Starfieldby eljefe303030
Created about 1 month ago
Updated 10 days ago
Melius is a modlist heavily based on JaeDL's excellent Starborn Royalty and includes graphic mods and settings by Luxor. Main aim is to make the game as enjoyable as possible, whilst improving graphics, audio and adding quality of life mods.
Load Order Files
- 2. Starfield.esm
- 3. Constellation.esm
- 4. ShatteredSpace.esm
- 5. OldMars.esm
- 6. SFBGS003.esm
- 7. SFBGS004.esm
- 8. SFBGS006.esm
- 9. SFBGS007.esm
- 10. SFBGS008.esm
- 11. StarfieldCommunityPatch.esm
- 12. Andreja_Outfit_Z.esm
- 13. ReducedGasVents.esm
- 14. Better Crowd Citizens.esm
- 15. RandomNPCHeights.esm
- 16. NPC female height patch.esm
- 17. Better Crowd Citizens - Random NPC Height Patch.esm
- 18. LoreFriendlyLoadingScreens.esm
- 19. EnhancedLightsandFX.esm
- 20. StarLuminous - Lighting Overhaul.esm
- 21. StarLuminous - Neon.esm
- 22. BattensWrecks.esm
- 23. Earth POIs.esm
- 24. NASALandmark.esm
- 25. RosieTannehill-AnActualDoctor.esm
- 26. SeeYourselfSleep.esm
- 27. Grav145.esm
- 28. PEAK Enemy AI CasA.esm
- 29. Bedlam.esm
- 30. Infirmary.esm
- 31. LevelScaling.esm
- 32. Item Sorter.esm
- 33. RoyalGalaxy.esm
- 34. SimpleImmersiveLooting.esm
- 35. RandomChanceSkillMagazines.esm
- 36. USU.esm
- 37. PxGuardianTweaks.esm
- 38. RoyalSkiesSpaceCombat.esm
- 39. RSSC White Dwarf 2000 thrust fix.esm
- 40. FreestarShipFactionFixes.esm
- 41. RoyalTier4WeaponsOnly.esm
- 42. RoyalWeathersVaRuunkai2.esm
- 43. TreesRescaled.esm
- 44. RoyalLeveledEnemiesSS.esm
- 45. CraftableWeaponSkins.esm
- 46. CraftableWeaponSkins-UniqueNames.esm
- 47. CraftableWeaponSkins-NoRequirements.esm
- 48. CraftableWeaponSkins-EmberBackfireDefaultUniqueNames.esm
- 49. CraftableWeaponSkins-TrackersAlliance.esm
- 50. Microgun-Skins-Minx.esm
- 51. ACR_UrbanEagle_Skin_Pack1.esm
- 52. ACR_Pacifier_Skin_Pack1.esm
- 53. ACR_Eon_Skin_Pack1.esm
- 54. ACR_Kodama_Skin_Pack1.esm
- 55. ACR_AR99_Skin_Pack1.esm
- 56. ACR_OEAR_Skin_Pack1.esm
- 57. MoreImmersiveLandingsTakeOffs.esm
- 58. MoreReconLaserSights.esm
- 59. MoreVisualizedDocking.esm
- 60. SeamlessGravJump.esm
- 61. Ship Power Fix.esm
- 62. SeizureOfShips.esm
- 63. ItemSorterRoyalPatch.esm
- 64. Ship Remote Control.esm
- 65. SP2_AllCockpitsNavConsoles.esm
- 66. PxStarbornTweaks.esm
- 67. SimpleImmersiveHelmets.esm
- 68. Neon_Entertainers_Z.esm
- 69. Eit_Clothiers_Z.esm
- 70. LivelyMannequinFix.esm
- 71. CrimsonX_Z.esm
- 72. EIT Z Distributed.esm
- 73. Crimson X Distributed.esm
- 74. Starfield_NPC_LED_Z.esm
- 75. KWNewBooks.esm
- 76. SP2_LodgeLivelyGarden.esm
- 77. Sit To Add Ship.esm
- 78. IncreasedBounties.esm
- 79. LeaveNoWitnesses.esm
- 80. SETI_ShipLights_by_BosDragon.esm
- 81. SOL - Sensible Outpost Lighting.esm
- 82. HealthIncreaseAfterLevel100.esm
- 83. ExtendedCockpitButton.esm
- 84. CI-SA.esm
- 85. MarkedLandmarkBooks.esm
- 86. SkillFixes.esm
- 87. Eli_SurveySlates.esm
- 88. hide show helmet switch.esm
- 89. rbt_MagicBoostDisabler.esm
- 90. Aurie_BuildOuptostsWithCredits.esm
- 91. PopcornTime - NoScarySpaceMusic.esm
- 92. NoCombatMusic.esm
- 93. WeaponSoundFixes.esm
- 94. RoyalSkillsCalledByStars.esm
- 95. Aurie_StayPut.esm
- 96. Straw_BossChestsContainLegendary.esm
- 97. Aurie_StayPutShatteredSpace.esm
- 98. SP2_LandingBayCargoAccess.esm
- 99. polyamory.esm
- 100. Human Damage HS.esm
- 101. Power Nap.esm
- 102. SP2_ShowDateWhenWakingUp.esm
- 103. Walk With Me.esm
- 104. Hand Scanner 4.esm
- 105. Fair Ship Registration Fee.esm
- 106. Better Spaceship Interaction Distance.esm
- 107. ws_VariableContrabandPrices.esm
- 108. SP2_SarahMorganDialogueEnhanced.esm
- 109. CompanionsConvoFix.esm
- 110. ImprovedFollowerBehavior.esm
- 111. SP2_ImmersiveLandingRamps.esm
- 112. Light in the Dark Akila City.esm
- 113. NewAtlantisLightsCheck.esm
- 114. RRLNH - Rabbit's Real Lights New Homestead.esm
- 115. RRLC - Rabbit's Real Lights Cydonia.esm
- 116. RRLP - Rabbit's Real Lights Paradiso.esm
- 117. RRL OBJECTS - Rabbit's Real Lights Landing Pads.esm
- 118. RRLAC - Rabbit's Real Lights Akila City.esm
- 119. RRLG - Rabbit's Real Lights Gagarin.esm
- 120. RRLHT - Rabbit's Real Lights HopeTown.esm
- 121. RRLN - Rabbit's Real Lights Neon.esm
- 122. RRLER - Rabbit's Real Lights Eleos Retreat.esm
- 123. RRLNA - Rabbit's Real Lights New Atlantis.esm
- 124. RRLD - Rabbit's Real Lights Dazra.esm
- 125. BlueprintShips-Starfield.esm
- 1. DLC: ShatteredSpace
- 2. DLC: Constellation
- 5. Starfield Script Extender (SFSE)
- 6. Starfield Community Patch (SFCP)
- 7. Starfield Engine Fixes - SFSE
- 8. Address Library for SFSE Plugins
- 9. Real Time Form Patcher (SFSE)
- 10. Console Command Runner Updated
- 11. Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE)
- 12. Baka Quick Full Saves
- 13. Baka Quit Game Fix
- 14. Starfield Performance BOOST
- 16. Flying leaves fix
- 17. Luxor's realistic Flashlight HD
- 18. 8k Milkyway (beautified)
- 19. HQ - DigiPick and CreditStick
- 20. CINE FIDELITY LUTS & Neutral LUTs - No Color Filters
- 21. Cockpit Screens All
- 22. Retextured Ship Systems Screens
- 23. All Cockpits Have Nav Consoles
- 24. Cleanfield - A No-Intro Videos And Clean Menu Fix
- 25. Main Menu Melius
- 26. Royal Series Two- Lore Friendly Loading Screens
- 27. Enhanced Lights and FX
- 28. StarLuminous - Lighting Overhaul
- 29. StarLuminous - Lighting Overhaul - Neon
- 30. SETI - Ship Exterior True Illumination
- 31. SOL - Sensible Outpost Lighting
- 32. Light in the Dark - New Atlantis
- 33. Light in the Dark - Akila City
- 34. Immersive New Atlantis City Map
- 35. Bullet hole Impact 2.0 newest by Scottyus1
- 36. Simple Immersive Helmets
- 37. Royal Weathers - Textures
- 38. Trees Rescaled
- 39. Another glow magazine mod
- 40. Eit Clothiers Plus - Clothes jackets belts gloves glasses necklace
- 41. Crimson X - Clothing Jackets Glasses Masks Belts Gloves Gear
- 42. Spacers EIT Z Distributed
- 43. Crimson X Distributed
- 44. Starfield NPC LEDs
- 45. Andreja Outfit (Replacer)
- 46. Supervisor Lin Clean
- 47. Heller Had A Shower CLEAN Version
- 48. Immersive Contraband - Stolen Artwork
- 49. Improved NAT Lettering
- 50. Some Alternate Akila Sign Text
- 51. RETINA - Photorealistic Eyes Overhaul
- 52. Improved Transit Signs for New Atlantis
- 53. Bottles Labels Overhaul
- 54. Marked Landmark Books
- 55. Livelier Lodge Indoor Garden
- 57. Eli's Renamed Survey Data - Better Sorting
- 58. Show XP on Loading Screens
- 59. Clean ship hud 60 FPS
- 60. Enhanced Dialogue Interface
- 61. Show Star Names
- 62. Show Power Names
- 63. StarUI Configurator
- 64. StarUI HUD
- 65. StarUI Ship Builder
- 66. StarUI Outpost
- 67. Undelayed Menus
- 68. StarUI Inventory
- 69. StarUI Workbench
- 70. Compact Mission UI
- 71. Faster Favorites Menu
- 72. High-Vis Crosshair and Scope Replacement - Ultrawide Compatible
- 73. Clean Reflex Sight Lenses
- 74. More Recon Laser Sights - MRLS
- 75. Dark Mode for Terminals
- 76. Simple Immersive Looting
- 77. Show Date When Waking Up
- 79. Customisable Animation Speed
- 80. Stop Flailing While Falling
- 81. Seamless Grav Jump
- 82. ImmerSleep - See Yourself Sleeping
- 83. More Immersive Landings And Takeoffs
- 84. More Visualized Docking
- 85. Starfield Locomotion Innovation Mod - SLIM
- 86. Smart Aiming SFSE - Third to First Person (Updated)
- 88. Starborn not Toddborn - Modular Spacesuit and buffed Guardian ship
- 89. Mantis Spacesuit - My Starborn replacer by Xtudo
- 90. Neon Entertainer's Outfit
- 91. Microgun Skins - 5 New Standalone Workbench Skins
- 92. Urban Eagle - Skin Pack 1
- 93. Pacifier - Skin Pack 1
- 94. Eon Pistol Skin - Skin Pack 1
- 95. Kodama - Skin Pack 1
- 96. AA99 Rifle - Skin Pack 1
- 97. Old Earth Assault Rifle - Skin Pack 1
- 98. Craftable Weapon Skins - CWS
- 100. PEAK - Enemy AI Module
- 101. Bedlam - Dungeon Randomizer
- 102. Rosie Tannehill - An Actual Doctor
- 103. Skill Fixes
- 104. NPC Height Variation Mod
- 105. NPC Female Height Patch
- 106. Better Crowd Citizens - En
- 107. Better Crowd Citizens - Random NPC Height Patch
- 108. Summoning of Ship - Ship Remote Control - Land - Take off - Set gravity
- 109. Level Scaling - Complete
- 110. Functional Ship Infirmaries
- 111. Item Sorter
- 112. Royal Galaxy - A Starfield Revamp And Cut Content Restoration
- 113. Item Sorter - Royal Patch
- 114. Royal Series Two- Called by Stars
- 115. Royal Series Two- Royal Skies Space Combat
- 116. White Dwarf 2000 Patch for Royal Skies Space Combat
- 117. Freestar Space Encounter Hostility Fix
- 118. Royal Series Two- Random Chance for Skill Magazine
- 119. Boss Chests always contain Legendaries
- 120. More lore accurate bounties
- 121. Batten's Shipwrecks (POIs)
- 122. Human Activity on Earth - Man-made Points of Interest
- 123. New Landmark Quests - Cut Content Restored
- 124. Extended Activation and NPC Interaction Distance
- 125. Fast Travel To Unknown
- 126. Scanner Closest Path Highlight Improvements
- 127. Variable Contraband Prices - Redux
- 128. Auto Unlock SFSE
- 129. Short Temple Puzzles - 3 Rings
- 130. Build Outpost Items with Credits
- 131. Max Grav Drive 145
- 132. Starborn's Bounty
- 133. Sit To Add Ship to Fleet
- 134. Seizure Of Ships - Take Over Restricted Ships
- 135. Cockpit Access From Ladders
- 136. Simple Offence Suppression SFSE
- 137. Reduced Gas Vents
- 138. Ultimate Shipyards Unlocked
- 139. Lively's Leveled Mannequins Bug Fix
- 140. Gain Health After Level 100
- 141. Royal Series Two- Tier 4 Weapons Only
- 142. Hide Show Helmet And Spacesuit Switch
- 143. Astrophysics - More Trait Discovery
- 144. Ship Power Allocation Fix - Revert Unwanted Power Changes
- 145. Leave No Witnesses
- 146. Stay Put REDUX
- 147. Immersive Landing Ramps
- 148. Landing Bay Cargo Access
- 149. Polyamory - Remove single romance limit
- 150. Auto Transfer Mined and Harvested Resources to Your Ship - SFSE
- 151. Walk With Me
- 152. Fair Ship Registration Fee
- 153. Human Damage (Just a Flesh Wound - Bullet in the Head)
- 154. Power Nap - Faster Sleeping and Waiting
- 155. Better Spaceship Interaction Distance
- 156. Advanced Hand Scanner
- 157. Sarah Morgan Dialogue Enhanced
- 158. Improved Follower Behavior
- 159. More Books II
- 160. Magic Boost Disabler
- 162. PopcornTime - Cinematic Combat and Ambient Music Overhaul
- 163. No Headshot and Crit sounds - Immersive and Realistic
- 164. Satisfying Headshots - Sound Overhaul
- 165. Boost Pack Sound Overhaul
- 166. Library of Mute - Discover Location Music
- 167. No XP soundeffect
- 168. No Combat Music
- 169. Spoken Hazard Alerts
- 170. Weapon Sound Fixes
- 171. Muse (sonorous mix) Main Menu music replacer
- 172. Companions Conversations Fix
- 174. Rabbit's Real Lights Paradiso
- 175. Rabbit's Real Lights New Homestead
- 176. Rabbit's REAL LIGHTS New Atlantis
- 177. Rabbit's Real Lights Neon
- 178. Rabbit's Real Lights HopeTown
- 179. Rabbit's Real Lights Gagarin
- 180. Rabbit's Real Lights Cydonia
- 181. Rabbit's REAL LIGHTS Akila City
- 182. Rabbit's Real Lights Landing Pads
- 183. Rabbit's Real Lights Eleos Retreat
- 185. Royal Weathers - Va'Ruun'kai
- 186. Stay Put REDUX - Shattered Space
- 187. Royal Leveled Enemies - Shattered Space
- 188. Rabbit's Real Lights Dazra