Lost Liberty
Fallout 3by Qolore7
Created almost 2 years ago
Updated almost 2 years ago
A lightweight and highly-curated wabbajack modlist aimed at creating a polished survival-like experience in Fallout 3
Load Order Files
- 2. Fallout3.esm
- 3. Anchorage.esm
- 4. ThePitt.esm
- 5. BrokenSteel.esm
- 6. PointLookout.esm
- 7. Zeta.esm
- 8. ATMOS Sound Overhaul.esp
- 9. Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
- 10. Goodies.esm
- 11. iHUD.esm
- 12. STDG.esp
- 13. traits.esm
- 14. The Megaton Walkway.esm
- 15. Iron Sights Plus.esp
- 16. Vanilla UI Plus.esp
- 17. AnimatedTerminalScreenSavers.esp
- 18. ChurchOfAtomMut.esp
- 19. DisableMuzzleFlashLights.esp
- 20. NS Hunting Rifle Replacer.esp
- 21. Wasted LOD Rocks F3.esp
- 22. Atmos - UF3P Patch.esp
- 23. ChangedViciousDogs.esp
- 24. LessAggresiveBloatfly.esp
- 25. RealNukaColaMachines.esp
- 26. CanHasRecoil.esp
- 27. CaravanFastTravel.esp
- 28. CaravanFastTravelVoiced.esp
- 29. DadFollowsToRivet.esp
- 30. DelayDLCPlus.esp
- 31. Fallout3EndingRestored.esp
- 32. FortMonumentsRestored.esp
- 33. Nicer Companion Firing Dialogue.esp
- 34. Nicer Goodbye.esp
- 35. Nicer Goodbye to Zip.esp
- 36. Nicer Red and Shorty's Death Dialogue.esp
- 37. NS Scopeless 44 Magnum.esp
- 38. FourEyesTraitFix.esp
- 39. Fugacity.esp
- 40. Fugacity - Scopeless 44 Magnum Patch.esp
- 41. Ownership Tweaks.esp
- 42. Vicious Wastes.esp
- 43. Vicious Wastes - Complete.esp
- 44. Vicious Wastes - UF3P Patch.esp
- 45. Vicous Wastes - Delay DLC Patch.esp
- 46. Vicious Wastes - Nicer Firing Dialogue Patch.esp
- 47. Vicious Wastes - Goodies Patch.esp
- 48. Traits - Vicious Wastes Patch.esp
- 49. Fugacity - Vicious Wastes Patch.esp
- 50. Vicious Wastes Tweaks.esp
- 51. Reputation.esp
- 52. Less Placed Ammo.esp
- 53. FO3 Quick Start.esp
- 54. Fallout 3 Quick Start - Nerfed Starting Items.esp
- 55. FO3 Quick Start - Traits.esp
- 56. Flora Overhaul.esp
- 57. FO3LODGen.esp
- 58. Simple Megaton Visible Wasteland.esp
- 59. Clarity.esp
- 2. DLC: Zeta
- 3. DLC: ThePitt
- 4. DLC: PointLookout
- 5. DLC: BrokenSteel
- 6. DLC: Anchorage
- 7. Decompressed Vanilla ESMs
- 8. Decompressed Vanilla BSAs
- 10. ActorCause Save Bloat Fix
- 11. Anti-Crash
- 12. Combat Lag Fix
- 13. Command Extender
- 14. Console Paste Support
- 15. Enhanced Camera
- 16. Fallout 3 Heap Replacer
- 17. Fallout Script Extender
- 18. Fallout Stutter Remover
- 19. High Resolution Screens
- 20. High Resolution Water Fog
- 21. Loot Menu
- 22. lStewieAl's Tweaks
- 23. lStewieAl's Tweaks INI
- 24. OneTweak
- 26. Goodies
- 27. Iron Sights Plus
- 28. New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod
- 29. Tree LOD Bug Fix
- 30. Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch
- 32. Vanilla UI Plus
- 33. Clean Vanilla Hud
- 34. Clean Vanilla Hud - FO3 Aesthetics Patch
- 35. Consistent Pip-Boy Icons
- 36. Consistent Pip-Boy Icons Patches
- 37. Immersive HUD
- 39. A Decent Metro Map
- 40. Animated Immersive Lanterns
- 41. Animated Terminal Screen Savers
- 42. Animated Terminal Screen Savers - English Translation
- 43. Anniversary Anim Pack for FO3
- 44. Anniversary Anim Pack - General Bugfix
- 45. Fallout 3 weapons reload sounds for Anniversary Animation Pack
- 46. Church Of Atom Mutant Edition
- 47. Clarity
- 48. Desaturated Brahmin
- 49. Faster Pip-Boy Animation
- 50. FO3LODGen Resources
- 51. FO3 Flora Overhaul
- 52. Glowing Muck Pools
- 53. Improved LOD Noise Texture
- 54. Ojo Bueno Roads
- 55. Ojo Bueno Roads LOD
- 56. Mimezu Texture Project
- 57. No Muzzle Flash Lights
- 58. NS Hunting Rifle Replacer
- 59. PipBoy 3000 HD Retexture
- 60. Semi-Transparent Door Glass
- 61. Sidewalk Recolor
- 62. Wasted LOD - Cliffs
- 64. ATMOS Ambient Sound Overhaul
- 65. Eerie Ambient
- 67. Animal Edits Or Something
- 68. Animated Nuka Cola Vending Machines
- 69. Better Ghouls
- 70. Can Has Recoil
- 71. Caravan Fast Travel with Random Encounters
- 72. Caravan Fast Travel Voiced
- 73. Dad Follows Player to Rivet City
- 74. Delay DLC Plus Updated
- 75. Fallout 3 Ending Restored
- 76. Fallout 3 Fort Monuments Restored
- 77. Four Eyes Trait Fix
- 78. Fugacity
- 79. Misc. Gamesetting Tweaks
- 80. Nicer Companion Firing Dialogue
- 81. Nicer Goodbye to Wastelander Ghouls
- 82. Nicer Goodbye to Zip
- 83. Nicer Red and Shorty Death Dialogue
- 84. NS Scopeless 44 Magnum Revolver
- 85. Shorter Cannibal Animation
- 86. The Megaton Walkway
- 87. Traits
- 88. Vicious Wastes
- 89. Immersive HUD - Vicious Wastes
- 90. Voids Fallout 3 Misc Collection
- 94. Fallout 3 Quick Start
- 95. Fallout 3 Quick Start - Patches & Tweaks
- 97. Lost Liberty Modgroups
- 98. Lost Liberty Patches & Tweaks
- 99. Lost Liberty LODGen Output
- 100. Fallout Anniversary Patcher (CHECK READ-ME!!)