Licentia (Modified)


TESV Skyrim SE

by Curly

Created almost 3 years ago

Updated almost 3 years ago

Welcome to the latest incarnation of Licentia. This modlist is intended as a high fantasy "Game of Thrones" Skyrim -- ultimate power fantasy where you can use an incredible amount of perks and spells to make the hero you want, with just a touch of racy sexuality. However, it does not do so via unimmersive "slooty" outfits such as bikini armors, lingerie, or various getups that look like costumes or pajamas. It also does not make the sex the point of the game -- you are not simulating sexual slavery with granular breast inflation values down to the millimeter or getting assaulted against your will by everything with a pulse -- the sex is meant is a side minigame or "break" between your hard but rewarding life as an adventurer.

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