Nerevar's N'wahs
TESIII Morrowindby Arby
Created over 2 years ago
Updated almost 2 years ago
Nerevar's N'wahs is a modlist focusing more on gameplay with plenty of content and new landmass to mess around in whilst trying to keep it open to as many people who wish to try Morrowind - keeping vanilla graphics so lower end computers can play. You might be thinking, what gameplay changes are there? I'm using Next Generation Combat as our main combat overhaul with the addition of it's 100% hit chance. I'm hoping that people who might not like the vanilla combat of Morrowind might be more willing to give this modlist a chance and dive into this alien world. Along with changes to the levelling system, so instead of the standard levelling your skills to gain points towards levelling I've taken a more Fallout 3 approach with needing experience to level up, spending those points on your skills every level and gaining a perk every other level to gain some additional power!
Load Order Files
- 1. Unmanaged: XE Sky Variations
- 2. DLC: Tribunal
- 3. DLC: Bloodmoon
- 5. Tamriel Data
- 6. Tamriel Data - Hotfix
- 7. DRIP - Dynamic Randomised Item Properties
- 8. Danaes DRIP Depot
- 9. An Addendum to Tamrielic Lore Data
- 10. Seph's Library
- 11. Magicka Expanded
- 12. Skills Module
- 13. Patch for Purists
- 14. Wares
- 15. OAAB_Data
- 16. MWSE Perk Framework
- 17. Weather Adjuster
- 18. Kezyma's Voices of Vvardenfell
- 19. Onion - Layered Accessories
- 20. The Crafting Framework
- 21. Expeditious Exit
- 23. Spells Reforged - Shield
- 24. MM - Enhanced Detection
- 25. Enchant Drain - MWSE
- 26. MWSE Compare Tooltips
- 27. Graphic Herbalism - MWSE and OpenMW Edition
- 28. Weapon Sheathing
- 29. Animated Arrow Denocker
- 30. Seph's NPC Soul Trapping
- 31. Discord Rich Presence for Morrowind
- 32. Ashfall - A Camping Survival and Needs Mod
- 33. Go Fletch
- 35. Tamriel Rebuilt
- 36. Tamriel Rebuilt - Hotfix
- 37. The Battle Rite of Mephala
- 38. Vanheim
- 39. Tel Morgana
- 40. Solstheim - Tomb of the Snow Prince
- 42. Effects Timers - MWSE
- 43. Seph's Enemy Bars
- 44. More Detailed Companion HealthBars MWSE Lua Script
- 45. Seph's HUD Customizer
- 46. QuickKeys Hotbar - MWSE
- 47. Memory Monitor
- 48. Kezyma's UI Remastered
- 49. Ownership Indicator
- 50. UI Expansion
- 51. Alchemical Knowledge
- 53. Reactive Resistance
- 54. Equipment Requirements
- 55. Tribunal Rebalance
- 56. Bloodmoon Rebalance
- 57. Beware the Sixth House (Sixth House Overhaul)
- 58. MDMD - More Deadly Morrowind Denizens
- 59. Real Disposition
- 60. Dynamic Difficulty
- 61. Reincarnate - Races of Morrowind
- 62. Expansion Delay
- 63. Merlord's Starting Equipment
- 64. Ownership Overhaul
- 65. Buying Game
- 66. Customizable MWSE Multi Mark and Harder Recall
- 67. Sanctioned Indoril Armor
- 68. Zilophos' Item Editor
- 70. CCCP Magicka Regen
- 71. Trophy Taker
- 72. Stealth Improved
- 73. Simple Vampirism Overhaul
- 74. Locks and Traps Detection
- 75. Quick Character Creation
- 76. Friends and Foes
- 77. Next Generation Combat
- 78. Simple Combat Mechanics
- 79. Kirbonated Character Progression
- 80. Brutal Backstabbing
- 81. Pickpocket
- 82. FMO Marksman
- 83. Relentless Dark Brotherhood
- 84. Silver Tongue
- 85. The Icarian Incident
- 86. Douse the Lights
- 87. Moonlight - Birthsigns of Morrowind
- 88. MWSE Hide the Skooma
- 89. Hircine's Artifacts
- 90. Cannibals of Morrowind - Updated
- 91. Reputation Fixes
- 92. Watch the Skies
- 93. Seasonal Weather of Morrowind
- 94. Poison Crafting
- 96. The Vestige of Bethaleft
- 97. Hiram's Rest
- 98. Duskmoth Ruins
- 99. Bthanchend
- 100. Camonna Tong
- 101. Ashlander Quests
- 102. The Demon of Knowledge
- 103. Broadsheets and Notice Boards Redone
- 104. A Strange Plant
- 105. Astrologian's Guild
- 106. Welcome to the Arena
- 107. The Pearl Divers
- 108. The Flooded Grotto
- 109. Smuggler's Market
- 110. Saint Heist
- 111. Rescue Mission
- 112. Leap of Faith
- 113. Disturbing Dreams
- 114. Census and Excise Office Faction
- 115. Yul Marshee and the Visage of Mzund
- 116. Investigations at Tel Eurus
- 117. Shipyards of Vvardenfell (Sadrith Mora - Seyda Neen - Gnaar Mok)
- 118. Secrets of the Crystal City
- 119. Sails and Sales
- 120. Memento Mori
- 121. Hla Odai
- 122. Horror at Helvil Mine
- 123. Firemoth Reclaimed
- 124. The Hand
- 125. Fort Ghostmoth
- 126. Spines of Madness
- 127. Troubled Waters
- 128. Prince of Fate
- 129. Goldbrand Reforged - The Quest for Eltonbrand
- 130. Dawnbreaker - The Lady of Light
- 131. Necrocraft - A Comprehensive Necromancy Gameplay And Quests Mod
- 132. The Search for the White Wave
- 133. Dagon Fel Lighthouse
- 134. Ald Gash - a Redoran Lighthouse
- 135. Jurgar's Treasure
- 136. Vvardenfell Brotherhood
- 137. Invasion of Stormwatch
- 138. Invasion of Stormwatch 1.1 Hotfix 3
- 139. Pimp My Shrine - The Daedric Legend of Vernaccus
- 140. The Gray Fox
- 141. Dura gra-Bol's House Reclaimed - And the Grab-All Gang
- 142. Thieves' Guild Overhaul
- 143. A Telvanni Heist
- 144. Aspect of Azura
- 145. A Lovers' Quarrel
- 146. Dras
- 147. Thaerom The Awakened
- 148. The Wizard's Affair
- 149. mtrDwemerPuzzleBoxRandomizer
- 150. Aetherium Forging
- 151. Of Eggs and Dwarves - Gnisis Eggmine and Bethamez Overhaul
- 152. Lost Rooms
- 153. A Conjurer's Calling
- 154. The Witchhunter of Balmora
- 155. Sorcerer of Alteration
- 156. Master of Puppets
- 157. Lost Redoran Relics
- 158. Redoran Heat - A Necromancer's Sorrow
- 159. Thieves Guild Regained Trust
- 160. The Talos Cult Conspiracy
- 161. Redoran Archmaster Perks
- 162. Tales from the Ashlands - The Great Hive Baan Binif
- 163. Bal'laku - The Lonely Towers
- 164. Sixth House Pirates
- 165. The Rise of the Tribe Unmourned
- 166. Temple Master
- 167. ReadMe - Library of Vivec Overhaul
- 169. Immersive Omens and Fortune Tellers
- 170. A Merchant's Whim
- 171. Astrology Shrines
- 172. Morrowind Trading Cards
- 173. Thickle-Lo Grove
- 174. Suran Silt Skiff
- 175. Markets and Caravans
- 176. Bone Racers
- 177. Hidden Sea Loot
- 178. Hidden Grotto Loot
- 179. The Midnight Oil - Lighting Overhaul
- 180. The Vampire Hunter's Legacy
- 181. Telvanni Magister Robes
- 182. Mage Robes
- 183. House of Spears
- 184. OAAB Scroll Qualities
- 185. OAAB Onionized
- 186. OAAB Leveled Lists
- 187. OAAB Leveled Creatures
- 188. OAAB Golden Reeds
- 189. OAAB Drip
- 190. OAAB Dark Temptations
- 191. Tools of the Secret Master
- 192. Mines and Caverns
- 193. Subtle Magic Glow
- 195. Call Incarnate
- 196. Mass Cure
- 197. The Redoran Bard
- 198. Visions of the White Guar - A Versatile Companion
- 199. Smart Companions
- 200. Elisamsi Follower
- 201. Arvesa - An Armigers Tale
- 202. Come To Me
- 203. Rishajiit - A Companion Quest Mod
- 204. Obedient Summons - MWSE
- 205. Companion Leveler
- 206. Ashlander Huntress Companion
- 207. MWSE Enhanced Healer Companion
- 208. Friends and Frens
- 210. OAAB - The Astral Pocket
- 211. The Weary Vampire
- 212. Balmora Gravemarket
- 213. Welcome Home
- 214. Perfect Placement
- 215. Faction Living Quarters
- 216. Simpler Balmora Player Home
- 217. Sailen Player Home for Tamriel Rebuilt
- 218. Seyda Neen House
- 219. The Priest's Hideout
- 220. Almas Thirr Player Home for Tamriel Rebuilt
- 221. The Maniac's Mansion (OAAB required)
- 222. Ghost Hunt - Domain of Ghosts
- 223. Tamriel Rebuilt Andothren House for Sale
- 224. Old Ebonheart Alchemist's Tower
- 225. Smuggler's Outset Island
- 226. Home Is Where the Mainland Is
- 227. The Eye of Ariisiss Redux
- 228. Vodunius Nuccius Gives You His House
- 230. Morag Tong Armor
- 231. Sload and Slavers
- 232. Telvanni Dust Adept
- 233. Telvanni Armors - Slavers and Wizards
- 234. Sixth House Obisidian Weapon
- 235. Weapons Expansion Project
- 236. Netch Scout Helm
- 237. Redoran Patrols - Gnisis
- 238. Racer Dust Arms and Armor
- 239. Oriental Ebony Weapons
- 240. Oriental Dwarven Weapon
- 241. Ergallas Breton Armor
- 242. Daggerlad
- 243. Chrysopoeia
- 244. Buoyant Armiger Armor
- 245. Bucklers Remastered
- 246. Fashionwind - MWSE Masks and Facewraps
- 247. Wands
- 248. Panoplies - Helluva Ways to Suit Up
- 249. A Legend Restored - Stendarr's Hammer
- 250. Adamantium Armor Integrated
- 251. Sacred Necromancer Armor
- 252. Merged Objects