OpinionatedDrone v2 Modlist 2023 - 2024


TESV Skyrim SE

by OpDrone


Created over 1 year ago

Updated 12 months ago

I used the Skyrim Modding Essentials Wabbajack list as a base to build this modlist upon. Mods from that list will be under separators with an "[SME]" tag. This list contains over 850 mods for Skyrim Special Edition (1.6.640/AE). While not the focus of this list, graphical mods such as SMIM, Skyrim 202X, and High Poly Project help to raise Skyrim's core visuals to a modern standard. Rudy ENB, Majestic Mountains, Happy Little Trees, and Obsidian Weathers go further to truly bring Skyrim's overall visuals into the 2020's. Interaction with the game is massively improved with mods like Better Third Person Selection, Pickup Radius, and Wheeler. Animations, Combat, Perks, Progression, Magic and more have been overhauled to expand upon the vanilla experience and provide new and interesting ways to play. Quests mods both small and large bring new and exciting people, places, and artifacts to uncover all across the province (and beyond). This is the list I am currently running and will keep updated as I add or remove mods from it.

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