronomark.esm
- 42. VisibleChronomark_NoMQConditions.esm
- 43. VisibleChronomark_sfta01.esm
- 44. PXC_ShatteredSpaceSC.esm
- 45. VendUntoFloor.esm
- 46. JessamineForAll.esm
- 47. JunoForAll.esm
- 48. rbt_FirstPersonMessages.esm
- 49. Starfield_Hair+Beards_Z.esm
- 50. FirstPersonLoweredWeapons.esm
- 51. Ship Power Fix.esm
- 52. SmarterSpacesuitAutohide.esm
- 53. SmarterSpacesuitAutohide_SFBGS001.esm
- 54. NPC Sync Walk Speed.esm
- 55. ShopkeeperSchedules.esm
- 56. ShopkeeperSchedulesDazra.esm
- 57. VigilanceCombatStyle.esm
- 58. MoreDramaticGravJumps.esm
- 59. MoreImmersiveLandingsTakeOffs.esm
- 60. MoreVisualizedDocking.esm
- 61. SP2_ImmersiveCompanionPortraits.esm
- 62. SP2_LodgeLivelyGarden.esm
- 63. stairs.esm
- 64. Stairs-Neon.esm
- 65. vpcd_elevator.esm
- 66. vprd_elevator.esm
- 67. NAOutlandRemodel.esm
- 68. RRLD - Rabbit's Real Lights Dazra.esm
- 69. Rabbit's Real Lights Starfield BETA.esm
- 70. SOL - Sensible Outpost Lighting.esm
- 71. ClothingAndSpacesuitFixes.esm
- 72. ClothingAndSpacesuitFixes-ConstellationSkinPack.esm
- 73. ClothingAndSpacesuitFixes-TrackersAlliance.esm
- 74. ClothingAndSpacesuitFixes-DynamicNaming.esm
- 75. WeaponModFixes.esm
- 76. WeaponModFixes-ConstellationSkinPack.esm
- 77. WeaponModFixes-OldMarsSkinPack.esm
- 78. WeaponModFixes-TrackersAlliance.esm
- 79. WeaponModFixes-TrackersAlliance-MantisSkinRequirement.esm
- 80. CraftableWeaponSkins.esm
- 81. CraftableWeaponSkins-ConstellationSkinPack.esm
- 82. CraftableWeaponSkins-OldMarsSkinPack.esm
- 83. CraftableWeaponSkins-TrackersAlliance.esm
- 84. CraftableWeaponSkins-NoDecalsSkins.esm
- 85. CraftableWeaponSkins-UniqueNames.esm
- 86. CraftableWeaponSkins-EmberBackfireDefaultUniqueNames.esm
- 87. BountyHunterMissionController.esm
- 88. SpaceShipFuelMod.esm
- 89. Samantha Says - Dynamic Medical Bill.esm
- 90. Samantha Says - Dynamic Repair Bill.esm
- 91. rbt_CostOfSpacing.esm
- 92. rbt_CostOfLiving.esm
- 93. ws_VariableContrabandPrices.esm
- 94. rbt_RealO2.esm
- 95. SFCSO.esm
- 96. FalloutLikeAttributes.esm
- 97. Pilgrimage.esm
- 98. DF_Nutrition.esm
- 99. GreenAndGold.esm
- 100. Nutrition_Pilgrimage_Patch.esm
- 101. Nutrition_ShatteredSpace_Patch.esm
- 102. ObstacleCollisionDamage.esm
- 103. ShipRammingDamage.esm
- 104. LBN_LockonRange.esm
- 105. VehicleHazardProtection.esm
- 106. ShipBuilderCategories.esm
- 107. BetterShipPartFlips.esm
- 108. Mattells Cockpits Solitude Series.esm
- 109. GrafsHabs-Nova1x1.esm
- 110. stroudpremiumedition.esm
- 111. Patch-SPE-Deimog.esm
- 112. OwlTech_Office.esm
- 113. OwlTech_Habs_Ship_Living.esm
- 114. OwlTech_Echoes_Of_The_Past.esm
- 115. SETI_ShipLights_by_BosDragon.esm
- 116. Patch-SPE-SBC.esm
- 117. Earth POIs.esm
- 118. BattensWrecks.esm
- 119. poi_variations_shuffle.esm
- 120. falklandsystems.esm
- 121. GnG-FalklandPatch.esm
- 122. starfield_crowd_overhaul_z.esm
- 123. GravityIsReal.esm
- 124. BlueprintShips-Starfield.esm
- 2. DLC: Constellation
- 3. DLC: ShatteredSpace
- 5. Creation Club: At Hell's Gate
- 6. Creation Club: The Veil
- 7. Creation Club: Escape
- 8. Creation Club: The Perfect Recipe
- 9. Creation Club: Trackers Alliance: The Vulture
- 10. Creation Club: McClarence Outfitters: Legendary Customization
- 11. Creation Club: Aquarium Outpost Decoration
- 12. Creation Club: Water-Cooled Miners' Outfit
- 13. Creation Club: Water-Cooled Miners' Outfit - Immersive Fix
- 14. Creation Club: Observatory
- 15. Creation Club: The New Crew
- 16. Creation Club: Galactic Junk Recycler
- 17. Creation Club: Deimog
- 18. Creation Club: Better Space Adept
- 19. Creation Club: Tiny Reasons to Scavenge
- 20. Creation Club: Tiny Reasons to Explore Space
- 21. Creation Club: Tiny Reasons to Explore
- 22. Creation Club: Integrated Enemies : Vortex Phantoms
- 23. Creation Club: Improved Powers - Personal Atmosphere
- 24. Creation Club: Extreme Environment Resistance Fix
- 25. Creation Club: Social Skills Extended
- 26. Creation Club: Astrolabe
- 27. Creation Club: Simple Missing Weapon Tiers Fix
- 28. Creation Club: Simple Cutter Improvement
- 29. Creation Club: Heatleech Infestations
- 30. Creation Club: Starfield Crowd Overhaul
- 31. Creation Club: Falkland Systems Ship Services
- 34. Address Library for SFSE Plugins
- 35. Real Time Form Patcher (SFSE)
- 36. Starfield Engine Fixes - SFSE
- 37. Starfield Shader Injector and ReShade Helper
- 38. Dynamic Inventory Models - SFSE
- 39. Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE)
- 40. CharGenMenu
- 42. Starfield Community Patch (SFCP)
- 43. Laser Cutter Decal Fix
- 44. Backpack Display Mesh Fix
- 45. Security Checkpoints Dialog Fixes
- 46. Trackers Alliance Mission Board Fix
- 48. Unity Framework
- 49. Immersive Driving - SFSE
- 50. No Vehicle Weapon Aim Oxygen Penalty - SFSE
- 51. Quick Lowered Weapons
- 52. Quick Lowered Weapons - First Person
- 53. Ship Power Allocation Fix - Revert Unwanted Power Changes
- 54. Stealthing on Scow - Stealth option for No Sudden Moves
- 55. NPC Sync Walk Speed
- 56. Smarter Spacesuit Auto-Hide
- 57. First Person Messages - RTFP
- 58. Vend Unto Floor - Vending Machines Drop Items
- 59. Visible Chronomark Watch
- 60. Shattered Space Start Conditions
- 61. Jessamine For All
- 62. Juno For All
- 63. More Dramatic Grav Jumps
- 64. More Immersive Landings And Takeoffs
- 65. More Visualized Docking
- 67. Odyssey Experience Controller
- 68. Bounty Hunter Mission Controller
- 69. Dynamic Medical Bill - A doctor heal cost modifier
- 70. Dynamic Repair Bill - A ship repair cost modifier
- 71. Fuel Consumption Unlocked
- 72. Cost Of Spacing
- 73. Cost Of Living
- 74. Variable Contraband Prices - Redux
- 75. Real O2
- 76. Player Attributes and Stats System (PASS)
- 77. Pilgrimage - A Skill Overhaul
- 78. Nutrition - Better Food and Drinks
- 79. Mercury Alpha
- 80. Green and Gold
- 81. Deadly Ramming and Debris Fields - Ship Collisions Do More Damage
- 82. (Missile) Lock On Range Extended
- 83. Vehicle Hazard Protection
- 84. Gravity is Real - Interior Gravity Matches Exterior
- 86. Clothing and Spacesuit Fixes - CSF
- 87. Weapon Manufacturers in Names - WMN
- 88. Weapon Mod Fixes - WMF
- 89. Craftable Weapon Skins - CWS
- 90. Suit Protection Restoration Kit No Quest
- 92. More NPCs Have Routines and Stores Have Schedules
- 93. NPC Routines and Store Schedules Dazra
- 94. UC Vigilance Unleashed
- 96. Stairs
- 97. Stairs - Neon
- 98. VPCD Elevator
- 99. VPRD Elevator
- 100. Rabbits Real Lights ALL IN ONE
- 101. Rabbit's Real Lights Dazra
- 102. SOL - Sensible Outpost Lighting
- 103. Outland Remodeled
- 104. Immersive Companion Portraits
- 105. Livelier Lodge Indoor Garden
- 106. Milkdrinker's New Atlantis Mesa Trees Reborn
- 108. Human Activity on Earth - Man-made Points of Interest
- 109. Batten's Shipwrecks (POIs)
- 110. POI Variations - No More Duplicates
- 112. Ship Builder Categories
- 113. Better Ship Part Flips
- 114. Mattell's Cockpits Solitude Series
- 115. Graf's Habs - Nova Galactic 1x1s
- 116. Stroud Premium Edition
- 117. Stroud Premium Edition AddOn - SPE x Deimog
- 118. SETI - Ship Exterior True Illumination
- 119. Owl Tech Office habs
- 120. Owl Tech Ship Living
- 121. OwlTech Echoes Of The Past
- 123. CORONA - Starfield Enhanced Eyes - Replacer
- 124. Starfield Hair and Beards - RTFP
- 125. Shattered Space Hairstyles - RTFP
- 126. Subtle Moles and Freckles - RTFP
- 127. Hair Overhaul Medium - New Colors
- 129. Luma - Native HDR and more
- 130. Improved NAT Lettering
- 131. Non-Blinding Flashlight
- 132. Show Me Those Chunks
- 133. Show Me Those Chunks - Groat (Shattered Space)
- 135. Disable Dialogue Camera
- 136. 60 FPS - Smooth UI
- 137. Main and Pause Menu Tweaks
- 138. Show XP on Loading Screens
- 139. Ship HUD Tweaks
- 140. StarUI Inventory
- 141. StarUI HUD
- 142. StarUI Workbench
- 143. StarUI Outpost
- 144. StarUI Ship Builder
- 145. Compact Mission UI
- 146. Compact Crew Menu UI
- 147. Enhanced Subtitles
- 148. Enhanced Dialogue Interface
- 149. AmmoHud
- 150. No Legendary Pickup Notification - Remove Rare Epic Legendary Popup
- 161. Nutrition - Pilgrimage Patch
- 162. Nutrition - Shattered Space Patch
- 163. Visible Chronomark Watch - No MQ Conditions
- 164. Visible Chronomark Watch - Vulture Creation Compatibility
- 165. GnG and Falkland Patch
- 166. Patch - SPE x Ship Builder Categories
- 168. SFSE & Config INI
- 171. Preset - Alive