Morrowind Vesta
by DanaePlays
Created 9 months ago
Updated 9 months ago
Vesta the Imperial Barrister, former Princess, and future Duchess.
Load Order Files
- 1. Unmanaged: XE Sky Variations
- 2. DLC: Tribunal
- 3. DLC: Bloodmoon
- 5. Animal Extinction - MWSE
- 9. Cheat Menu
- 12. Tamriel_Data
- 13. OAAB_Data
- 14. An Addendum to Tamrielic Lore Data
- 15. Weapon Sheathing
- 16. Weapon Sheathing Additions
- 17. Weapon Sheathing - Bow Position Edit
- 18. Morrowind Optimization Patch
- 19. You Don't Seam Me
- 20. Glow in the Dahrk
- 21. Graphic Herbalism - MWSE and OpenMW Edition
- 22. Graphic Herbalism- Ash Yam Collision Switch
- 23. Project Atlas
- 24. Intelligent Textures
- 25. Remiros' Groundcover
- 26. Hide Grass
- 27. Vurt's Corals
- 28. Vurt's Reeds
- 29. Tamriel_Data Graveyard - Deprecations un-deprecated
- 31. Expeditious Exit
- 32. Right Click Menu Exit
- 33. Memory Monitor
- 34. Sophisticated Save System
- 35. UI Expansion
- 36. UI Expansion Better Training Icons
- 37. Ownership Indicator
- 38. Patch for Purists
- 39. Better Bodies 3.2 (Better Beasts)
- 40. Westly's Faces Refurbished
- 41. Vanilla-flavoured Hair
- 42. Better Clothes Complete
- 43. Better Clothes Retextured
- 44. Mage Robes
- 45. CanadianIce Robe Replacer Optimised
- 46. Better Morrowind Armor ENG
- 47. Alex's Better Fitted Female Armors
- 48. Plankyes Partial Female Replacer
- 49. More Attentive Guards
- 50. Ownership Overhaul
- 53. Solstheim - Tomb of the Snow Prince
- 54. Wares Ultimate
- 55. Friends and Foes
- 56. DRIP - Dynamic Randomised Item Properties
- 57. Weapons Expansion Patches
- 58. Cliff Racers
- 60. Smart Companions
- 61. Smart Ammo
- 62. Book Pickup
- 63. Borrowed Time
- 64. Cantons on the Global Map
- 65. Cast on Hit Bows Lua
- 66. Disposition Quest Rewards
- 67. Chameleon
- 68. Early Transport to Mournhold
- 69. Doors Anti Stuck
- 70. MWSE Compare Tooltips
- 71. Lord's Mail and Morningstars
- 72. Less Lame Leveled Spawns
- 73. Just Drop It
- 74. Improved Thrown Weapon Projectiles
- 76. Hot Lava
- 77. FMI - Sane Ordinators
- 80. Accurate Tooltip Stats
- 81. Who's where
- 82. Walkers of Morrowind
- 83. Under Construction
- 84. The Publicans
- 85. Ten Pace Boots remodeling
- 86. Smart Intervention
- 87. Smarter Soultrap
- 88. Skillful Sneaking
- 89. Skill Increase GMST Fix
- 91. Rational Names Lite
- 92. Player Made Magic Rename
- 93. Quick Equip
- 94. Greet Distance Reducer
- 95. Shrine Tooltips
- 96. Give or Take
- 97. Better Questlist
- 98. More Detailed Companion HealthBars MWSE Lua Script
- 99. Perfect Placement
- 101. Take Notes
- 102. Kill Command
- 103. No More Friendly Fire
- 105. Improved Lights for All Shaders
- 106. Apel's Fire Retexture
- 107. Better Waterfalls
- 108. Bleeding Injuries - MWSE
- 109. Cave Drips
- 110. Creature VFX restoration
- 111. Crystal Soul Gems
- 112. Decomposition of a Taxman
- 113. Dwemer Lightning Rods
- 114. Elemental Effects
- 115. Krokantor's Enhanced Water Shader Updated
- 116. Enlightened Flames
- 117. Footprints
- 118. Glowbugs
- 119. Heat Haze
- 120. Gondoliers
- 121. Boats
- 122. I Lava Good Mesh Replacer
- 123. Improved Propylon Particles
- 124. Keg Drip
- 125. Logs on Fire
- 126. MCAR
- 127. Mist Retexture
- 128. Morrowind Animated Hammocks (MAH)
- 129. Morrowind Containers Animated
- 130. mtrPermanentQuestCorpsesRandomizer
- 131. Morag Tong Equipment Diversity
- 132. MWSE - Morag Tong Helmets
- 133. MWSE Blood Diversity
- 134. Septim Gold and Dwemer Dumacs
- 135. Parasol Particles
- 136. R-Zero's Throbbing Meat - a Corprus Meat Replacer
- 137. Salts
- 138. Shattered Stones - An Earthquake Mod
- 139. Shattered Stones - Red Mountain
- 140. Silt Strider Animation Restored
- 141. Spells Reforged
- 142. Smoking Yurts
- 143. Swayland
- 144. The Midnight Oil - Lighting Overhaul
- 146. Town Criers
- 147. TravelingMerchants_v
- 148. Unto Dust
- 149. Vanity
- 150. Vapourmist
- 151. wandering_umbra
- 152. Weather Adjuster
- 154. Ctroost's Weather Adjuster Presets
- 155. Where are all birds going
- 156. Water Life
- 157. Wonders of Water
- 158. Repopulated Morrowind
- 159. Nords shut your windows
- 160. Visually Filled Soul Gems
- 162. The Icarian Incident
- 163. Anumaril's Minor Mods - Scum replacer
- 164. Animated Morrowind - Danae's Edits
- 165. Flies - MWSE
- 166. Blue Ghastly Glowyfence
- 168. Near Vanilla Road Sign Replacer
- 169. Subtle Magic Glow
- 170. Vibrant ivy and trellis addon
- 171. Vanilla friendly creatures and undeads expansion
- 172. Better Scamps
- 173. Creeper the Drummer
- 174. Yet Another Guard Diversity
- 175. Yet Another Guard Diversity Expanded Imperials
- 176. Weapons Expansion Project
- 177. Expansions Integrated
- 178. Onion - Layered Accessories
- 179. OAAB Integrations
- 180. NOD - NPC Outfit Diversity
- 181. Melchior's Excellent Grazelands Acacia
- 182. Remiros' Ascadian Isles Trees 2
- 183. Vanilla-friendly West Gash Tree Replacer
- 184. All Books Color-Coded and Designed
- 185. RR Mod Series - Morrowind Statues Replacer
- 186. Old Dwemer Books
- 187. Comrade Raven's Book Arts Replacer
- 188. Nordic Mesh Improvements
- 189. Daedric Lord Armor Morrowind Edition
- 190. Correct UV Mudcrabs
- 191. Better Dwarven Spectres - Mer and Maidens Edition
- 193. Overlooked Meshes Replacer
- 195. Thickle-Lo - The Succulent Hackle-Lo Mod
- 196. Succulent Scathecraw
- 197. Baldurians_Scum_Texture_and_Mesh_Replacer
- 198. Dragon Statue Revisited
- 199. Dry Stone Walls Revamped
- 200. Dying Worlds - moons retexture
- 202. Hybrid Trees
- 203. Banners and Flags Retexture - Aestetika of Vvardenfell
- 204. EKM Dunmer Corprus Variants
- 205. Drippified Skills Module - MWSE
- 206. Unique Potion Colors for AOF's Bottles
- 208. JiFFY's Morrowind UI Revamped
- 209. Seph's Library
- 210. Seph's Enemy Bars
- 211. Seph's HUD Customizer
- 212. Seph's Inventory Decorator
- 213. HUD Weapon Charge
- 214. Essential Indicators
- 215. Effects Timers - MWSE
- 216. Better Daedric Font
- 217. Cut Bethesda Splash Screens
- 218. Additional Splash Screens
- 219. Better Readable Beauty Font
- 220. Fargoth Splash Screen
- 221. Race Themed Splash Screens
- 222. Vanilla Animated Main Menu
- 223. Sigs magic icons orange
- 224. QuickKeys Hotbar - MWSE
- 225. Tidy Charsheet
- 226. Clocks
- 227. Skyrim Style Quest Notifications
- 228. Map Icons - MWSE
- 229. SSQN_addon
- 235. Idle Talk
- 236. Its a Deal
- 237. Great Service
- 239. AURA
- 240. Box of Horrors - Corprus Weeping
- 241. Character Sound Overhaul
- 242. Silent Assassins
- 243. Loading Doors Lock Tune
- 244. Heartthrum
- 245. Sound Spell Sound Effect
- 246. Store Entrance Chimes
- 247. Spell Sounds Enhanced
- 248. Voice Overhaul
- 249. Tunnel Cough
- 250. Water Sounds
- 251. Ambient Town Sounds v1-4
- 252. Friends Reunited
- 253. Ultimate Creeper Party House
- 254. Ashlander Voices
- 255. Gares Last Gasp
- 256. Kezyma's Voices of Vvardenfell
- 257. Nordic Banter
- 258. Sheathe your Weapon - MWSE
- 259. Djangos Dialogue 1.4
- 261. Westlys Master Head Pack Prim and Proper
- 262. Dim's Khajiit Head and Hair Pack
- 264. Races RESPECted - A Race Skill and Attribute Rebalance Mod
- 267. Merlord's Character Backgrounds
- 268. More character backgrounds for Merlord's character backgrounds
- 269. Ahead of the Classes
- 271. Written in the Stars - a birthsign mod
- 272. Divine Providence
- 274. Class-Conscious Character Progression (CCCP)
- 275. Attribute Effect Tweaks
- 276. 4NM_PERKS
- 277. LazyGuildRewards
- 278. Imperial Factions
- 283. More Exclusive Factions
- 285. Class Skill Limit
- 286. Daily Training
- 287. Privileges And Services
- 288. Class Starting Spells
- 289. PRAY - Prayers Rituals And You
- 290. Gool's Backgrounds
- 295. Character Background - the Dark Mage
- 297. Beware the Sixth House (Sixth House Overhaul)
- 298. Bloodmoon Rebalance
- 299. Tribunal Rebalance
- 300. Bomberman
- 301. Brutal Backstabbing
- 302. Next Generation Combat
- 303. Defensive Stance
- 304. Dynamic Difficulty
- 305. Frenzy n'wahs
- 306. Leech Effects
- 307. Magicka Expanded
- 308. Miscast Enhanced
- 309. MM - Enhanced Detection
- 310. MM - Enhanced Reflection
- 311. MM - Enhanced Telekinesis
- 312. Wands
- 313. MDMD - More Deadly Morrowind Denizens
- 314. N'wah Shooter - Marksman Overhaul
- 315. The Art of Archery - Deadly Headshots
- 316. Realistic Archery
- 317. Nimble Armor
- 318. Putting Power In Willpower 2 - Antimagic Boogaloo
- 319. Distraction
- 320. Runes and Totems
- 321. Smart Chasers
- 322. Sneaky Strike
- 323. Weaponry of Resdayn Rebalanced
- 325. Combat Enhanced - MWSE Edition
- 327. The Blight
- 328. Hold Your Breath
- 329. Ingredients Galore
- 330. Magnitude of a Cure
- 331. No Disease Labels
- 332. Poison Crafting
- 333. Restocking Alchemy Essentials
- 334. Take a Breather
- 335. Soul Gems for Sale
- 336. The Art of Alchemy
- 337. The Crafting Framework
- 338. Skills Module
- 339. Ashfall - A Camping Survival and Needs Mod
- 340. Immersive Tables for the Art of Alchemy
- 341. Ashfall Add-on - Tanning Racks
- 342. More wells - an addon for Ashfall
- 343. Chrysopoeia
- 345. Realistic Repair
- 346. Realistic Repair - Add-on
- 351. Bardic Inspiration
- 352. Buying Game
- 353. Force Close Dialogue Menu
- 354. Greetings for No Lore
- 355. Enchantment Services Redone - ESR
- 356. FMI - NotAllDunmer
- 357. LDM - Racist Service Refusal
- 358. Misc Mates
- 359. No Beds for the Diseased
- 360. Outfit Greetings Tweaked
- 361. Real Disposition
- 362. LDM - Context Matters
- 363. Silver Tongue
- 364. Talking Matters (Speechcraft overhaul)
- 365. Smart Merchants
- 366. Visible Persuasion Chance
- 367. Locks and Traps Detection
- 368. Stealth Improved
- 369. Security Expertise
- 370. Skoomaesthesia
- 371. More Traps MWSE-Lua
- 373. Pickpocket
- 375. Better Enchantments
- 376. Calendar
- 378. Customizable MWSE Multi Mark and Harder Recall
- 379. Dahrk's Super-Sized Storage (D'sSSS)
- 380. Equipment Requirements
- 381. Friends and Frens
- 382. Just the Tooltip
- 383. Mantle of Ascension - A Climbing Mod
- 384. OEA's Practice Makes Perfect
- 385. Quick Loadouts
- 386. Reading Is Good
- 387. Signpost Fast Travel
- 388. Smart Journal
- 389. Smart Rings
- 390. Torch Hotkey
- 391. Trophy Taker
- 392. Useful Maps and Guides
- 393. Religions Elaborated
- 394. Thieves' Guild Overhaul
- 395. Imperial Legion Expansion
- 399. alvazir's various patches
- 400. Different Types of Local Plants for Ajira's Reports
- 403. Hostages
- 405. Join the Royal Guards
- 406. Imperial Knights Faction
- 408. Bounty Hunter Assignments
- 410. The Talos Cult Conspiracy
- 412. Census and Excise Office Faction
- 413. OAAB Brother Junipers Twin Lamps
- 417. Selection Details
- 423. Alteration Movement
- 424. Mages Guild Overhaul - Miniquests
- 425. Morrowind Redux
- 426. Pharis' Magicka Regeneration
- 427. Protective Helmets
- 428. Small Quality of Life Improvements - MWSE
- 429. Immersive Travel - MWSE
- 433. Bell Towers of Vvardenfell
- 434. The Ashlanders
- 435. Taddeus' Foods of Tamriel
- 436. Shipyards of Vvardenfell (Sadrith Mora - Seyda Neen - Gnaar Mok)
- 437. Radiant Quests of Morrowind
- 438. Imperial Stables
- 439. Dartboards
- 440. Broadsheets and Notice Boards Redone
- 441. Stav's Boxes - Mages Guild Aesthetics Overhaul
- 442. Brother Juniper's Ashlander Traders - Remastered
- 446. The Guar Whisperer
- 447. ST_dummies_
- 448. Imperial Cart Travel - Redux
- 452. MyManor.esp - Purchase Hlaalo Manor
- 453. Balmora Guilds Expanded
- 454. Brevur of Balmora - Finally Some Good Statue Mod
- 456. Pillow Mage Manor
- 457. South Wall Den Of Iniquity
- 458. Dura gra-Bol's House Reclaimed - And the Grab-All Gang
- 459. Midgetaliens Lucky Lockup Additions
- 460. PC Clothier Balmora
- 461. Even Seedier Eight Plates
- 462. Shabby Balmora Labor Town
- 463. A Widow in Debt
- 464. The Sanguine Rose
- 465. Astrologian's Guild
- 466. Balmora Redecorated
- 467. OAAB Livelier Lucky Lockup
- 468. Caius' Rooftop Renovations
- 469. Dras the Dunmer Legionnaire
- 470. Ranis Athrys- Let Go and Begin Again
- 471. The Strider's Nest - Companions and Quests
- 473. Caldera Mages Guild Expanded
- 474. Izi-inspired Caldera
- 477. Caldera Mine Expanded
- 478. The Mysterious Affair of Sara Shenk
- 479. The Doors - Caldera
- 480. OAAB Better Caldera Interiors
- 481. Caldera Governors Manor Redone
- 484. Expedition to Mzelthuand
- 485. Magical Missions Recharged
- 486. Varo Manor
- 488. Redaynia Village
- 490. Ald'ruhn-under-Skar
- 492. The OTHER Council Club
- 493. Ald-ruhn Mages guild expansion
- 495. Skar Face (Ald Ruhn)
- 496. Minor Redoran Concept Art Inspired City Enhancement
- 501. Tales of Ald Velothi
- 504. Less Epic Dagon Fel
- 505. Dagon Fel Mill Redux
- 506. Dagon Fel Lighthouse
- 507. Dagon Fel Redone
- 508. The Search for the White Wave
- 509. Sails and Sales
- 511. Import_Business_the_Merchant_of_Vvardenfell
- 513. OAAB Ebonheart Six Fishes Improved
- 514. Supply Chain
- 515. Ebonheart Western Docks
- 516. Imperium - Castle Ebonheart
- 517. Ebonheart Underworks
- 518. Ebonheart Lighthouse
- 520. Cozy Hla Oad and Gnaar Mok
- 521. Shabby Gnaar Mok
- 525. Of Eggs and Dwarves - Gnisis Eggmine and Bethamez Overhaul
- 527. Gnisis Docks
- 528. Very Vanilla Concept Art Gnisis
- 529. Leap of Faith
- 531. Alchemy Shop in Gnisis
- 535. The Vanishing Ash-chirps
- 537. Halls Of Colossus
- 540. Tirram Terala's Treasure Trove of Trinkets
- 541. Sa'Virr the traveling bladesmith
- 542. A Cold Cell
- 543. Troubled Waters
- 546. OAAB Huleen's Hut Overhaul
- 547. Maar Gan - Town of Pilgrimage
- 549. Immersive Mournhold
- 550. Tamrielic Lore
- 551. A Walk in the Park - Mournhold Temple Courtyard Overhaul
- 552. Almalexia Splendor
- 554. Dark Molag Mar
- 555. Molag Mar
- 560. Ivy Pelagiad
- 561. OAAB Pelagiad Interior Overhaul
- 562. A new Windmill for Pelagiad
- 564. Pelagiad Minuet Cottage
- 565. Apothecary's Demise
- 566. Yul Marshee and the Visage of Mzund
- 567. Get Sharp
- 568. Dirty Muriel's Expansion
- 581. AFFresh
- 583. Randar's Smithy - Wares Compatibility Option
- 585. OAAB Seyda Neen - Damp Little Squat
- 588. Ashlander Silt Skiff
- 589. Where Merchants Flea
- 590. The Brew Master
- 591. Atmospheric Delights
- 592. White Suran 2 - MD Edition
- 593. Suran Docks Light
- 595. Hanging Gardens of Suran
- 596. Suran - Ashlands Barrier
- 598. Snug Suran - OAAB Oran Manor Upgrade
- 601. Tel Aruhn Chronicles
- 605. Tel Branora - Domain of the Mad Mistress
- 609. Scintillating Sethan's Tradehouse
- 611. Corprusarium - Sorrow Heart of Tel Fyr
- 614. Rethan Redivivus
- 618. RR Mod Series - Ghostgate Fortress
- 621. A Merchant's Whim
- 623. Concept Art Palace (Vivec City)
- 624. Concept art Vivec Ports
- 625. Foreign Quarter Market Square
- 626. Fishmongers Hall
- 628. Imperial Employment Office (MD Edit)
- 629. Library of Vivec Enhanced
- 630. ReadMe - Library of Vivec Overhaul
- 631. Vivec Lighthouse
- 632. Questline - Vivec Lighthouse Keeper
- 635. Rescue Mission
- 636. Tailors and Dyers - Dye Room
- 637. The Striderport in Vivec
- 639. Lucevar Companion
- 640. Baar Dau - Ministry of Truth
- 641. Fetchers of Morrowind
- 642. Little Landscapes - Path to Vivec Lighthouse
- 643. Skywind Concept Art Arena
- 644. The Great Seawall of Vivec
- 650. OAAB Shipwrecks
- 655. Immersive Grotto Entrances
- 656. Another Markgran Forest
- 657. Gates of Ascadia
- 660. Inner Sea Trading Company
- 665. M'Aiq Overhaul - Liar yes - Idiot no
- 667. Uncharted Artifacts
- 669. The Uber Crystal Egg Hunt and Display
- 670. Killing Spree Helluva ways to kill
- 671. Vaernis' Armour and Shields
- 672. Silaria's Clothes for Wares
- 673. Aleanne's Mods for Wares
- 674. The Assassin's Arsenal
- 675. Korana's Mods for Wares
- 676. Aoimevelho's Mods for Wares
- 677. Hilgya the Seamstress for Wares
- 678. TealPanda's Mods for Wares
- 679. Bob's Armories for Wares
- 680. Danaes DRIP Depot
- 681. The Crimson Wire
- 682. Scissors and Thimbles
- 683. Lots' of Rings
- 684. House of Earthly Delights
- 685. Eyren for Wares
- 686. Danke's Armors
- 689. Aradia's Needle
- 690. Kwama Queen Royal Jelly
- 691. Daduke's Amulets and Rings
- 692. Panoplies - Helluva Ways to Suit Up
- 693. jeb pirate outfit
- 694. The Warehouse - Wares-aware mod collection
- 695. Westly's Mods for Wares
- 696. Booze for Purists
- 697. Shinies
- 699. Korana Wares
- 701. Mass Cure
- 702. Companion Leveler
- 703. Party Alchemy - Administer Potions
- 704. Teach Companion Spells
- 705. abotShiftFlavor
- 708. Sotha Sil Expanded
- 709. Romance English Version
- 710. Imperial Noble Titles
- 711. New Ilunibi
- 2. Morrowind.esm
- 3. abotBoats_RVP.esp
- 4. Mage Robes_Weak.ESP
- 5. Next Generation Combat - Hand To Hand Fixes.esp
- 6. NOD - Core.esp
- 7. REM_AC_LLCS_TelAruhn.ESP
- 8. Rem_AI.esp
- 9. Rem_AL.esp
- 10. Rem_BC.esp
- 11. Rem_GL.esp
- 12. Rem_WG.esp
- 13. Uber Crystal Egg Hunt Hint Book.ESP
- 14. Uber Crystal Egg Hunt Therana Display.esp
- 15. VSW-Rem-Anthology Solstheim.esp
- 16. Vurt's Corals.esp
- 17. Vurt's Groundcover - Reeds.esp
- 18. Westly_Presents_Kheran_X.esp
- 19. XE Sky Variations.esp
- 20. abotGondoliers_RVP.esp
- 21. House of Earthly Delights, Harem Style-Wares.esp
- 22. Imperial Employment Office (MD edits)-Wares.esp
- 23. Sa'Virr, the Traveling Bladesmith-Wares.ESP
- 24. Tribunal.esm
- 25. Bloodmoon.esm
- 26. AATL_Data.esm
- 27. abotWaterLife.esm
- 28. Wares-base.esm
- 29. Friends_and_Foes_base.esm
- 30. Patch for Purists.esm
- 31. RepopulatedMorrowind.ESM
- 32. Ownership Overhaul.esm
- 33. GDR_MasterFile.esm
- 34. OAAB_Data.esm
- 35. Friends & Frens - base.esm
- 36. Westly Prim & Proper Core.esm
- 37. Tamriel_Data.esm
- 38. Tamrielic Lore.esm
- 39. Solstheim Tomb of The Snow Prince.esm
- 40. NOD - Core.esm
- 41. Wares_containers.ESP
- 42. Walkers of Morrowind.esp
- 43. Patch for Purists - Book Typos.ESP
- 44. Patch for Purists - Semi-Purist Fixes.ESP
- 45. Better Clothes Complete.ESP
- 47. A Cold Cell.ESP
- 48. A Merchant's Whim.ESP
- 49. A Widow in Debt.ESP
- 50. AA Immersive Tables.ESP
- 51. DD_Caldera_Expansion.esp
- 52. Different Types of Local Plants for Ajira's Reports.esp
- 53. dim_minuetcottage.ESP
- 54. DimKhajiitHH.ESP
- 55. DirtyMurielsExpansion.esp
- 56. disposition_rewards.esp
- 57. Divine Providence.esp
- 58. Djangos Dialogue.ESP
- 59. Dras Censorship.ESP
- 60. Dras the Dunmer Legionnaire.esp
- 61. Expansions Integrated.esp
- 62. Eyren for Wares.ESP
- 63. F&F_Ahead of the Classes.ESP
- 64. ST Practice Dummies 3.12_ReplacerOnly.esp
- 65. TealPanda Wares.ESP
- 66. Tel Branora - Domain of the Mad Mistress.ESP
- 67. Hilgya for Wares.ESP
- 68. Hostages.ESP
- 69. House of Earthly Delights, Harem Style.esp
- 70. hw_GreetDistanceReducer.ESP
- 71. IceNioLivRobeReplacerALL.esp
- 72. Idle Talk.ESP
- 73. if_rethan_manor.ESP
- 74. IGE.ESP
- 75. Immersive Mournhold.esp
- 76. immersivetravel.esp
- 77. Imperial Cart Travel - Redux.esp
- 78. Imperial Employment Office (MD edits).esp
- 79. Imperial Legion Expansion.esp
- 80. Imperial Noble Titles ENBY.ESP
- 81. Imperial Stables.esp
- 82. ImperiumCastleEbonheart.esp
- 83. Import Business; the Merchant of Vvardenfell.esp
- 84. Ingredients Galore v1.0.esp
- 85. Inner Sea Trading Company.esp
- 86. Its a deal.ESP
- 87. Ivy Pelagiad - Apothecary's Demise patch.ESP
- 88. Ivy Pelagiad - Magical Missions Patch.ESP
- 89. Ivy Pelagiad - Minuet Cottage patch.ESP
- 90. Ivy Pelagiad - Yul Marshee patch.ESP
- 91. Ivy Pelagiad.ESP
- 92. Izi-inspired Caldera.ESP
- 93. JEB_pirate_outfit_1.0.esp
- 94. Join the Royal Guards.ESP
- 95. MDMD - More Deadly Morrowind Denizens.ESP
- 96. MGO Mini Quest Lines.esp
- 97. Missing snow armor.esp
- 98. Molag Mar.esp
- 99. MDMD - Creatures Add-On.ESP
- 100. Tribunal Rebalance.ESP
- 101. Bloodmoon Rebalance.esp
- 102. Tel_Aruhn_Chronicles.ESP
- 103. The Art of Alchemy.ESP
- 104. The Ashlanders.ESP
- 105. The Assassin's Arsenal.ESP
- 106. The Blight.ESP
- 107. The Crimson Wire by Mandamus-EV1.0.esp
- 108. The Doors - Caldera,Walls 1.3.esp
- 109. Weapons Expansion Morrowind.esp
- 110. Weapons_Expansion_-_Wares_patch.ESP
- 111. Well Addon for Ashfall.ESP
- 112. Westly Presents-Night Song Armour.esp
- 113. Westly Presents_Creed of the Assassin.esp
- 114. Westly Presents_Exiles of Akavir.esp
- 115. Westly Prim & Proper Replacer.esp
- 116. Westly_Presents_FCOT.esp
- 117. Where Merchants Flea.ESP
- 118. WhiteSuran2_MD_Edition.esp
- 119. WoRR.ESP
- 120. WoRR_Combat.ESP
- 121. WoRR_MDMD.ESP
- 122. Written in the Stars.esp
- 123. Wulfgars Lots of Rings Wares.esp
- 124. More Exclusive Factions.ESP
- 125. Mournhold - A Walk in the Park.esp
- 126. MW Containers Animated.esp
- 127. mwse_PartyAlchemy.esp
- 128. Religions Elaborated.esp
- 129. RepopulatedBloodmoon.ESP
- 130. RepopulatedMorrowind.ESP
- 131. RepopulatedMorrowind_MorrowindWeaponsExpansion.ESP
- 132. RepopulatedMorrowind_OAAB_Data.ESP
- 133. Rescue Mission.ESP
- 134. Restocking Alchemy Essentials.ESP
- 135. RFD_Heartthrum.ESP
- 136. Romance_v37EV.esp
- 137. Shipyards of Vvardenfell.esp
- 138. Silaria Clothing Mods.ESP
- 139. Silent Assassins.ESP
- 140. Silt Strider Animation Restored.ESP
- 141. Imperial Factions.ESP
- 142. Imperial Knights Faction.ESP
- 143. RP_Maar_Gan.ESP
- 144. RP_Maar_Gan_Ashlander_Addon.ESP
- 145. RPNR_Library.ESP
- 146. RPNR_Skywind_Style_Arena_Clutter_Addon.esp
- 147. RPNR_Skywind_Style_Arena_FPS_Version.ESP
- 148. RR_Ghost_Gate_Fortress_Eng.ESP
- 149. Sa'Virr, the Traveling Bladesmith.ESP
- 150. Sails_and_Sales.ESP
- 151. sb_luce_cat.esp
- 152. Scintillating_Sethan's_Tradehouse.esp
- 153. Scissors & Thimbles Wares.esp
- 154. Seyda Neen - Damp Little Squat.ESP
- 155. Shabby Balmora Labor Town.ESP
- 156. Shabby Gnaar Mok.ESP
- 157. Shadowfox Armor.esp
- 158. Shattered Stones - An Earthquake Mod.esp
- 159. Shinies.ESP
- 160. F&F_Prim&Proper.esp
- 161. F&F_Vvardenfell.ESP
- 162. fetchers_of_morrowind1.02.esp
- 163. Fishmongers Hall.ESP
- 164. fixmymagicka.ESP
- 165. FMI_#NotAllDunmer.ESP
- 166. FMI_SaneOrdinators.ESP
- 167. Foreign Quarter Market Square.esp
- 168. ForestMaarGan.ESP
- 169. Friends & Frens - Bantam Guar.esp
- 170. Friends & Frens - Vvardenfell.ESP
- 171. Friends Reunited.ESP
- 172. Gares Last Gasp.ESP
- 173. Gates of Ascadia.ESP
- 174. GetSharp.esp
- 175. GITD_Telvanni_Dormers.ESP
- 176. GITD_Telvanni_Dormers_NoUvirith.ESP
- 177. GITD_WL_RR_Interiors.esp
- 178. Gnisis Docks v1.0.esp
- 179. Great Seawall of Vivec.ESP
- 180. Great Service.ESP
- 181. Greetings for No Lore.esp
- 182. Halls_of_Colossus.esp
- 183. Hanging Gardens of Suran.esp
- 184. Friends & Frens - Prim & Proper.ESP
- 185. Dura Gra-Bol's House Reclaimed.ESP
- 186. Dwarven Spectres BB.ESP
- 187. Early Transport to Mournhold.esp
- 188. Ebonheart Lighthouse.ESP
- 189. Ebonheart western docks.esp
- 190. Ebonheart_Underworks.esp
- 191. EKM Native Corprus Variants - Beware the Sixth House - All.esp
- 192. ESEP - Morag Tong Polished.ESP
- 193. Even Seedier Eight Plates.ESP
- 194. LDM - Context Matters 1.7.ESP
- 195. LDM - Racist Service Refusal.ESP
- 196. Leap of Faith.ESP
- 197. LeechFx - Implementations.ESP
- 198. Less Epic Dagon Fel - ruins only.ESP
- 199. LGBARanis.ESP
- 200. Liar yes Idiot no.ESP
- 201. Library of Vivec Overhaul - QuestOnly.esp
- 202. Library_AM_addon.ESP
- 203. Little Landscape - Path to Vivec Lighthouse.esp
- 204. Little Landscape Vivec Islands Plain.ESP
- 205. Livelier Lucky Lockup.ESP
- 206. Logs on Fire.esp
- 207. Skar_face.ESP
- 208. sm_luckylockupadditions.esp
- 209. Smoking Yurts.ESP
- 210. Snug Suran - Oran Manor Upgrade.ESP
- 211. Sotha Sil Expanded.ESP
- 212. Soul Gems For Sale Version 1.0.esp
- 213. SoundSpellSoundEffect.ESP
- 214. SouthWallDenOfIniquity2.0.1.ESP
- 215. SR_1_BoundSpells.esp
- 216. SR_2_BoundItems.esp
- 217. SR_3_ElementalShields.esp
- 218. The Publicans.ESP
- 219. The Sanguine Rose.ESP
- 220. The Sanguine Rose_ME.ESP
- 221. The Vanishing Ash-Chirps.ESP
- 222. the_brew_master_v1.4.esp
- 223. The_magic_rock_of_Maar_Gan.ESP
- 224. TheGuarWhisperer.esp
- 225. TheMidnightOil.ESP
- 226. TheSearchForTheWhiteWave.ESP
- 227. Thieves_Guild_Overhaul - Purist Ahnassi Romance version.ESP
- 228. Tirram Terala's Treasure Trove of Trinkets.ESP
- 229. TOTSP TD Content Integration.esp
- 230. abotBoats.esp
- 231. abotGondoliers.esp
- 232. abotWhereAreAllBirdsGoing.esp
- 233. AFFresh.esp
- 234. Ahead of the Classes.ESP
- 235. Alakazar's Lamp.esp
- 236. AlchemyShopGnisis.ESP
- 237. AldruhnMGexpansion.esp
- 238. Aleanne mods for Wares.ESP
- 239. Alex's Better Fitted Female Armors - Tribunal.ESP
- 240. DD_2_ExpeditionToMzelthuand.esp
- 241. Morag Tong Equipment Diversity.ESP
- 242. TOTSP_abotBoats.esp
- 243. TOTSP_Patch_for_Purists_4.0.2.esp
- 244. Town Criers.esp
- 245. TownSounds.esp
- 246. TravelingMerchants_v2_3 - Luce Edit.esp
- 247. Treasure maps Wares.esp
- 248. Trellis addon.ESP
- 249. Tribal_Erabenimsun.ESP
- 250. TrophyTaker.esp
- 251. TroubledWaters.ESP
- 252. Tunnel Cough.ESP
- 253. Uber Crystal Egg Hunt Message.ESP
- 254. Uber Crystal Egg Hunt Vanilla OG.esp
- 255. Ultimate Creeper Party House.ESP
- 256. Uncharted Artifacts.esp
- 257. Under Construction.esp
- 258. Under-Skar.ESP
- 259. Useful Maps and Guides.ESP
- 260. VA_OtherCouncilClub.ESP
- 261. Vaernis Armours and Shields.ESP
- 262. Very Vanilla Concept Art Gnisis.ESP
- 263. Vibrant Ivy.ESP
- 264. Vivec_Lighthouse.ESP
- 265. WADO.ESP
- 266. wandering_umbra.ESP
- 267. Wands.ESP
- 268. Wares_lists_hold.ESP
- 269. Wares_lists_OAAB.ESP
- 270. Wares_lists_TD.ESP
- 271. Wares_MOAR.ESP
- 272. Wares_npc_full.ESP
- 273. Wares_traders.ESP
- 274. Vivec Lighthouse Questline.esp
- 275. Vivec Ports.ESP
- 276. Vivec Striderport.ESP
- 277. Vivec Striderport_well addon.ESP
- 278. Yet Another Guard Diversity - Regular.ESP
- 279. Yul Marshee and the Visage of Mzund.ESP
- 280. Better Morrowind Armor.esp
- 281. Better_Typography_Bookarts_Fix.ESP
- 282. Beware the Sixth House.ESP
- 283. Bob's Armories for Wares.ESP
- 284. Booze for Purist.esp
- 285. Bounty Hunter Assignments.ESP
- 286. Brevur of Balmora - Finally Some Good Statue Mod.ESP
- 287. Broadsheets and Notice Boards.ESP
- 288. Caius' rooftop renovations.ESP
- 289. Caldera Mages Guild Expanded.ESP
- 290. CalderaGovernorsManor.ESP
- 291. Cantons_on_the_Global_Map_v1.1.esp
- 292. Cave Drips.ESP
- 293. Census_and_Excise_Office_Faction.ESP
- 294. Character Backgrounds.esp
- 295. Chrysopoeia.ESP
- 296. chuzei_helm_no_neck.esp
- 297. Clean dark molag mar.ESP
- 298. companionLeveler.ESP
- 299. Complete Armor Joints.esp
- 300. Concept art palace.ESP
- 301. Concept Art Redoran.ESP
- 302. Corprusarium - Sorrow Heart of Tel Fyr.ESP
- 303. Cozy Hla Oad&Gnaar Mok Ver.1.1.esp
- 304. Stav_MaGAO.ESP
- 305. Store Entrance Chimes - Alt Ver.ESP
- 306. Supply Chain v1.2.esp
- 307. Suran Docks Light.ESP
- 308. SuranBarrierRocks.ESP
- 309. SuranBellWhite.ESP
- 310. SW_TRData+OAABIntegration.ESP
- 311. Taddeus_Foods_of_Tamriel.ESP
- 312. Tailors and Dyers.ESP
- 313. Take Notes.esp
- 314. Tales of Ald Velothi.esp
- 315. Talos Cult Conspiracy.esp
- 316. Tamriel_Data_Graveyard.ESP
- 317. Tamrielic Lore AddOn MoA Improved Expanded.esp
- 318. Tamrielic Lore AddOn Museum Donations Any Time.esp
- 319. TaxmanCompost.esp
- 320. Creatures_RP_Purist.ESP
- 321. Creeper the drummer.esp
- 322. Daduke Amulet Rings Wares.esp
- 323. Alex's Better Fitted Female Armors.ESP
- 324. All Books Color-coded & Designed.ESP
- 325. Almalexia Splendor.ESP
- 326. Animated_Morrowind - Danaes Edits - Vv.esp
- 327. Aoimevelho Wares with ALL NPCs.ESP
- 328. DaedricArmor.esp
- 329. Dagon Fel Mill.ESP
- 330. Dagon_Fel_Lighthouse.ESP
- 331. DagonFelNordified.ESP
- 332. Dankes Armors Wares.esp
- 333. Dartboards.ESP
- 334. Apothecary's Demise.ESP
- 335. Aradia's Needle Wares.esp
- 336. Ashfall add-on - tanning racks.ESP
- 337. Ashfall.esp
- 338. Ashlander Greetings.ESP
- 339. Ashlander Silt Skiff.ESP
- 340. Ashlander Traders Remastered.esp
- 341. Astrologians Guild.esp
- 342. Atmospheric Delights.ESP
- 343. Baar Dau - Ministry of Truth.esp
- 344. Balmora Guilds Expanded.ESP
- 345. Balmora Redecorated.ESP
- 346. BalmoraHighTownBell.ESP
- 347. BardicInspiration.esp
- 348. Better Bodies.esp
- 349. Better Enchantments.esp
- 350. Lord's Mail and Morningstars.ESP
- 351. Mage Robes.ESP
- 352. Magical Missions Recharged.ESP
- 353. mwse_PoisonCrafting.esp
- 354. MyManor.esp
- 355. Mysterious_Affair_Sara_Shenk.ESP
- 356. NearVanillaRoadSigns.esp
- 357. Next Generation Combat.esp
- 358. No Beds for the Diseased.ESP
- 359. NOD - Cinia Urtius Addon.ESP
- 360. NOD - OAAB Hood-n-Hat AR Value Patch.ESP
- 361. NOD - Wares.esp
- 362. Nordic Banter.ESP
- 363. OAAB - Shipwrecks.ESP
- 364. OAAB Better Caldera Interiors.ESP
- 365. OAAB Brother Junipers Twin Lamps.esp
- 366. OAAB Creature Loot.ESP
- 367. OAAB Ebonheart Six Fishes.ESP
- 368. OAAB Huleen's Hut Overhaul.ESP
- 369. OAAB Leveled Creatures.ESP
- 370. OAAB_Red&Violet_Glowbugs.ESP
- 371. Of Eggs and Dwarves.ESP
- 372. Old_dwemer_books_Better_typography.esp
- 373. outfit greetings tweaked.ESP
- 374. Panoplies.ESP
- 375. PCClothier_Balmora_v2.esp
- 376. Pelagiad Interior Overhaul.ESP
- 377. Pelagiad Windmill.ESP
- 378. PharisMagickaRegen-GameSettings.esp
- 379. Pirate Outfit by Mandamus.ESP
- 380. Plangke's Female Cuirass Replacer.esp
- 381. Potted Plants - Wares.esp
- 382. PR Real Disposition Base.esp
- 383. PR Voice Overhaul.esp
- 384. Privileges&Services 1.1.esp
- 385. Putting Power in Willpower - Absorbonach.esp
- 386. Racers.esp
- 387. RacesRESPECted.esp
- 388. radiant quests.ESP
- 389. Randar's Smithy.esp
- 390. Randar's Smithy-Wares.esp
- 391. Randars Smithy - Shabby Seyda Neen patch.ESP
- 392. Realistic_Repair_Add-on.ESP
- 393. Redaynia Village.esp
- 394. Restocking Alchemy Essentials PoisonCrafting Patch.ESP
- 395. k_sneakrest.esp
- 396. Keg Drip.ESP
- 397. Killing Spree.esp
- 398. Kwama Queen Royal Jelly.ESP
- 399. lack_AlterationMovement.ESP
- 400. lack_stridersnest.esp
- 401. LazyGuildRewards-Abilities.ESP
- 402. Magicka Expanded - Resource Pack.ESP
- 403. MAH.ESP
- 404. Mass_Cure_vanilla.esp
- 405. New Ilunibi.ESP
- 406. Clothiers_of_Vvardenfell_Wares.esp
- 407. Korana Other Wares.ESP
- 408. Merged Objects.esp
- 409. Clean_Final Varo Manor 3.4.esp
- 410. Morrowind Quests Redux All-In-One.esp
- 411. Sig's Unique Potions - GOTY - RR_Ket.esp