Mayra's Story
by Jonnboyy
Created about 1 month ago
Updated about 1 month ago
The mods I will be using in Mayra's Story
Load Order Files
- 2. Fallout4.esm
- 3. DLCRobot.esm
- 4. DLCworkshop01.esm
- 5. DLCCoast.esm
- 6. DLCworkshop02.esm
- 7. DLCworkshop03.esm
- 8. DLCNukaWorld.esm
- 9. cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl
- 10. ccgcafo4005-factionws05hrpink.esl
- 11. ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl
- 12. ccawnfo4001-brandedattire.esl
- 13. ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl
- 14. ccfrsfo4002-antimaterielrifle.esl
- 15. cceejfo4002-nuka.esl
- 16. cczsef04001-bhouse.esm
- 17. ccrzrfo4002-disintegrate.esl
- 18. ccbgsfo4090-piptribal.esl
- 19. ccbgsfo4089-pipsynthwave.esl
- 20. ccbgsfo4087-piphaida.esl
- 21. ccbgsfo4085-piphawaii.esl
- 22. ccbgsfo4084-pipretro.esl
- 23. ccbgsfo4083-pipartdeco.esl
- 24. ccbgsfo4082-pipprc.esl
- 25. ccbgsfo4081-pipphenolresin.esl
- 26. ccbgsfo4080-pippop.esl
- 27. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
- 28. ArmorKeywords.esm
- 29. WorkshopFramework.esm
- 30. HUDFramework.esm
- 31. XDI.esm
- 32. HiPolyFacesCompanionPlugin.esl
- 33. Straw_uNPCs.esl
- 34. AnimalPosingFramework.esl
- 35. NoDialogueAutoRotAndForcedPos.esl
- 36. FaceLight.esl
- 37. YK42B.esl
- 38. FFO.esm
- 39. Arbitration - Resources.esm
- 40. TrueStormsFO4.esm
- 41. RunningWithHandsAnim.esl
- 42. MutantMenagerie.esm
- 43. Skb_MachinegunsRebirth.esl
- 44. Zapgun.esl
- 45. WorldwideGhoulsV400.esl
- 46. BusMod.esl
- 47. MFC2023_EndAlz_Trunk.esm
- 48. ProjectZeta.esm
- 49. K9TacticalHarness.esp
- 50. Natural Rocks.esl
- 51. Natural Roads.esl
- 52. Natural Landscapes.esl
- 53. NCRArmourPack.esl
- 54. LIF.esl
- 55. Glock86.esl
- 56. DocsoftheCW.esl
- 57. Geckos.esl
- 58. BerettaM9FS.esl
- 59. Cazadors.esl
- 60. Darlene.esm
- 61. Fireflies.esl
- 62. Dogs can grab player.esl
- 63. DesertOperator.esl
- 64. Companion_Gorilla.esl
- 65. CanarySaveFileMonitor.esl
- 66. CWSS Redux.esp
- 67. TacticalReload.esm
- 68. TeslaHeavyGun.esl
- 69. LMNSOverlays.esl
- 70. Quick_Change_Armor_by_tooun.esl
- 71. PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp
- 72. FFO.esp
- 73. Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters.esp
- 74. Armorsmith Extended.esp
- 75. PlayerComments.esp
- 76. StartMeUp.esp
- 77. AnimatronicApocalypse.esp
- 78. Fallout 4 NPC Scaling and Enemy Buff 1.0.esp
- 79. Better Locational Damage.esp
- 80. RaceCustomizer.esp
- 81. Realistic Crippled Limbs Effects Basic.esp
- 82. HiPolyFaces.esp
- 83. Clarity.esp
- 84. Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
- 85. BOREALIS.esp
- 86. BNS Trees.esp
- 87. Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp
- 88. BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC.esp
- 89. PlayerCommentsStartMeUpPatch.esp
- 90. subwayrunnnernodynamic.esp
- 91. InteriorsEnhanced-All-In-One.esp
- 92. CrimeTown.esp
- 93. TrainBar.esp
- 94. jsrs.esp
- 95. KRisKiss.esp
- 96. Raider Gang Extended NPC (Fixed & Cleaned).esp
- 97. CharCustomizationOptions.esp
- 98. RecruitableSettlers.esp
- 99. ZombieWalkers.esp
- 100. GhoulBlood.esp
- 101. LushAmbience.esp
- 102. Be Exceptional.esp
- 103. F4llout76 - Mutations.esp
- 104. EveryonesBestFriend.esp
- 105. AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
- 106. Less Loot and Ammo 1.3.esp
- 107. Immersive Fallout (DLC).esp
- 108. Claustrophobia.esp
- 109. CombinedArmsNV.esp
- 110. CombinedArmsEXPack.esp
- 111. EFBWatchman.esp
- 112. CheatTerminal.esp
- 113. Absolutely_Headwear.esp
- 114. Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment_GunForHire_Addon.esp
- 115. JSRS_Regions.esp
- 116. MilitarizedMinutemen.esp
- 117. Zara.esp
- 118. Backpacks of the Commonwealth.esp
- 119. skarletfollower.esp
- 120. M2_Flamethrower_2.2.esp
- 121. CovenantFix.esp
- 122. Zetan.esp
- 123. WulfRaiderAccessories.esp
- 124. Floaters.esp
- 125. EG7.esp
- 126. Dank_ECO.esp
- 127. CSEPCompanion.esp
- 128. InGameCollectibleMaps.esp
- 129. PlayerComments_UFO4P_Patch.esp
- 130. TEEParty.esp
- 131. MjolnirMKVB.esp
- 132. Conquest.esp
- 133. CorvalhoWidowShotgun.esp
- 134. 9mmPistol.esp
- 135. Vault-Tec_MPL.esp
- 136. Crossbow.esp
- 137. WattzLaserGun.esp
- 138. SCAR-L.esp
- 139. Wana_SA58.esp
- 140. DoubleBarrelReloadRedone.esp
- 141. DoubleBarrelReloadRedoneTR.esp
- 142. DP_CaravanShotgun.esp
- 143. 127mmSMG.esp
- 144. Mk41GyrojetHMG.esp
- 145. Ak5C.esp
- 146. F4NVServiceRifleRedux.esp
- 147. LAER.esp
- 148. MK18.esp
- 149. LString_Bow.esp
- 150. AER15.esp
- 151. Less Loot and Ammo 1.3 - Less Stuff 100 (vanilla).esp
- 152. MOARNUKA!!.esp
- 153. Remington 1858.esp
- 154. Miami Misadventures EP1.esp
- 155. Livewire by Shiagur.esp
- 156. llamaCompanionHeatherv2.esp
- 157. couplemoredeathclaws.esp
- 158. M1928A1.esp
- 159. Annie.esp
- 160. RU556.esp
- 161. XM2010_SniperRifle_by_tooun.esp
- 162. RPD.esp
- 163. Escape from Boston - Springfield M14.esp
- 164. ImiUzi.esp
- 165. RCW.esp
- 166. WastelandWideWarehouse.esp
- 167. GaussRevolver.esp
- 168. HsProduktVhs2.esp
- 169. LeeEnfieldNo4MkI.esp
- 170. Cyberout77.esp
- 171. M4k4rov - PPSh.esp
- 172. Mossberg500.esp
- 173. AK74M.esp
- 174. ASmallAdditionPenguinCom00.esp
- 175. SelectRevolver.esp
- 176. G3A3.esp
- 177. AAMWA2k.esp
- 178. CombatRifleReduxMica_REPLACER.esp
- 179. DakM202.esp
- 180. SVT40.esp
- 181. JurttusInteriors.esp
- 182. HuntingShotgun.esp
- 183. DOOMThatGun.esp
- 184. SKSType56.esp
- 185. AQUILA.esp
- 186. DX_Banshee_Recon_Armor.esp
- 187. SG550.esp
- 188. MP7.esp
- 189. ASH127.esp
- 190. HK_MP5.esp
- 191. Glock19x.esp
- 192. KrissVector.esp
- 193. HRP_Mk23.esp
- 194. Mac10.esp
- 195. MODGirlyAnimation.esp
- 196. USP .45_by_tooun.esp
- 197. FOLON_ChinesePistol.esp
- 198. FOLON - LugerP08.esp
- 199. HigherResistantGasMasks.esp
- 200. rb_dancecyclopedia.esp
- 201. Raze My Settlement.esp
- 202. SettleObjExpandPack.esp
- 203. AllowVaultAnywhere.esp
- 204. TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp
- 205. Calamity Weathers.esp
- 206. LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
- 207. VtawWardrobe8.esp
- 208. VtawWardrobe4.esp
- 209. VtawUtilityPack1.esp
- 210. VtawWardrobe6.esp
- 211. VTAW 68 Settlers and Guards.esp
- 212. VtawWardrobe7.esp
- 213. VTAW 68 Raiders.esp
- 214. TrueGrass.esp
- 215. BOREALIS Grasses.esp
- 216. Ev_CPA10.esp
- 217. EV_CPA10_LL.esp
- 218. StartMeUpShaunDefaultAppearance.esp
- 219. StartMeUpNukaWorldPatch.esp
- 220. ImmersiveAnimationFramework.esp
- 221. IAF - Far Harbor & Nuka World.esp
- 222. GetDirty_NoCleanlinessPatchForCWSS.esp
- 223. GetDirty.esp
- 224. DX Vault Girl Shorts.esp
- 225. DX Commonwealth Shorts.esp
- 226. Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp
- 227. Skibs-WH77Redux.esp
- 228. GreaseGunSMG.esp
- 229. MAS38.esp
- 230. Quad_Accelerator.esp
- 231. 45autoPistol.esp
- 232. SV-98.esp
- 233. mcgFemaleWalk.esp
- 234. mcgFemaleWalk-Granny-ru.esp
- 235. mcgFemaleWalk-Granny-eng.esp
- 236. Use Console Commands in Survival.esp
- 237. TrueStormsFO4-FarHarborExtraRads.esp
- 238. TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp
- 239. ToughGirlAttire.esp
- 240. ThraxFashionPoses.esp
- 241. ThraxActionPoses.esp
- 242. StG44.esp
- 243. QwibPipBoyGlove.esp
- 244. M2216.esp
- 245. Chainsaw.esp
- 246. Less Legendary Items 1.0 50.esp
- 247. Chainsaw_LL.esp
- 248. WinchesterP94.esp
- 249. WinchesterP94Balanced2.esp
- 250. Mauser.esp
- 251. M14.esp
- 252. The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
- 253. Disruptor.esp
- 254. Smoke-able Cigars.esp
- 255. AlexSleevePatcher.esp
- 256. Sinister Ambient Sound.esp
- 257. zWGirlClothSimply.esp
- 258. SimpleImpact.esp
- 259. Shino Poses.esp
- 260. SexyEveningDress.esp
- 261. KSHairdosExtra.esp
- 262. SettlementMenuManager.esp
- 263. R91M.esp
- 264. 3dscopes-R91M.esp
- 265. Scavver's Backpacks.esp
- 266. SKKRESystemManager.esp
- 267. SKKMoveWorkshopMarkers.esp
- 268. RutahTattooPack_FO4.esp
- 269. Elzee Breathe.esp
- 270. RiotShotgun.esp
- 271. RichMerchants.esp
- 272. DOOMRhino.esp
- 273. Reanimated Stimpack Sounds.esp
- 274. Realistic Survival Damage.esp
- 275. Realistic Roads - Black Asphalt.esp
- 276. Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp
- 277. DeathclawVariety.esp
- 278. Quantum Deathclaws.esp
- 279. Post Nuclear Girl.esp
- 280. AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
- 281. PhotoMode.esp
- 282. ParkCoventry.esp
- 283. NukaRadBans.esp
- 284. [ARR] FallEvil - Palehead.esp
- 285. hk 45.esp
- 286. CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon.esp
- 287. PigTwinEagles.esp
- 288. RailwayPistol.esp
- 289. PlasmaDefenderStandalone.esp
- 290. DX_Overboss_Outfit.esp
- 291. ObiRandom.esp
- 292. Fallschirmjagergewehr.esp
- 293. RemoteExplosives.esp
- 294. OTs33Pernach.esp
- 295. OCDecorator.esp
- 296. OCDecoratorDLC.esp
- 297. OCDispenser.esp
- 298. No Limits - Encounter Zones Overhaul.esp
- 299. HSC.esp
- 300. NoCarryWeightPenalty.esp
- 301. NPCs Use Items.esp
- 302. fnOutfitManager.esp
- 303. CarryWeight300.esp
- 304. CarryWeight50Strength.esp
- 305. F4NV-N99.esp
- 306. Wintermute.esp
- 307. TEEPartyDLC.esp
- 308. Mosin.esp
- 309. More_Vines.esp
- 310. MMMFO4.esp
- 311. MisfitInk.esp
- 312. McMillanCS5.esp
- 313. Follower Revive System.esp
- 314. MarkerDogmeat.esp
- 315. KSHairdos_oel.esp
- 316. SettlementLimitSlashed.esp
- 317. MW-Krueger.esp
- 318. MP40.esp
- 319. MG42.esp
- 320. GatlingRifle.esp
- 321. GatlingRifle-Commando.esp
- 322. GatlingRifle-NoIdiotSavant.esp
- 323. OTs-02 Kiparis.esp
- 324. LovingCait.esp
- 325. LooksMenu.esp
- 326. Locksmith.esp
- 327. Less Loot and Ammo 1.3 - Less Ammo 50.esp
- 328. Less Loot and Ammo 1.3 - Less Meds and Chems 50.esp
- 329. LegendaryRingz.esp
- 330. LegendaryModification.esp
- 331. LegendaryModification2LM.esp
- 332. LegendaryModificationCSA.esp
- 333. LegendaryModificationMisc.esp
- 334. LazmansPoses.esp
- 335. Lara's Wetsuit.esp
- 336. JSRS_Footsteps.esp
- 337. ConceptCentaur.esp
- 338. KSHairdos.esp
- 339. IWPiper.esp
- 340. Immersive Waiting.esp
- 341. ImiUziLvlList.esp
- 342. 3Vegas_SurvivalBeverages_version2F.esp
- 343. Survival Effects Tweaks.esp
- 344. HoloTime_2.esp
- 345. Elzee Have a Seat.esp
- 346. HalfGasMask.esp
- 347. Gunner_Operator.esp
- 348. Grenade Pistol.esp
- 349. Grasslands - Healthy.esp
- 350. DOOMGlock.esp
- 351. Ghoulsnd.esp
- 352. Mass.esp
- 353. Get Dirty extra effects v1b.esp
- 354. 1FOM_FireAxe.esp
- 355. Violet.esp
- 356. Scopes.esp
- 357. Better Perks.esp
- 358. Fallfall.esp
- 359. M8rDisablePipboyEffects.esp
- 360. [ARR] FallEvil - Zombie Dogs REVisited.esp
- 361. [LEO] Licker.esp
- 362. FOVSlider.esp
- 363. Ada Wong Re 2 Remake.esp
- 364. Ada Wong RE4RE.esp
- 365. FIS-Naming-Weap-Armo-EN.esp
- 366. Factor.esp
- 367. EquippableDogmeatSkinsRedux.esp
- 368. Dank_ECO_DLCCoast.esp
- 369. Dank_ECO_DLCNukaWorld.esp
- 370. Dank_ECO_DLCRobot.esp
- 371. Dank_ECO_TacticalReload.esp
- 372. DocDrumlin.esp
- 373. DnxTattoos.esp
- 374. Desolation Infection Balance.esp
- 375. DavesPoses.esp
- 376. CustomCamera.esp
- 377. Socks Fashion.esp
- 378. CraftableAmmo.esp
- 379. CraftableAmmo_plus.esp
- 380. CourierDuster.esp
- 381. Elzee Cough.esp
- 382. BattleRifle.esp
- 383. Companion_MoleRat.esp
- 384. CompanionWhistle.esp
- 385. Zoey.esp
- 386. Bella.esp
- 387. CompanionTracker.esp
- 388. CompanionStatus.esp
- 389. Companion Infinite Ammo.esp
- 390. BLD - AI Tweaks.esp
- 391. CombatStyleNPC.esp
- 392. Colt6520.esp
- 393. Coach_Bill_Companion.esp
- 394. Clothes Pack 4 by DonEb14n.esp
- 395. Clothes Pack 3 by DonEb14n.esp
- 396. Clothes Pack 2 by DonEb14n.esp
- 397. Chemfluence AI Combat Dynamics.esp
- 398. Zanthir_MinigunReplacer.esp
- 399. CBBE.esp
- 400. Calamity Weathers - Nuka World.esp
- 401. Calamity Weathers - Interiors.esp
- 402. SlowTime.esp
- 403. PersonalGuard.esp
- 404. BoS Medic Battle Suit.esp
- 405. Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp
- 406. Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp
- 407. Better Locational Damage - Ghoul Edition.esp
- 408. BOS_overhaul.esp
- 409. [BOCW] Kitsune.esp
- 410. BLD Holotape Fix.esp
- 411. BLD_IAF_Patch.esp
- 412. PD_LowerWeapon.esp
- 413. AsharaFO4Steampunk.esp
- 414. AsharaFO4Cyborg.esp
- 415. BLD_Armor_Overhaul.esp
- 416. PPSh_Addon.esp
- 417. AnimatedRadaway.esp
- 418. AlysrazaOverlays.esp
- 419. WmkActiveEffects.esp
- 420. AX50.esp
- 421. ANiceOakTree Hairs.esp
- 422. 65SeriesPistols.esp
- 423. SelectBlaster.esp
- 424. UnlimitedDogmeatCarryWeight.esp
- 425. VtawKasugaN.esp
- 426. VtawGothicDressNe.esp
- 427. Wet Effects.esp
- 428. WWM Gear Pack.esp
- 429. VtawWardrobe5.esp
- 430. VtawVintageDressNe.esp
- 431. VtawMaxyDressNE.esp
- 432. Worm Vest Pack Remake.esp
- 433. Starting Stats Wife.esp
- 434. Stimpaks help you breathe.esp
- 435. StopDropPose.esp
- 436. Sun's Poses.esp
- 437. Female Tactical Armor.esp
- 438. TacticalMods.esp
- 439. GR123 RE Samurai Edge Beretta.esp
- 440. FollowersExtended.esp
- 441. SlideStandalone.esp
- 442. LetMeUseThat.esp
- 443. Locky Bastard.esp
- 444. FOLON_Camelot_Merc.esp
- 445. IOD_Merc_Gear.esp
- 446. FOLON_Bren.esp
- 447. ASOAstinsSkinOverlays(Brands).esp
- 448. Third Person Movement Speed Fix.esp
- 449. Be Exceptional - Uninstall.esp
- 450. halffacemask.esp
- 451. jude2.esp
- 452. pbs_damage_perks.esp
- 453. 3dscopes-crossbow.esp
- 454. 3dscopes-fnfal.esp
- 455. 3dscopes-g67.esp
- 456. 3dscopes-gyrojet.esp
- 457. 3dscopes-leeenfield.esp
- 458. 3dscopes-m14.esp
- 459. 3dscopes-m2216.esp
- 460. 3dscopes-mosin.esp
- 461. 3dscopes-ru556.esp
- 462. 3dscopes-servicerifle.esp
- 463. 3dscopes-sv98.esp
- 464. 3dscopes-svt40.esp
- 465. 3dscopes-wattz.esp
- 466. LMBTOverlays.esp
- 467. ScreenArcherMenu.esp
- 468. 256StandaloneHairColors.esp
- 469. LaserGarand.esp
- 470. Journey.esp
- 471. 3dscopes.esp
- 472. Green Commonwealth.esp
- 473. TacticalTablet_Pip-BoyFlashlight.esp
- 474. Perfect landscape.esp
- 475. 4estGimp - HDTP.esp
- 476. AdditionalHairColors.esp
- 477. Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
- 478. TacticalTablet.esp