Fallout 3by MasterLix
Created 5 months ago
Updated 5 months ago
LO for my FO3 guide.
Load Order Files
- 2. Fallout3.esm
- 3. Anchorage.esm
- 4. ThePitt.esm
- 5. StreetLights.esm
- 6. BrokenSteel.esm
- 7. PointLookout.esm
- 8. Zeta.esm
- 9. RBPosterPack01.esm
- 10. Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
- 11. Goodies.esm
- 12. iHUD.esm
- 13. CRAFT.esm
- 14. CALIBR.esm
- 15. EVE.esm
- 16. All_In_One.esm
- 17. WMMP_Master.esp
- 18. STDG.esp
- 19. Mart's Mutant Mod.esm
- 20. 3DNPC_FO3.esm
- 21. 3DNPC_Room404.esm
- 22. 3DNPC_Chapel.esm
- 23. 3dnpc_ClaraBella.esm
- 24. 3DNPC_Cosmos.esm
- 25. 3DNPC_DotsDiner.esm
- 26. 3DNPC_Factory.esm
- 27. 3DNPC_FO3Generic.esm
- 28. 3DNPC_IRS.esm
- 29. 3DNPC_LittleBoBeep.esm
- 30. 3DNPC_Mortar.esm
- 31. 3DNPC_QuantumGravity.esm
- 32. 3DNPC_Slasher.esm
- 33. 3DNPC_Spider.esm
- 34. 3DNPC_Village.esm
- 35. 3DNPC_Zynx.esm
- 36. D.C NPCs.esm
- 37. Vault 101 Revisited.esm
- 38. AWorldOfPainFO3.esm
- 39. TheInstitute.esm
- 40. DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm
- 41. Point Lookout Reborn.esm
- 42. RiversideCafe.esm
- 43. MetroCars.esp
- 44. WastelandGuards01.esm
- 45. Crowded Cities Redux.esm
- 46. FO3 NPCs Travel.esm
- 47. Detect Traps.esm
- 48. Project Beauty.esm
- 49. Project Beauty- Vault 101 Revisited.esp
- 50. Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm
- 51. Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm
- 52. CMF-Zeta.esm
- 53. FO3_Optimization.esm
- 54. NoFogClip.esm
- 55. Confessor Cromwell has a Break_EV.esp
- 56. CouncilSeatFix.esp
- 57. CRBSOR.esp
- 58. AutomatFix.esp
- 59. Dogmeat in Springvale.esp
- 60. StreetLightsScriptFix.esp
- 61. No UI Blur.esp
- 62. Barkskin.esp
- 63. Double barreled shotgun fix.esp
- 64. CMF-Zeta.esp
- 65. Lootable vehicles of the Capital Wasteland.esp
- 66. Static Containers of the Capital Wasteland.esp
- 67. Lootable Rubble Piles.esp
- 68. GilbertToys.esp
- 69. New Toys - Cars.esp
- 70. Treasure Maps_A Fist Full of Caps.esp
- 71. Action for men v3.0.esp
- 72. Slower Degradation (-50%).esp
- 73. KarmaRevampExtreme1010.esp
- 74. CombatEnhanced-Package v02.esp
- 75. Fugacity.esp
- 76. Fugacity - UF3P Patch.esp
- 77. FPS Grenade Hotkey.esp
- 78. FPS Grenade Hotkey - Zeta addon.esp
- 79. Sprint Mod.esp
- 80. blanket.esp
- 81. Arlington Library Pre-War Books.esp
- 82. Mannequin.esp
- 83. TougherCarsandVehicles.esp
- 84. DarNifiedUIF3.esp
- 85. MetroYouAreHere.esp
- 86. FO3BetterMessagesAllDLC.esp
- 87. SSTAtmosphericDeathCamera.esp
- 88. Dynamic Third Person Camera.esp
- 89. DIFF.esp
- 90. MoreMapMarkers.esp
- 91. PL More map markers.esp
- 92. PiPBoy - faster, brighter, CTO.esp
- 93. Original Pip-Boy Color Lighting White.esp
- 94. midlifecrisis.esp
- 95. midlifeAnchorage.esp
- 96. FO3 Dialogue Expansion for Role-Players.esp
- 97. ZetaSharing.esp
- 98. ATMOS Sound Overhaul.esp
- 99. Conelrad 640-1240.esp
- 100. GNR Enhanced.esp
- 101. Immersive Pickup Sounds.esp
- 102. Quieter Mole Rats.esp
- 103. Quieter Nuka-Cola Sign.esp
- 104. Stealth Kills Enabled.esp
- 105. Stealth Kills Enabled - Pitt Compatibility.esp
- 106. EpicMiniNukes.esp
- 107. GaryIterrogationHolo.esp
- 108. overhead.esp
- 109. Kill Eyebot Gain Karma.esp
- 110. AnchorageRevamp.esp
- 111. AnchorageArmorTrainer.esp
- 112. AnchoragePulseFieldKills.esp
- 113. Radiation_Tweaks2.esp
- 114. The Mantis Imperative - Nasty Zeta No Scaling.esp
- 115. MZ No Karma Loss.esp
- 116. Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
- 117. Mart's Mutant Mod - DC Interiors.esp
- 118. Zeta Turret Drone Karma Fix - MMM Merged.esp
- 119. Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp
- 120. Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty - DLC.esp
- 121. 3DNPC_FO3_BrokenSteel.esp
- 122. 3DNPC_Radio.esp
- 123. 3DNPCRelax.esp
- 124. Existence 2.0.esp
- 125. Another Interior Mod.esp
- 126. CanterburyCommonsInteriors.esp
- 127. Fairfax City Interiors.esp
- 128. Fairfax City Interiors AWOP Patch.esp
- 129. Springvale school.esp
- 130. AutoGates.esp
- 131. BaileysCrossingMetro.esp
- 132. Better RC Church.esp
- 133. ChopShopModv13.esp
- 134. DelayDLCPlus.esp
- 135. A Trail of Crumbs.esp
- 136. NotSoFast.esp
- 137. HeirApparent.esp
- 138. The Mantis Imperative - Jello.esp
- 139. The Mantis Imperative - Combat.esp
- 140. The Mantis Imperative - SkillBooks.esp
- 141. Shadows and Dust - Southwest DC - Public.esp
- 142. Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp
- 143. Flora Overhaul.esp
- 144. SSTVertexLitGrass.esp
- 145. WaterFix v1.0.esp
- 146. Water For Enb.esp
- 147. FortIndependenceRedesigned.esp
- 148. Halls of Today.esp
- 149. House.esp
- 150. PotomacSteamworks.esp
- 151. RockopolisRebuilt.esp
- 152. Temple of the Union Overhaul.esp
- 153. More2Megaton.esp
- 154. UrgeWashingtonBoS.esp
- 155. Ships Of The Sea.esp
- 156. Entire Highway Overhaul.esp
- 157. BigTownsBigCleaningOut.esp
- 158. The_Pittsburgh_Expansion_Project_3.0v.esp
- 159. ArefuPlayerHome.esp
- 160. Army Trucks Overhaul.esp
- 161. RealisticHDRLight.esp
- 162. Project Beauty- UF3P.esp
- 163. BeardsofFallout.esp
- 164. ZzJay's Hairpacks for Fallout 3.esp
- 165. T4-plugin.esp
- 166. K9Breeds.esp
- 167. K9BreedsMoreDogs.esp
- 168. K9BreedsPatchDLCPitt.esp
- 169. FeralGhoulTest.esp
- 170. lexx_brahmin-variant-Fo3.esp
- 171. Laurens_Bathroom_poetry_V1.esp
- 172. Paradise Lost - Unique Texture and Icon.esp
- 173. 6IXES Clutter Texture Pack.esp
- 174. schematics2.esp
- 175. majormodder's Junk Food to Barbeque Crisps.esp
- 176. HDRealWorldSmokes.esp
- 177. Motorcycle Replacer.esp
- 178. RCM2.esp
- 179. FeralGhoulChildren.esp
- 180. Big_Weapons for Big_Guys.esp
- 181. Mutated Confessor Cromwell.esp
- 182. AAW.esp
- 183. RagdollOverhaulFo3.esp
- 184. Realistic Death Physics.esp
- 185. VideoIntercom.esp
- 186. FliesSwarms.esp
- 187. SuitcaseReanimated.esp
- 188. IMPACT.esp
- 189. IMPACT All DLCs.esp
- 190. dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
- 191. SSTBloodbath.esp
- 192. No Blur Effect.esp
- 193. Bornagain Zeta Combat Armor Texture Patch.esp
- 194. PEDress.esp
- 195. Pitt Raider Armor Distributed.esp
- 196. Lookout Outfits.esp
- 197. Expanded Wardrobe.esp
- 198. Tattered_suits.esp
- 199. Headwraps Galore.esp
- 200. Merc Adventurer Armor - eng.esp
- 201. Real Radiation Suit FO3.esp
- 202. Dragonskin Tactical Outfit.esp
- 203. Detect Traps - DLC.esp
- 204. Detect Traps - Perk.esp
- 205. Detect Traps - The Traponator 4000.esp
- 206. Armor Repair Kits - FO3.esp
- 207. Armor Repair Kits PL - FO3.esp
- 208. Tribal_DX.esp
- 209. WinterizedT51bDX.esp
- 210. BornAgain Outcast v3.esp
- 211. CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp
- 212. Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp
- 213. Ammo Schematics - CRAFT - Vanilla Edition.esp
- 214. WMMP_Install.esp
- 215. WMMP_AMA [Mutants].esp
- 216. WMMP_AMA [Swamp Folk].esp
- 217. Iron Sights Plus.esp
- 218. SFO3WRP Chinese Assault Rifle.esp
- 219. GS DB shotgun retex.esp
- 220. EVE Grenade Explosion.esp
- 221. Perks - From New Vegas.esp
- 222. NS Perks.esp
- 223. BetterPerks.esp
- 224. (TWPC) MMM-EBTMGFWE-UUF3P-FWE Patch.esp
- 225. (TWPC) BRCC-PB Patch.esp
- 226. Blackened MMM + EVE + Project Beauty.esp
- 227. PointLookout Moods.esp
- 228. The Pitt Moods.esp
- 229. MegatonLightingPlusNeonSignGlow.esp
- 230. Realistic Interior Lighting.esp
- 231. Clarity - 3dNPC.esp
- 232. Clarity - Vault 101 Revisited.esp
- 233. Clarity - AWoP.esp
- 234. Clarity - DC Interiors.esp
- 235. Clarity - Point Lookout Reborn.esp
- 236. Clarity - Another Interior Mod.esp
- 237. Clarity - Puce Moose.esp
- 238. Clarity - Shadows & Dust.esp
- 239. Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp
- 240. Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus.esp
- 241. Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain.esp
- 242. Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms.esp
- 243. Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Start Game Added).esp
- 244. Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Green Tint Remover.esp
- 245. Wasted LOD Rocks F3.esp
- 246. FO3LODGen.esp
- 247. LODIFY FO3.esp
- 248. Bashed Patch, 0.esp
- 249. Conflict Resolution.esp
- 250. True Movement FO3.esp
- 251. PowerArmorPerks.esp