by Anonymous
Created over 1 year ago
Updated over 1 year ago
No description provided.
Load Order Files
- 1. Creation Club: ccvsvsse004-beafarmer
- 2. Creation Club: ccvsvsse003-necroarts
- 3. Creation Club: ccvsvsse002-pets
- 4. Creation Club: ccvsvsse001-winter
- 5. Creation Club: cctwbsse001-puzzledungeon
- 6. Creation Club: ccrmssse001-necrohouse
- 7. Creation Club: ccqdrsse002-firewood
- 8. Creation Club: ccpewsse002-armsofchaos
- 9. Creation Club: ccmtysse002-ve
- 10. Creation Club: ccmtysse001-knightsofthenine
- 11. Creation Club: cckrtsse001_altar
- 12. Creation Club: ccfsvsse001-backpacks
- 13. Creation Club: ccffbsse002-crossbowpack
- 14. Creation Club: ccffbsse001-imperialdragon
- 15. Creation Club: cceejsse005-cave
- 16. Creation Club: cceejsse004-hall
- 17. Creation Club: cceejsse003-hollow
- 18. Creation Club: cceejsse002-tower
- 19. Creation Club: cceejsse001-hstead
- 20. Creation Club: ccedhsse003-redguard
- 21. Creation Club: ccedhsse002-splkntset
- 22. Creation Club: ccedhsse001-norjewel
- 23. Creation Club: cccbhsse001-gaunt
- 24. Creation Club: ccbgssse069-contest
- 25. Creation Club: ccbgssse068-bloodfall
- 26. Creation Club: ccbgssse067-daedinv
- 27. Creation Club: ccbgssse066-staves
- 28. Creation Club: ccbgssse064-ba_elven
- 29. Creation Club: ccbgssse063-ba_ebony
- 30. Creation Club: ccbgssse062-ba_dwarvenmail
- 31. Creation Club: ccbgssse061-ba_dwarven
- 32. Creation Club: ccbgssse060-ba_dragonscale
- 33. Creation Club: ccbgssse059-ba_dragonplate
- 34. Creation Club: ccbgssse058-ba_steel
- 35. Creation Club: ccbgssse057-ba_stalhrim
- 36. Creation Club: ccbgssse056-ba_silver
- 37. Creation Club: ccbgssse055-ba_orcishscaled
- 38. Creation Club: ccbgssse054-ba_orcish
- 39. Creation Club: ccbgssse053-ba_leather
- 40. Creation Club: ccbgssse052-ba_iron
- 41. Creation Club: ccbgssse051-ba_daedricmail
- 42. Creation Club: ccbgssse050-ba_daedric
- 43. Creation Club: ccbgssse045-hasedoki
- 44. Creation Club: ccbgssse043-crosselv
- 45. Creation Club: ccbgssse041-netchleather
- 46. Creation Club: ccbgssse040-advobgobs
- 47. Creation Club: ccbgssse038-bowofshadows
- 48. Creation Club: ccbgssse036-petbwolf
- 49. Creation Club: ccbgssse035-petnhound
- 50. Creation Club: ccbgssse034-mntuni
- 51. Creation Club: ccbgssse031-advcyrus
- 52. Creation Club: ccbgssse021-lordsmail
- 53. Creation Club: ccbgssse020-graycowl
- 54. Creation Club: ccbgssse019-staffofsheogorath
- 55. Creation Club: ccbgssse018-shadowrend
- 56. Creation Club: ccbgssse016-umbra
- 57. Creation Club: ccbgssse014-spellpack01
- 58. Creation Club: ccbgssse013-dawnfang
- 59. Creation Club: ccbgssse012-hrsarmrstl
- 60. Creation Club: ccbgssse011-hrsarmrelvn
- 61. Creation Club: ccbgssse010-petdwarvenarmoredmudcrab
- 62. Creation Club: ccbgssse008-wraithguard
- 63. Creation Club: ccbgssse007-chrysamere
- 64. Creation Club: ccbgssse006-stendarshammer
- 65. Creation Club: ccbgssse005-goldbrand
- 66. Creation Club: ccbgssse004-ruinsedge
- 67. Creation Club: ccbgssse003-zombies
- 68. Creation Club: ccbgssse002-exoticarrows
- 69. Creation Club: ccasvsse001-almsivi
- 70. Creation Club: ccafdsse001-dwesanctuary
- 71. DLC: HearthFires
- 72. DLC: Dragonborn
- 73. DLC: Dawnguard
- 74. Creation Club: ccqdrsse001-survivalmode
- 75. Creation Club: ccbgssse037-curios
- 76. Creation Club: ccbgssse025-advdsgs
- 77. Creation Club: ccbgssse001-fish
- 78. SkyUI
- 79. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - USSEP
- 80. Alternate Start - Live Another Life - SSE
- 81. Address Library for SKSE Plugins
- 82. powerofthree's Tweaks
- 83. SSE Display Tweaks
- 84. Skyrim Priority SE AE - CPU Performance FPS Optimizer
- 85. MCM Helper
- 86. (Part 1) SSE Engine Fixes for 1.6.629 and newer
- 87. Obsidian Weathers and Seasons
- 88. ENB Helper SE
- 92. Hotkey Quit
- 93. Skyland AIO
- 94. Skyland Landscapes Complex Parallax
- 96. Pine Forest - HD Texture Replacer with Parallax
- 97. Volcanic Tundra - HD Texture Replacer with Parallax
- 98. River Stone - HD Texture Replacer with Parallax
- 99. Fall Forest - HD Texture Replacer with Parallax
- 100. Serene Shores
- 101. Vivid Landscapes - Complex Parallax Occlusion Snow
- 102. Northern Ice
- 103. Water for ENB
- 104. Rally's Water Foam
- 105. Skyrim 3D Rocks
- 106. 8K Night Skies - Stars and Galaxies - Cathedral Concept
- 107. Ulvenwald
- 108. Rudy HQ - Falling Leaves and Needles SE
- 109. Cathedral - 3D Pine Grass
- 110. Folkvangr - Grass and Landscape Overhaul
- 111. Origins Of Forest - 3D Forest Grass
- 112. QW's Grass Patch 2 - Origins of Forest - Cathedral - Folkvangr
- 113. Nature of the Wild Lands 2.0
- 114. Nature of the Wild Lands - Forest Debris Only
- 115. Cathedral - 3D Pine Shrubs
- 116. Cathedral - 3D Solstheim Grass
- 117. Cathedral - 3D Thicket and Dead Shrub
- 118. Cathedral - 3D Dragons Tongue
- 119. Cathedral - 3D Sword Ferns
- 120. Cathedral - 3D Nightshade
- 121. Cathedral - 3D Grass Library
- 122. Cathedral - 3D Deathbell
- 123. Cathedral - 3D Snow Berries
- 124. Cathedral - 3D Clover Plant
- 125. Cathedral - 3D Lavender
- 126. Cathedral - 3D Tundra Cotton
- 127. Cathedral - 3D Thistle
- 128. Cathedral - 3D Mountain Flowers
- 129. Cathedral - 3D Mountain Flowers Hearthfire Patch
- 130. UIExtensions
- 131. AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer
- 132. AddItemMenu - NG
- 133. Project New Reign - Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine
- 134. RaceMenu
- 135. XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended
- 136. XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - Fixed Scripts
- 137. XPMSSE - Nemesis - Papyrus Stack Fix
- 138. powerofthree's Papyrus Extender
- 139. Optimised Scripts for XPMSSE
- 140. Embers XD
- 141. Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-
- 142. CBBE AE-CC Outfits
- 143. BodySlide and Outfit Studio
- 144. CBPC - Physics with Collisions
- 145. SMP-NPC crash fix
- 146. Faster HDT-SMP
- 147. PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions
- 148. CBBE 3BA
- 149. The New Gentleman
- 150. Binibini Skin for CBBE 3BA COCO
- 151. Fair Skin Complexion
- 152. Makeup Overhaul
- 153. Hvergelmir's Aesthetics - Brows
- 154. Expressive Facegen Morphs SE
- 155. Expressive Facial Animation -Male Edition-
- 156. Expressive Facial Animation -Female Edition-
- 157. Expressive Facial Animation -Female Edition-Mouth
- 158. High Poly Head SE
- 159. SKSE Tintmask Config - 4K
- 160. Improved Eyes Skyrim
- 161. Female Makeup Suite - Face - RaceMenu Overlays of Eyeliner EyeShadow Contours and Highlights - Special Edition
- 162. Community Overlay 3 (51- 70) Bodypaints Warpaints and Tattoos
- 163. Wolfpaint - Face - Racemenu Overlays
- 164. Skin Feature Overlays SE - Freckles Scars Birthmarks Stretch Marks Moles and More for Face and Body RaceMenu Overlays
- 165. Jane - High Poly Female Character Preset
- 166. Great modders' SMP Hair pack and Xing
- 167. RaceMenu High Heels (Height Fixes)
- 168. Heels Sound
- 169. CBBE - 3BA Vanilla Armor Replacer
- 170. 3BA - Vanilla Armor Replacer - FIX
- 171. Ryan Reos Battle Bunny Akali - CBBE 3BA
- 172. Dark Elf Blader - CBBE 3BA
- 173. YoRHa 2B Attire - TBD
- 174. YoRHa 2B Attire - CBBE 3BA - BHUNP
- 175. Asura's Guard
- 176. Ebonscale CBBE 3BA
- 177. 360 Walk and Run Plus
- 2. SkyUI_SE.esp
- 3. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
- 4. Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
- 5. MCMHelper.esp
- 6. Obsidian Weathers.esp
- 7. Hotkey Quit.esp
- 8. Lit Road Signs.esp
- 9. Skyland Watercolor - Slow Green-Vanilla.esp
- 10. NorthernIce.esp
- 11. Water for ENB (Shades of Skyrim).esp
- 12. Water for ENB.esm
- 13. S3DRocks.esp
- 14. Ulvenwald.esp
- 15. Cathedral - 3D Pine Grass.esp
- 16. Folkvangr - Grass and Landscape Overhaul.esp
- 17. Origins Of Forest - 3D Forest Grass.esp
- 18. QW's Grass Patch 2.esp
- 19. Nature of the Wild Lands.esp
- 20. Cathedral - 3D Solstheim Grass.esp
- 21. Cathedral - 3D Mountain Flowers.esp
- 22. UIExtensions.esp
- 23. AddItemMenuSE.esp
- 24. RaceMenu.esp
- 25. RaceMenuPlugin.esp
- 26. XPMSE.esp
- 27. FNIS.esp
- 28. Embers XD - Fire Magick Add-On.esp
- 29. Embers XD - Patch - Goldenhills Plantation.esp
- 30. Embers XD.esp
- 31. CBBE.esp
- 32. RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp
- 33. 3BBB.esp
- 34. TheNewGentleman.esp
- 35. Brows.esp
- 36. Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl
- 37. 12FemaleBrows.esp
- 38. High Poly Head Vampire Fix.esp
- 39. High Poly Head.esm
- 40. Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp
- 41. FMS_FemaleMakeupSuite.esp
- 42. CommunityOverlays3.esp
- 43. Wolfpaint_Face.esp
- 44. SFO_SkinFeatureOverlays.esp
- 45. GMsHair aXing.esp
- 46. RaceMenuHH.esp
- 47. Heels Sound.esm
- 48. 3BA - Vanilla Armor Replacer.esp
- 49. [Odd] Battle Bunny Akali.esp
- 50. [Ryan Reos] Dark Elf Blader.esp
- 51. [TheMilkDrinker] YoRHa 2B Attire.esp
- 52. Asuras Guard [Armor].esp
- 53. Ebonscale.esp
- 54. 360WalkandRunPlus-RunBackwardSpeedAdjust.esp
Ini Files
- 1. [PROXY]
- 2. EnableProxyLibrary=false
- 3. InitProxyFunctions=true
- 4. ProxyLibrary=
- 6. SpeedHack=true
- 7. ShaderCache=true
- 8. [ENGINE]
- 9. ForceVSync=true
- 10. VSyncSkipNumFrames=0
- 11. [LIMITER]
- 12. EnableFPSLimit=true
- 13. FPSLimit=100
- 14. [INPUT]
- 15. KeyCombination=16
- 16. KeyUseEffect=123
- 17. KeyFPSLimit=36
- 18. KeyShowFPS=106
- 19. KeyScreenshot=44
- 20. KeyEditor=13
- 21. KeyDof=118
- 23. EnableEdgeAA=false
- 24. DeblurGameTAA=false
- 26. EnablePrepass=false
- 27. EnablePostpass=true
- 28. AmountPrepass=1.0
- 29. AmountPostpass=1.0
- 30. [FIX]
- 31. FixReflectionTrees=true
- 32. DisableFakeLights=true
- 33. FixReflectionThirdPerson=true
- 34. FixBlackHair=true
- 35. IgnoreInventory=true
- 36. DisableGameDOF=false
- 37. IgnoreLoadingScreen=true
- 39. Enable=false
- 40. FontScale=20.0
- 41. FontOpacity=0.6
- 42. FontColor=1, 1, 1
- 43. [FILE]
- 44. ScreenshotFormat=0
- 45. [GUI]
- 46. OpenOnStartup=false
- 47. HighResolutionScaling=true
- 48. ShowShadersWindow=true
- 49. ShowWeatherWindow=false
- 50. ShowObjectsWindow=false
- 1. [GLOBAL]
- 2. UseEffect=true
- 3. [EFFECT]
- 4. UseOriginalPostProcessing=false
- 5. UseOriginalBloom=false
- 6. EnablePrepass=false
- 7. EnablePostPassShader=true
- 8. EnableAdaptation=true
- 9. EnableBloom=true
- 10. EnableLens=false
- 11. EnableDepthOfField=true
- 12. UseOriginalObjectsProcessing=false
- 13. EnableAmbientOcclusion=true
- 14. EnableProceduralSun=true
- 15. EnableDistantShadow=true
- 16. EnableDetailedShadow=true
- 17. EnableCloudShadows=true
- 18. EnableImageBasedLighting=true
- 19. EnableSubSurfaceScattering=true
- 20. EnableSkylighting=true
- 21. EnableSkinSpecular=true
- 22. EnableDirectionalSkyLighting=true
- 23. EnableComplexFireLights=false
- 24. EnableComplexParticleLights=true
- 25. EnableSunRays=true
- 26. EnableVolumetricRays=true
- 27. EnableSunGlare=true
- 28. EnableWater=true
- 29. EnableUnderwaterShader=true
- 30. EnableWetSurfaces=true
- 31. EnableRainWetSurfaces=true
- 32. EnableNormalMappingShadows=true
- 33. EnableNormalMappingShadows=false
- 34. EnableReflection=true
- 35. EnableTerrainParallax=true
- 36. EnableTerrainBlending=true
- 37. EnableComplexParallax=true
- 38. EnableComplexParallaxShadows=true
- 39. EnableComplexTerrainParallax=true
- 40. EnableComplexTerrainParallaxShadows=true
- 41. EnableComplexGrass=true
- 42. EnableComplexGrassCollisions=true
- 43. EnableComplexMaterial=false
- 44. EnableDynamicCubemap=true
- 45. [WEATHER]
- 46. EnableMultipleWeathers=true
- 47. EnableLocationWeather=true
- 49. AdaptationSensitivity=0.02
- 50. AdaptationTime=0.8
- 51. ForceMinMaxValues=false
- 52. AdaptationMin=0.01
- 53. AdaptationMax=0.1
- 55. UsePaletteTexture=false
- 56. UseProceduralCorrection=true
- 57. Brightness=1.0
- 58. GammaCurve=1.0
- 60. DawnDuration=2.0
- 61. SunriseTime=7.0
- 62. DayTime=13.0
- 63. SunsetTime=19.0
- 64. DuskDuration=2.0
- 65. NightTime=1.0
- 67. FocusingTime=0.05
- 68. ApertureTime=5.0
- 69. [BLOOM]
- 70. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 71. AmountDawn=0.05
- 72. AmountSunrise=0.05
- 73. AmountDay=0.05
- 74. AmountSunset=0.05
- 75. AmountDusk=0.05
- 76. AmountNight=0.05
- 77. AmountInteriorDay=0.05
- 78. AmountInteriorNight=0.05
- 79. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 80. [LENS]
- 81. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 82. AmountDawn=0.1
- 83. AmountSunrise=0.1
- 84. AmountDay=0.1
- 85. AmountSunset=0.1
- 86. AmountDusk=0.1
- 87. AmountNight=0.1
- 88. AmountInteriorDay=0.1
- 89. AmountInteriorNight=0.1
- 90. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 91. [SKY]
- 92. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 93. DisableWrongSkyMath=false
- 94. Enable=true
- 95. EnableAnimatedStars=false
- 96. StarsAnimationTime=0.3
- 97. StarsAnimationDensity=10.0
- 98. StarsAnimationIntensity=10.0
- 99. StarsIntensityDawn=0.4
- 100. StarsIntensitySunrise=0.0
- 101. StarsIntensityDay=0.0
- 102. StarsIntensitySunset=0.2
- 103. StarsIntensityDusk=0.5
- 104. StarsIntensityNight=1.05
- 105. StarsIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 106. StarsIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 107. StarsCurveDawn=1.0
- 108. StarsCurveSunrise=1.0
- 109. StarsCurveDay=1.0
- 110. StarsCurveSunset=1.0
- 111. StarsCurveDusk=1.0
- 112. StarsCurveNight=1.0
- 113. StarsCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 114. StarsCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 115. AuroraBorealisIntensityDawn=1.0
- 116. AuroraBorealisIntensitySunrise=1.0
- 117. AuroraBorealisIntensityDay=1.0
- 118. AuroraBorealisIntensitySunset=1.0
- 119. AuroraBorealisIntensityDusk=1.0
- 120. AuroraBorealisIntensityNight=1.15
- 121. AuroraBorealisIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 122. AuroraBorealisIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 123. AuroraBorealisCurveDawn=1.0
- 124. AuroraBorealisCurveSunrise=1.0
- 125. AuroraBorealisCurveDay=1.0
- 126. AuroraBorealisCurveSunset=1.0
- 127. AuroraBorealisCurveDusk=1.0
- 128. AuroraBorealisCurveNight=1.0
- 129. AuroraBorealisCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 130. AuroraBorealisCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 131. GradientIntensityDawn=1.0
- 132. GradientIntensitySunrise=1.06
- 133. GradientIntensityDay=1.100001
- 134. GradientIntensitySunset=1.05
- 135. GradientIntensityDusk=1.1
- 136. GradientIntensityNight=0.400001
- 137. GradientIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 138. GradientIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 139. GradientDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 140. GradientDesaturationSunrise=0.0
- 141. GradientDesaturationDay=0.2
- 142. GradientDesaturationSunset=0.2
- 143. GradientDesaturationDusk=0.3
- 144. GradientDesaturationNight=0.3
- 145. GradientDesaturationInteriorDay=0.0
- 146. GradientDesaturationInteriorNight=0.0
- 147. GradientTopIntensityDawn=0.5
- 148. GradientTopIntensitySunrise=1.8
- 149. GradientTopIntensityDay=2.650001
- 150. GradientTopIntensitySunset=2.2
- 151. GradientTopIntensityDusk=1.3
- 152. GradientTopIntensityNight=0.700001
- 153. GradientTopIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 154. GradientTopIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 155. GradientTopCurveDawn=1.1
- 156. GradientTopCurveSunrise=1.15
- 157. GradientTopCurveDay=1.1
- 158. GradientTopCurveSunset=1.2
- 159. GradientTopCurveDusk=1.1
- 160. GradientTopCurveNight=1.0
- 161. GradientTopCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 162. GradientTopCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 163. GradientTopColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 164. GradientTopColorFilterSunrise=0.647, 0.824, 1
- 165. GradientTopColorFilterDay=0.749, 0.588, 1
- 166. GradientTopColorFilterSunset=1, 0.824, 0.89
- 167. GradientTopColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 0.973
- 168. GradientTopColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 169. GradientTopColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 170. GradientTopColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 171. GradientMiddleIntensityDawn=1.05
- 172. GradientMiddleIntensitySunrise=1.65
- 173. GradientMiddleIntensityDay=2.0
- 174. GradientMiddleIntensitySunset=2.250001
- 175. GradientMiddleIntensityDusk=2.75
- 176. GradientMiddleIntensityNight=1.0
- 177. GradientMiddleIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 178. GradientMiddleIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 179. GradientMiddleCurveDawn=1.0
- 180. GradientMiddleCurveSunrise=1.35
- 181. GradientMiddleCurveDay=1.25
- 182. GradientMiddleCurveSunset=1.35
- 183. GradientMiddleCurveDusk=1.15
- 184. GradientMiddleCurveNight=1.0
- 185. GradientMiddleCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 186. GradientMiddleCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 187. GradientMiddleColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 188. GradientMiddleColorFilterSunrise=0.725, 0.863, 1
- 189. GradientMiddleColorFilterDay=0.443, 0.686, 1
- 190. GradientMiddleColorFilterSunset=1, 0.863, 0.706
- 191. GradientMiddleColorFilterDusk=1, 0.765, 0.62
- 192. GradientMiddleColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 193. GradientMiddleColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 194. GradientMiddleColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 195. GradientHorizonIntensityDawn=1.85
- 196. GradientHorizonIntensitySunrise=1.800001
- 197. GradientHorizonIntensityDay=1.100001
- 198. GradientHorizonIntensitySunset=2.9
- 199. GradientHorizonIntensityDusk=3.0
- 200. GradientHorizonIntensityNight=0.5
- 201. GradientHorizonIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 202. GradientHorizonIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 203. GradientHorizonCurveDawn=1.0
- 204. GradientHorizonCurveSunrise=1.15
- 205. GradientHorizonCurveDay=1.4
- 206. GradientHorizonCurveSunset=1.15
- 207. GradientHorizonCurveDusk=1.3
- 208. GradientHorizonCurveNight=1.0
- 209. GradientHorizonCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 210. GradientHorizonCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 211. GradientHorizonColorFilterDawn=1, 0.918, 1
- 212. GradientHorizonColorFilterSunrise=0.961, 0.882, 1
- 213. GradientHorizonColorFilterDay=0.745, 0.812, 1
- 214. GradientHorizonColorFilterSunset=1, 0.745, 0.4
- 215. GradientHorizonColorFilterDusk=1, 0.725, 0.447
- 216. GradientHorizonColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 217. GradientHorizonColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 218. GradientHorizonColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 219. CloudsIntensityDawn=1.05
- 220. CloudsIntensitySunrise=1.250001
- 221. CloudsIntensityDay=1.4
- 222. CloudsIntensitySunset=1.000001
- 223. CloudsIntensityDusk=1.0
- 224. CloudsIntensityNight=0.75
- 225. CloudsIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 226. CloudsIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 227. CloudsCurveDawn=1.1
- 228. CloudsCurveSunrise=1.1
- 229. CloudsCurveDay=1.15
- 230. CloudsCurveSunset=1.15
- 231. CloudsCurveDusk=0.9
- 232. CloudsCurveNight=0.95
- 233. CloudsCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 234. CloudsCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 235. CloudsDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 236. CloudsDesaturationSunrise=0.0
- 237. CloudsDesaturationDay=0.0
- 238. CloudsDesaturationSunset=0.25
- 239. CloudsDesaturationDusk=0.25
- 240. CloudsDesaturationNight=0.5
- 241. CloudsDesaturationInteriorDay=0.0
- 242. CloudsDesaturationInteriorNight=0.0
- 243. CloudsOpacityDawn=0.95
- 244. CloudsOpacitySunrise=1.15
- 245. CloudsOpacityDay=1.25
- 246. CloudsOpacitySunset=1.1
- 247. CloudsOpacityDusk=1.1
- 248. CloudsOpacityNight=1.05
- 249. CloudsOpacityInteriorDay=1.0
- 250. CloudsOpacityInteriorNight=1.0
- 251. CloudsColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 252. CloudsColorFilterSunrise=1, 0.827, 0.525
- 253. CloudsColorFilterDay=0.969, 1, 1
- 254. CloudsColorFilterSunset=1, 0.745, 0.455
- 255. CloudsColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 0.784
- 256. CloudsColorFilterNight=0.745, 1, 1
- 257. CloudsColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 258. CloudsColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 259. CloudsEdgeClamp=0.05
- 260. CloudsEdgeIntensity=12.000001
- 261. CloudsEdgeFadeRange=1.0
- 262. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplier=3.0
- 263. SunIntensityDawn=1.0
- 264. SunIntensitySunrise=1.0
- 265. SunIntensityDay=1.1
- 266. SunIntensitySunset=1.0
- 267. SunIntensityDusk=1.0
- 268. SunIntensityNight=1.0
- 269. SunIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 270. SunIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 271. SunDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 272. SunDesaturationSunrise=0.0
- 273. SunDesaturationDay=0.0
- 274. SunDesaturationSunset=0.0
- 275. SunDesaturationDusk=0.0
- 276. SunDesaturationNight=0.0
- 277. SunDesaturationInteriorDay=0.0
- 278. SunDesaturationInteriorNight=0.0
- 279. SunColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 280. SunColorFilterSunrise=1, 0.69, 1
- 281. SunColorFilterDay=1, 1, 0.49
- 282. SunColorFilterSunset=1, 0.471, 0.294
- 283. SunColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 284. SunColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 285. SunColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 286. SunColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 287. MoonIntensityDawn=1.05
- 288. MoonIntensitySunrise=0.0
- 289. MoonIntensityDay=0.0
- 290. MoonIntensitySunset=0.2
- 291. MoonIntensityDusk=1.0
- 292. MoonIntensityNight=1.0
- 293. MoonIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 294. MoonIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 295. MoonDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 296. MoonDesaturationSunrise=0.0
- 297. MoonDesaturationDay=0.0
- 298. MoonDesaturationSunset=0.0
- 299. MoonDesaturationDusk=0.0
- 300. MoonDesaturationNight=0.0
- 301. MoonDesaturationInteriorDay=0.0
- 302. MoonDesaturationInteriorNight=0.0
- 303. MoonColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 304. MoonColorFilterSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 305. MoonColorFilterDay=1, 1, 1
- 306. MoonColorFilterSunset=1, 1, 1
- 307. MoonColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 308. MoonColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 309. MoonColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 310. MoonColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 311. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 312. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierDawn=2.0
- 313. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierSunrise=2.0
- 314. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierDay=2.0
- 315. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierSunset=2.0
- 316. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierDusk=2.0
- 317. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierNight=2.0
- 318. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierInteriorDay=2.0
- 319. CloudsEdgeMoonMultiplierInteriorNight=2.0
- 321. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 322. DirectLightingIntensityDawn=1.1
- 323. DirectLightingIntensitySunrise=1.2
- 324. DirectLightingIntensityDay=1.15
- 325. DirectLightingIntensitySunset=1.2
- 326. DirectLightingIntensityDusk=1.25
- 327. DirectLightingIntensityNight=0.85
- 328. DirectLightingIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 329. DirectLightingIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 330. DirectLightingCurveDawn=1.0
- 331. DirectLightingCurveSunrise=1.0
- 332. DirectLightingCurveDay=1.0
- 333. DirectLightingCurveSunset=1.0
- 334. DirectLightingCurveDusk=1.0
- 335. DirectLightingCurveNight=1.0
- 336. DirectLightingCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 337. DirectLightingCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 338. DirectLightingDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 339. DirectLightingDesaturationSunrise=0.0
- 340. DirectLightingDesaturationDay=0.0
- 341. DirectLightingDesaturationSunset=0.0
- 342. DirectLightingDesaturationDusk=0.0
- 343. DirectLightingDesaturationNight=0.0
- 344. DirectLightingDesaturationInteriorDay=0.0
- 345. DirectLightingDesaturationInteriorNight=0.0
- 346. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountDawn=0.0
- 347. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountSunrise=0.0
- 348. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountDay=0.0
- 349. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountSunset=0.0
- 350. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountDusk=0.0
- 351. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountNight=0.0
- 352. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 353. DirectLightingColorFilterAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 354. DirectLightingColorFilterDawn=0.882, 0.941, 1
- 355. DirectLightingColorFilterSunrise=0.784, 0.882, 1
- 356. DirectLightingColorFilterDay=0.922, 0.902, 0.706
- 357. DirectLightingColorFilterSunset=0.98, 0.906, 0.682
- 358. DirectLightingColorFilterDusk=1, 0.863, 0.655
- 359. DirectLightingColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 360. DirectLightingColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 361. DirectLightingColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 362. AmbientLightingIntensityDawn=1.25
- 363. AmbientLightingIntensitySunrise=1.4
- 364. AmbientLightingIntensityDay=1.6
- 365. AmbientLightingIntensitySunset=1.4
- 366. AmbientLightingIntensityDusk=1.25
- 367. AmbientLightingIntensityNight=1.0
- 368. AmbientLightingIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 369. AmbientLightingIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 370. PointLightingIntensityDawn=0.6
- 371. PointLightingIntensitySunrise=0.6
- 372. PointLightingIntensityDay=0.7
- 373. PointLightingIntensitySunset=0.6
- 374. PointLightingIntensityDusk=0.6
- 375. PointLightingIntensityNight=0.55
- 376. PointLightingIntensityInteriorDay=0.55
- 377. PointLightingIntensityInteriorNight=0.55
- 378. PointLightingCurveDawn=1.0
- 379. PointLightingCurveSunrise=1.0
- 380. PointLightingCurveDay=0.85
- 381. PointLightingCurveSunset=1.0
- 382. PointLightingCurveDusk=1.0
- 383. PointLightingCurveNight=1.0
- 384. PointLightingCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 385. PointLightingCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 386. PointLightingDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 387. PointLightingDesaturationSunrise=0.0
- 388. PointLightingDesaturationDay=0.0
- 389. PointLightingDesaturationSunset=0.0
- 390. PointLightingDesaturationDusk=0.0
- 391. PointLightingDesaturationNight=0.0
- 392. PointLightingDesaturationInteriorDay=0.0
- 393. PointLightingDesaturationInteriorNight=0.0
- 394. SpecularAmountMultiplierDawn=1.5
- 395. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunrise=1.25
- 396. SpecularAmountMultiplierDay=1.25
- 397. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunset=1.25
- 398. SpecularAmountMultiplierDusk=1.5
- 399. SpecularAmountMultiplierNight=1.5
- 400. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=1.4
- 401. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=1.4
- 402. SpecularPowerMultiplierDawn=1.2
- 403. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunrise=1.3
- 404. SpecularPowerMultiplierDay=1.3
- 405. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunset=1.3
- 406. SpecularPowerMultiplierDusk=1.2
- 407. SpecularPowerMultiplierNight=1.0
- 408. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 409. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 410. FogColorMultiplierDawn=0.8
- 411. FogColorMultiplierSunrise=0.9
- 412. FogColorMultiplierDay=0.8
- 413. FogColorMultiplierSunset=0.9
- 414. FogColorMultiplierDusk=0.75
- 415. FogColorMultiplierNight=0.6
- 416. FogColorMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 417. FogColorMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 418. FogColorCurveDawn=1.1
- 419. FogColorCurveSunrise=1.15
- 420. FogColorCurveDay=1.4
- 421. FogColorCurveSunset=1.15
- 422. FogColorCurveDusk=1.1
- 423. FogColorCurveNight=1.0
- 424. FogColorCurveInteriorDay=1.15
- 425. FogColorCurveInteriorNight=1.15
- 426. FogAmountMultiplierDawn=0.3
- 427. FogAmountMultiplierSunrise=0.25
- 428. FogAmountMultiplierDay=0.15
- 429. FogAmountMultiplierSunset=0.25
- 430. FogAmountMultiplierDusk=0.3
- 431. FogAmountMultiplierNight=0.6
- 432. FogAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 433. FogAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 434. FogCurveMultiplierDawn=1.05
- 435. FogCurveMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 436. FogCurveMultiplierDay=1.35
- 437. FogCurveMultiplierSunset=1.2
- 438. FogCurveMultiplierDusk=1.05
- 439. FogCurveMultiplierNight=1.0
- 440. FogCurveMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 441. FogCurveMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 442. FogColorFilterAmountDawn=0.0
- 443. FogColorFilterAmountSunrise=0.0
- 444. FogColorFilterAmountDay=0.0
- 445. FogColorFilterAmountSunset=0.0
- 446. FogColorFilterAmountDusk=0.0
- 447. FogColorFilterAmountNight=0.0
- 448. FogColorFilterAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 449. FogColorFilterAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 450. FogColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 451. FogColorFilterSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 452. FogColorFilterDay=1, 1, 1
- 453. FogColorFilterSunset=1, 1, 1
- 454. FogColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 455. FogColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 456. FogColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 457. FogColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 458. AmbientLightingDesaturationDawn=0.0
- 459. AmbientLightingDesaturationSunrise=0.0
- 460. AmbientLightingDesaturationDay=0.0
- 461. AmbientLightingDesaturationSunset=0.0
- 462. AmbientLightingDesaturationDusk=0.0
- 463. AmbientLightingDesaturationNight=0.0
- 464. AmbientLightingDesaturationInteriorDay=0.0
- 465. AmbientLightingDesaturationInteriorNight=0.0
- 466. ColorPowDawn=1.2
- 467. ColorPowSunrise=1.25
- 468. ColorPowDay=1.2
- 469. ColorPowSunset=1.25
- 470. ColorPowDusk=1.2
- 471. ColorPowNight=1.1
- 472. ColorPowInteriorDay=1.15
- 473. ColorPowInteriorNight=1.15
- 474. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 475. SpecularFromLightDawn=0.0
- 476. SpecularFromLightSunrise=0.0
- 477. SpecularFromLightDay=0.0
- 478. SpecularFromLightSunset=0.0
- 479. SpecularFromLightDusk=0.0
- 480. SpecularFromLightNight=0.0
- 481. SpecularFromLightInteriorDay=0.0
- 482. SpecularFromLightInteriorNight=0.0
- 483. CubemapAmountMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 484. CubemapAmountMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 485. CubemapAmountMultiplierDay=1.0
- 486. CubemapAmountMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 487. CubemapAmountMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 488. CubemapAmountMultiplierNight=1.0
- 489. CubemapAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 490. CubemapAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 491. CubemapCurveDawn=1.0
- 492. CubemapCurveSunrise=1.0
- 493. CubemapCurveDay=1.0
- 494. CubemapCurveSunset=1.0
- 495. CubemapCurveDusk=1.0
- 496. CubemapCurveNight=1.0
- 497. CubemapCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 498. CubemapCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 499. CubemapFresnelMinDawn=1.0
- 500. CubemapFresnelMinSunrise=1.0
- 501. CubemapFresnelMinDay=1.0
- 502. CubemapFresnelMinSunset=1.0
- 503. CubemapFresnelMinDusk=1.0
- 504. CubemapFresnelMinNight=1.0
- 505. CubemapFresnelMinInteriorDay=1.0
- 506. CubemapFresnelMinInteriorNight=1.0
- 507. CubemapFresnelCurveDawn=2.0
- 508. CubemapFresnelCurveSunrise=2.0
- 509. CubemapFresnelCurveDay=2.0
- 510. CubemapFresnelCurveSunset=2.0
- 511. CubemapFresnelCurveDusk=2.0
- 512. CubemapFresnelCurveNight=2.0
- 513. CubemapFresnelCurveInteriorDay=2.0
- 514. CubemapFresnelCurveInteriorNight=2.0
- 516. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 517. Quality=1
- 518. AmbientMinLevelDawn=0.75
- 519. AmbientMinLevelSunrise=0.75
- 520. AmbientMinLevelDay=0.9
- 521. AmbientMinLevelSunset=0.75
- 522. AmbientMinLevelDusk=0.75
- 523. AmbientMinLevelNight=0.55
- 524. AmbientMinLevelInteriorDay=0.15
- 525. AmbientMinLevelInteriorNight=0.15
- 526. HighPrecision=false
- 527. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 528. [SSAO_GAME]
- 529. ColorfulMix=true
- 530. AOAmount=1.0
- 531. AOAmountInterior=1.0
- 532. [SSAO_SSIL]
- 533. UseSelfIntersecting=true
- 534. UseIndirectLighting=true
- 535. UseComplexAmbientOcclusion=true
- 536. EnableComplexFilter=true
- 537. EnableDenoiser=true
- 538. FilterBluriness=0
- 539. ResolutionScale=0.5
- 540. SourceTexturesScale=0.5
- 541. SamplingQuality=0
- 542. SamplingRange=0.25
- 543. AOIntensity=0.7
- 544. AOIntensityInterior=0.55
- 545. AOAmount=0.6
- 546. AOAmountInterior=0.55
- 547. ILAmount=4.0
- 548. ILAmountInterior=3.999999
- 549. AOMixingType=0
- 550. AOMixingTypeInterior=0
- 551. OptimizeCaching=true
- 552. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 553. SamplingRangeInterior=0.3
- 554. ILBrightnessCompressionDawn=1.0
- 555. ILBrightnessCompressionSunrise=1.0
- 556. ILBrightnessCompressionDay=1.0
- 557. ILBrightnessCompressionSunset=1.0
- 558. ILBrightnessCompressionDusk=1.0
- 559. ILBrightnessCompressionNight=1.0
- 560. ILBrightnessCompressionInteriorDay=1.0
- 561. ILBrightnessCompressionInteriorNight=1.0
- 562. AOMultiplierSSS=1.0
- 563. ILMultiplierSSS=1.0
- 564. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 565. ApplyToSSS=false
- 566. AOMultiplierSSSInterior=1.0
- 567. ILMultiplierSSSInterior=1.0
- 568. [OBJECT]
- 569. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 570. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 571. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 572. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDay=1.0
- 573. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 574. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 575. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierNight=1.0
- 576. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 577. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 578. SpecularAmountMultiplierDawn=1.05
- 579. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunrise=1.05
- 580. SpecularAmountMultiplierDay=1.05
- 581. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunset=1.05
- 582. SpecularAmountMultiplierDusk=1.05
- 583. SpecularAmountMultiplierNight=1.05
- 584. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=1.1
- 585. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=1.1
- 586. SpecularPowerMultiplierDawn=0.95
- 587. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunrise=0.95
- 588. SpecularPowerMultiplierDay=0.95
- 589. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunset=0.95
- 590. SpecularPowerMultiplierDusk=0.95
- 591. SpecularPowerMultiplierNight=0.95
- 592. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorDay=0.98
- 593. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorNight=0.98
- 594. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 596. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 597. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 598. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 599. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDay=1.0
- 600. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 601. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 602. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierNight=1.0
- 603. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 604. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 605. SpecularAmountMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 606. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 607. SpecularAmountMultiplierDay=1.0
- 608. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 609. SpecularAmountMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 610. SpecularAmountMultiplierNight=1.0
- 611. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 612. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 613. SpecularPowerMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 614. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 615. SpecularPowerMultiplierDay=1.0
- 616. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 617. SpecularPowerMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 618. SpecularPowerMultiplierNight=1.0
- 619. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 620. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 621. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 622. [EYE]
- 623. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 624. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDawn=0.55
- 625. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunrise=0.7
- 626. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDay=0.8
- 627. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierSunset=0.7
- 628. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierDusk=0.55
- 629. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierNight=0.75
- 630. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorDay=0.75
- 631. SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplierInteriorNight=0.75
- 632. SpecularAmountMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 633. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 634. SpecularAmountMultiplierDay=1.0
- 635. SpecularAmountMultiplierSunset=1.1
- 636. SpecularAmountMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 637. SpecularAmountMultiplierNight=1.0
- 638. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 639. SpecularAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 640. SpecularPowerMultiplierDawn=0.95
- 641. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunrise=0.95
- 642. SpecularPowerMultiplierDay=0.9
- 643. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunset=0.95
- 644. SpecularPowerMultiplierDusk=0.95
- 645. SpecularPowerMultiplierNight=0.95
- 646. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorDay=0.95
- 647. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorNight=0.95
- 648. LightAmountMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 649. LightAmountMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 650. LightAmountMultiplierDay=1.0
- 651. LightAmountMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 652. LightAmountMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 653. LightAmountMultiplierNight=1.0
- 654. LightAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 655. LightAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 656. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 657. ReflectionAmountMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 658. ReflectionAmountMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 659. ReflectionAmountMultiplierDay=1.0
- 660. ReflectionAmountMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 661. ReflectionAmountMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 662. ReflectionAmountMultiplierNight=1.0
- 663. ReflectionAmountMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 664. ReflectionAmountMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 665. ReflectionFresnelMin=0.1
- 666. ReflectionFresnelCurve=2.0
- 667. [GRASS]
- 668. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 669. DirectionalMultiplierDawn=2.5
- 670. DirectionalMultiplierSunrise=2.25
- 671. DirectionalMultiplierDay=1.7
- 672. DirectionalMultiplierSunset=2.25
- 673. DirectionalMultiplierDusk=1.75
- 674. DirectionalMultiplierNight=2.0
- 675. DirectionalMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 676. DirectionalMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 677. AmbientMultiplierDawn=1.5
- 678. AmbientMultiplierSunrise=1.5
- 679. AmbientMultiplierDay=2.0
- 680. AmbientMultiplierSunset=1.31
- 681. AmbientMultiplierDusk=1.5
- 682. AmbientMultiplierNight=1.4
- 683. AmbientMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 684. AmbientMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 685. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountDawn=1.5
- 686. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountSunrise=2.0
- 687. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountDay=2.0
- 688. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountSunset=2.0
- 689. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountDusk=1.5
- 690. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountNight=0.75
- 691. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 692. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 693. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 695. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 696. IntensityDawn=1.35
- 697. IntensitySunrise=1.25
- 698. IntensityDay=1.1
- 699. IntensitySunset=1.1
- 700. IntensityDusk=1.25
- 701. IntensityNight=1.349998
- 702. IntensityInteriorDay=1.15
- 703. IntensityInteriorNight=1.15
- 704. CurveDawn=1.0
- 705. CurveSunrise=1.0
- 706. CurveDay=1.0
- 707. CurveSunset=1.0
- 708. CurveDusk=1.0
- 709. CurveNight=1.0
- 710. CurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 711. CurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 712. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 714. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 715. IntensityDawn=0.6
- 716. IntensitySunrise=0.6
- 717. IntensityDay=0.55
- 718. IntensitySunset=0.6
- 719. IntensityDusk=0.6
- 720. IntensityNight=0.5
- 721. IntensityInteriorDay=0.4
- 722. IntensityInteriorNight=0.35
- 723. CurveDawn=1.0
- 724. CurveSunrise=1.0
- 725. CurveDay=1.0
- 726. CurveSunset=1.0
- 727. CurveDusk=1.0
- 728. CurveNight=1.0
- 729. CurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 730. CurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 731. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 733. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 734. IntensityDawn=1.05
- 735. IntensitySunrise=0.9
- 736. IntensityDay=0.95
- 737. IntensitySunset=0.9
- 738. IntensityDusk=1.05
- 739. IntensityNight=1.15
- 740. IntensityInteriorDay=1.15
- 741. IntensityInteriorNight=1.1
- 742. CurveDawn=2.5
- 743. CurveSunrise=2.5
- 744. CurveDay=1.0
- 745. CurveSunset=2.5
- 746. CurveDusk=2.5
- 747. CurveNight=2.5
- 748. CurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 749. CurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 750. ColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 751. ColorFilterSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 752. ColorFilterDay=1, 1, 1
- 753. ColorFilterSunset=1, 1, 1
- 754. ColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 755. ColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 756. ColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 757. ColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 758. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 759. OpacityDawn=1.0
- 760. OpacitySunrise=1.0
- 761. OpacityDay=1.0
- 762. OpacitySunset=1.0
- 763. OpacityDusk=1.0
- 764. OpacityNight=1.0
- 765. OpacityInteriorDay=1.0
- 766. OpacityInteriorNight=1.0
- 767. [FIRE]
- 768. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 769. IntensityDawn=1.0
- 770. IntensitySunrise=1.0
- 771. IntensityDay=1.0
- 772. IntensitySunset=1.0
- 773. IntensityDusk=1.0
- 774. IntensityNight=1.0
- 775. IntensityInteriorDay=1.15
- 776. IntensityInteriorNight=1.15
- 777. CurveDawn=1.0
- 778. CurveSunrise=1.0
- 779. CurveDay=1.0
- 780. CurveSunset=1.0
- 781. CurveDusk=1.0
- 782. CurveNight=1.0
- 783. CurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 784. CurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 785. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 786. [PARTICLE]
- 787. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 788. IntensityDawn=0.6
- 789. IntensitySunrise=0.7
- 790. IntensityDay=1.1
- 791. IntensitySunset=0.7
- 792. IntensityDusk=0.6
- 793. IntensityNight=0.5
- 794. IntensityInteriorDay=0.85
- 795. IntensityInteriorNight=0.8
- 796. LightingInfluenceDawn=0.35
- 797. LightingInfluenceSunrise=0.3
- 798. LightingInfluenceDay=0.35
- 799. LightingInfluenceSunset=0.3
- 800. LightingInfluenceDusk=0.35
- 801. LightingInfluenceNight=0.35
- 802. LightingInfluenceInteriorDay=0.5
- 803. LightingInfluenceInteriorNight=0.5
- 804. AmbientInfluenceDawn=0.35
- 805. AmbientInfluenceSunrise=0.4
- 806. AmbientInfluenceDay=0.4
- 807. AmbientInfluenceSunset=0.4
- 808. AmbientInfluenceDusk=0.35
- 809. AmbientInfluenceNight=0.25
- 810. AmbientInfluenceInteriorDay=0.5
- 811. AmbientInfluenceInteriorNight=0.5
- 812. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 813. PointLightingInfluenceDawn=1.0
- 814. PointLightingInfluenceSunrise=1.0
- 815. PointLightingInfluenceDay=1.0
- 816. PointLightingInfluenceSunset=1.0
- 817. PointLightingInfluenceDusk=1.0
- 818. PointLightingInfluenceNight=1.0
- 819. PointLightingInfluenceInteriorDay=1.0
- 820. PointLightingInfluenceInteriorNight=1.0
- 822. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 823. EnableBigRange=true
- 824. EnableShadow=true
- 825. ShadowQuality=1
- 826. EnableNormalMappingShadows=true
- 827. NormalMappingShadowsQuality=1
- 828. HitIntensityDawn=1.0
- 829. HitIntensitySunrise=1.0
- 830. HitIntensityDay=1.0
- 831. HitIntensitySunset=1.0
- 832. HitIntensityDusk=1.0
- 833. HitIntensityNight=1.0
- 834. HitIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 835. HitIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 836. IntensityDawn=1.0
- 837. IntensitySunrise=1.0
- 838. IntensityDay=1.0
- 839. IntensitySunset=1.0
- 840. IntensityDusk=1.0
- 841. IntensityNight=1.0
- 842. IntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 843. IntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 844. CurveDawn=1.0
- 845. CurveSunrise=1.0
- 846. CurveDay=1.0
- 847. CurveSunset=1.0
- 848. CurveDusk=1.0
- 849. CurveNight=1.0
- 850. CurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 851. CurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 852. SpecularAmountDawn=1.0
- 853. SpecularAmountSunrise=1.0
- 854. SpecularAmountDay=1.0
- 855. SpecularAmountSunset=1.0
- 856. SpecularAmountDusk=1.0
- 857. SpecularAmountNight=1.0
- 858. SpecularAmountInteriorDay=1.0
- 859. SpecularAmountInteriorNight=1.0
- 860. DistanceFadeDawn=1.0
- 861. DistanceFadeSunrise=1.0
- 862. DistanceFadeDay=1.0
- 863. DistanceFadeSunset=1.0
- 864. DistanceFadeDusk=1.0
- 865. DistanceFadeNight=1.0
- 866. DistanceFadeInteriorDay=1.0
- 867. DistanceFadeInteriorNight=1.0
- 868. BigRangeScale=1.0
- 869. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 870. EnableSeparateInteriorParameters=false
- 871. OptimizeSmallRange=true
- 872. SpecularPowerDawn=12.0
- 873. SpecularPowerSunrise=12.0
- 874. SpecularPowerDay=12.0
- 875. SpecularPowerSunset=12.0
- 876. SpecularPowerDusk=12.0
- 877. SpecularPowerNight=12.0
- 878. SpecularPowerInteriorDay=12.0
- 879. SpecularPowerInteriorNight=12.0
- 880. BigRangeScaleInterior=1.0
- 882. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 883. EnableBigRange=true
- 884. EnableShadow=true
- 885. ShadowQuality=1
- 886. EnableNormalMappingShadows=true
- 887. NormalMappingShadowsQuality=1
- 888. IntensityDawn=0.45
- 889. IntensitySunrise=0.4
- 890. IntensityDay=0.4
- 891. IntensitySunset=0.4
- 892. IntensityDusk=0.4
- 893. IntensityNight=0.3
- 894. IntensityInteriorDay=0.4
- 895. IntensityInteriorNight=0.4
- 896. CurveDawn=1.75
- 897. CurveSunrise=1.75
- 898. CurveDay=1.75
- 899. CurveSunset=1.75
- 900. CurveDusk=1.75
- 901. CurveNight=1.85
- 902. CurveInteriorDay=1.4
- 903. CurveInteriorNight=1.4
- 904. SpecularAmountDawn=1.0
- 905. SpecularAmountSunrise=1.0
- 906. SpecularAmountDay=1.0
- 907. SpecularAmountSunset=1.0
- 908. SpecularAmountDusk=1.0
- 909. SpecularAmountNight=1.0
- 910. SpecularAmountInteriorDay=1.0
- 911. SpecularAmountInteriorNight=1.0
- 912. DistanceFadeDawn=0.4
- 913. DistanceFadeSunrise=0.4
- 914. DistanceFadeDay=0.4
- 915. DistanceFadeSunset=0.4
- 916. DistanceFadeDusk=0.4
- 917. DistanceFadeNight=0.35
- 918. DistanceFadeInteriorDay=0.4
- 919. DistanceFadeInteriorNight=0.4
- 920. BigRangeScale=1.0
- 921. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 922. EnableSeparateInteriorParameters=false
- 923. OptimizeSmallRange=true
- 924. SpecularPowerDawn=12.0
- 925. SpecularPowerSunrise=12.0
- 926. SpecularPowerDay=12.0
- 927. SpecularPowerSunset=12.0
- 928. SpecularPowerDusk=12.0
- 929. SpecularPowerNight=12.0
- 930. SpecularPowerInteriorDay=12.0
- 931. SpecularPowerInteriorNight=12.0
- 932. BigRangeScaleInterior=1.0
- 933. [RAIN]
- 934. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 935. Enable=true
- 936. EnableSupersampling=true
- 937. UseOriginalTexture=false
- 938. MotionStretch=0.7
- 939. MotionTransparency=0.5
- 940. RefractionFactor=1.25
- 941. MotionBluriness=0.25
- 942. BrightnessDawn=1.3
- 943. BrightnessSunrise=1.45
- 944. BrightnessDay=1.5
- 945. BrightnessSunset=1.45
- 946. BrightnessDusk=1.3
- 947. BrightnessNight=1.5
- 948. BrightnessInteriorDay=1.0
- 949. BrightnessInteriorNight=1.0
- 950. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 951. UseOriginalUVAtlas=false
- 952. MotionStretchDawn=1.0
- 953. MotionStretchSunrise=1.0
- 954. MotionStretchDay=1.0
- 955. MotionStretchSunset=1.0
- 956. MotionStretchDusk=1.0
- 957. MotionStretchNight=1.0
- 958. MotionStretchInteriorDay=1.0
- 959. MotionStretchInteriorNight=1.0
- 960. MotionTransparencyDawn=0.9
- 961. MotionTransparencySunrise=0.9
- 962. MotionTransparencyDay=0.9
- 963. MotionTransparencySunset=0.9
- 964. MotionTransparencyDusk=0.9
- 965. MotionTransparencyNight=0.9
- 966. MotionTransparencyInteriorDay=0.9
- 967. MotionTransparencyInteriorNight=0.9
- 968. MotionBlurinessDawn=0.0
- 969. MotionBlurinessSunrise=0.0
- 970. MotionBlurinessDay=0.0
- 971. MotionBlurinessSunset=0.0
- 972. MotionBlurinessDusk=0.0
- 973. MotionBlurinessNight=0.0
- 974. MotionBlurinessInteriorDay=0.0
- 975. MotionBlurinessInteriorNight=0.0
- 977. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 978. EnableOldSSS=false
- 979. Quality=0
- 980. Radius=5.0
- 981. Amount=0.3
- 982. EpidermalAmount=5.0
- 983. SubdermalAmount=7.0
- 984. EpidermalDiffuseSaturation=-0.45
- 985. SubdermalDiffuseSaturation=-0.35
- 986. EpidermalMix=0.35
- 987. SubdermalMix=0.25
- 988. SubdermalTranslucency=0.6
- 989. SubdermalPhase=0.0
- 990. EnableSeparateInteriorParameters=true
- 991. RadiusInterior=5.0
- 992. AmountInterior=0.4
- 993. EpidermalAmountInterior=4.5
- 994. SubdermalAmountInterior=6.0
- 995. EpidermalDiffuseSaturationInterior=-0.3
- 996. SubdermalDiffuseSaturationInterior=-0.25
- 997. EpidermalMixInterior=0.3
- 998. SubdermalMixInterior=0.25
- 999. SubdermalTranslucencyInterior=0.65
- 1000. SubdermalPhaseInterior=0.0
- 1001. EnableOldSSS=false
- 1002. SurfaceBrightness=1.0
- 1003. SurfaceBrightnessInterior=1.0
- 1004. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1005. [REFLECTION]
- 1006. Amount=1.07
- 1007. AmountInterior=1.05
- 1008. Power=1.0
- 1009. PowerInterior=1.0
- 1010. Quality=1
- 1011. QualityInterior=1
- 1012. EnableInterior=true
- 1014. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1015. IntensityDawn=0.35
- 1016. IntensitySunrise=0.2
- 1017. IntensityDay=0.45
- 1018. IntensitySunset=0.2
- 1019. IntensityDusk=0.35
- 1020. IntensityNight=0.3
- 1021. IntensityInteriorDay=0.25
- 1022. IntensityInteriorNight=0.15
- 1023. RangeFactorDawn=1.0
- 1024. RangeFactorSunrise=1.0
- 1025. RangeFactorDay=1.0
- 1026. RangeFactorSunset=1.0
- 1027. RangeFactorDusk=1.0
- 1028. RangeFactorNight=1.0
- 1029. RangeFactorInteriorDay=1.0
- 1030. RangeFactorInteriorNight=1.0
- 1031. ColorFilterDawn=1, 1, 1
- 1032. ColorFilterSunrise=1, 1, 1
- 1033. ColorFilterDay=1, 1, 1
- 1034. ColorFilterSunset=1, 1, 1
- 1035. ColorFilterDusk=1, 1, 1
- 1036. ColorFilterNight=1, 1, 1
- 1037. ColorFilterInteriorDay=1, 1, 1
- 1038. ColorFilterInteriorNight=1, 1, 1
- 1039. DesaturationDawn=0.0
- 1040. DesaturationSunrise=0.0
- 1041. DesaturationDay=0.0
- 1042. DesaturationSunset=0.0
- 1043. DesaturationDusk=0.0
- 1044. DesaturationNight=0.0
- 1045. DesaturationInteriorDay=0.0
- 1046. DesaturationInteriorNight=0.0
- 1047. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1048. [RAYS]
- 1049. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1050. Quality=1
- 1051. Type=1
- 1052. SunRaysMultiplierDawn=1.1
- 1053. SunRaysMultiplierSunrise=1.2
- 1054. SunRaysMultiplierDay=1.2
- 1055. SunRaysMultiplierSunset=1.2
- 1056. SunRaysMultiplierDusk=1.1
- 1057. SunRaysMultiplierNight=1.0
- 1058. SunRaysMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 1059. SunRaysMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 1060. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1061. UseLinearMath=false
- 1062. SkyColorAmountDawn=0.0
- 1063. SkyColorAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1064. SkyColorAmountDay=0.0
- 1065. SkyColorAmountSunset=0.0
- 1066. SkyColorAmountDusk=0.0
- 1067. SkyColorAmountNight=0.0
- 1068. SkyColorAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1069. SkyColorAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1071. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 1072. Quality=1
- 1073. IntensityDawn=0.35
- 1074. IntensitySunrise=0.25
- 1075. IntensityDay=0.15
- 1076. IntensitySunset=0.25
- 1077. IntensityDusk=0.35
- 1078. IntensityNight=0.35
- 1079. IntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 1080. IntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 1081. DensityDawn=1.0
- 1082. DensitySunrise=1.0
- 1083. DensityDay=1.0
- 1084. DensitySunset=1.0
- 1085. DensityDusk=1.0
- 1086. DensityNight=1.0
- 1087. DensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 1088. DensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 1089. SkyColorAmountDawn=0.5
- 1090. SkyColorAmountSunrise=0.5
- 1091. SkyColorAmountDay=0.5
- 1092. SkyColorAmountSunset=0.5
- 1093. SkyColorAmountDusk=0.5
- 1094. SkyColorAmountNight=0.5
- 1095. SkyColorAmountInteriorDay=0.5
- 1096. SkyColorAmountInteriorNight=0.5
- 1097. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1099. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1100. IntensityDawn=0.05
- 1101. IntensitySunrise=0.05
- 1102. IntensityDay=0.05
- 1103. IntensitySunset=0.05
- 1104. IntensityDusk=0.05
- 1105. IntensityNight=0.05
- 1106. IntensityInteriorDay=0.05
- 1107. IntensityInteriorNight=0.05
- 1108. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1109. [SUNGLARE]
- 1110. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1111. GlowIntensityDawn=1.0
- 1112. GlowIntensitySunrise=1.0
- 1113. GlowIntensityDay=1.0
- 1114. GlowIntensitySunset=1.0
- 1115. GlowIntensityDusk=1.0
- 1116. GlowIntensityNight=1.0
- 1117. GlowIntensityInteriorDay=1.0
- 1118. GlowIntensityInteriorNight=1.0
- 1119. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1121. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1122. Size=0.65
- 1123. EdgeSoftness=0.7
- 1124. GlowIntensityDawn=1.1
- 1125. GlowIntensitySunrise=1.25
- 1126. GlowIntensityDay=1.0
- 1127. GlowIntensitySunset=1.25
- 1128. GlowIntensityDusk=1.1
- 1129. GlowIntensityNight=0.4
- 1130. GlowIntensityInteriorDay=0.4
- 1131. GlowIntensityInteriorNight=0.4
- 1132. GlowCurveDawn=10.0
- 1133. GlowCurveSunrise=5.0
- 1134. GlowCurveDay=1.75
- 1135. GlowCurveSunset=6.0
- 1136. GlowCurveDusk=10.0
- 1137. GlowCurveNight=8.0
- 1138. GlowCurveInteriorDay=1.0
- 1139. GlowCurveInteriorNight=1.0
- 1140. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1142. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1143. AmountDawn=0.3
- 1144. AmountSunrise=0.3
- 1145. AmountDay=0.25
- 1146. AmountSunset=0.3
- 1147. AmountDusk=0.3
- 1148. AmountNight=0.3
- 1149. AmountInteriorDay=0.3
- 1150. AmountInteriorNight=0.3
- 1151. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1152. [SHADOW]
- 1153. DistantShadowQuality=0
- 1154. DetailedShadowQuality=0
- 1155. DetailedShadowInteriorQuality=1
- 1156. EnableDistantShadowAtNight=false
- 1157. ShadowQuality=1
- 1159. IgnoreWeatherSystem=false
- 1160. AdditiveAmountDawn=0.05
- 1161. AdditiveAmountSunrise=0.05
- 1162. AdditiveAmountDay=0.05
- 1163. AdditiveAmountSunset=0.05
- 1164. AdditiveAmountDusk=0.05
- 1165. AdditiveAmountNight=0.08
- 1166. AdditiveAmountInteriorDay=0.1
- 1167. AdditiveAmountInteriorNight=0.1
- 1168. MultiplicativeAmountDawn=0.0
- 1169. MultiplicativeAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1170. MultiplicativeAmountDay=0.0
- 1171. MultiplicativeAmountSunset=0.0
- 1172. MultiplicativeAmountDusk=0.0
- 1173. MultiplicativeAmountNight=0.0
- 1174. MultiplicativeAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1175. MultiplicativeAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1176. ReflectiveAmountDawn=0.05
- 1177. ReflectiveAmountSunrise=0.05
- 1178. ReflectiveAmountDay=0.05
- 1179. ReflectiveAmountSunset=0.05
- 1180. ReflectiveAmountDusk=0.05
- 1181. ReflectiveAmountNight=0.1
- 1182. ReflectiveAmountInteriorDay=0.05
- 1183. ReflectiveAmountInteriorNight=0.05
- 1184. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1185. ApplySpecularMap=false
- 1187. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1188. SpecularAmountDawn=0.2
- 1189. SpecularAmountSunrise=0.2
- 1190. SpecularAmountDay=0.2
- 1191. SpecularAmountSunset=0.2
- 1192. SpecularAmountDusk=0.2
- 1193. SpecularAmountNight=0.2
- 1194. SpecularAmountInteriorDay=0.25
- 1195. SpecularAmountInteriorNight=0.25
- 1196. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1197. [WATER]
- 1198. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1199. DisableDistantReflection=false
- 1200. EnableTemporalAA=true
- 1201. EnableDispersion=true
- 1202. EnableCaustics=true
- 1203. EnableParallax=true
- 1204. EnableSelfReflection=false
- 1205. EnableDisplacement=true
- 1206. EnableTessellation=true
- 1207. DisplacementQuality=0
- 1208. TessellationQuality=1
- 1209. ReflectionAmount=0.95
- 1210. FresnelMultiplier=0.65
- 1211. DispersionAmount=0.35
- 1212. CausticsAmount=1.7
- 1213. SunSpecularMultiplier=2.5
- 1214. SunScatteringMultiplier=1.5
- 1215. WavesAmplitudeDawn=0.5
- 1216. WavesAmplitudeSunrise=0.5
- 1217. WavesAmplitudeDay=0.5
- 1218. WavesAmplitudeSunset=0.5
- 1219. WavesAmplitudeDusk=0.5
- 1220. WavesAmplitudeNight=0.5
- 1221. WavesAmplitudeInteriorDay=0.5
- 1222. WavesAmplitudeInteriorNight=0.5
- 1223. Muddiness=0.75
- 1224. BrightnessDawn=1.0
- 1225. BrightnessSunrise=1.0
- 1226. BrightnessDay=1.0
- 1227. BrightnessSunset=1.0
- 1228. BrightnessDusk=1.0
- 1229. BrightnessNight=1.0
- 1230. BrightnessInteriorDay=1.0
- 1231. BrightnessInteriorNight=1.0
- 1232. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1233. ExpandHDR=false
- 1234. EnableShadow=false
- 1235. EnableVolumetricShadow=false
- 1236. EnableCloudsShadow=true
- 1237. EnableLighting=true
- 1238. VolumetricShadowQuality=2
- 1239. ReflectionCubemapInterior=1.0
- 1240. FresnelMin=0.0
- 1241. FresnelMax=1.0
- 1242. SunLightingMultiplier=0.3
- 1243. WetMultiplier=1.0
- 1244. MuddinessInterior=1.0
- 1245. [UNDERWATER]
- 1246. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1247. EnableCaustics=true
- 1248. HighQualityCaustics=true
- 1249. CausticsAmount=4.0
- 1250. TintAmount=1.0
- 1251. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1252. CausticsAmountDawn=3.0
- 1253. CausticsAmountSunrise=3.0
- 1254. CausticsAmountDay=3.0
- 1255. CausticsAmountSunset=3.0
- 1256. CausticsAmountDusk=3.0
- 1257. CausticsAmountNight=3.0
- 1258. CausticsAmountInteriorDay=3.0
- 1259. CausticsAmountInteriorNight=3.0
- 1261. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1262. EnableCubemap=true
- 1263. EnableGlossiness=true
- 1264. AntialiasingQuality=1
- 1265. FresnelMin=0.15
- 1266. FresnelCurve=1.5
- 1267. GlossinessDawn=1.0
- 1268. GlossinessSunrise=1.0
- 1269. GlossinessDay=1.0
- 1270. GlossinessSunset=1.0
- 1271. GlossinessDusk=1.0
- 1272. GlossinessNight=1.0
- 1273. GlossinessInteriorDay=1.0
- 1274. GlossinessInteriorNight=1.0
- 1275. ReflectionAmountDawn=0.0
- 1276. ReflectionAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1277. ReflectionAmountDay=0.0
- 1278. ReflectionAmountSunset=0.0
- 1279. ReflectionAmountDusk=0.0
- 1280. ReflectionAmountNight=0.0
- 1281. ReflectionAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1282. ReflectionAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1283. BodyFresnelMin=0.05
- 1284. BodyFresnelCurve=2.0
- 1285. BodyGlossinessDawn=1.0
- 1286. BodyGlossinessSunrise=1.0
- 1287. BodyGlossinessDay=1.0
- 1288. BodyGlossinessSunset=1.0
- 1289. BodyGlossinessDusk=1.0
- 1290. BodyGlossinessNight=1.0
- 1291. BodyGlossinessInteriorDay=1.0
- 1292. BodyGlossinessInteriorNight=1.0
- 1293. BodyReflectionAmountDawn=0.0
- 1294. BodyReflectionAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1295. BodyReflectionAmountDay=0.0
- 1296. BodyReflectionAmountSunset=0.0
- 1297. BodyReflectionAmountDusk=0.0
- 1298. BodyReflectionAmountNight=0.0
- 1299. BodyReflectionAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1300. BodyReflectionAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1301. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1302. SpecularMapMinDawn=0.0
- 1303. SpecularMapMinSunrise=0.0
- 1304. SpecularMapMinDay=0.0
- 1305. SpecularMapMinSunset=0.0
- 1306. SpecularMapMinDusk=0.0
- 1307. SpecularMapMinNight=0.0
- 1308. SpecularMapMinInteriorDay=0.0
- 1309. SpecularMapMinInteriorNight=0.0
- 1310. SpecularMapAmountDawn=0.0
- 1311. SpecularMapAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1312. SpecularMapAmountDay=0.0
- 1313. SpecularMapAmountSunset=0.0
- 1314. SpecularMapAmountDusk=0.0
- 1315. SpecularMapAmountNight=0.0
- 1316. SpecularMapAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1317. SpecularMapAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1318. SpecularMapToGlossinessDawn=0.0
- 1319. SpecularMapToGlossinessSunrise=0.0
- 1320. SpecularMapToGlossinessDay=0.0
- 1321. SpecularMapToGlossinessSunset=0.0
- 1322. SpecularMapToGlossinessDusk=0.0
- 1323. SpecularMapToGlossinessNight=0.0
- 1324. SpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorDay=0.0
- 1325. SpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorNight=0.0
- 1326. BodySpecularMapMinDawn=0.0
- 1327. BodySpecularMapMinSunrise=0.0
- 1328. BodySpecularMapMinDay=0.0
- 1329. BodySpecularMapMinSunset=0.0
- 1330. BodySpecularMapMinDusk=0.0
- 1331. BodySpecularMapMinNight=0.0
- 1332. BodySpecularMapMinInteriorDay=0.0
- 1333. BodySpecularMapMinInteriorNight=0.0
- 1334. BodySpecularMapAmountDawn=0.0
- 1335. BodySpecularMapAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1336. BodySpecularMapAmountDay=0.0
- 1337. BodySpecularMapAmountSunset=0.0
- 1338. BodySpecularMapAmountDusk=0.0
- 1339. BodySpecularMapAmountNight=0.0
- 1340. BodySpecularMapAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1341. BodySpecularMapAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1342. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessDawn=0.0
- 1343. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessSunrise=0.0
- 1344. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessDay=0.0
- 1345. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessSunset=0.0
- 1346. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessDusk=0.0
- 1347. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessNight=0.0
- 1348. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorDay=0.0
- 1349. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorNight=0.0
- 1351. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1352. RainFadeTime=15.0
- 1353. ColorPowMultiplier=1.3
- 1354. FresnelMin=0.17
- 1355. FresnelCurve=1.75
- 1356. GlossinessDawn=1.0
- 1357. GlossinessSunrise=1.0
- 1358. GlossinessDay=1.0
- 1359. GlossinessSunset=1.0
- 1360. GlossinessDusk=1.0
- 1361. GlossinessNight=1.0
- 1362. GlossinessInteriorDay=1.0
- 1363. GlossinessInteriorNight=1.0
- 1364. ReflectionAmountDawn=0.38
- 1365. ReflectionAmountSunrise=0.38
- 1366. ReflectionAmountDay=0.38
- 1367. ReflectionAmountSunset=0.38
- 1368. ReflectionAmountDusk=0.38
- 1369. ReflectionAmountNight=0.38
- 1370. ReflectionAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1371. ReflectionAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1372. BodyFresnelMin=0.05
- 1373. BodyFresnelCurve=2.0
- 1374. BodyGlossinessDawn=1.0
- 1375. BodyGlossinessSunrise=1.0
- 1376. BodyGlossinessDay=1.0
- 1377. BodyGlossinessSunset=1.0
- 1378. BodyGlossinessDusk=1.0
- 1379. BodyGlossinessNight=1.0
- 1380. BodyGlossinessInteriorDay=1.0
- 1381. BodyGlossinessInteriorNight=1.0
- 1382. BodyReflectionAmountDawn=0.5
- 1383. BodyReflectionAmountSunrise=0.5
- 1384. BodyReflectionAmountDay=0.5
- 1385. BodyReflectionAmountSunset=0.5
- 1386. BodyReflectionAmountDusk=0.5
- 1387. BodyReflectionAmountNight=0.5
- 1388. BodyReflectionAmountInteriorDay=0.2
- 1389. BodyReflectionAmountInteriorNight=0.2
- 1390. EnableCubemap=true
- 1391. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1392. SpecularMapMinDawn=0.0
- 1393. SpecularMapMinSunrise=0.0
- 1394. SpecularMapMinDay=0.0
- 1395. SpecularMapMinSunset=0.0
- 1396. SpecularMapMinDusk=0.0
- 1397. SpecularMapMinNight=0.0
- 1398. SpecularMapMinInteriorDay=0.0
- 1399. SpecularMapMinInteriorNight=0.0
- 1400. SpecularMapAmountDawn=0.0
- 1401. SpecularMapAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1402. SpecularMapAmountDay=0.0
- 1403. SpecularMapAmountSunset=0.0
- 1404. SpecularMapAmountDusk=0.0
- 1405. SpecularMapAmountNight=0.0
- 1406. SpecularMapAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1407. SpecularMapAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1408. SpecularMapToGlossinessDawn=0.0
- 1409. SpecularMapToGlossinessSunrise=0.0
- 1410. SpecularMapToGlossinessDay=0.0
- 1411. SpecularMapToGlossinessSunset=0.0
- 1412. SpecularMapToGlossinessDusk=0.0
- 1413. SpecularMapToGlossinessNight=0.0
- 1414. SpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorDay=0.0
- 1415. SpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorNight=0.0
- 1416. BodySpecularMapMinDawn=0.0
- 1417. BodySpecularMapMinSunrise=0.0
- 1418. BodySpecularMapMinDay=0.0
- 1419. BodySpecularMapMinSunset=0.0
- 1420. BodySpecularMapMinDusk=0.0
- 1421. BodySpecularMapMinNight=0.0
- 1422. BodySpecularMapMinInteriorDay=0.0
- 1423. BodySpecularMapMinInteriorNight=0.0
- 1424. BodySpecularMapAmountDawn=0.0
- 1425. BodySpecularMapAmountSunrise=0.0
- 1426. BodySpecularMapAmountDay=0.0
- 1427. BodySpecularMapAmountSunset=0.0
- 1428. BodySpecularMapAmountDusk=0.0
- 1429. BodySpecularMapAmountNight=0.0
- 1430. BodySpecularMapAmountInteriorDay=0.0
- 1431. BodySpecularMapAmountInteriorNight=0.0
- 1432. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessDawn=0.0
- 1433. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessSunrise=0.0
- 1434. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessDay=0.0
- 1435. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessSunset=0.0
- 1436. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessDusk=0.0
- 1437. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessNight=0.0
- 1438. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorDay=0.0
- 1439. BodySpecularMapToGlossinessInteriorNight=0.0
- 1441. Quality=1
- 1443. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1444. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1445. EnableInterior=false
- 1446. ApplyToBasicGrass=true
- 1447. EnableSpecular=true
- 1448. EnableSubSurfaceScattering=true
- 1449. EnablePointLights=true
- 1450. SpecularMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 1451. SpecularMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 1452. SpecularMultiplierDay=1.0
- 1453. SpecularMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 1454. SpecularMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 1455. SpecularMultiplierNight=1.0
- 1456. SpecularMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 1457. SpecularMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 1458. SpecularPowerMultiplierDawn=1.0
- 1459. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunrise=1.0
- 1460. SpecularPowerMultiplierDay=1.0
- 1461. SpecularPowerMultiplierSunset=1.0
- 1462. SpecularPowerMultiplierDusk=1.0
- 1463. SpecularPowerMultiplierNight=1.0
- 1464. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorDay=1.0
- 1465. SpecularPowerMultiplierInteriorNight=1.0
- 1466. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountDawn=0.2
- 1467. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountSunrise=0.2
- 1468. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountDay=0.2
- 1469. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountSunset=0.2
- 1470. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountDusk=0.2
- 1471. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountNight=0.2
- 1472. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountInteriorDay=0.2
- 1473. SubSurfaceScatteringAmountInteriorNight=0.2
- 1474. BasicGrassSSSAmountDawn=0.2
- 1475. BasicGrassSSSAmountSunrise=0.2
- 1476. BasicGrassSSSAmountDay=0.2
- 1477. BasicGrassSSSAmountSunset=0.2
- 1478. BasicGrassSSSAmountDusk=0.2
- 1479. BasicGrassSSSAmountNight=0.2
- 1480. BasicGrassSSSAmountInteriorDay=0.2
- 1481. BasicGrassSSSAmountInteriorNight=0.2
- 1482. BasicGrassFakeLightDawn=0.0
- 1483. BasicGrassFakeLightSunrise=0.0
- 1484. BasicGrassFakeLightDay=0.0
- 1485. BasicGrassFakeLightSunset=0.0
- 1486. BasicGrassFakeLightDusk=0.0
- 1487. BasicGrassFakeLightNight=0.0
- 1488. BasicGrassFakeLightInteriorDay=0.0
- 1489. BasicGrassFakeLightInteriorNight=0.0
- 1490. FakeLightDawn=0.0
- 1491. FakeLightSunrise=0.0
- 1492. FakeLightDay=0.0
- 1493. FakeLightSunset=0.0
- 1494. FakeLightDusk=0.0
- 1495. FakeLightNight=0.0
- 1496. FakeLightInteriorDay=0.0
- 1497. FakeLightInteriorNight=0.0
- 1499. Decay=2.0
- 1500. FadeRandomization=0.6
- 1501. Elasticity=2.0
- 1502. Flexibility=0.5
- 1503. [SNOW]
- 1504. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1505. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=false
- 1506. Enable=true
- 1507. EnableCloudShadows=true
- 1508. EnableShadows=true
- 1509. BrightnessDawn=1.0
- 1510. BrightnessSunrise=1.0
- 1511. BrightnessDay=1.0
- 1512. BrightnessSunset=1.0
- 1513. BrightnessDusk=1.0
- 1514. BrightnessNight=1.0
- 1515. BrightnessInteriorDay=1.0
- 1516. BrightnessInteriorNight=1.0
- 1517. LightingInfluenceDawn=1.0
- 1518. LightingInfluenceSunrise=1.0
- 1519. LightingInfluenceDay=1.0
- 1520. LightingInfluenceSunset=1.0
- 1521. LightingInfluenceDusk=1.0
- 1522. LightingInfluenceNight=1.0
- 1523. LightingInfluenceInteriorDay=1.0
- 1524. LightingInfluenceInteriorNight=1.0
- 1526. TextureQuality=0
- 1527. QualityNear=1
- 1528. QualityMiddle=1
- 1529. QualityFar=1
- 1530. DirectShadowsQualityNear=1
- 1531. DirectShadowsQualityMiddle=1
- 1532. DirectShadowsQualityFar=1
- 1533. PointShadowsQualityNear=1
- 1534. PointShadowsQualityMiddle=1
- 1535. PointShadowsQualityFar=1
- 1537. TextureQuality=0
- 1538. QualityNear=1
- 1539. QualityMiddle=1
- 1540. QualityFar=1
- 1541. DirectShadowsQualityNear=1
- 1542. DirectShadowsQualityMiddle=1
- 1543. DirectShadowsQualityFar=1
- 1544. PointShadowsQualityNear=1
- 1545. PointShadowsQualityMiddle=1
- 1546. PointShadowsQualityFar=1
- 1548. IgnoreWeatherSystem=true
- 1549. IgnoreWeatherSystemInterior=true
- 1550. CubemapFresnelMin=0.1
- 1551. CubemapFresnelCurve=2.0
- 1552. GlossinessMapAmountDawn=1.0
- 1553. GlossinessMapAmountSunrise=1.0
- 1554. GlossinessMapAmountDay=1.0
- 1555. GlossinessMapAmountSunset=1.0
- 1556. GlossinessMapAmountDusk=1.0
- 1557. GlossinessMapAmountNight=1.0
- 1558. GlossinessMapAmountInteriorDay=1.0
- 1559. GlossinessMapAmountInteriorNight=1.0
- 1560. BodyGlossinessMapAmountDawn=1.0
- 1561. BodyGlossinessMapAmountSunrise=1.0
- 1562. BodyGlossinessMapAmountDay=1.0
- 1563. BodyGlossinessMapAmountSunset=1.0
- 1564. BodyGlossinessMapAmountDusk=1.0
- 1565. BodyGlossinessMapAmountNight=1.0
- 1566. BodyGlossinessMapAmountInteriorDay=1.0
- 1567. BodyGlossinessMapAmountInteriorNight=1.0
- 1. [Actor]
- 2. bUseNavMeshForMovement=0
- 3. [Archive]
- 4. bLoadArchiveInMemory=1
- 5. sArchiveToLoadInMemoryList=Skyrim - Animations.bsa
- 6. sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes1.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa
- 7. sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures1.bsa, Skyrim - Textures2.bsa, Skyrim - Textures3.bsa, Skyrim - Textures4.bsa, Skyrim - Textures5.bsa, Skyrim - Textures6.bsa, Skyrim - Textures7.bsa, Skyrim - Textures8.bsa, Skyrim - Patch.bsa
- 8. [Audio]
- 9. fMenuModeFadeInTime=1.0
- 10. fMenuModeFadeOutTime=3.0
- 11. fMusicDuckingSeconds=6.0
- 12. fMusicUnDuckingSeconds=8.0
- 13. uMaxSizeForCachedSound=4096
- 14. [Camera]
- 15. fMouseWheelZoomSpeed=10.00
- 16. [Combat]
- 17. f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7
- 18. f1PBoltTiltUpAngle=0.7
- 19. f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=2.5
- 20. fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0
- 21. fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0
- 22. [Controls]
- 23. fDialogueHardStopAngle1P=180
- 24. fDialogueHardStopAngle3P=180
- 25. fDialogueSoftStopAngle1P=150
- 26. fDialogueSoftStopAngle3P=150
- 27. fMouseHeadingSensitivityMax=0.0625
- 28. fMouseHeadingXScale=0.0200
- 29. fMouseHeadingYScale=0.8500
- 30. [Decals]
- 31. uMaxSkinDecalPerActor=60
- 32. [Display]
- 33. bEnableLandFade=0
- 34. bEnableSnowMask=0
- 35. bEnableSnowRimLighting=0
- 36. bLockFrameRate=0
- 37. bVolumetricLightingDisableInterior=1
- 38. fDDOFFocusCenterweightExt=2
- 39. fDecalLifetime=300
- 40. fDOFMaxDepthParticipation=10000
- 41. fDynamicDOFFarBlur=0.4
- 42. fFirstSliceDistance=3620
- 43. fGlobalBrightnessBoost=0.0000
- 44. fGlobalContrastBoost=0.0000
- 45. fGlobalSaturationBoost=0.0000
- 46. fLightLODRange=34816
- 47. fLightLODStartFade=3500.0
- 48. fShadowDirectionalBiasScale=0.47
- 49. fSnowGeometrySpecPower=3.00
- 50. fSnowNormalSpecPower=2.00
- 51. fSnowRimLightIntensity=0.30
- 52. fSparklesDensity=0.85
- 53. fSparklesSize=6.00
- 54. fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=9999999.0000
- 55. fWaterSSRIntensity=0.5
- 56. iLandscapeMultiNormalTilingFactor=1
- 57. sScreenShotBaseName=D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ScreenShot
- 58. [General]
- 59. bBackgroundLoadVMData=1
- 60. fFlickeringLightDistance=8192
- 61. sIntroSequence=
- 62. sLanguage=ENGLISH
- 63. sMainMenuMusic=
- 64. sTestFile1=Dawnguard.esm
- 65. sTestFile2=HearthFires.esm
- 66. sTestFile3=Dragonborn.esm
- 67. uExterior Cell Buffer=36
- 68. uGridsToLoad=5
- 69. [GeneralWarnings]
- 70. SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
- 71. [Grass]
- 72. bAllowCreateGrass=1
- 73. bAllowLoadGrass=0
- 74. bDrawShaderGrass=1
- 75. fGrassFadeRange=14128
- 76. fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=7000.0000
- 77. fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=0.0000
- 78. fGrassWindMagnitudeMax=125
- 79. fGrassWindMagnitudeMin=5
- 80. iGrassCellRadius=2
- 81. iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=3
- 82. iMinGrassSize=40
- 83. [HAVOK]
- 84. fMaxTime=0.01666667
- 85. [Imagespace]
- 86. iRadialBlurLevel=2
- 87. [Interface]
- 88. bShowTutorials=0
- 89. uMaxCustomItemNameLength=64
- 90. [Launcher]
- 91. bEnableFileSelection=1
- 92. [LightingShader]
- 93. fDecalLODFadeEnd=1.1
- 94. fDecalLODFadeStart=1
- 95. fEnvmapLODFadeEnd=1.1
- 96. fEnvmapLODFadeStart=1
- 97. [LOD]
- 98. fDistanceMultiplier=1.00
- 99. [MapMenu]
- 100. fMapWorldMaxPitch=90
- 101. fMapWorldMinPitch=0
- 102. fMapWorldYawRange=400
- 103. [Menu]
- 104. iConsoleSizeScreenPercent=40
- 105. iConsoleTextSize=20
- 106. [Papyrus]
- 107. bEnableLogging=0
- 108. bEnableProfiling=0
- 109. bEnableTrace=0
- 110. bLoadDebugInformation=0
- 111. fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=2000
- 112. [SaveGame]
- 113. iAutoSaveCount=3
- 114. [Trees]
- 115. bEnableTreeAnimations=1
- 116. bEnableTrees=1
- 117. fUpdateBudget=1.5
- 118. [Water]
- 119. bReflectLODLand=1
- 120. bReflectLODObjects=1
- 121. bReflectLODTrees=1
- 122. bReflectSky=1
- 1. [AudioMenu]
- 2. fAudioMasterVolume=0.2000
- 3. fVal0=1.0000
- 4. fVal1=0.8000
- 5. fVal2=0.8000
- 6. fVal3=0.5000
- 7. fVal4=1.0000
- 8. fVal5=1.0000
- 9. fVal6=1.0000
- 10. fVal7=1.0000
- 11. uID0=94881
- 12. uID1=1007612
- 13. uID2=554685
- 14. uID3=466532
- 15. uID4=0
- 16. uID5=0
- 17. uID6=0
- 18. uID7=0
- 19. []
- 20. uPersistentUuidData0=3600022535
- 21. uPersistentUuidData1=991185125
- 22. uPersistentUuidData2=2885595999
- 23. uPersistentUuidData3=90219674
- 24. [Clouds]
- 25. fCloudLevel0Distance=16384.0000
- 26. fCloudLevel1Distance=32768.0000
- 27. fCloudLevel2Distance=262144.0000
- 28. fCloudNearFadeDistance=9000.0000
- 29. [Controls]
- 30. bAlwaysRunByDefault=1
- 31. bGamePadRumble=1
- 32. bInvertYValues=0
- 33. bUseKinect=0
- 34. fGamepadHeadingSensitivity=0.6667
- 35. fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0125
- 36. [Decals]
- 37. bDecals=1
- 38. bSkinnedDecals=1
- 39. uMaxDecals=350
- 40. uMaxSkinDecals=100
- 41. [Display]
- 42. bBorderless=1
- 43. bDrawLandShadows=1
- 44. bEnableImprovedSnow=0
- 45. bEnableProjecteUVDiffuseNormals=1
- 46. bForceCreateTarget=0
- 47. bFull Screen=0
- 48. bFXAAEnabled=0
- 49. bIBLFEnable=1
- 50. bIndEnable=0
- 51. bSAO_CS_Enable=0
- 52. bSAOEnable=1
- 53. bScreenSpaceReflectionEnabled=1
- 54. bToggleSparkles=0
- 55. bTreesReceiveShadows=1
- 56. bUse64bitsHDRRenderTarget=1
- 57. bUsePrecipitationOcclusion=1
- 58. bUseTAA=1
- 59. bVolumetricLightingEnable=1
- 60. fDynamicDOFBlurMultiplier=0.8000
- 61. ffocusShadowMapDoubleEveryXUnit=450.0000
- 62. fGamma=1.0000
- 63. fInteriorShadowDistance=3000.0000
- 64. fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd=4600.0000
- 65. fLeafAnimDampenDistStart=3600.0000
- 66. fLightLODStartFade=6144.0000
- 67. fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault=256.0000
- 68. fMeshLODFadePercentDefault=1.2000
- 69. fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=12288.0000
- 70. fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=12288.0000
- 71. fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=16384.0000
- 72. fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=16384.0000
- 73. fProjectedUVDiffuseNormalTilingScale=0.2000
- 74. fProjectedUVNormalDetailTilingScale=0.8000
- 75. fShadowDistance=10860.0000
- 76. fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=16384.0000
- 77. iMaxDecalsPerFrame=250
- 78. iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame=100
- 79. iNumFocusShadow=4
- 80. iNumSplits=2
- 81. iReflectionResolutionDivider=2
- 82. iSaveGameScreenShotHeight=192
- 83. iSaveGameScreenShotHeighWSt=192
- 84. iSaveGameScreenShotWidth=256
- 85. iSaveGameScreenShotWidthWS=320
- 86. iScreenShotIndex=0
- 87. iShadowMapResolution=4096
- 88. iShadowMaskQuarter=4
- 89. iSize H=1080
- 90. iSize W=1920
- 91. iVolumetricLightingQuality=2
- 92. iVSyncPresentInterval=1
- 93. uBookRatio=2
- 94. [GamePlay]
- 95. bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=1
- 96. bShowQuestMarkers=1
- 97. iDifficulty=2
- 98. [General]
- 99. bEnableStoryManagerLogging=0
- 100. bFreebiesSeen=1
- 101. fLightingOutputColourClampPostEnv=1.0000
- 102. fLightingOutputColourClampPostLit=1.0000
- 103. fLightingOutputColourClampPostSpec=1.0000
- 104. iStoryManagerLoggingEvent=-1
- 105. uLargeRefLODGridSize=11
- 106. [Grass]
- 107. fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=6144.0000
- 108. fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=0.0000
- 109. fGrassStartFadeDistance=6144.0000
- 110. [Imagespace]
- 111. bDoDepthOfField=1
- 112. bLensFlare=1
- 113. [Interface]
- 114. bDialogueSubtitles=1
- 115. bGeneralSubtitles=1
- 116. bShowCompass=1
- 117. fMouseCursorSpeed=1.0000
- 118. [LOD]
- 119. fLODFadeOutMultActors=15.0000
- 120. fLODFadeOutMultItems=10.0000
- 121. fLODFadeOutMultObjects=30.0000
- 122. fLODFadeOutMultSkyCell=1.0000
- 123. [MAIN]
- 124. bCrosshairEnabled=1
- 125. bGamepadEnable=0
- 126. bSaveOnPause=0
- 127. bSaveOnRest=1
- 128. bSaveOnTravel=1
- 129. bSaveOnWait=1
- 130. fHUDOpacity=1.0000
- 131. fSkyCellRefFadeDistance=600000.0000
- 132. [NavMesh]
- 133. fCoverSideHighAlpha=0.8000
- 134. fCoverSideLowAlpha=0.6500
- 135. fEdgeDistFromVert=10.0000
- 136. fEdgeFullAlpha=1.0000
- 137. fEdgeHighAlpha=0.7500
- 138. fEdgeLowAlpha=0.5000
- 139. fEdgeThickness=10.0000
- 140. fLedgeBoxHalfHeight=25.0000
- 141. fObstacleAlpha=0.5000
- 142. fPointSize=2.5000
- 143. fTriangleFullAlpha=0.7000
- 144. fTriangleHighAlpha=0.3500
- 145. fTriangleLowAlpha=0.2000
- 146. [Particles]
- 147. iMaxDesired=6000
- 148. [SaveGame]
- 149. fAutosaveEveryXMins=15.0000
- 150. [TerrainManager]
- 151. bShowLODInEditor=1
- 152. fBlockLevel0Distance=57344.0000
- 153. fBlockLevel1Distance=147456.0000
- 154. fBlockMaximumDistance=327680.0000
- 155. fSplitDistanceMult=1.0000
- 156. fTreeLoadDistance=57344.0000
- 157. [Trees]
- 158. bRenderSkinnedTrees=1
- 159. uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=200
- 160. [Water]
- 161. bUseWaterDepth=1
- 162. bUseWaterDisplacements=1
- 163. bUseWaterReflections=1
- 164. bUseWaterRefractions=1