Load Order and Other Stuff
by Esdethse
Created about 3 years ago
Updated about 3 years ago
No description provided.
Load Order Files
- 1. 0 0 Skyrim.esm
- 2. 1 1 Update.esm
- 3. 2 2 Dawnguard.esm
- 4. 3 3 HearthFires.esm
- 5. 4 4 Dragonborn.esm
- 6. 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
- 7. 6 6 EFFCore.esm
- 8. 7 7 RaceCompatibility.esm
- 9. 8 8 hdtHighHeel.esm
- 10. 9 9 Heels Sound.esm
- 11. 10 a Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
- 12. 11 b battlenymphs.esm
- 13. 12 c SexLab.esm
- 14. 13 d SexLabAroused.esm
- 15. 14 e CreatureFramework.esm
- 16. 15 f Campfire.esm
- 17. 16 10 ZaZAnimationPack.esm
- 18. 17 11 Devious Devices - Assets.esm
- 19. 18 12 Devious Devices - Integration.esm
- 20. 19 13 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
- 21. 20 14 daymoyl.esm
- 22. 21 15 MolagBalsInferno.esm
- 23. 22 16 Succubus Heart.esp
- 24. 23 17 ETaC - RESOURCES.esm
- 25. 24 18 Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
- 26. 25 19 Devious Devices - Contraptions.esm
- 27. 26 1a High Poly Head.esm
- 28. 27 1b Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
- 29. 28 1c FNIS.esp
- 30. 29 1d SGEyebrows.esp
- 31. 30 1e SkyrimImmersionPatch-seasons.esp
- 32. 31 1f Natural Lighting and Atmospherics.esp
- 33. 32 20 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
- 34. 33 21 Bucklers-Complete.esp
- 35. 34 22 DPnTrielekMix.esp
- 36. 35 23 RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp
- 37. 36 24 RaceMenu.esp
- 38. 37 25 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
- 39. 38 26 SkyUI.esp
- 40. 39 27 UIExtensions.esp
- 41. 40 28 ContinueGameNoCrash.esp
- 42. 41 29 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
- 43. 42 2a SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
- 44. 43 2b SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
- 45. 44 2c SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
- 46. 45 2d SOSRaceMenu.esp
- 47. 46 2e XPMSE.esp
- 48. 47 2f zzzSXP.esp
- 49. 48 30 SleepingDangers-SandsofTime.esp
- 50. 49 31 Rebirth Monster.esp
- 51. 50 32 MoreNastyCritters.esp
- 52. 51 33 Facelight.esp
- 53. 52 34 AddItemMenuLE.esp
- 54. 53 35 Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
- 55. 54 36 Eyes of Aber.esp
- 56. 55 37 KS Hairdo's.esp
- 57. 56 38 KS Hairdos - HDT.esp
- 58. LewdMarks.esp
- 59. 57 39 LunariRace.esp
- 60. 58 3a The Ningheim.esp
- 61. 59 3b 12FemaleBrows.esp
- 62. 60 3c SexLab sslAnimationSlots 2000.esp
- 63. 61 3d SLAnimLoader.esp
- 64. 62 3e The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp
- 65. 63 3f MF_SpectatorCrowds.esp
- 66. 64 40 vAutosaveManager.esp
- 67. 65 41 SLALAnimObjBillyy.esp
- 68. 66 42 AnubAnimObj.esp
- 69. 67 43 Apropos2.esp
- 70. 68 44 Blush When Aroused.esp
- 71. 69 45 Spank That Ass.esp
- 72. 70 46 SLDrunkRedux.esp
- 73. 71 47 SlaveTats.esp
- 74. RRTattoos.esp
- 75. 72 48 SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp
- 76. 73 49 sr_FillHerUp.esp
- 77. 74 4a SexistGuards.esp
- 78. 75 4b SWT1.2.esp
- 79. 76 4c DW.esp
- 80. 77 4d SexLabNudeCreatures.esp
- 81. 78 4e SexLabNudeCreaturesDB.esp
- 82. 79 4f SexLabNudeCreaturesDG.esp
- 83. 80 50 SLSO.esp
- 84. 81 51 Sexlab - Cum Overlays.esp
- 85. 82 52 SexLabMatchMaker.esp
- 86. 83 53 NibblesAnimObjects.esp
- 87. 84 54 RealisticRoomRental.esp
- 88. 85 55 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hardcore.esp
- 89. 86 56 Devious Devices - Lore Patch.esp
- 90. 87 57 Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
- 91. 88 58 3DNPC.esp
- 92. 89 59 SimplyKnock.esp
- 93. 90 5a RRR_ELFX-Patch.esp
- 94. 91 5b ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp
- 95. 92 5c ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp
- 96. 93 5d ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp
- 97. 94 5e saLa_Hairs.esp
- 98. 95 5f ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-2.esp
- 99. 96 60 SexLab Warmbodies.esp
- 100. 97 61 Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp
- 101. Anuketh Tattoo Overlays 1.esp
- 102. 98 62 [TheMilkDrinker] YoRHa 2B Attire.esp
- 103. [COCO]PinupCheongsam.esp
- 104. [COCO] 2B Wedding Outfit.esp
- 105. 99 63 DragonPlateBrazen.esp
- 106. 100 64 NusbieVoices.esp
- 107. 101 65 MoreBanditCamps(Explorer'sEdition).esp
- 108. 102 66 Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
- 109. 103 67 Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp
- 110. 104 68 DemonicCreatures.esp
- 111. 105 69 Immersive Encounters.esp
- 112. 106 6a troublesofheroine.esp
- 113. 107 6b AKSkyrimUnderground.esp
- 114. 108 6c Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
- 115. Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp
- 116. 109 6d SexLab_DibellaCult.esp
- 117. 110 6e SL Survival.esp
- 118. 111 6f Immersive Weapons.esp
- 119. 112 70 SkyrimImmersionPatch.esp
- 120. 113 71 Extra Guards.esp
- 121. 114 72 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
- 122. 115 73 SkyrimSewers.esp
- 123. 116 74 BeastessLair.esp
- 124. 117 75 Devious Devices For Him.esp
- 125. 118 76 Devious Devices - BRRF.esp
- 126. 119 77 Devious Devices - Struggle Idles Patch.esp
- 127. 120 78 Devious Lore.esp
- 128. 121 79 WeaponsArmorFixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp
- 129. PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp
- 130. 122 7a BaboInteractiveDia.esp
- 131. 123 7b EFFDialogue.esp
- 132. 124 7c TradeBarter.esp
- 133. 125 7d Devious Lore - KS Hair Patch.esp
- 134. 126 7e SexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters.esp
- 135. 127 7f Populated Skyrim Legendary.esp
- 136. Dragonbone Marauder armor.esp
- 137. Merta Assassin Armor.esp
- 138. Sotteta Necromancer Outfit.esp
- 139. 128 80 fallentreebridges.esp
- 140. 129 81 SindoraHearthLE.esp
- 141. 130 82 InteractiveWashBasinsLE.esp
- 142. 131 83 Immersive Wenches.esp
- 143. 132 84 Arcanum.esp
- 144. 133 85 RRR_3DNPC-Patch.esp
- 145. 134 86 AdalMatar.esp
- 146. 135 87 Hunterborn.esp
- 147. 136 88 FreckleMania2.esp
- 148. 137 89 troublesofheroineDG.esp
- 149. 138 8a High Poly Head Vampire Fix.esp
- 150. 139 8b SkyrimImmersionPatch-Legendary.esp
- 151. 140 8c Frostfall.esp
- 152. 141 8d YMMP.esp
- 153. 142 8e Hunterborn_Campfire_Patch.esp
- 154. 143 8f [namida1126]Yvonne Assets.esp
- 155. 144 90 Dragonbone Marauder armor Addon.esp
- 156. 145 91 AncientDraugr.esp
- 157. AncientTonguesGreatSword.esp
- 158. AncientTonguesSword.esp
- 159. 146 92 azelfollower.esp
- 160. Cassandra Frost Witch.esp
- 161. 147 93 DeviousFollowers.esp
- 162. 148 94 ScopedBows.esp
- 163. 149 95 Hateful Wenches.esp
- 164. 150 96 DraugrSkirts.esp
- 165. 151 97 TheAmazingWorldOfBikiniArmor.esp
- 166. 152 98 SimpleSlavery.esp
- 167. 153 99 SkyrimImmersionPatch-ESO.esp
- 168. 154 9a SexLab Approach.esp
- 169. 155 9b SexLabHorribleHarassment.esp
- 170. 156 9c SimpleSlavery_VoicePatch.esp
- 171. 157 9d GM-CookingRebalanceFinalHearthfire.esp
- 172. 158 9e DftT-NGP-WTLS.esp
- 173. 159 9f DftT-NoGreenPact.esp
- 174. 160 a0 DftT-WTLS.esp
- 175. 161 a1 DftT.esp
- 176. 162 a2 More Interesting Loot for Skyrim.esp
- 177. 163 a3 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
- 178. 164 a4 Follower Neisa.esp
- 179. 165 a5 SuccubusRaceLite.esp
- 180. 166 a6 RiverwoodHuntingCabinSE.esp
- 181. 167 a7 The Ningheim - Followers.esp
- 182. 168 a8 zDarkArena.esp
- 183. 169 a9 isilNarsil.esp
- 184. IceBladeOfTheMonarch.esp
- 185. 170 aa iNeed.esp
- 186. 171 ab _GSPoses.esp
- 187. 172 ac DragonboneBarbarianArmor.esp
- 188. 173 ad RosaFollower.esp
- 189. LOTR Shield Pack.esp
- 190. 174 ae Quick Start - Skip the Opening Sequence.esp
- 191. 175 af SOT-Sleeping.esp
- 192. 176 b0 HentaiCreatures.esp
- 193. 177 b1 SexLab More Creatures.esp
- 194. 178 b2 HothFollower.esp
- 195. 179 b3 Immersive Wenches RRR-patch.esp
- 196. 180 b4 Elewin Jewelry.esp
- 197. 181 b5 Elewin Pumps 2.esp
- 198. Daedric Reaper Armor.esp
- 199. 182 b6 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
- 200. 183 b7 Bishu Osafune-ju Morikage.esp
- 201. 184 b8 Lex.esp
- 202. 185 b9 Chaconne.esp
- 203. 186 ba CL Nettlebane.esp
- 204. 187 bb ChasingTheDragon.esp
- 205. Merta Black Rose Armor.esp
- 206. 188 bc DawnguardArsenal.esp
- 207. Dread Knight Weapon Set.esp
- 208. CL Ebonyblade.esp
- 209. LrsamwaysExpandedSkyrimWeaponry.esp
- 210. 189 bd Hateful Wenches -Dread Knight Weapon Set-.esp
- 211. 190 be HothFollower UFO Patch.esp
- 212. 191 bf Brows.esp
- 213. 192 c0 ImmersiveSpells.esp
- 214. 193 c1 Immersive Wenches -KS hairs- Patch.esp
- 215. 194 c2 Item Recycling.esp
- 216. 195 c3 LootandDegradation.esp
- 217. 196 c4 Mango.esp
- 218. 197 c5 Neithteam Warpaint.esp
- 219. PrvtIRoyalArmory.esp
- 220. 198 c6 SabreFurBag.esp
- 221. 199 c7 alesCampBedrollsSupplies.esp
- 222. 200 c8 Sit Anywhere.esp
- 223. 201 c9 JaxonzRenamer.esp
- 224. 202 ca FISS.esp
- 225. 203 cb AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp
- 226. 204 cc SexLabDefeat.esp
- 227. 205 cd SexLabTools.esp
- 228. 206 ce Bathing in Skyrim - Main.esp
- 229. 207 cf Bathing in Skyrim - Hunterborn.esp
- 230. Bathing in Skyrim - Interactive Wash Basins.esp
- 231. 208 d0 Bathing in Skyrim - Realistic Room Rental.esp
- 232. 209 d1 GoToBed-Hunterborn-patch.esp
- 233. 210 d2 GoToBed.esp
- 234. 211 d3 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
- 235. 212 d4 dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
- 236. 213 d5 dD-Larger Drips.esp
- 237. 214 d6 dD-Medium Script Range.esp
- 238. 215 d7 Vivace.esp
- 239. 216 d8 Tiwa44_Minidresses.esp
- 240. 217 d9 Tiwa44_Minidresses_Dragonborn.esp
- 241. 218 da MorePP.esp
- 242. 219 db FollowerSha.esp
- 243. [TheMilkDrinker] NiseDovaArmor.esp
- 244. DX Dark Knight Armor.esp
- 245. 220 dc Daughters of Dimitrescu.esp
- 246. 221 dd Book of UUNP - Textures.esp
- 247. Anuketh Tattoo Overlays 4.esp
- 248. Anuketh Viking MiniPack.esp
- 249. 222 de Backshields.esp
- 250. 223 df CRX.esp
- 251. 224 e0 DeviousFollowers - Unofficially Patched.esp
- 252. DeviousFollowers - Cutting Room Floor - Patch.esp
- 253. Sotteta Huntress Armor.esp
- 254. 225 e1 ImmersiveCheatMenu.esp
- 255. 226 e2 EmpyreanCS.esp
- 256. 227 e3 FMS_FemaleMakeupSuite.esp
- 257. 228 e4 SL Survival - Dawnguard Inequality Patch.esp
- 258. 229 e5 ElementalArrows.esp
- 259. 230 e6 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp
- 260. Kanjs - Deathbringer.esp
- 261. FNISSexyMove.esp
- 262. 231 e7 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
- 263. 232 e8 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
- 264. 233 e9 ETaC - Complete.esp
- 265. 234 ea Immersive Citizens - RRR patch.esp
- 266. ETaC - Complete ELFX Patch.esp
- 267. 235 eb Immersive Wenches -Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch-.esp
- 268. Immersive Citizens - ELFXEnhancer patch.esp
- 269. 236 ec Armors Merge 1.esp
- 270. 237 ed Tattoos Merge.esp
- 271. 238 ee Weapons 1.esp
- 272. 239 ef SkyTweak.esp
- 273. 240 f0 iLuvLoading.esp
- 1. DLC: HearthFires
- 2. DLC: Dragonborn
- 3. DLC: Dawnguard
- 4. Unmanaged: DPnTrielekMix
- 5. Unmanaged: Elewin Pumps 2
- 6. Unmanaged: Elewin Jewelry
- 7. Unmanaged: DraugrSkirts
- 8. Unmanaged: Bucklers-Complete
- 9. Unmanaged: SexLab More Creatures
- 10. Unmanaged: DemonicCreatures
- 11. Unmanaged: Natural Lighting and Atmospherics
- 12. Unmanaged: SkyrimImmersionPatch-seasons
- 13. Unmanaged: SkyrimImmersionPatch-Legendary
- 14. Unmanaged: SkyrimImmersionPatch-ESO
- 15. Unmanaged: SkyrimImmersionPatch
- 16. Unmanaged: MoreNastyCritters
- 17. Unmanaged: Succubus Heart
- 18. Unmanaged: SexLab_DibellaCult
- 19. Unmanaged: SGEyebrows
- 20. Unmanaged: SL Survival - Dawnguard Inequality Patch
- 21. Unmanaged: FNIS
- 22. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
- 23. Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade
- 24. Quick Start - Skip The Opening Sequence
- 25. BodySlide and Outfit Studio
- 26. Leviathan Animations Female Idle walk and run - No clenched fists LE
- 27. Leviathan Animations - Two-Handed High Stance LE
- 28. RaceMenu v3-4
- 29. NetImmerse Override v-3-4
- 30. btasqan Easy Hawt HDT SMP Physics 4.6
- 31. HDT Physics Extensions
- 32. Fuz Ro Doh
- 33. SkyUI
- 34. Dear Diary
- 35. Extensible Follower Framework v4-0
- 36. HdtInvisibilityFix 0 11 beta
- 37. questVersioning
- 38. BaboDialogue
- 39. SrtCrashFix v1
- 40. Continue Game No Crash
- 41. RaceCompatibility with fixes
- 42. smp pe
- 43. hdtHighHeel beta0
- 44. Heels Sounds
- 45. SOS
- 46. XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended
- 47. Ordinator Perks
- 48. SXP main
- 49. 3x more ore with 1 third of the swings
- 50. Enhanced Lights and FX
- 51. Face Light
- 52. AddItemMenuLE320 SKSE173
- 53. Trade And Barter - Hearthfire
- 54. DynamicAnimationReplacer
- 55. Naturalistic HDT Jiggle and Collision Set
- 56. Auto Unequip Ammo
- 57. iLuvLoading
- 58. iLuvLoading - Update
- 59. Eyes of Aber v1.3-59192-1-3
- 60. KS Hairdos Renewal
- 61. KS Hairdos - HDT Physics
- 62. Vitruvia - skin texture overhaul for males SOS Full
- 63. Yorha - 2B preset and head
- 64. The Eyes Of Beauty
- 65. Diamond Textures UNP-107304-1-9-4-1642392664
- 67. SkyTweak-33395-7-14
- 68. AutosaveManager121
- 69. LewdMarks
- 70. Lunari Race V1.70
- 71. Succubus
- 72. Nymph Girls of Skyrim
- 73. Nymph_Girls_of_Skyrim_v1_91 patch
- 74. The Ningheim Race
- 75. The Ningheim Race - Followers
- 76. The Ningheim Race - SOS Schlongs of Skyrim compatibility patch - Hairy Body version
- 77. The Ningheim Race - Scripts Update
- 78. All-in-One UUNP HDT Animated Pussy 4.0
- 79. SexLabFramework v162 FULL
- 80. SexLab sslAnimationSlots
- 81. SLAnimLoader
- 82. CreatureFramework
- 83. Creature Features 1 0 4
- 84. Devious Lore 2.2.1
- 85. Devious Lore - KS Hairs Patch 2.0
- 86. DibellaSisterhoodSisters20210731
- 87. HentaiCreaturesV1 04
- 88. SexLabAroused Redux V28b LE Modified by BakaFactory(2020 11 17))
- 89. The Dance of Death 4-0 Beta - Ultimate Edition
- 90. TroublesofHeroine2
- 91. TroublesofHeroineDawnguardAddon1
- 92. SpectatorCrowdsUltra0
- 93. ZaZ Animation Pack+ UUNP HDT V.8.0+
- 94. Billyy's SLAL Animations 5.1
- 95. Anub C 7.2021
- 96. Anub H 7.2021
- 97. BakaFactory Animated Beasts Cocks
- 98. Creature Features 1 0 4 Penis Patch
- 99. Apropos2
- 100. Blush When Aroused v1.3
- 101. Blush When Aroused_blushes(default)_large_1k
- 102. Sexlab Survival - Map & Compass Only
- 103. SexLab Approach Redux 2.02 English LE
- 104. Spank That Ass
- 105. SLDrunkRedux
- 106. SLHH Expansion English LE 3.66V
- 107. SlaveTats
- 108. SlaveTats CumTextures Remake v1.2.5
- 109. RRTattoos v1 2K
- 110. RR Slavetats v1 2K
- 111. SexLab Aroused Creatures v04.0 Beta 05
- 112. SexLab More Creatures v0.04
- 113. Fill Her Up Baka Edition English LE 1.60V
- 114. SexistGuards
- 115. SexWithThieves1
- 116. Demonic Creatures V1.5 Oldrim
- 117. Devious Followers 2.14.X - FemaleSultry Voice Pack
- 118. Dripping when aroused
- 119. Populated Skyrim Baka Edition
- 120. SexLab Nude Creatures v3.3.0
- 121. SexLab Separate Orgasm
- 122. Open Mouth Mod v1.6 (25-Jan-2021) For SLSO v1.6.7
- 123. Sexlab - Cum Overlays
- 124. CumOverlaysExtraSets
- 125. Simple Slavery Plus Plus 6.3.13 [LE]
- 126. SexLabMatchMaker
- 127. Tattoo Pack_CN
- 128. DF Spank SLAL mini-pack - 20210331-0
- 129. SLAX - 29 - 2019-10-21-0 (wip)
- 130. SLAL LE Creature Animations by Sailing Rebel (SRB) v02.0
- 131. GSPoses
- 132. MilkySLAL
- 133. SLAL NibblesAnims
- 134. Suke's SLAL Version 1.1
- 135. Interesting NPCs 3.42-8429-3-42
- 136. Frostfall 3.4 Release
- 137. Campfire 1.11-64798-1-11
- 138. Simply Knock 1.0.8 Release-73236-1-0-8
- 139. RealisticRoomRental-Enhanced
- 140. Interactive Wash Basins
- 141. Climates Of Tamriel-V
- 142. SexLab Warmbodies
- 143. Hunterborn
- 144. Hunterborn Campfire Patch
- 145. Load Game CTD Fix
- 146. Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB
- 147. Crash Fixes v12 - Beta
- 148. [LE] (Gen 2.0) Troubles of Heroine v2.2.0 EVP v1
- 149. [LE] Anuketh Tattoo Pack 1 - RaceMenu Overlays
- 150. [LE] FHU Baka v1.552 Executaball Voice Pack BSA Gen1.3
- 151. [LE] SimpleSlaveryPlusPlus v6.3.12 Executaball Voice Pack BSA Gen1.2
- 152. [LE] SimpleSlaveryPlusPlus VoicePatch v3
- 153. [LE] Spectator Crowds UE v0.99 A4 Executaball Voice Pack BSA Gen1.3
- 154. BeastessLair v5
- 155. Extra Guards(1) 1.4-54212-1-4
- 156. Hectrol CAVES DELUXE HighRes Retex 2K
- 157. YoRHa 2B Attire LE Textures - Resources
- 158. TheMilkDrinker - YoRHa 2B Attire LE UUNP
- 159. COCO Pinup Cheongsam - 7BO
- 160. COCO 2B Wedding Outfit - UUNP
- 161. Dragonbone Barbarian Armors 1.6-52711-1-6
- 162. Dragonbone
- 163. DragonPlate Brazen Set UUNP
- 164. Nusbie Voices - Main File 1
- 165. Nusbie Voices - Main File 2
- 167. Immersive Weapons-27644-1-5
- 168. RosaFL-HDT UUNP
- 169. Skyrim Sewers 412 Main File
- 170. Skyrim Underground
- 171. A. Merta Assassin Armor High Heels UNP-60195-1-0
- 172. A. Sotteta Necromancer 2K UNP HDT-59202-1-4
- 173. Adal Matar-33108-1-1
- 174. aMidianBorn Blade of Woe
- 175. amb bladeofwoe mesh fix
- 176. Ancient Draugr Armor HDT-54423-1-0
- 177. Ancient Tounges Weapons
- 178. Arcanum - Main File
- 179. Auriels Bow HD Retexture 4k complete
- 180. Azel - Vampire Male Follower
- 181. B. Cassandra Frost Witch Outfit 2K UNP-68653-1-01
- 182. B. Daedric Reaper Armor 2K UNP-69138-1-03
- 183. B. Sotteta Huntress Armor 2k HDT-57909-1-0
- 184. Bishu Osafune-ju Morikage
- 185. Chaconne
- 186. CL's Ebony Weapon Replacer
- 187. Chasing The Dragon
- 188. D. Merta Black Rose Armor 4K-66967-1-0
- 189. Dark Arena 1.38
- 190. Dawnguard Arsenal v1_1_7-72910-1-1-7
- 191. Death Alternative - Your Money Or Your Life
- 192. Dread Knight Weapon Set
- 193. Ebony Blade Replacer
- 194. Immersive Wenches __-51189-1-6-0
- 195. Expanded Towns and Cities LE Version
- 196. Expanded Skyrim Weaponry - All
- 197. Finer Dust
- 198. Hateful Wenches (Custom Armors)-68090-1-3-3
- 199. Hateful Wenches -Dread Knight Weapon Set-
- 200. Hoth Follower
- 201. Hunters Cabin of Riverwood
- 202. Hvergelmir's Aesthetics - Brows
- 203. Artifacts - The Ice Blade of the Monarch [Oldrim]
- 204. Immersive Fallen Tree's-55699-2-0-2
- 205. Immersive Spells v1 0 ALL DLC
- 206. Immersive Wenches -KS hairs- Patch (for KS hairs 1.61f)-51189-1-6-0-1586042773
- 207. Immersive Wenches -Realistic Room Rental Enhanced Patch-
- 208. Immersive Wenches -Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul- Patch
- 209. Item Recycling-38901-1-3
- 210. Lex Follower V1.0-65011-1-0
- 211. Loot and Degradation
- 212. LOTR shields pack
- 213. mango face Textures
- 214. Mango Follower 1.3 (UNPBO)_No Scar-73669-1-3
- 215. MBI 1.6 'Consummatum Est' Edition-69811-1-6
- 216. MBI 1.6 'Consummatum Est' Edition ''Greed Fix''-69811-1-6
- 218. More Bandit Camps - Explorers Edition
- 219. More Interesting Loot for Skyrim
- 220. Neisa Follower
- 221. Neith Team Warpaints Set 50 warpaint
- 222. No Enchantment Restrictions v1-0
- 223. PCA_1HMDW_OH_Default
- 224. Pretty Sit Idle v1.41d
- 225. Revenge Of the Enemies 2016 2.2-40491-2-2
- 226. Royal Armory V2.2-81118-V2-2
- 227. Sabre Gear Backpacks v2a
- 228. Simple Bedrolls and Supplies
- 229. Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul
- 230. Sit Anywhere
- 231. Stoja's Warpaints - A High Resolution Makeup Kit for Skyrim-60769-1-0
- 232. UHSS - Main File Mid Res - 2k
- 233. Ultimate Deadly Encounters 30.b LE-12452-30-b
- 234. Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade
- 235. Immersive World Encounters
- 236. Scoped Bows 4.0_Final Edition-50528-4-0
- 237. Scoped Bows 4.0_Elemental Arrows Patch-50528-4-0
- 238. LSCaB Final Crossbows
- 239. Sexlab Survival
- 240. UFO - Ultimate Follower AIO
- 241. The Amazing World of Bikini Armor-83383-1-8d
- 242. TheAmazingWorldofBikiniArmor slot patch
- 243. T.A.W.o.B.A UNPB Meshes-83383-UNPBbutt3
- 244. Devious Followers 2.14.4 - 20210601-0
- 245. sot sleeping encounters
- 246. Jaxonz Renamer
- 247. FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Scripts - FISS
- 248. Acquisitive Soul Gems Multithreaded
- 249. SL Defeat v5.3.5
- 250. SexLab Tools v3.0
- 251. Bathing in Skyrim
- 252. Go to bed
- 253. Enhanced Blood Textures
- 254. Vivace Follower 1.1-68976-1-1
- 255. Summermyst v307-80918-3-07
- 256. UNPMinidressesCollection UNP BBP
- 257. Updated Version-19381-1-4
- 258. Vivace
- 259. WIC Cloaks
- 260. YuiH StandAlone Follower - Sha v1_1 (Renewal) UNPB-52853-1-1
- 261. BlankDetailMap.dds Fix-107304-1-0-1618542674
- 262. Dovakini Armor LE Textures - Resources
- 263. TheMilkDrinker - Dovakini Armor UUNP
- 264. Dark Knight Armor
- 265. Daughters of Dimitrescu UUNP LE
- 266. The Book of UUNP
- 267. Corrected Daedric Hood Hair Update ESP
- 268. Missing DBboots Texture
- 269. 03 - BookofUUNP - Sevenbase Bombshell HDT
- 270. The Book of UUNP-Warlock Boots 2 FIX-Sevenbase
- 271. The Book of UUNP-Warlock Boots 2 FIX-For UNP Bodies
- 272. PapyrusUtil LE v33
- 273. [LE] Anuketh Tattoo Pack 4 - RaceMenu Overlays
- 274. [LE] Anuketh Viking Mini Pack - RaceMenu Overlays
- 275. Anuketh - SlaveTats Pack 4
- 276. Anuketh - SlaveTats Viking Mini Pack
- 277. Auto Unequip Shield to Back
- 278. Dovahcook - Cooking Recipes Expansion
- 279. Drinks for the Thirsty 1-1
- 280. GM-CookingRebalanceHearthfire
- 281. iNeed - Food, Water and Sleep
- 282. Reb's Average iNeed Waterskin-105635-v2-1606467589
- 283. Rosa RM3 JSlot Preset
- 284. Devious Devices LE 5.1
- 285. Devious Devices Assets
- 286. Devious Devices Integration
- 287. Devious Devices Expansion
- 288. Devious Followers 2.14.X - Patches
- 289. Devious
- 290. Devious Devices - Lore Patch 2.04
- 291. Devious Devices - Struggle Idles Patch 2.04
- 292. patch 1
- 293. Patch DD 1
- 294. Patch DD 2
- 295. patch 2
- 296. Immersive Cheat Menu
- 297. patch 4
- 298. patch 6
- 299. 01 tintmasks
- 300. Empyrean CS 2.0-62639-2-0
- 301. Female Makeup Suite - Face - 2K
- 302. Freckle Mania 2 Combo 2K
- 303. High Poly Head LE
- 304. saLa Hair
- 305. YevMods - Makeup Pack YMMP 2K v1-1 HIGH QUAL
- 306. [namida1126] - Yvonne Assets LE
- 307. FNIS patch 1
- 308. FNIS
- 309. Sword and Shield
- 310. patch 11
- 311. Grimy Plugin
- 313. patch 18
- 315. 1. Main mod (BSA) Eng-Rus-110701-1-0-LE-MULTI-1642970447
- 316. UNPMinidressesCollection NoPanties
- 317. Heavy Armory V3.3-21120-3-3
- 318. LOTR Weapons by Isilmeriel
- 321. FNIS patch jojo
- 322. Billyy's SLAL Animations 5.3
- 323. Kanjs - Blade of the Deathbringer 2k
- 324. patch 22
- 325. Armors Merge 1
- 326. Relinker Output
- 327. Tattoos Merge
- 328. Weapons 1
- 329. patch 23
- 2. Skyrim.esm
- 3. Update.esm
- 4. Dawnguard.esm
- 5. HearthFires.esm
- 6. Dragonborn.esm
- 7. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
- 8. EFFCore.esm
- 9. RaceCompatibility.esm
- 10. hdtHighHeel.esm
- 11. Heels Sound.esm
- 12. Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
- 13. battlenymphs.esm
- 14. SexLab.esm
- 15. SexLabAroused.esm
- 16. CreatureFramework.esm
- 17. Campfire.esm
- 18. ZaZAnimationPack.esm
- 19. Devious Devices - Assets.esm
- 20. Devious Devices - Integration.esm
- 21. ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
- 22. daymoyl.esm
- 23. MolagBalsInferno.esm
- 24. Succubus Heart.esp
- 25. ETaC - RESOURCES.esm
- 26. Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
- 27. Devious Devices - Contraptions.esm
- 28. High Poly Head.esm
- 29. Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
- 30. FNIS.esp
- 31. SGEyebrows.esp
- 32. SkyrimImmersionPatch-seasons.esp
- 33. Natural Lighting and Atmospherics.esp
- 34. EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
- 35. Bucklers-Complete.esp
- 36. DPnTrielekMix.esp
- 37. RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp
- 38. RaceMenu.esp
- 39. RaceMenuPlugin.esp
- 40. SkyUI.esp
- 41. UIExtensions.esp
- 42. ContinueGameNoCrash.esp
- 43. RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
- 44. SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
- 45. SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
- 46. SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
- 47. SOSRaceMenu.esp
- 48. XPMSE.esp
- 49. zzzSXP.esp
- 50. SleepingDangers-SandsofTime.esp
- 51. Rebirth Monster.esp
- 52. MoreNastyCritters.esp
- 53. Facelight.esp
- 54. AddItemMenuLE.esp
- 55. Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
- 56. Eyes of Aber.esp
- 57. KS Hairdo's.esp
- 58. KS Hairdos - HDT.esp
- 59. LunariRace.esp
- 60. The Ningheim.esp
- 61. 12FemaleBrows.esp
- 62. SexLab sslAnimationSlots 2000.esp
- 63. SLAnimLoader.esp
- 64. The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp
- 65. MF_SpectatorCrowds.esp
- 66. vAutosaveManager.esp
- 67. SLALAnimObjBillyy.esp
- 68. AnubAnimObj.esp
- 69. Apropos2.esp
- 70. Blush When Aroused.esp
- 71. Spank That Ass.esp
- 72. SLDrunkRedux.esp
- 73. SlaveTats.esp
- 74. SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp
- 75. sr_FillHerUp.esp
- 76. SexistGuards.esp
- 77. SWT1.2.esp
- 78. DW.esp
- 79. SexLabNudeCreatures.esp
- 80. SexLabNudeCreaturesDB.esp
- 81. SexLabNudeCreaturesDG.esp
- 82. SLSO.esp
- 83. Sexlab - Cum Overlays.esp
- 84. SexLabMatchMaker.esp
- 85. NibblesAnimObjects.esp
- 86. RealisticRoomRental.esp
- 87. ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hardcore.esp
- 88. Devious Devices - Lore Patch.esp
- 89. Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
- 90. 3DNPC.esp
- 91. SimplyKnock.esp
- 92. RRR_ELFX-Patch.esp
- 93. ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp
- 94. ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp
- 95. ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp
- 96. saLa_Hairs.esp
- 97. ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-2.esp
- 98. SexLab Warmbodies.esp
- 99. Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp
- 100. [TheMilkDrinker] YoRHa 2B Attire.esp
- 101. DragonPlateBrazen.esp
- 102. NusbieVoices.esp
- 103. MoreBanditCamps(Explorer'sEdition).esp
- 104. Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
- 105. Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp
- 106. DemonicCreatures.esp
- 107. Immersive Encounters.esp
- 108. troublesofheroine.esp
- 109. AKSkyrimUnderground.esp
- 110. Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
- 111. SexLab_DibellaCult.esp
- 112. SL Survival.esp
- 113. Immersive Weapons.esp
- 114. SkyrimImmersionPatch.esp
- 115. Extra Guards.esp
- 116. UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
- 117. SkyrimSewers.esp
- 118. BeastessLair.esp
- 119. Devious Devices For Him.esp
- 120. Devious Devices - BRRF.esp
- 121. Devious Devices - Struggle Idles Patch.esp
- 122. Devious Lore.esp
- 123. WeaponsArmorFixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp
- 124. BaboInteractiveDia.esp
- 125. EFFDialogue.esp
- 126. TradeBarter.esp
- 127. Devious Lore - KS Hair Patch.esp
- 128. SexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters.esp
- 129. Populated Skyrim Legendary.esp
- 130. fallentreebridges.esp
- 131. SindoraHearthLE.esp
- 132. InteractiveWashBasinsLE.esp
- 133. Immersive Wenches.esp
- 134. Arcanum.esp
- 135. RRR_3DNPC-Patch.esp
- 136. AdalMatar.esp
- 137. Hunterborn.esp
- 138. FreckleMania2.esp
- 139. troublesofheroineDG.esp
- 140. High Poly Head Vampire Fix.esp
- 141. SkyrimImmersionPatch-Legendary.esp
- 142. Frostfall.esp
- 143. YMMP.esp
- 144. Hunterborn_Campfire_Patch.esp
- 145. [namida1126]Yvonne Assets.esp
- 146. Dragonbone Marauder armor Addon.esp
- 147. AncientDraugr.esp
- 148. azelfollower.esp
- 149. DeviousFollowers.esp
- 150. ScopedBows.esp
- 151. Hateful Wenches.esp
- 152. DraugrSkirts.esp
- 153. TheAmazingWorldOfBikiniArmor.esp
- 154. SimpleSlavery.esp
- 155. SkyrimImmersionPatch-ESO.esp
- 156. SexLab Approach.esp
- 157. SexLabHorribleHarassment.esp
- 158. SimpleSlavery_VoicePatch.esp
- 159. GM-CookingRebalanceFinalHearthfire.esp
- 160. DftT-NGP-WTLS.esp
- 161. DftT-NoGreenPact.esp
- 162. DftT-WTLS.esp
- 163. DftT.esp
- 164. More Interesting Loot for Skyrim.esp
- 165. Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
- 166. Follower Neisa.esp
- 167. SuccubusRaceLite.esp
- 168. RiverwoodHuntingCabinSE.esp
- 169. The Ningheim - Followers.esp
- 170. zDarkArena.esp
- 171. isilNarsil.esp
- 172. iNeed.esp
- 173. _GSPoses.esp
- 174. DragonboneBarbarianArmor.esp
- 175. RosaFollower.esp
- 176. Quick Start - Skip the Opening Sequence.esp
- 177. SOT-Sleeping.esp
- 178. HentaiCreatures.esp
- 179. SexLab More Creatures.esp
- 180. HothFollower.esp
- 181. Immersive Wenches RRR-patch.esp
- 182. Elewin Jewelry.esp
- 183. Elewin Pumps 2.esp
- 184. TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
- 185. Bishu Osafune-ju Morikage.esp
- 186. Lex.esp
- 187. Chaconne.esp
- 188. CL Nettlebane.esp
- 189. ChasingTheDragon.esp
- 190. DawnguardArsenal.esp
- 191. Hateful Wenches -Dread Knight Weapon Set-.esp
- 192. HothFollower UFO Patch.esp
- 193. Brows.esp
- 194. ImmersiveSpells.esp
- 195. Immersive Wenches -KS hairs- Patch.esp
- 196. Item Recycling.esp
- 197. LootandDegradation.esp
- 198. Mango.esp
- 199. Neithteam Warpaint.esp
- 200. SabreFurBag.esp
- 201. alesCampBedrollsSupplies.esp
- 202. Sit Anywhere.esp
- 203. JaxonzRenamer.esp
- 204. FISS.esp
- 205. AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp
- 206. SexLabDefeat.esp
- 207. SexLabTools.esp
- 208. Bathing in Skyrim - Main.esp
- 209. Bathing in Skyrim - Hunterborn.esp
- 210. Bathing in Skyrim - Realistic Room Rental.esp
- 211. GoToBed-Hunterborn-patch.esp
- 212. GoToBed.esp
- 213. dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
- 214. dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
- 215. dD-Larger Drips.esp
- 216. dD-Medium Script Range.esp
- 217. Vivace.esp
- 218. Tiwa44_Minidresses.esp
- 219. Tiwa44_Minidresses_Dragonborn.esp
- 220. MorePP.esp
- 221. FollowerSha.esp
- 222. Daughters of Dimitrescu.esp
- 223. Book of UUNP - Textures.esp
- 224. Backshields.esp
- 225. CRX.esp
- 226. DeviousFollowers - Unofficially Patched.esp
- 227. ImmersiveCheatMenu.esp
- 228. EmpyreanCS.esp
- 229. FMS_FemaleMakeupSuite.esp
- 230. SL Survival - Dawnguard Inequality Patch.esp
- 231. ElementalArrows.esp
- 232. ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp
- 233. Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
- 234. Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
- 235. ETaC - Complete.esp
- 236. Immersive Citizens - RRR patch.esp
- 237. Immersive Wenches -Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch-.esp
- 238. Armors Merge 1.esp
- 239. Tattoos Merge.esp
- 240. Weapons 1.esp
- 241. SkyTweak.esp
- 242. iLuvLoading.esp
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- 241. AmbientColorFilterAmountDay=0.0
- 242. AmbientColorFilterAmountSunset=0.0
- 243. AmbientColorFilterAmountNight=0.0
- 244. AmbientColorFilterAmountInteriorDay=0.1
- 245. AmbientColorFilterAmountInteriorNight=0.1
- 246. AmbientColorFilterTopSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 247. AmbientColorFilterTopDay=0.82, 0.749, 0
- 248. AmbientColorFilterTopSunset=0.804, 0.682, 0
- 249. AmbientColorFilterTopNight=0, 0.325, 0.325
- 250. AmbientColorFilterTopInteriorDay=0, 0, 0.392
- 251. AmbientColorFilterTopInteriorNight=0, 0, 0.392
- 252. AmbientColorFilterMiddleSunrise=0, 0, 0
- 253. AmbientColorFilterMiddleDay=0, 0.196, 0.18
- 254. AmbientColorFilterMiddleSunset=0, 0, 0
- 255. AmbientColorFilterMiddleNight=0, 0.0902, 0.0588
- 256. AmbientColorFilterMiddleInteriorDay=0, 0.216, 0.165
- 257. AmbientColorFilterMiddleInteriorNight=0, 0.22, 0.165
- 258. AmbientColorFilterBottomSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 259. AmbientColorFilterBottomDay=0, 0, 0
- 260. AmbientColorFilterBottomSunset=0, 0.224, 0
- 261. AmbientColorFilterBottomNight=0, 0, 0
- 262. AmbientColorFilterBottomInteriorDay=0, 0.129, 0.157
- 263. AmbientColorFilterBottomInteriorNight=0, 0.129, 0.157
- 264. PointLightingIntensitySunrise=1.0075
- 265. PointLightingIntensityDay=0.9975
- 266. PointLightingIntensitySunset=0.9975
- 267. PointLightingIntensityNight=1.0
- 268. PointLightingIntensityInteriorDay=1.25
- 269. PointLightingIntensityInteriorNight=1.25
- 270. PointLightingCurveSunrise=1.1
- 271. PointLightingCurveDay=1.1
- 272. PointLightingCurveSunset=1.1
- 273. PointLightingCurveNight=0.95
- 274. PointLightingCurveInteriorDay=0.7
- 275. PointLightingCurveInteriorNight=0.8
- 276. PointLightingDesaturationSunrise=0.5
- 277. PointLightingDesaturationDay=0.45
- 278. PointLightingDesaturationSunset=0.5
- 279. PointLightingDesaturationNight=0.45
- 280. PointLightingDesaturationInteriorDay=0.13
- 281. PointLightingDesaturationInteriorNight=0.13
- 282. ParticleLightsIntensitySunrise=1.15
- 283. ParticleLightsIntensityDay=1.125
- 284. ParticleLightsIntensitySunset=1.1275
- 285. ParticleLightsIntensityNight=1.095
- 286. ParticleLightsIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 287. ParticleLightsIntensityInteriorNight=0.995
- 288. FogColorMultiplierSunrise=0.35
- 289. FogColorMultiplierDay=0.2
- 290. FogColorMultiplierSunset=0.4
- 291. FogColorMultiplierNight=0.5
- 292. FogColorMultiplierInteriorDay=0.4
- 293. FogColorMultiplierInteriorNight=0.4
- 294. FogColorCurveSunrise=0.5
- 295. FogColorCurveDay=0.7
- 296. FogColorCurveSunset=0.7
- 297. FogColorCurveNight=1.1
- 298. FogColorCurveInteriorDay=1.5
- 299. FogColorCurveInteriorNight=1.5
- 300. ColorPowSunrise=1.0
- 301. ColorPowDay=1.0
- 302. ColorPowSunset=1.0
- 303. ColorPowNight=1.0
- 304. ColorPowInteriorDay=1.0
- 305. ColorPowInteriorNight=1.0
- 306. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 307. DirectLightingIntensityDawn=1.0
- 308. DirectLightingIntensityDusk=1.0
- 309. DirectLightingCurveDawn=1.0
- 310. DirectLightingCurveDusk=1.0
- 311. DirectLightingDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 312. DirectLightingDesaturationDusk=0.0
- 313. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountDawn=0.0
- 314. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountSunrise=0.0
- 315. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountDay=0.0
- 316. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountSunset=0.0
- 317. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountDusk=0.0
- 318. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountNight=0.0
- 319. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 320. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 321. DirectLightingColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 322. DirectLightingColorFilterSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 323. DirectLightingColorFilterDay=1, 1, 1
- 324. DirectLightingColorFilterSunset=1, 1, 1
- 325. DirectLightingColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 326. DirectLightingColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 327. DirectLightingColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 328. DirectLightingColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 329. SpecularAmountMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 330. SpecularAmountMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 331. SpecularPowerMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 332. SpecularPowerMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 333. SpecularFromLightDawn=0.0
- 334. SpecularFromLightDusk=0.0
- 335. AmbientLightingIntensityDawn=1.0
- 336. AmbientLightingIntensityDusk=1.0
- 337. AmbientLightingCurveDawn=1.0
- 338. AmbientLightingCurveDusk=1.0
- 339. AmbientLightingDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 340. AmbientLightingDesaturationDusk=0.0
- 341. AmbientColorFilterAmountDawn=0.0
- 342. AmbientColorFilterAmountDusk=0.0
- 343. AmbientColorFilterTopDawn=1, 1, 1
- 344. AmbientColorFilterTopDusk=1, 1, 1
- 345. AmbientColorFilterMiddleDawn=0, 0, 0
- 346. AmbientColorFilterMiddleDusk=0, 0, 0
- 347. AmbientColorFilterBottomDawn=1, 1, 1
- 348. AmbientColorFilterBottomDusk=1, 1, 1
- 349. PointLightingIntensityDawn=1.0
- 350. PointLightingIntensityDusk=1.0
- 351. PointLightingCurveDawn=1.0
- 352. PointLightingCurveDusk=1.0
- 353. PointLightingDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 354. PointLightingDesaturationDusk=0.0
- 355. ParticleLightsIntensityDawn=1.0
- 356. ParticleLightsIntensityDusk=1.0
- 357. FogColorMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 358. FogColorMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 359. FogColorCurveDawn=1.0
- 360. FogColorCurveDusk=1.0
- 361. FogColorFilterAmountDawn=0.0
- 362. FogColorFilterAmountSunrise=0.0
- 363. FogColorFilterAmountDay=0.0
- 364. FogColorFilterAmountSunset=0.0
- 365. FogColorFilterAmountDusk=0.0
- 366. FogColorFilterAmountNight=0.0
- 367. FogColorFilterAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 368. FogColorFilterAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 369. FogColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 370. FogColorFilterSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 371. FogColorFilterDay=1, 1, 1
- 372. FogColorFilterSunset=1, 1, 1
- 373. FogColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 374. FogColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 375. FogColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 376. FogColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 377. ColorPowDawn=1.0
- 378. ColorPowDusk=1.0
- 379. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 380. SpecularColorCurveDawn=1.0
- 381. SpecularColorCurveSunrise=1.0
- 382. SpecularColorCurveDay=1.0
- 383. SpecularColorCurveSunset=1.0
- 384. SpecularColorCurveDusk=1.0
- 385. SpecularColorCurveNight=1.0
- 386. SpecularColorCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 387. SpecularColorCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 388. SpecularMapCurveDawn=1.0
- 389. SpecularMapCurveSunrise=1.0
- 390. SpecularMapCurveDay=1.0
- 391. SpecularMapCurveSunset=1.0
- 392. SpecularMapCurveDusk=1.0
- 393. SpecularMapCurveNight=1.0
- 394. SpecularMapCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 395. SpecularMapCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 396. FogAmountMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 397. FogAmountMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 398. FogAmountMultiplierDay=1.0
- 399. FogAmountMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 400. FogAmountMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 401. FogAmountMultiplierNight=1.0
- 402. FogAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 403. FogAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 404. FogCurveMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 405. FogCurveMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 406. FogCurveMultiplierDay=1.0
- 407. FogCurveMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 408. FogCurveMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 409. FogCurveMultiplierNight=1.0
- 410. FogCurveMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 411. FogCurveMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 412. [SKY]
- 413. Enable=true
- 414. DisableWrongSkyMath=true
- 415. StarsIntensity=1.4
- 416. StarsCurve=1.0
- 417. AuroraBorealisIntensity=0.5
- 418. AuroraBorealisCurve=1.0
- 419. CloudsIntensitySunrise=1.7
- 420. CloudsIntensityDay=1.2
- 421. CloudsIntensitySunset=1.6
- 422. CloudsIntensityNight=0.500001
- 423. CloudsIntensityInteriorDay=0.9
- 424. CloudsIntensityInteriorNight=0.9
- 425. CloudsCurveSunrise=1.65
- 426. CloudsCurveDay=1.65
- 427. CloudsCurveSunset=1.65
- 428. CloudsCurveNight=1.6
- 429. CloudsCurveInteriorDay=1.6
- 430. CloudsCurveInteriorNight=1.6
- 431. CloudsDesaturationSunrise=0.0
- 432. CloudsDesaturationDay=0.0
- 433. CloudsDesaturationSunset=0.0
- 434. CloudsDesaturationNight=0.1
- 435. CloudsDesaturationInteriorDay=0.1
- 436. CloudsDesaturationInteriorNight=0.1
- 437. CloudsEdgeClamp=0.5
- 438. CloudsEdgeIntensity=8.0
- 439. GradientIntensitySunrise=0.9
- 440. GradientIntensityDay=0.75
- 441. GradientIntensitySunset=0.96
- 442. GradientIntensityNight=0.900001
- 443. GradientIntensityInteriorDay=0.8
- 444. GradientIntensityInteriorNight=0.8
- 445. GradientDesaturationSunrise=0.0
- 446. GradientDesaturationDay=0.0
- 447. GradientDesaturationSunset=0.15
- 448. GradientDesaturationNight=0.25
- 449. GradientDesaturationInteriorDay=0.2
- 450. GradientDesaturationInteriorNight=0.2
- 451. GradientTopIntensitySunrise=1.1
- 452. GradientTopIntensityDay=1.5
- 453. GradientTopIntensitySunset=1.1
- 454. GradientTopIntensityNight=0.500001
- 455. GradientTopIntensityInteriorDay=1.2
- 456. GradientTopIntensityInteriorNight=1.2
- 457. GradientTopCurveSunrise=1.4
- 458. GradientTopCurveDay=1.9
- 459. GradientTopCurveSunset=1.4
- 460. GradientTopCurveNight=1.3
- 461. GradientTopCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 462. GradientTopCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 463. GradientMiddleIntensitySunrise=1.4
- 464. GradientMiddleIntensityDay=1.4
- 465. GradientMiddleIntensitySunset=1.41
- 466. GradientMiddleIntensityNight=0.7
- 467. GradientMiddleIntensityInteriorDay=0.9
- 468. GradientMiddleIntensityInteriorNight=0.9
- 469. GradientMiddleCurveSunrise=1.6
- 470. GradientMiddleCurveDay=1.8
- 471. GradientMiddleCurveSunset=1.39
- 472. GradientMiddleCurveNight=1.0
- 473. GradientMiddleCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 474. GradientMiddleCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 475. GradientHorizonIntensitySunrise=2.575
- 476. GradientHorizonIntensityDay=2.575
- 477. GradientHorizonIntensitySunset=2.58
- 478. GradientHorizonIntensityNight=0.9
- 479. GradientHorizonIntensityInteriorDay=0.9
- 480. GradientHorizonIntensityInteriorNight=0.9
- 481. GradientHorizonCurveSunrise=1.275
- 482. GradientHorizonCurveDay=1.275
- 483. GradientHorizonCurveSunset=1.275
- 484. GradientHorizonCurveNight=1.375
- 485. GradientHorizonCurveInteriorDay=1.1
- 486. GradientHorizonCurveInteriorNight=1.1
- 487. SunIntensitySunrise=1.2
- 488. SunIntensityDay=1.2
- 489. SunIntensitySunset=1.2
- 490. SunIntensityNight=0.0
- 491. SunIntensityInteriorDay=1.2
- 492. SunIntensityInteriorNight=0.0
- 493.
- 494. SunDesaturationSunrise=0.0
- 495. SunDesaturationDay=0.0
- 496. SunDesaturationSunset=0.0
- 497. SunDesaturationNight=0.0
- 498. SunDesaturationInteriorDay=0.0
- 499. SunDesaturationInteriorNight=0.0
- 500. SunColorFilterSunrise=0.75, 0.75, 0.45
- 501. SunColorFilterDay=0.784, 0.784, 0.784
- 502. SunColorFilterSunset=0.7, 0.58, 0.71
- 503. SunColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 504. SunColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 505. SunColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 506. SunGlowIntensitySunrise=1.125
- 507. SunGlowIntensityDay=1.08
- 508. SunGlowIntensitySunset=0.95
- 509. SunGlowIntensityNight=0.0
- 510. SunGlowIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 511. SunGlowIntensityInteriorNight=0.0
- 512. SunGlowHazinessSunrise=0.000001
- 513. SunGlowHazinessDay=0.0
- 514. SunGlowHazinessSunset=0.000001
- 515. SunGlowHazinessNight=0.0
- 516. SunGlowHazinessInteriorDay=0.000001
- 517. SunGlowHazinessInteriorNight=0.0
- 518. SunCoronaIntensity=1.00001
- 519. SunCoronaCurve=10.0
- 520. SunCoronaDesaturation=0.0
- 521. MoonIntensitySunrise=1.2
- 522. MoonIntensityDay=1.2
- 523. MoonIntensitySunset=1.2
- 524. MoonIntensityNight=1.0
- 525. MoonIntensityInteriorDay=1.2
- 526. MoonIntensityInteriorNight=1.2
- 527. MoonCurveSunrise=1.435
- 528. MoonCurveDay=1.435
- 529. MoonCurveSunset=1.435
- 530. MoonCurveNight=1.435
- 531. MoonCurveInteriorDay=1.435
- 532. MoonCurveInteriorNight=1.435
- 533. MoonDesaturationSunrise=0.2
- 534. MoonDesaturationDay=0.2
- 535. MoonDesaturationSunset=0.2
- 536. MoonDesaturationNight=0.2
- 537. MoonDesaturationInteriorDay=0.2
- 538. MoonDesaturationInteriorNight=0.2
- 539. CloudsOpacitySunrise=1.0
- 540. CloudsOpacityDay=1.0
- 541. CloudsOpacitySunset=1.0
- 542. CloudsOpacityNight=0.8
- 543. CloudsOpacityInteriorDay=1.0
- 544. CloudsOpacityInteriorNight=1.0
- 545. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 546. CloudsEdgeFadeRange=1.0
- 547. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplier=4.0
- 548. CloudsIntensityDawn=1.0
- 549. CloudsIntensityDusk=1.0
- 550. CloudsCurveDawn=1.0
- 551. CloudsCurveDusk=1.0
- 552. CloudsDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 553. CloudsDesaturationDusk=0.0
- 554. CloudsOpacityDawn=1.0
- 555. CloudsOpacityDusk=1.0
- 556. CloudsColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 557. CloudsColorFilterSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 558. CloudsColorFilterDay=1, 1, 1
- 559. CloudsColorFilterSunset=1, 1, 1
- 560. CloudsColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 561. CloudsColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 562. CloudsColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 563. CloudsColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 564. GradientIntensityDawn=1.0
- 565. GradientIntensityDusk=1.0
- 566. GradientDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 567. GradientDesaturationDusk=0.0
- 568. GradientTopIntensityDawn=1.0
- 569. GradientTopIntensityDusk=1.0
- 570. GradientTopCurveDawn=1.0
- 571. GradientTopCurveDusk=1.0
- 572. GradientTopColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 573. GradientTopColorFilterSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 574. GradientTopColorFilterDay=1, 1, 1
- 575. GradientTopColorFilterSunset=1, 1, 1
- 576. GradientTopColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 577. GradientTopColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 578. GradientTopColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 579. GradientTopColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 580. GradientMiddleIntensityDawn=1.0
- 581. GradientMiddleIntensityDusk=1.0
- 582. GradientMiddleCurveDawn=1.0
- 583. GradientMiddleCurveDusk=1.0
- 584. GradientMiddleColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 585. GradientMiddleColorFilterSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 586. GradientMiddleColorFilterDay=1, 1, 1
- 587. GradientMiddleColorFilterSunset=1, 1, 1
- 588. GradientMiddleColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 589. GradientMiddleColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 590. GradientMiddleColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 591. GradientMiddleColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 592. GradientHorizonIntensityDawn=1.0
- 593. GradientHorizonIntensityDusk=1.0
- 594. GradientHorizonCurveDawn=1.0
- 595. GradientHorizonCurveDusk=1.0
- 596. GradientHorizonColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 597. GradientHorizonColorFilterSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 598. GradientHorizonColorFilterDay=1, 1, 1
- 599. GradientHorizonColorFilterSunset=1, 1, 1
- 600. GradientHorizonColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 601. GradientHorizonColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 602. GradientHorizonColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 603. GradientHorizonColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 604. SunIntensityDawn=1.0
- 605. SunIntensityDusk=1.0
- 606. SunDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 607. SunDesaturationDusk=0.0
- 608. SunColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 609. SunColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 610. SunGlowIntensityDawn=0.0
- 611. SunGlowIntensityDusk=0.0
- 612. SunGlowHazinessDawn=0.0
- 613. SunGlowHazinessDusk=0.0
- 614. MoonIntensityDawn=1.0
- 615. MoonIntensityDusk=1.0
- 616. MoonCurveDawn=1.0
- 617. MoonCurveDusk=1.0
- 618. MoonDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 619. MoonDesaturationDusk=0.0
- 620. EnableAnimatedStars=false
- 621. StarsAnimationTime=0.3
- 622. StarsAnimationDensity=10.0
- 623. StarsAnimationIntensity=10.0
- 624. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 625. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierDawn=4.0
- 626. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierSunrise=4.0
- 627. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierDay=4.0
- 628. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierSunset=4.0
- 629. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierDusk=4.0
- 630. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierNight=4.0
- 631. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierInteriorDay=4.0
- 632. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierInteriorNight=4.0
- 633. [OBJECT]
- 634. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunrise=0.0
- 635. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDay=0.0
- 636. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunset=0.0
- 637. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierNight=0.0
- 638. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorDay=0.0
- 639. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorNight=0.0
- 640. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerSunrise=8.0
- 641. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerDay=8.0
- 642. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerSunset=8.0
- 643. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerNight=8.0
- 644. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerInteriorDay=8.0
- 645. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerInteriorNight=8.0
- 646. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 647. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunrise=2.5
- 648. SpecularAmountMultiplierDay=2.5
- 649. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunset=2.5
- 650. SpecularAmountMultiplierNight=2.5
- 651. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=2.0
- 652. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=2.0
- 653. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunrise=3.0
- 654. SpecularPowerMultiplierDay=3.0
- 655. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunset=3.0
- 656. SpecularPowerMultiplierNight=3.0
- 657. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorDay=2.0
- 658. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorNight=2.0
- 659. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDawn=0.0
- 660. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDusk=0.0
- 661. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerDawn=8.0
- 662. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerDusk=8.0
- 663. SpecularAmountMultiplierDawn=2.5
- 664. SpecularAmountMultiplierDusk=2.5
- 665. SpecularPowerMultiplierDawn=3.0
- 666. SpecularPowerMultiplierDusk=3.0
- 667. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 668. [EYES]
- 669. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunrise=0.8
- 670. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDay=0.8
- 671. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunset=0.8
- 672. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierNight=0.8
- 673. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorDay=1.91
- 674. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorNight=1.91
- 675. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerSunrise=5.0
- 676. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerDay=5.0
- 677. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerSunset=5.0
- 678. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerNight=5.0
- 679. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerInteriorDay=8.0
- 680. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerInteriorNight=8.0
- 681. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 682. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunrise=3.0
- 683. SpecularAmountMultiplierDay=3.0
- 684. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunset=3.0
- 685. SpecularAmountMultiplierNight=3.0
- 686. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=3.0
- 687. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=3.0
- 688. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 689. SpecularPowerMultiplierDay=1.0
- 690. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 691. SpecularPowerMultiplierNight=1.0
- 692. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 693. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 694. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDawn=0.8
- 695. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDusk=0.8
- 696. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerDawn=5.0
- 697. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerDusk=5.0
- 698. SpecularAmountMultiplierDawn=3.0
- 699. SpecularAmountMultiplierDusk=3.0
- 700. SpecularPowerMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 701. SpecularPowerMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 702. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 703. LightAmountMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 704. LightAmountMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 705. LightAmountMultiplierDay=1.0
- 706. LightAmountMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 707. LightAmountMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 708. LightAmountMultiplierNight=1.0
- 709. LightAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 710. LightAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 712. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 713. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDay=0.85
- 714. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunset=0.85
- 715. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierNight=1.0
- 716. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorDay=1.2
- 717. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorNight=1.2
- 718. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerSunrise=6.5
- 719. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerDay=6.5
- 720. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerSunset=6.5
- 721. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerNight=8.0
- 722. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerInteriorDay=8.0
- 723. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerInteriorNight=8.0
- 724. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 725. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 726. SpecularAmountMultiplierDay=1.0
- 727. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 728. SpecularAmountMultiplierNight=1.0
- 729. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 730. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 731. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 732. SpecularPowerMultiplierDay=1.0
- 733. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 734. SpecularPowerMultiplierNight=1.0
- 735. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 736. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 737. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 738. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 739. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerDawn=1.0
- 740. SubSurfaceScatteringPowerDusk=1.0
- 741. SpecularAmountMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 742. SpecularAmountMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 743. SpecularPowerMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 744. SpecularPowerMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 745. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 747. IntensitySunrise=1.6
- 748. IntensityDay=1.6
- 749. IntensitySunset=1.6
- 750. IntensityNight=0.675
- 751. IntensityInteriorDay=0.7
- 752. IntensityInteriorNight=0.685
- 753. CurveSunrise=1.5
- 754. CurveDay=1.5
- 755. CurveSunset=1.5
- 756. CurveNight=1.5
- 757. CurveInteriorDay=1.5
- 758. CurveInteriorNight=1.5
- 759. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 760. IntensityDawn=1.0
- 761. IntensityDusk=1.0
- 762. CurveDawn=1.0
- 763. CurveDusk=1.0
- 764. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 766. IntensitySunrise=3.23
- 767. IntensityDay=1.77
- 768. IntensitySunset=3.205
- 769. IntensityNight=3.55
- 770. IntensityInteriorDay=2.8
- 771. IntensityInteriorNight=2.7
- 772. CurveSunrise=0.8
- 773. CurveDay=0.8
- 774. CurveSunset=0.8
- 775. CurveNight=0.815
- 776. CurveInteriorDay=0.8
- 777. CurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 778. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 779. IntensityDawn=1.0
- 780. IntensityDusk=1.0
- 781. CurveDawn=1.0
- 782. CurveDusk=1.0
- 783. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 785. IntensitySunrise=1.25
- 786. IntensityDay=1.25
- 787. IntensitySunset=1.25
- 788. IntensityNight=1.0
- 789. IntensityInteriorDay=0.5
- 790. IntensityInteriorNight=0.5
- 791. CurveSunrise=1.0
- 792. CurveDay=1.0
- 793. CurveSunset=1.0
- 794. CurveNight=0.65
- 795. CurveInteriorDay=0.6
- 796. CurveInteriorNight=0.6
- 797. LightingInfluenceSunrise=0.9
- 798. LightingInfluenceDay=0.9
- 799. LightingInfluenceSunset=0.9
- 800. LightingInfluenceNight=0.9
- 801. LightingInfluenceInteriorDay=0.95
- 802. LightingInfluenceInteriorNight=0.95
- 803. EnableShadows=true
- 804. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 805. OpacitySunrise=1.0
- 806. OpacityDay=1.0
- 807. OpacitySunset=1.0
- 808. OpacityNight=1.0
- 809. OpacityInteriorDay=1.0
- 810. OpacityInteriorNight=1.0
- 811. IntensityDawn=1.0
- 812. IntensityDusk=1.0
- 813. CurveDawn=1.0
- 814. CurveDusk=1.0
- 815. LightingInfluenceDawn=1.0
- 816. LightingInfluenceDusk=1.0
- 817. OpacityDawn=1.0
- 818. OpacityDusk=1.0
- 819. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 820. ColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 821. ColorFilterSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 822. ColorFilterDay=1, 1, 1
- 823. ColorFilterSunset=1, 1, 1
- 824. ColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 825. ColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 826. ColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 827. ColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 828. [FIRE]
- 829. IntensitySunrise=1.0
- 830. IntensityDay=1.0
- 831. IntensitySunset=1.0
- 832. IntensityNight=1.55
- 833. IntensityInteriorDay=1.5
- 834. IntensityInteriorNight=1.475
- 835. CurveSunrise=0.765
- 836. CurveDay=0.75
- 837. CurveSunset=0.765
- 838. CurveNight=1.2
- 839. CurveInteriorDay=1.3
- 840. CurveInteriorNight=1.315
- 841. AdditiveBlending=true
- 842. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 843. IntensityDawn=1.0
- 844. IntensityDusk=1.0
- 845. CurveDawn=1.0
- 846. CurveDusk=1.0
- 847. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 848. [PARTICLE]
- 849. IntensitySunrise=1.000001
- 850. IntensityDay=1.0
- 851. IntensitySunset=1.000001
- 852. IntensityNight=1.2
- 853. IntensityInteriorDay=1.15
- 854. IntensityInteriorNight=1.15
- 855. LightingInfluenceSunrise=1.015
- 856. LightingInfluenceDay=1.0
- 857. LightingInfluenceSunset=1.0
- 858. LightingInfluenceNight=1.15
- 859. LightingInfluenceInteriorDay=1.15
- 860. LightingInfluenceInteriorNight=1.15
- 861. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 862. IntensityDawn=1.0
- 863. IntensityDusk=1.0
- 864. LightingInfluenceDawn=1.0
- 865. LightingInfluenceDusk=1.0
- 866. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 868. UsePaletteTexture=true
- 869. Brightness=1.3
- 870. GammaCurve=1.0
- 871. UseProceduralCorrection=false
- 873. Quality=-1
- 874. FadeTime=0.33
- 875. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 876. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 877. [SHADOW]
- 878. ShadowObjectsFix=true
- 879. ShadowCastersFix=true
- 880. UseBilateralShadowFilter=true
- 881. ShadowQualityFix=true
- 882. DetailedShadowQuality=-1
- 883. ShadowBlurRange=0.15
- 884. ShadowFilterQuality=0
- 885. ShadowBlurRangeInterior=0.15
- 886. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 887. UseSoftShadow=true
- 888. ShadowQuality=0
- 889. DistantShadowQuality=-1
- 890. SoftShadowBlurRangeMin=0.26
- 891. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 892. HighPrecisionDirectionalShadowMap=true
- 893. HighPrecisionPointShadowMap=true
- 894. ShadowCastersFixInterior=false
- 895. EnableDistantShadowAtNight=false
- 896. ShadowQualityPointLights=1
- 897. DetailedShadowInteriorQuality=1
- 898. ShadowBlurRangeScaleDawn=1.0
- 899. ShadowBlurRangeScaleSunrise=1.0
- 900. ShadowBlurRangeScaleDay=1.0
- 901. ShadowBlurRangeScaleSunset=1.0
- 902. ShadowBlurRangeScaleDusk=1.0
- 903. ShadowBlurRangeScaleNight=1.0
- 904. ShadowBlurRangeScaleInteriorDay=1.0
- 905. ShadowBlurRangeScaleInteriorNight=1.0
- 906. [RAYS]
- 907. SunRaysMultiplierSunrise=2.0
- 908. SunRaysMultiplierDay=1.33
- 909. SunRaysMultiplierSunset=2.0
- 910. SunRaysMultiplierNight=0.0
- 911. SunRaysMultiplierInteriorDay=0.67
- 912. SunRaysMultiplierInteriorNight=0.0
- 913. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 914. SunRaysMultiplierDawn=0.4
- 915. SunRaysMultiplierDusk=0.4
- 916. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 917. Quality=1
- 918. Type=1
- 919. SkyColorAmountDawn=0.0
- 920. SkyColorAmountSunrise=0.0
- 921. SkyColorAmountDay=0.0
- 922. SkyColorAmountSunset=0.0
- 923. SkyColorAmountDusk=0.0
- 924. SkyColorAmountNight=0.0
- 925. SkyColorAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 926. SkyColorAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 928. Quality=0
- 929. FilterQuality=0
- 930. FilterBluriness=1.0
- 931. SizeScale=0.8944271909999159
- 932. SourceTexturesScale=0.8944271909999159
- 933. Amount=0.35
- 934. Power=1.35
- 935. GlosinessMin=0.0
- 936. GlosinessMax=1.0
- 937. EnableDenoiser=true
- 938. DenoiserType=1
- 939. EnableSupersampling=true
- 940. ExteriorEnable=true
- 941. InteriorEnable=true
- 942. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 943. AmountInterior=0.35
- 944. PowerInterior=1.35
- 945. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 947. AdditiveAmountSunrise=0.05
- 948. AdditiveAmountDay=0.05
- 949. AdditiveAmountSunset=0.050103
- 950. AdditiveAmountNight=0.1
- 951. AdditiveAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 952. AdditiveAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 953. MultiplicativeAmountSunrise=0.07
- 954. MultiplicativeAmountDay=0.05
- 955. MultiplicativeAmountSunset=0.07
- 956. MultiplicativeAmountNight=0.15
- 957. MultiplicativeAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 958. MultiplicativeAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 959. ReflectiveAmountSunrise=0.20335
- 960. ReflectiveAmountDay=0.2
- 961. ReflectiveAmountSunset=0.203225
- 962. ReflectiveAmountNight=0.25
- 963. ReflectiveAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 964. ReflectiveAmountInteriorNight=0.00325
- 965. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 966. AdditiveAmountDawn=0.05
- 967. AdditiveAmountDusk=0.05
- 968. MultiplicativeAmountDawn=0.0
- 969. MultiplicativeAmountDusk=0.0
- 970. ReflectiveAmountDawn=0.1
- 971. ReflectiveAmountDusk=0.1
- 972. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 973. [RAIN]
- 974. Enable=true
- 975. EnableAntialiasing=true
- 976. EnableSupersampling=true
- 977. MotionStretch=0.89
- 978. MotionTransparency=0.84
- 979. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 980. UseOriginalTexture=false
- 981. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 982. RefractionFactor=2.0
- 983. BrightnessDawn=1.5
- 984. BrightnessSunrise=1.5
- 985. BrightnessDay=1.5
- 986. BrightnessSunset=1.5
- 987. BrightnessDusk=1.5
- 988. BrightnessNight=1.5
- 989. BrightnessInteriorDay=1.0
- 990. BrightnessInteriorNight=1.0
- 992. Quality=0
- 993. Radius=9.3
- 994. Amount=0.28
- 995. EpidermalAmount=6.8
- 996. SubdermalAmount=6.8
- 997. EpidermalDiffuseSaturation=0.85
- 998. SubdermalDiffuseSaturation=0.6
- 999. EpidermalMix=0.1
- 1000. SubdermalMix=0.85
- 1001. SubdermalTranslucency=0.1
- 1002. SubdermalPhase=0.6
- 1003. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 1004. EnableTextureAlpha=true
- 1005. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1006. EnableSeparateInteriorParameters=false
- 1007. RadiusInterior=3.0
- 1008. AmountInterior=0.5
- 1009. EpidermalAmountInterior=1.0
- 1010. SubdermalAmountInterior=1.0
- 1011. EpidermalDiffuseSaturationInterior=0.0
- 1012. SubdermalDiffuseSaturationInterior=0.85
- 1013. EpidermalMixInterior=0.3
- 1014. SubdermalMixInterior=0.3
- 1015. SubdermalTranslucencyInterior=0.3
- 1016. SubdermalPhaseInterior=0.0
- 1017. SurfaceBrightness=1.0
- 1018. SurfaceBrightnessInterior=1.0
- 1019. [WATER]
- 1020. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 1021. EnablePreCache=true
- 1022. EnableDispersion=true
- 1023. EnableCaustics=true
- 1024. EnableParallax=true
- 1025. EnableShadow=true
- 1026. EnableVolumetricShadow=true
- 1027. EnableLighting=true
- 1028. EnableSelfReflection=true
- 1029. EnableDisplacement=true
- 1030. DisplacementQuality=0
- 1031. DisplacementFilterQuality=0
- 1032. ShadowQuality=1
- 1033. EnableShadowNoise=false
- 1034. ReflectionAmount=0.84
- 1035. FrennelMultiplier=1.44
- 1036. FrennelMin=0.0
- 1037. FrennelMax=1.0
- 1038. DispersionAmount=0.93
- 1039. CausticsAmount=1.0
- 1040. SunSpecularMultiplier=2.0
- 1041. SunScatteringMultiplier=10.0
- 1042. SunLightingMultiplier=0.86
- 1043. WetMultiplier=1.0
- 1044. WavesAmplitudeSunrise=0.8
- 1045. WavesAmplitudeDay=0.8
- 1046. WavesAmplitudeSunset=0.8
- 1047. WavesAmplitudeNight=0.5
- 1048. WavesAmplitudeInteriorDay=0.3
- 1049. WavesAmplitudeInteriorNight=0.3
- 1050. Muddiness=0.33
- 1051. WavesAmplitudeDawn=1.0
- 1052. WavesAmplitudeDusk=1.0
- 1053. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1054. EnableCloudsShadow=true
- 1055. EnableSSR=false
- 1056. EnableSSRAntialiasing=false
- 1057. SSRQuality=1
- 1058. BrightnessDawn=1.0
- 1059. BrightnessSunrise=1.0
- 1060. BrightnessDay=1.0
- 1061. BrightnessSunset=1.0
- 1062. BrightnessDusk=1.0
- 1063. BrightnessNight=1.0
- 1064. BrightnessInteriorDay=1.0
- 1065. BrightnessInteriorNight=1.0
- 1066. CubemapReflectionAmountDawn=1.0
- 1067. CubemapReflectionAmountSunrise=1.0
- 1068. CubemapReflectionAmountDay=1.0
- 1069. CubemapReflectionAmountSunset=1.0
- 1070. CubemapReflectionAmountDusk=1.0
- 1071. CubemapReflectionAmountNight=1.0
- 1072. CubemapReflectionAmountInteriorDay=1.0
- 1073. CubemapReflectionAmountInteriorNight=1.0
- 1074. [UNDERWATER]
- 1075. EnableDispersion=true
- 1076. EnableParallax=true
- 1077. EnableDisplacement=true
- 1078. EnableSilhouette=true
- 1079. EnableBlurring=true
- 1080. EnableReflection=true
- 1081. EnableShadow=true
- 1082. ShadowQuality=0
- 1083. DispersionAmount=1.0
- 1084. ReflectionAmount=1.0
- 1085. TransparencyFade=1.0
- 1086. TransparencyCurve=3.85
- 1087. DeepnessFade=0.26
- 1088. DeepnessDarkening=0.26
- 1089. TintAmount=1.5
- 1090. TintFade=2.0
- 1091. SunScatteringMultiplier=3.0
- 1092. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 1093. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1094. EnableCaustics=true
- 1095. HighQualityCaustics=true
- 1096. CausticsAmountDawn=3.0
- 1097. CausticsAmountSunrise=3.0
- 1098. CausticsAmountDay=3.0
- 1099. CausticsAmountSunset=3.0
- 1100. CausticsAmountDusk=3.0
- 1101. CausticsAmountNight=3.0
- 1102. CausticsAmountInteriorDay=3.0
- 1103. CausticsAmountInteriorNight=3.0
- 1105. EnableAtNight=false
- 1106. OpacitySunrise=0.5
- 1107. OpacityDay=0.5
- 1108. OpacitySunset=0.5
- 1109. OpacityNight=0.5
- 1110. OpacityInteriorDay=0.5
- 1111. OpacityInteriorNight=0.5
- 1112. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 1113. OpacityDawn=0.5
- 1114. OpacityDusk=0.5
- 1115. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1117. Quality=0
- 1118. IntensitySunrise=0.2
- 1119. IntensityDay=0.2
- 1120. IntensitySunset=0.2
- 1121. IntensityNight=0.2
- 1122. IntensityInteriorDay=0.2
- 1123. IntensityInteriorNight=0.2
- 1124. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 1125. DensitySunrise=1.0
- 1126. DensityDay=1.0
- 1127. DensitySunset=1.0
- 1128. DensityNight=1.0
- 1129. DensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 1130. DensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 1131. SkyColorAmountSunrise=0.5
- 1132. SkyColorAmountDay=0.5
- 1133. SkyColorAmountSunset=0.5
- 1134. SkyColorAmountNight=0.5
- 1135. SkyColorAmountInteriorDay=0.5
- 1136. SkyColorAmountInteriorNight=0.5
- 1137. IntensityDawn=0.2
- 1138. IntensityDusk=0.2
- 1139. DensityDawn=1.0
- 1140. DensityDusk=1.0
- 1141. SkyColorAmountDawn=0.5
- 1142. SkyColorAmountDusk=0.5
- 1143. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1145. Size=1.0
- 1146. EdgeSoftness=0.4
- 1147. GlowIntensitySunrise=0.4
- 1148. GlowIntensityDay=0.4
- 1149. GlowIntensitySunset=0.4
- 1150. GlowIntensityNight=0.4
- 1151. GlowIntensityInteriorDay=0.4
- 1152. GlowIntensityInteriorNight=0.4
- 1153. GlowCurveSunrise=10.0
- 1154. GlowCurveDay=10.0
- 1155. GlowCurveSunset=10.0
- 1156. GlowCurveNight=10.0
- 1157. GlowCurveInteriorDay=10.0
- 1158. GlowCurveInteriorNight=10.0
- 1159. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 1160. GlowIntensityDawn=0.4
- 1161. GlowIntensityDusk=0.4
- 1162. GlowCurveDawn=10.0
- 1163. GlowCurveDusk=10.0
- 1164. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1165. [MIST]
- 1166. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 1167. EnableAnchors=true
- 1168. ColorFromEnvironmentFog=0.01
- 1169. SkyLightingAmountSunrise=1.43
- 1170. SkyLightingAmountDay=1.37
- 1171. SkyLightingAmountSunset=1.53
- 1172. SkyLightingAmountNight=2.25
- 1173. SkyLightingAmountInteriorDay=1.0
- 1174. SkyLightingAmountInteriorNight=1.0
- 1175. SunLightingAmountSunrise=0.13
- 1176. SunLightingAmountDay=0.12
- 1177. SunLightingAmountSunset=0.12
- 1178. SunLightingAmountNight=0.1
- 1179. SunLightingAmountInteriorDay=0.1
- 1180. SunLightingAmountInteriorNight=0.1
- 1181. DesaturationSunrise=0.0
- 1182. DesaturationDay=0.0
- 1183. DesaturationSunset=0.0
- 1184. DesaturationNight=0.0
- 1185. DesaturationInteriorDay=0.0
- 1186. DesaturationInteriorNight=0.0
- 1187. ColorFilterSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 1188. ColorFilterDay=0.843, 0.922, 1
- 1189. ColorFilterSunset=1, 1, 1
- 1190. ColorFilterNight=1, 0.933, 1
- 1191. ColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 1192. ColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 1193. RelativeToCameraSunrise=0.0
- 1194. RelativeToCameraDay=0.0
- 1195. RelativeToCameraSunset=0.0
- 1196. RelativeToCameraNight=0.0
- 1197. RelativeToCameraInteriorDay=0.0
- 1198. RelativeToCameraInteriorNight=0.0
- 1199. VerticalOffsetSunrise=-10.0
- 1200. VerticalOffsetDay=-10.0
- 1201. VerticalOffsetSunset=-10.0
- 1202. VerticalOffsetNight=-10.0
- 1203. VerticalOffsetInteriorDay=-10.0
- 1204. VerticalOffsetInteriorNight=-10.0
- 1205. DensitySunrise=2.1
- 1206. DensityDay=2.1
- 1207. DensitySunset=2.1
- 1208. DensityNight=2.1
- 1209. DensityInteriorDay=1.5
- 1210. DensityInteriorNight=1.5
- 1211. VerticalFadeSunrise=0.1
- 1212. VerticalFadeDay=0.08
- 1213. VerticalFadeSunset=0.09
- 1214. VerticalFadeNight=0.13
- 1215. VerticalFadeInteriorDay=4.0
- 1216. VerticalFadeInteriorNight=4.0
- 1217. DistanceFadeSunrise=17.5
- 1218. DistanceFadeDay=17.5
- 1219. DistanceFadeSunset=17.5
- 1220. DistanceFadeNight=3.0
- 1221. DistanceFadeInteriorDay=1.0
- 1222. DistanceFadeInteriorNight=1.0
- 1223. BottomTopSunrise=0.0
- 1224. BottomTopDay=0.0
- 1225. BottomTopSunset=0.0
- 1226. BottomTopNight=0.0
- 1227. BottomTopInteriorDay=0.0
- 1228. BottomTopInteriorNight=0.0
- 1229. ExponentialFadeSunrise=0.3
- 1230. ExponentialFadeDay=0.3
- 1231. ExponentialFadeSunset=0.3
- 1232. ExponentialFadeNight=0.5
- 1233. ExponentialFadeInteriorDay=1.0
- 1234. ExponentialFadeInteriorNight=1.0
- 1235. AnchorsAmountSunrise=1.0
- 1236. AnchorsAmountDay=1.0
- 1237. AnchorsAmountSunset=1.0
- 1238. AnchorsAmountNight=1.0
- 1239. AnchorsAmountInteriorDay=1.0
- 1240. AnchorsAmountInteriorNight=1.0
- 1241. AnchorsAmountDawn=1.0
- 1242. AnchorsAmountDusk=1.0
- 1243. SkyLightingAmountDawn=1.0
- 1244. SkyLightingAmountDusk=1.0
- 1245. SunLightingAmountDawn=0.1
- 1246. SunLightingAmountDusk=0.1
- 1247. DesaturationDawn=0.0
- 1248. DesaturationDusk=0.0
- 1249. ColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 1250. ColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 1251. RelativeToCameraDawn=0.0
- 1252. RelativeToCameraDusk=0.0
- 1253. VerticalOffsetDawn=-10.0
- 1254. VerticalOffsetDusk=-10.0
- 1255. DensityDawn=1.5
- 1256. DensityDusk=1.5
- 1257. VerticalFadeDawn=4.0
- 1258. VerticalFadeDusk=4.0
- 1259. DistanceFadeDawn=0.0
- 1260. DistanceFadeDusk=0.0
- 1261. BottomTopDawn=0.0
- 1262. BottomTopDusk=0.0
- 1263. ExponentialFadeDawn=1.0
- 1264. ExponentialFadeDusk=1.0
- 1265. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1266. RaysVisibilityDawn=1.0
- 1267. RaysVisibilitySunrise=1.0
- 1268. RaysVisibilityDay=1.0
- 1269. RaysVisibilitySunset=1.0
- 1270. RaysVisibilityDusk=1.0
- 1271. RaysVisibilityNight=1.0
- 1272. RaysVisibilityInteriorDay=1.0
- 1273. RaysVisibilityInteriorNight=1.0
- 1275. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1276. BlendingAmountDawn=1.0
- 1277. BlendingAmountSunrise=1.0
- 1278. BlendingAmountDay=1.0
- 1279. BlendingAmountSunset=1.0
- 1280. BlendingAmountDusk=1.0
- 1281. BlendingAmountNight=1.0
- 1282. BlendingAmountInteriorDay=1.0
- 1283. BlendingAmountInteriorNight=1.0
- 1284. TopIntensityDawn=1.0
- 1285. TopIntensitySunrise=1.0
- 1286. TopIntensityDay=1.0
- 1287. TopIntensitySunset=1.0
- 1288. TopIntensityDusk=1.0
- 1289. TopIntensityNight=1.0
- 1290. TopIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 1291. TopIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 1292. BottomIntensityDawn=0.45
- 1293. BottomIntensitySunrise=0.45
- 1294. BottomIntensityDay=0.45
- 1295. BottomIntensitySunset=0.45
- 1296. BottomIntensityDusk=0.45
- 1297. BottomIntensityNight=0.45
- 1298. BottomIntensityInteriorDay=0.45
- 1299. BottomIntensityInteriorNight=0.45
- 1300. BottomSaturationDawn=1.0
- 1301. BottomSaturationSunrise=1.0
- 1302. BottomSaturationDay=1.0
- 1303. BottomSaturationSunset=1.0
- 1304. BottomSaturationDusk=1.0
- 1305. BottomSaturationNight=1.0
- 1306. BottomSaturationInteriorDay=1.0
- 1307. BottomSaturationInteriorNight=1.0
- 1308. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1310. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1311. IntensityMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 1312. IntensityMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 1313. IntensityMultiplierDay=1.0
- 1314. IntensityMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 1315. IntensityMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 1316. IntensityMultiplierNight=1.0
- 1317. IntensityMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 1318. IntensityMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 1319. PowerMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 1320. PowerMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 1321. PowerMultiplierDay=1.0
- 1322. PowerMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 1323. PowerMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 1324. PowerMultiplierNight=1.0
- 1325. PowerMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 1326. PowerMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 1327. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1329. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1330. SpecularAmountDawn=0.15
- 1331. SpecularAmountSunrise=0.15
- 1332. SpecularAmountDay=0.15
- 1333. SpecularAmountSunset=0.15
- 1334. SpecularAmountDusk=0.15
- 1335. SpecularAmountNight=0.15
- 1336. SpecularAmountInteriorDay=0.15
- 1337. SpecularAmountInteriorNight=0.15
- 1338. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1340. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1341. EnableBigRange=true
- 1342. EnableShadow=true
- 1343. ShadowQuality=-1
- 1344. IntensityDawn=1.1
- 1345. IntensitySunrise=1.1
- 1346. IntensityDay=1.2
- 1347. IntensitySunset=1.1
- 1348. IntensityDusk=1.1
- 1349. IntensityNight=1.1
- 1350. IntensityInteriorDay=0.8
- 1351. IntensityInteriorNight=0.8
- 1352. CurveDawn=1.1
- 1353. CurveSunrise=1.1
- 1354. CurveDay=1.1
- 1355. CurveSunset=1.1
- 1356. CurveDusk=1.2
- 1357. CurveNight=1.25
- 1358. CurveInteriorDay=1.2
- 1359. CurveInteriorNight=1.2
- 1360. SpecularAmountDawn=1.8
- 1361. SpecularAmountSunrise=1.8
- 1362. SpecularAmountDay=1.8
- 1363. SpecularAmountSunset=1.8
- 1364. SpecularAmountDusk=1.8
- 1365. SpecularAmountNight=1.8
- 1366. SpecularAmountInteriorDay=1.4
- 1367. SpecularAmountInteriorNight=1.4
- 1368. DistanceFadeDawn=2.0
- 1369. DistanceFadeSunrise=2.0
- 1370. DistanceFadeDay=2.0
- 1371. DistanceFadeSunset=1.5
- 1372. DistanceFadeDusk=1.2
- 1373. DistanceFadeNight=1.2
- 1374. DistanceFadeInteriorDay=1.2
- 1375. DistanceFadeInteriorNight=1.2
- 1376. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1377. EnableSeparateInteriorParameters=false
- 1378. EnableNormalMappingShadows=false
- 1379. NormalMappingShadowsQuality=1
- 1380. SpecularPowerDawn=12.0
- 1381. SpecularPowerSunrise=12.0
- 1382. SpecularPowerDay=12.0
- 1383. SpecularPowerSunset=12.0
- 1384. SpecularPowerDusk=12.0
- 1385. SpecularPowerNight=12.0
- 1386. SpecularPowerInteriorDay=12.0
- 1387. SpecularPowerInteriorNight=12.0
- 1388. BigRangeScale=1.0
- 1389. BigRangeScaleInterior=1.0
- 1391. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1392. EnableBigRange=true
- 1393. EnableShadow=true
- 1394. ShadowQuality=-1
- 1395. IntensityDawn=0.2
- 1396. IntensitySunrise=0.15
- 1397. IntensityDay=0.1
- 1398. IntensitySunset=0.2
- 1399. IntensityDusk=0.4
- 1400. IntensityNight=0.5
- 1401. IntensityInteriorDay=0.3
- 1402. IntensityInteriorNight=0.3
- 1403. CurveDawn=1.1
- 1404. CurveSunrise=1.1
- 1405. CurveDay=1.1
- 1406. CurveSunset=1.0
- 1407. CurveDusk=1.2
- 1408. CurveNight=1.2
- 1409. CurveInteriorDay=1.2
- 1410. CurveInteriorNight=1.2
- 1411. SpecularAmountDawn=0.65
- 1412. SpecularAmountSunrise=0.65
- 1413. SpecularAmountDay=0.65
- 1414. SpecularAmountSunset=0.65
- 1415. SpecularAmountDusk=0.65
- 1416. SpecularAmountNight=0.65
- 1417. SpecularAmountInteriorDay=0.8
- 1418. SpecularAmountInteriorNight=0.8
- 1419. DistanceFadeDawn=0.9
- 1420. DistanceFadeSunrise=0.9
- 1421. DistanceFadeDay=0.9
- 1422. DistanceFadeSunset=0.75
- 1423. DistanceFadeDusk=0.4
- 1424. DistanceFadeNight=0.3
- 1425. DistanceFadeInteriorDay=1.33
- 1426. DistanceFadeInteriorNight=1.33
- 1427. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1428. EnableSeparateInteriorParameters=false
- 1429. EnableNormalMappingShadows=false
- 1430. NormalMappingShadowsQuality=1
- 1431. SpecularPowerDawn=12.0
- 1432. SpecularPowerSunrise=12.0
- 1433. SpecularPowerDay=12.0
- 1434. SpecularPowerSunset=12.0
- 1435. SpecularPowerDusk=12.0
- 1436. SpecularPowerNight=12.0
- 1437. SpecularPowerInteriorDay=12.0
- 1438. SpecularPowerInteriorNight=12.0
- 1439. BigRangeScale=1.0
- 1440. BigRangeScaleInterior=1.0
- 1441. [GRASS]
- 1442. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1443. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1444. DirectionalMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 1445. DirectionalMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 1446. DirectionalMultiplierDay=1.0
- 1447. DirectionalMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 1448. DirectionalMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 1449. DirectionalMultiplierNight=1.0
- 1450. DirectionalMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 1451. DirectionalMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 1452. AmbientMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 1453. AmbientMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 1454. AmbientMultiplierDay=1.0
- 1455. AmbientMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 1456. AmbientMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 1457. AmbientMultiplierNight=1.0
- 1458. AmbientMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 1459. AmbientMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 1461. Quality=1
- 1462. [SNOW]
- 1463. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 1464. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1465. Enable=true
- 1466. EnableCloudShadows=true
- 1467. BrightnessDawn=1.0
- 1468. BrightnessSunrise=1.0
- 1469. BrightnessDay=1.0
- 1470. BrightnessSunset=1.0
- 1471. BrightnessDusk=1.0
- 1472. BrightnessNight=1.0
- 1473. BrightnessInteriorDay=1.0
- 1474. BrightnessInteriorNight=1.0
- 1475. LightingInfluenceDawn=1.0
- 1476. LightingInfluenceSunrise=1.0
- 1477. LightingInfluenceDay=1.0
- 1478. LightingInfluenceSunset=1.0
- 1479. LightingInfluenceDusk=1.0
- 1480. LightingInfluenceNight=1.0
- 1481. LightingInfluenceInteriorDay=1.0
- 1482. LightingInfluenceInteriorNight=1.0
- 1484. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 1485. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1486. EnableCubemap=true
- 1487. RainFadeTime=30.0
- 1488. ColorPowMultiplier=1.2
- 1489. FresnelMin=0.1
- 1490. FresnelCurve=4.0
- 1491. GlossinessDawn=1.0
- 1492. GlossinessSunrise=1.0
- 1493. GlossinessDay=1.0
- 1494. GlossinessSunset=1.0
- 1495. GlossinessDusk=1.0
- 1496. GlossinessNight=1.0
- 1497. GlossinessInteriorDay=1.0
- 1498. GlossinessInteriorNight=1.0
- 1499. ReflectionAmountDawn=0.3
- 1500. ReflectionAmountSunrise=0.3
- 1501. ReflectionAmountDay=0.3
- 1502. ReflectionAmountSunset=0.3
- 1503. ReflectionAmountDusk=0.3
- 1504. ReflectionAmountNight=0.3
- 1505. ReflectionAmountInteriorDay=0.3
- 1506. ReflectionAmountInteriorNight=0.3
- 1507. SpecularMapMinDawn=0.0
- 1508. SpecularMapMinSunrise=0.0
- 1509. SpecularMapMinDay=0.0
- 1510. SpecularMapMinSunset=0.0
- 1511. SpecularMapMinDusk=0.0
- 1512. SpecularMapMinNight=0.0
- 1513. SpecularMapMinInteriorDay=0.0
- 1514. SpecularMapMinInteriorNight=0.0
- 1515. SpecularMapAmountDawn=0.0
- 1516. SpecularMapAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1517. SpecularMapAmountDay=0.0
- 1518. SpecularMapAmountSunset=0.0
- 1519. SpecularMapAmountDusk=0.0
- 1520. SpecularMapAmountNight=0.0
- 1521. SpecularMapAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1522. SpecularMapAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1523. SpecularMapToGlossinessDawn=0.0
- 1524. SpecularMapToGlossinessSunrise=0.0
- 1525. SpecularMapToGlossinessDay=0.0
- 1526. SpecularMapToGlossinessSunset=0.0
- 1527. SpecularMapToGlossinessDusk=0.0
- 1528. SpecularMapToGlossinessNight=0.0
- 1529. SpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorDay=0.0
- 1530. SpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorNight=0.0
- 1531. BodyFresnelMin=0.05
- 1532. BodyFresnelCurve=4.0
- 1533. BodyGlossinessDawn=1.0
- 1534. BodyGlossinessSunrise=1.0
- 1535. BodyGlossinessDay=1.0
- 1536. BodyGlossinessSunset=1.0
- 1537. BodyGlossinessDusk=1.0
- 1538. BodyGlossinessNight=1.0
- 1539. BodyGlossinessInteriorDay=1.0
- 1540. BodyGlossinessInteriorNight=1.0
- 1541. BodyReflectionAmountDawn=0.3
- 1542. BodyReflectionAmountSunrise=0.3
- 1543. BodyReflectionAmountDay=0.3
- 1544. BodyReflectionAmountSunset=0.3
- 1545. BodyReflectionAmountDusk=0.3
- 1546. BodyReflectionAmountNight=0.3
- 1547. BodyReflectionAmountInteriorDay=0.3
- 1548. BodyReflectionAmountInteriorNight=0.3
- 1549. BodySpecularMapMinDawn=0.0
- 1550. BodySpecularMapMinSunrise=0.0
- 1551. BodySpecularMapMinDay=0.0
- 1552. BodySpecularMapMinSunset=0.0
- 1553. BodySpecularMapMinDusk=0.0
- 1554. BodySpecularMapMinNight=0.0
- 1555. BodySpecularMapMinInteriorDay=0.0
- 1556. BodySpecularMapMinInteriorNight=0.0
- 1557. BodySpecularMapAmountDawn=0.0
- 1558. BodySpecularMapAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1559. BodySpecularMapAmountDay=0.0
- 1560. BodySpecularMapAmountSunset=0.0
- 1561. BodySpecularMapAmountDusk=0.0
- 1562. BodySpecularMapAmountNight=0.0
- 1563. BodySpecularMapAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1564. BodySpecularMapAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1565. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessDawn=0.0
- 1566. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessSunrise=0.0
- 1567. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessDay=0.0
- 1568. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessSunset=0.0
- 1569. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessDusk=0.0
- 1570. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessNight=0.0
- 1571. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorDay=0.0
- 1572. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorNight=0.0
- 1574. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 1575. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1576. EnableCubemap=true
- 1577. EnableGlossiness=true
- 1578. AntialiasingQuality=1
- 1579. FresnelMin=0.1
- 1580. FresnelCurve=2.0
- 1581. GlossinessDawn=1.0
- 1582. GlossinessSunrise=1.0
- 1583. GlossinessDay=1.0
- 1584. GlossinessSunset=1.0
- 1585. GlossinessDusk=1.0
- 1586. GlossinessNight=1.0
- 1587. GlossinessInteriorDay=1.0
- 1588. GlossinessInteriorNight=1.0
- 1589. ReflectionAmountDawn=0.0
- 1590. ReflectionAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1591. ReflectionAmountDay=0.0
- 1592. ReflectionAmountSunset=0.0
- 1593. ReflectionAmountDusk=0.0
- 1594. ReflectionAmountNight=0.0
- 1595. ReflectionAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1596. ReflectionAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1597. SpecularMapMinDawn=0.0
- 1598. SpecularMapMinSunrise=0.0
- 1599. SpecularMapMinDay=0.0
- 1600. SpecularMapMinSunset=0.0
- 1601. SpecularMapMinDusk=0.0
- 1602. SpecularMapMinNight=0.0
- 1603. SpecularMapMinInteriorDay=0.0
- 1604. SpecularMapMinInteriorNight=0.0
- 1605. SpecularMapAmountDawn=0.0
- 1606. SpecularMapAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1607. SpecularMapAmountDay=0.0
- 1608. SpecularMapAmountSunset=0.0
- 1609. SpecularMapAmountDusk=0.0
- 1610. SpecularMapAmountNight=0.0
- 1611. SpecularMapAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1612. SpecularMapAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1613. SpecularMapToGlossinessDawn=0.0
- 1614. SpecularMapToGlossinessSunrise=0.0
- 1615. SpecularMapToGlossinessDay=0.0
- 1616. SpecularMapToGlossinessSunset=0.0
- 1617. SpecularMapToGlossinessDusk=0.0
- 1618. SpecularMapToGlossinessNight=0.0
- 1619. SpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorDay=0.0
- 1620. SpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorNight=0.0
- 1621. BodyFresnelMin=0.05
- 1622. BodyFresnelCurve=2.0
- 1623. BodyGlossinessDawn=1.0
- 1624. BodyGlossinessSunrise=1.0
- 1625. BodyGlossinessDay=1.0
- 1626. BodyGlossinessSunset=1.0
- 1627. BodyGlossinessDusk=1.0
- 1628. BodyGlossinessNight=1.0
- 1629. BodyGlossinessInteriorDay=1.0
- 1630. BodyGlossinessInteriorNight=1.0
- 1631. BodyReflectionAmountDawn=0.0
- 1632. BodyReflectionAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1633. BodyReflectionAmountDay=0.0
- 1634. BodyReflectionAmountSunset=0.0
- 1635. BodyReflectionAmountDusk=0.0
- 1636. BodyReflectionAmountNight=0.0
- 1637. BodyReflectionAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1638. BodyReflectionAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1639. BodySpecularMapMinDawn=0.0
- 1640. BodySpecularMapMinSunrise=0.0
- 1641. BodySpecularMapMinDay=0.0
- 1642. BodySpecularMapMinSunset=0.0
- 1643. BodySpecularMapMinDusk=0.0
- 1644. BodySpecularMapMinNight=0.0
- 1645. BodySpecularMapMinInteriorDay=0.0
- 1646. BodySpecularMapMinInteriorNight=0.0
- 1647. BodySpecularMapAmountDawn=0.0
- 1648. BodySpecularMapAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1649. BodySpecularMapAmountDay=0.0
- 1650. BodySpecularMapAmountSunset=0.0
- 1651. BodySpecularMapAmountDusk=0.0
- 1652. BodySpecularMapAmountNight=0.0
- 1653. BodySpecularMapAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1654. BodySpecularMapAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1655. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessDawn=0.0
- 1656. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessSunrise=0.0
- 1657. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessDay=0.0
- 1658. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessSunset=0.0
- 1659. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessDusk=0.0
- 1660. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessNight=0.0
- 1661. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorDay=0.0
- 1662. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorNight=0.0
- 1. [General]
- 2. sLanguage=ENGLISH
- 3. uExterior Cell Buffer=36
- 4. SLocalSavePath=Saves\
- 5. [Display]
- 6. fShadowLODMaxStartFade=1000.0
- 7. fSpecularLODMaxStartFade=2000.0
- 8. fLightLODMaxStartFade=3500.0
- 9. iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048
- 10. bAllowScreenshot=1
- 11. [Audio]
- 12. fMusicDuckingSeconds=6.0
- 13. fMusicUnDuckingSeconds=8.0
- 14. fMenuModeFadeOutTime=3.0
- 15. fMenuModeFadeInTime=1.0
- 16. [Grass]
- 17. bAllowCreateGrass=1
- 18. bAllowLoadGrass=0
- 19. [GeneralWarnings]
- 20. SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
- 21. [Archive]
- 22. sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa
- 23. sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa
- 24. bInvalidateOlderFiles=1
- 25. sResourceDataDirsFinal=
- 26. SInvalidationFile=ArchiveInvalidation.txt
- 27. [Combat]
- 28. fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0
- 29. fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0
- 30. [Papyrus]
- 31. fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0
- 32. bEnableLogging=1
- 33. bEnableTrace=1
- 34. bLoadDebugInformation=1
- 35. [Water]
- 36. bReflectLODObjects=1
- 37. bReflectLODLand=1
- 38. bReflectSky=1
- 39. bReflectLODTrees=1
- 40. [Launcher]
- 41. bEnableFileSelection=1
- 1. [General]
- 2. fBrightLightColorB=1.0000
- 3. fBrightLightColorG=1.0000
- 4. fBrightLightColorR=1.0000
- 5. iStoryManagerLoggingEvent=-1
- 6. bEnableStoryManagerLogging=0
- 7. [Imagespace]
- 8. bDoDepthOfField=1
- 9. iRadialBlurLevel=2
- 10. [Display]
- 11. iBlurDeferredShadowMask=3
- 12. fInteriorShadowDistance=3000.0000
- 13. fShadowDistance=8000.0000
- 14. iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=1024
- 15. iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048
- 16. iShadowSplitCount=2
- 17. iMaxAnisotropy=16
- 18. fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd=4600.0000
- 19. fLeafAnimDampenDistStart=3600.0000
- 20. fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=10000000.0000
- 21. fGamma=1.0000
- 22. fDecalLOD2=1500.0000
- 23. fDecalLOD1=1000.0000
- 24. fSpecularLODStartFade=2000.0000
- 25. fShadowLODStartFade=200.0000
- 26. fLightLODStartFade=3500.0000
- 27. iTexMipMapMinimum=0
- 28. iTexMipMapSkip=0
- 29. iWaterMultiSamples=0
- 30. iMultiSample=8
- 31. iShadowMode=3
- 32. bTreesReceiveShadows=0
- 33. bDrawLandShadows=0
- 34. bFull Screen=1
- 35. iSize H=1080
- 36. iSize W=1920
- 37. fMeshLODFadePercentDefault=1.2000
- 38. fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault=256.0000
- 39. fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=2048.0000
- 40. fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=2844.0000
- 41. fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=10000000.0000
- 42. fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=10000000.0000
- 43. iScreenShotIndex=2
- 44. bShadowMaskZPrepass=0
- 45. bMainZPrepass=0
- 46. iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame=250
- 47. iMaxDecalsPerFrame=800
- 48. bFloatPointRenderTarget=0
- 49. sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060"
- 50. bFXAAEnabled=0
- 51. iShadowMapResolution=4096
- 52. fShadowBiasScale=0.1500
- 53. iShadowMaskQuarter=4
- 54. iAdapter=0
- 55. iPresentInterval=1
- 56. iShadowFilter=3
- 57. bShadowsOnGrass=1
- 58. bTransparencyMultisampling=0
- 59. bDeferredShadows=1
- 60. bDrawShadows=1
- 61. [Grass]
- 62. b30GrassVS=1
- 63. fGrassStartFadeDistance=7000.0000
- 64. fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=7000.0000
- 65. fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=0.0000
- 66. [MAIN]
- 67. bGamepadEnable=1
- 68. bCrosshairEnabled=1
- 69. fHUDOpacity=1.0000
- 70. bSaveOnPause=1
- 71. bSaveOnTravel=1
- 72. bSaveOnWait=1
- 73. bSaveOnRest=1
- 74. fSkyCellRefFadeDistance=150000.0000
- 75. [GamePlay]
- 76. bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=1
- 77. bShowQuestMarkers=1
- 78. iDifficulty=2
- 79. [Interface]
- 80. bDialogueSubtitles=0
- 81. bGeneralSubtitles=0
- 82. fMouseCursorSpeed=1.0000
- 83. bShowCompass=1
- 84. [Controls]
- 85. fGamepadHeadingSensitivity=1.0000
- 86. fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0125
- 87. bAlwaysRunByDefault=1
- 88. bInvertYValues=0
- 89. bGamePadRumble=1
- 90. bMouseAcceleration=1
- 91. bUseKinect=0
- 92. [Particles]
- 93. iMaxDesired=750
- 94. [SaveGame]
- 95. fAutosaveEveryXMins=15.0000
- 96. [AudioMenu]
- 97. fAudioMasterVolume=0.9000
- 98. fVal7=1.0000
- 99. uID7=0
- 100. fVal6=1.0000
- 101. uID6=0
- 102. fVal5=1.0000
- 103. uID5=0
- 104. fVal4=1.0000
- 105. uID4=268575098
- 106. fVal3=1.0000
- 107. uID3=94881
- 108. fVal2=0.1000
- 109. uID2=466532
- 110. fVal1=1.0000
- 111. uID1=554685
- 112. fVal0=0.8000
- 113. uID0=1007612
- 114. [Clouds]
- 115. fCloudLevel2Distance=262144.0000
- 116. fCloudLevel1Distance=32768.0000
- 117. fCloudLevel0Distance=16384.0000
- 118. fCloudNearFadeDistance=9000.0000
- 119. [TerrainManager]
- 120. fTreeLoadDistance=75000.0000
- 121. fBlockMaximumDistance=250000.0000
- 122. fBlockLevel1Distance=70000.0000
- 123. fBlockLevel0Distance=35000.0000
- 124. fSplitDistanceMult=1.5000
- 125. bShowLODInEditor=0
- 126. [NavMesh]
- 127. fObstacleAlpha=0.5000
- 128. fCoverSideHighAlpha=0.8000
- 129. fCoverSideLowAlpha=0.6500
- 130. fEdgeFullAlpha=1.0000
- 131. fEdgeHighAlpha=0.7500
- 132. fEdgeLowAlpha=0.5000
- 133. fTriangleFullAlpha=0.7000
- 134. fTriangleHighAlpha=0.3500
- 135. fTriangleLowAlpha=0.2000
- 136. fLedgeBoxHalfHeight=25.0000
- 137. fEdgeDistFromVert=10.0000
- 138. fEdgeThickness=10.0000
- 139. fPointSize=2.5000
- 140. [Trees]
- 141. bRenderSkinnedTrees=1
- 142. uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=20
- 143. [Decals]
- 144. uMaxDecals=1000
- 145. bDecals=1
- 146. bSkinnedDecals=1
- 147. uMaxSkinDecals=100
- 148. uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor=60
- 149. [LOD]
- 150. fLODFadeOutMultObjects=15.0000
- 151. fLODFadeOutMultItems=15.0000
- 152. fLODFadeOutMultActors=15.0000
- 153. fLODFadeOutMultSkyCell=1.0000
- 154. [Launcher]
- 155. bEnableFileSelection=1
- 156. bShowAllResolutions=1
- 157. uLastAspectRatio=3
- 158. [BlurShaderHDR]
- 159. bDoHighDynamicRange=1
- 160. [BlurShader]
- 161. bUseBlurShader=0
- 162. [Water]
- 163. iWaterReflectHeight=512
- 164. iWaterReflectWidth=512
- 165. bUseWaterDisplacements=1
- 166. bUseWaterRefractions=1
- 167. bUseWaterReflections=1
- 168. bUseWaterDepth=1