Return to Vvardenfell
TESIII Morrowindby Spuddeh
Created 8 months ago
Updated 6 months ago
Modlist for my modded Morrowind play through featuring Arnix, the spear wielding Dunmer
Load Order Files
- 2. Morrowind.esm
- 3. Tribunal.esm
- 4. Bloodmoon.esm
- 5. AATL_Data.esm
- 6. Patch for Purists.esm
- 7. OAAB_Data.esm
- 8. Tamriel_Data.esm
- 9. RoaringArena.ESM
- 10. Solstheim Tomb of The Snow Prince.esm
- 11. Vanilla friendly wearables expansion.esm
- 12. Westly Prim & Proper Core.esm
- 13. Bloodmoon Rebalance.esp
- 14. Rem_WG.esp
- 15. Rem_GL - OAAB Landscape.esp
- 16. Rem_BC.esp
- 17. Rem_AL.esp
- 18. Rem_AI.esp
- 19. VSW-Rem-Anthology Solstheim.esp
- 20. Rem_WG - StoneWood Pass.esp
- 21. REM_AC.ESP
- 22. Rem_GL_Trackless_GL.esp
- 23. Rem_GL.esp
- 24. Tribunal Rebalance.ESP
- 25. Better Clothes Complete.ESP
- 26. Patch for Purists - Book Typos.ESP
- 27. Patch for Purists - Semi-Purist Fixes.ESP
- 28. OpenMW_luahelper.esp
- 29. OpenMW_luahelper_dialog.esp
- 30. OpenMW_luahelper.omwscripts.esp
- 31. VoV OpenMW.omwscripts.esp
- 32. BirdsYoink.omwscripts.esp
- 33. FloatingHealthbars.omwscripts.esp
- 34. BetterBars.omwscripts.esp
- 35. ncgdmw.omwscripts.esp
- 36. ncgdmw-dev.omwscripts.esp
- 37. ncgdmw.omwaddon.esp
- 38. SSQN.omwscripts.esp
- 39. Animated Pickup + StS.omwscripts.esp
- 40. QuickSpellCast.omwscripts.esp
- 41. DynamicDistantLua.omwscripts.esp
- 42. QuickLoot.omwscripts.esp
- 43. Flight.omwscripts.esp
- 44. harvest-lights.omwscripts.esp
- 45. smart-ammo.omwscripts.esp
- 46. autosave.omwscripts.esp
- 47. AttendMe.omwscripts.esp
- 48. audiobook-openmw.omwscripts.esp
- 49. RemoveNegativeLights.omwscripts.esp
- 50. Perfect Placement.omwscripts.esp
- 51. transporter_lights.omwscripts.esp
- 52. PharisLightHotkey.omwscripts.esp
- 53. Dwemer Lightning Rods.omwscripts.esp
- 54. mage-robes-for-openmw-lua.omwscripts.esp
- 55. HD Forge.omwscripts.esp
- 56. TakeAll.omwscripts.esp
- 57. Of Eggs and Dwarves.omwscripts.esp
- 58. ReAnimation_v2.omwscripts.esp
- 59. Dynamic Actors.omwscripts.esp
- 60. TakeCover.omwscripts.esp
- 61. MercyCAO.omwscripts.esp
- 62. zMercyCAO Compatibility Patches.omwscripts.esp
- 63. portable_autosorter.omwscripts.esp
- 64. Quicktrain.omwscripts.esp
- 65. LuaMultiMark.omwaddon.esp
- 66. openmw_books_enhanced.omwscripts.esp
- 67. More Better Clothes.ESP
- 68. Better Bodies.esp
- 69. More Argonian Hair.ESP
- 70. More Argonian Hair_Plus NPCs.ESP
- 71. fargothtruehead.ESP
- 72. RP_fireflies.ESP
- 73. Projectile Overhaul - Faster Projectiles.esp
- 74. Timescale6.esp
- 75. Containers Animated.esp
- 76. Cave Drips.ESP
- 77. Flies.ESP
- 78. Nocturnal Moths - TLD.ESP
- 79. md_twiggans.ESP
- 80. Ashlander Greetings.ESP
- 81. The Dream is the Door.ESP
- 82. Quest Voice Greetings.ESP
- 83. Friends Reunited.ESP
- 84. Nordic Banter.ESP
- 85. Idle Talk.ESP
- 86. Great Service.ESP
- 87. sermons_preachers_RandomTemplesOnly.ESP
- 88. Early Transport to Mournhold.esp
- 89. Immersive Mournhold.esp
- 90. Silt Strider Animation Restored.ESP
- 91. Mountains_of_Mournhold_V4.0.esp
- 92. LowerFirstPersonSneak.ESP
- 93. frostmoth_repaired_v0_31.esp
- 94. Shrines - Restore Health and Cancel Options.esp
- 95. FMI_SaneOrdinators.ESP
- 96. adamantiumarmor.esp
- 97. BCOM Rocky West Gash.esp
- 98. OAAB - Foyada Mamaea.ESP
- 99. DD_Caldera_Expansion.esp
- 100. Better Landscapes Stonewood Pass (RP Edit).esp
- 101. OAAB_Grazelands.ESP
- 102. Trackless Grazeland.ESP
- 103. Beautiful cities of morrowind.esp
- 104. AreaEffectArrows.esp
- 105. bcsounds.esp
- 106. EBQ_Artifact.esp
- 107. entertainers.esp
- 108. LeFemmArmor.esp
- 109. master_index.esp
- 110. Redoran Exile Armor.ESP
- 111. Morag Tong Equipment Diversity.ESP
- 112. RPNR_Library.ESP
- 113. Telvanni Magister Robes.esp
- 114. BCOM_pathgrid_reset.ESP
- 115. BCoM_FQ_Bridges.esp
- 116. IO - Kinsmer.ESP
- 117. IO - Ordinators Patch for RPNR_Library.ESP
- 118. IO - Imperials.ESP
- 119. IO - Ashlanders.ESP
- 120. Mage Robes.ESP
- 121. Beware the Sixth House.ESP
- 122. Creatures_RP_glowing_netch.ESP
- 123. ChangeSoulGemOMW.ESP
- 124. FMI_#NotAllDunmer.ESP
- 125. FMI_Disease_Descriptions.ESP
- 126. FMI_Current_Councilors.ESP
- 127. FMI_Legion_Dialogue.ESP
- 128. FMI_Misc.ESP
- 129. FMI_Nice_to_Meet_You.ESP
- 130. RavenRock_AllStores.ESP
- 131. Thieves Guild Regained Trust.ESP
- 132. Finished Morrowind - CORE PATCH - Part 4 - More Audio Dialogue for Service NPCs.ESP
- 133. Pickpocket Rebalance.omwaddon.esp
- 134. FatigueSpeedAndCarryWeightRebalance.omwaddon.esp
- 135. PherimAnimatedBellowsSounds.omwaddon.esp
- 136. Speechcraft Rebalance.omwaddon.esp
- 137. Westly Prim & Proper Replacer.esp
- 138. GITD_WL_RR_Interiors.esp
- 139. BCOM - Open Vivec Arena_Skywind.esp
- 140. BCoM_Khuul_Lighthouse_02.ESP
- 141. BCOM_Sadrith_Mora_dock_expanded.ESP
- 142. BCoM_AldRuhn_Outdoor_Merchants.ESP
- 143. BCOM_Stavs_MGO.ESP
- 144. BCoM_Caldera_MG_Basement.ESP
- 145. BCoM_Imperial_Gaehouse_Buckmoth.ESP
- 146. BCoM_Concept_Art_Husk_Urshilaku.ESP
- 147. BCOM_Decorated_Cantons.ESP
- 148. BCoM_Eight_Plates_Quest_Addon.ESP
- 149. BCoM_FQ_Bridges_Open_Arena_Pathgrid.esp
- 150. BCoM_Marketplace_addon_ver_3.esp
- 151. BCoM_Imperial_Gaehouse_MoonMoth.ESP
- 152. BCoM_Imperial_Gatehouse_Pelagiad.ESP
- 153. BCOM_Suran Expansion.ESP
- 154. BCOM_White_Suran.ESP
- 155. BCOM_Izi_Hlaalu_plaza.ESP
- 156. BCoM_More_Logical_Census_Office.ESP
- 157. Interior exterior flag reset_Atmospheric Plazas.ESP
- 158. BCOM_OpenMW_plazas.ESP
- 159. BCOM_Tribal_Erabenimsun.ESP
- 160. BCOM_Vivec_Bustling_Arena.ESP
- 161. Expansion Delay.ESP
- 162. Dubdilla Location Fix.ESP
- 163. Dialog_Saved.ESP
- 164. FMI_ServiceRefusal_Contraband.ESP
- 165. FMI_CaiusBigPackage.ESP
- 166. artifacts.esp
- 167. TOTSP TD Content Integration - Spiders.esp
- 168. Missing snow armor.esp
- 169. TOTSP_abotBoats.esp
- 170. TOTSP_Forceful_Travel_NPC_Override.ESP
- 171. TOTSP_Patch_for_Purists_4.0.2.esp
- 172. TOTSP_TR_Preview.esp
- 173. Cliff_racer_restored.ESP
- 174. Solstheim Interior Overhaul Project.ESP
- 175. Creeper the Scamp.ESP
- 176. RR_Melchior's_Mudcrab_Merchant_Eng.ESP
- 177. RPNR_Shrine_Of_Azura.ESP
- 178. Library_AM_addon.ESP
- 179. Justice4Khartag.ESP
- 180. OAAB - Shipwrecks.ESP
- 181. Nine-holes - Core.esp
- 182. Thirteen Telvanni - Core.esp
- 183. The_Royal_Game_Of_Ur.esp
- 184. Playable Game of Ur.esp
- 185. Dwemer Airship_Exterior.ESP
- 186. Dwemer Airship.ESP
- 187. CalderaGovernorsManor.ESP
- 188. RoaringArena_MageRobes.ESP
- 189. RoaringArena_BCoM_OpenVivecArena.ESP
- 190. RoaringArena_OAAB_Data.ESP
- 191. RoaringArena_RedoranExileArmor.ESP
- 192. Baan_Binif.ESP
- 193. RP_Great_Scathes.ESP
- 194. CAP_Illuminated Staircase.ESP
- 195. Concept art palace.ESP
- 196. CAP_Flame.esp
- 197. CAP_Rotating_Planets.ESP
- 198. CAP_Bridge.ESP
- 199. CAP_Door.ESP
- 200. CAP_Interior_Cluttering.ESP
- 201. Vivec_Lighthouse.ESP
- 202. Vivec Lighthouse Questline.esp
- 203. RP_Maar_Gan.ESP
- 204. RP_Maar_Gan_Ashlander_Addon.ESP
- 205. The_magic_rock_of_Maar_Gan.ESP
- 206. RP_Ald'ruhn_Architecture_Variety.ESP
- 207. OAAB_Tel Mora_Female Guards.ESP
- 208. OAAB_Tel Mora.ESP
- 209. Nordic Dagon Fel.ESP
- 210. Dagon_Fel_Lighthouse.ESP
- 211. The Grove of Ben'Abi.ESP
- 212. Ancient Foes.esp
- 213. Of Justice and Innocence.esp
- 214. GN - RuinedRedaynia.ESP
- 215. Sanctus Shrine.esp
- 216. Strider Burial.esp
- 217. Faces of Vel - Ash Mire.ESP
- 218. Corkbulb Trees.ESP
- 219. Drethos_Ancestral_Tomb.ESP
- 220. Heran Ancestral Tomb Overhaul.ESP
- 221. Of Eggs and Dwarves.ESP
- 222. OEAD_BCOM_Patch.ESP
- 223. TLAD Full - Still - Necro Colors.esp
- 224. New Ilunibi.ESP
- 225. Berandas Overhaul.esp
- 226. Mournhold - A Walk in the Park.esp
- 227. OAAB - Tombs and Towers.ESP
- 228. The Doors of Oblivion 1.4.esp
- 229. Daedric Shrine Overhaul FULL.esp
- 230. AndranoTombRemastered.esp
- 231. MarenMabrigash.ESP
- 232. Samarys Ancestral Tomb Expanded.esp
- 233. Mamaea Awakened.ESP
- 234. Royal_Barenziah.ESP
- 235. Dissident_Ordinators.ESP
- 236. IO - Solstheim.ESP
- 237. BCOM_PfP_patch.ESP
- 238. BCOM_Canal_02.ESP
- 239. Tamriel_Data_Graveyard.ESP
- 240. GITD_Telvanni_Dormers.ESP
- 241. aru_signs_en.esp
- 242. RealSignposts.esp
- 243. Indoril_armor.esp
- 244. RP_Ald'ruhn_The_Rat_In_The_Pot.ESP
- 245. VFWE_merged_objects_fix.ESP
- 246. VFWE_Daedric Shrines Addon.ESP
- 247. RP_Bal Isra_Indarys_Manor.ESP
- 248. Great Seawall of Vivec.ESP
- 249. The Road To The Lighthouse.ESP
- 250. Undercity.esp
- 251. Balmora Outskirts - Stoneflower trading post.esp
- 252. SWP - Caldera Mine Patch.ESP
- 253. SWP - Foyada Mamaea Overhaul Patch.ESP
- 254. Better Balanced Combat.esp
- 255. Better Balanced Combat - Siege at Firemoth Patch.esp
- 256. Blue Kanet.ESP
- 257. RP_Balmora_Guar_Stables.ESP
- 258. Guar stables of Vivec.ESP
- 259. AATL - DOB Compatibility Patches.omwaddon.esp
- 260. DM_IndalenWoe.ESP
- 261. The Song of the Grazelands.ESP
- 262. RP_Dim_Shulki.ESP
- 263. MinorPlantationsRedone.esp
- 264. Concept_Arts_plantations.esp
- 265. Lore_Accurate_Artifacts.ESP
- 266. BCOM - Taller Lighthouse.ESP
- 267. Siege at Firemoth.esp
- 268. BCoM_Atmospheric_Plazas.ESP
- 269. SiltStridersSoundMod_1_1_3.esp
- 270. redoran_perks.ESP
- 271. Rogues Gallery.ESP
- 272. Endgame Medium Armor Rebalance.ESP
- 273. Bal Adurid Bonemold Armor.ESP
- 274. RV Mantle of Woe.ESP
- 275. Cammona Tong Chitin Armor.ESP
- 276. Morag Tong Polished.esp
- 277. Hein's Morag Tong Armor.esp
- 278. Redoran War and Sathil Mercenary Armor Integrated.ESP
- 279. VFWE_Bloodmoon_NPCs (Bloodmoon Rebalance).ESP
- 280. Morag Tong Polished - BCoM Patch.ESP
- 281. BCOM Ald-ruhn stairs Fix.ESP
- 282. Trellis addon - BCoM.ESP
- 283. Vibrant Ivy.ESP
- 284. Seamless Abandoned Shack.ESP
- 285. abotWhereAreAllBirdsGoing.esp
- 286. Tamriel_Data - NCGDMW_Lua Patch.omwaddon.esp
- 287. OAAB_Data - NCGDMW_Lua Patch.omwaddon.esp
- 288. SiltStridersSoundMod_longer_interval.esp
- 289. IO - Cultists.ESP
- 290. Tamrielic Treasures_Caldera Shop.ESP
- 291. Divayth Fyr Idles Addon.esp
- 292. portable_autosorter.omwaddon.esp
- 293. RPNR_Shrine_Of_Azura_Cell_Reset.ESP
- 294. Cantons_on_the_Global_Map_v1.1.esp
- 295. TLAD Lights-LogicalFlicker-OriginalColors-ExpSnd.esp
- 296. multipatch.esp
- 297. OMWLLF Mod.omwaddon.esp
- 298. delta-merged.omwaddon.esp
- 1. DLC: Tribunal
- 2. DLC: Bloodmoon
- 4. PLOX - Load order sorter
- 5. OpenMW Lua helper utility
- 6. Behaviour Tree Lua 2nd Edition
- 8. Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched
- 10. Tamriel_Data
- 11. Tamriel_Data Graveyard - Deprecations un-deprecated
- 12. OAAB_Data
- 13. An Addendum to Tamrielic Lore Data
- 16. Patch for Purists
- 17. Greyed-out dialog
- 18. Expansion Delay
- 19. Jammings off
- 20. Expansion Resource Conflicts
- 21. FMI - NotAllDunmer
- 22. FMI - Nice to Meet You
- 23. FMI - Misc
- 24. FMI - Legion Dialogue
- 25. FMI - Disease Descriptions
- 26. FMI - Current Councilors
- 27. FMI - Service Refusal and Contraband
- 28. FMBP - Michael Michael Michael
- 29. FMBP - Greet Service
- 30. Dubdilla Location Fix
- 31. Artifacts Reinstated
- 32. navigation autosave
- 34. Beautiful Cities of Morrowind
- 35. Solstheim - Tomb of the Snow Prince
- 36. Solstheim Graphical Replacer
- 37. Nordic Solstheim - Solstheim Interiors Overhaul
- 39. Correct Meshes
- 40. Morrowind Optimization Patch
- 41. Correct UV Rocks
- 42. Properly Smoothed Meshes
- 43. Project Atlas
- 44. RR Mod Series - Better Meshes
- 45. RR - Better Crates and Barrels
- 47. Beware the Sixth House (Sixth House Overhaul)
- 48. Bloodmoon Rebalance
- 49. Tribunal Rebalance
- 50. Speechcraft Rebalance (OpenMW)
- 51. Pickpocket Rebalance (OpenMW)
- 52. Fatigue and Speed and Carryweight Rebalance (OpenMW)
- 54. FMI - Sane Ordinators
- 55. FMI - Caius Big Package
- 56. Graphic Herbalism - MWSE and OpenMW Edition
- 57. OpenMW Containers Animated
- 58. Timescale6
- 59. Early Transport to Mournhold
- 60. Zack's Lua Multimark Mod
- 61. Lower First Person Sneak Mode
- 62. Perfect Placement
- 63. Frostmoth Repaired
- 64. Shrines - Restore Health and Cancel Options
- 65. NCGDMW Lua Edition - Core
- 66. NCGDMW Lua Edition - OpenMW 0.49 Dev
- 67. NCGDMW Lua Edition - New NCGD
- 68. (OpenMW 0.49) TakeAll Hotkey
- 69. (OpenMW 0.49) QuickLoot
- 70. Quick Spell Casting
- 71. Raven Rock All Stores
- 72. Thieves Guild Regained Trust
- 73. Light Hotkey - OpwnMW Lua
- 74. Nine-holes
- 75. Thirteen Telvanni - a Dunmeri Card Game
- 76. The Royal Game of Ur
- 77. Playable Game of Ur
- 78. Roaring Arena
- 79. Redoran Archmaster Perks
- 80. Portable Autosorter (OpenMW 0.49)
- 82. Better Balanced Combat
- 83. Take Cover (OpenMW)
- 84. Mercy - Combat AI Overhaul
- 85. Smart Ammo
- 86. Projectile Overhaul - Modular
- 88. Remiros' Groundcover
- 89. The Lawnmower 1.5 - tools only
- 91. Morrowind Enhanced Textures
- 92. Morrowind Enhanced Textures - Interface and Main Menu
- 93. Morrowind Enhanced Textures - Meshes
- 94. Morrowind Enhanced Textures Normal Mapped
- 95. OAAB Full Upscale
- 96. OAAB Full Upscale Normal Specular Maps
- 97. Morrowind AIO normalmaps for OpenMW
- 98. Normal Maps for Morrowind
- 99. Normal maps for Morrowind - Tamriel Rebuilt - OAAB - Skyrim HotN - Stirk and other mods
- 100. Connarys Landscapes - Bitter Coast
- 101. Connarys Landscapes - Grazelands
- 102. Connarys Landscapes - West Gash
- 103. Connarys Landscapes - Caves
- 104. Apel's Bitter Coast Retexture
- 105. Apel's Fire Retexture
- 106. Cozy Journal and Scroll Replacer
- 107. Real Signposts
- 108. Real Signposts - High Res and Bump Mapped
- 109. Long Live The Glassware - Retexture
- 110. Crystal Soul Gems
- 111. Visually Filled Soul Gems for OpenMW (Lua scripting) ENG and RU versions
- 112. Comrade Raven's Book Arts Replacer
- 113. HD Forge
- 114. HD Bloodmoon Forge
- 115. HD Forge for OpenLW Lua
- 116. Magic VFX Retexture by Articus
- 117. No Shield Sparkle
- 118. Better Telvanni Cristals 2K
- 119. Normal and Specular maps for Better Telvanni Crystal
- 120. Sams Scathcraw replacer
- 121. sams kreshweed replacer
- 123. Better Clothes Complete
- 124. More Better Clothes Vol I - Vanilla
- 125. Interesting Outfits - Kinsmer
- 126. Interesting Outfits - Imperials
- 127. Interesting Outfits - Ashlanders
- 128. Interesting Outfits - Solstheim
- 129. Hirez Better Clothes
- 130. Mantle of Woe Replacer
- 131. Mage Robes
- 132. Mage Robes for OpenMW-Lua
- 133. Telvanni Magister Robes
- 135. Endgame Medium Armor Rebalance
- 136. HiRez Armors - Native Styles V2 Fixed and Optimized
- 137. HiRez Armors - Native Styles V2 Fixed and Optimized and OpenMW Compatible
- 138. Redoran Exile Armor V2
- 139. Morag Tong Equipment Diversity
- 140. Indoril Armor
- 141. Dissident Ordinators
- 142. Bal Adurid Bonemold Armor
- 143. Cammona Tong Chitin Armor
- 145. Transparent Glass Weapons
- 146. SM The Tools of Kagrenac
- 148. Rogue's Gallery
- 149. Westley's Pluginless Head Replacer Complete
- 150. Westly's Head and Hair Replacer - Hair Fix
- 151. Westly's Faces Refurbished
- 152. Westly's Faces Refurbished - TR_Data
- 153. Westlys Master Head Pack Prim and Proper
- 154. Facelift for Tamriel Data - Textures
- 155. Facelift for Tamriel Data - Meshes
- 156. Facelift for Tamriel Data - BH_Fix
- 157. Pluginless Khajiit Head Pack
- 158. Khajiit Head Pack - Whiskers Version
- 159. Better Bodies 3.2 (Better Beasts)
- 160. Lore-Friendly Better Bodies Underwear
- 161. More Argonian Hair
- 162. Preserving Fargoth
- 163. Yagrum Bagarn High Quality Head and UV Fix
- 164. Prince of Moonshadow - Azura Creature and Cinematic Replacer
- 165. Azura Prince of Moonshadow - fixed
- 166. Royal Barenziah
- 167. Justice for Shulki Ashunbabi
- 169. Skies .IV
- 170. Apel rain replacer v 1_0
- 171. Oh God Snow for Skies.iv and OpenMW
- 172. New Starfields
- 174. Dynamic Distant Buildings - OpenMW Lua
- 175. Cave Drips
- 176. Parasol Particles
- 177. Vanilla-friendly West Gash Tree Replacer
- 178. I Lava Good Mesh Replacer
- 179. The Dream is the Door
- 180. Immersive Mournhold
- 181. Mountains of Mournhold
- 182. Melchior's Excellent Grazelands Acacia
- 183. Dwemer Lightning Rods for OpenMW-Lua
- 184. UnderCity
- 185. Azura's Shrine Overhaul
- 186. Library of Vivec Enhanced
- 187. OAAB Shipwrecks
- 188. Caldera Governors Manor Redone
- 189. Concept Art Palace
- 190. Prerelease Prisonmoon
- 191. Vivec Lighthouse
- 192. Maar Gan - Town of Pilgrimage
- 193. Ald'ruhn Architecture Variety
- 194. OAAB Tel Mora
- 195. OAAB Grazelands
- 196. Nordic Dagon Fel
- 197. Dagon Fel Lighthouse
- 198. The Grove of Ben'Abi
- 199. Ancient Foes
- 200. Of Justice and Innocence
- 201. Gray North - Ruined Redaynia
- 202. Sanctus Shrine
- 203. Tales from the Ashlands - The Great Hive Baan Binif
- 204. Concept Art Molag Amur Region - The Great Scathes
- 205. Caldera Mine Expanded - Simplified and bug-free
- 206. Strider Burial
- 207. Faces of Vel - Ash Mire
- 208. Corkbulb Trees
- 209. Blue Kanet Organic Integration
- 210. A Walk in the Park - Mournhold Temple Courtyard Overhaul
- 211. Arukinns Better Banner Signs and Signposts
- 212. Trackless Grazelands (no Texture Fix dependency)
- 213. Guar Skin Banners for OpenMW and Vanilla Morrowind
- 214. The Road To The Lighthouse
- 215. OAAB - Foyada Mamaea
- 217. The Stonewood pass reworked
- 219. Balmora Outskirts - Stoneflower trading post
- 220. BCOM Rocky West Gash
- 221. Bal Isra and Indarys Manor Overhaul
- 222. Guar stables of Balmora
- 223. Guar Stables of Vivec
- 224. The Great Seawall of Vivec
- 225. Concept Arts plantations
- 226. Minor Plantations Redone
- 227. Vibrant ivy and trellis addon
- 228. The Song of the Grazelands
- 229. Seamless abandoned shack
- 230. Cantons on the Global Map
- 231. Tamrielic Treasures - A Caldera shop with mannequins
- 232. Justice for Khartag (J.F.K.)
- 234. Drethos Ancestral Tomb
- 235. Heran Ancestral Tomb Overhaul
- 236. Of Eggs and Dwarves - Gnisis Eggmine and Bethamez Overhaul
- 237. New Ilunibi
- 238. Berandas Overhaul
- 239. OAAB - Tombs and Towers
- 240. The Doors of Oblivion
- 241. The Doors of Oblivion Full Upscale
- 242. Daedric Shrine Overhaul FULL
- 243. Interesting Outfits - Cultists
- 244. Andrano Ancestral Tomb Remastered
- 245. Maren's Misfit Mabrigash
- 246. Samarys Ancestral Tomb Expanded
- 247. The Woe of Indalen Tomb
- 248. Mamaea Awakened
- 250. Silt Strider with new textures
- 251. Fireflies
- 252. Where are all birds going
- 253. Creature VFX restoration
- 254. 4thUnknowns Creatures Morrowind Edition
- 255. Nocturnal Moths
- 256. Flies
- 257. Spriggans Glow
- 258. Vanilla friendly creatures and undeads expansion
- 259. Scamp Replacer
- 260. Creeper the Scamp
- 261. RR Mod Series - Melchiors Mudcrab Merchant
- 263. Morag Tong Polished
- 264. The Patchwork Airship - Fleshing out a vanilla quest
- 265. Questline - Vivec Lighthouse Keeper
- 267. Lore Accurate Artifacts
- 269. Improved Lights for All Shaders
- 270. Enlightened Flames
- 271. OpenMW vanilla candles patched with Enlightened Flames and ILFAS
- 272. True Lights and Darkness - Necro Edit
- 273. TLAD Lights Only Necro Edit Logical Flicker ExpSnd
- 274. Harvest Lights
- 275. Remove Negative Lights for OpenMW
- 276. Transporter Lights
- 277. Glow in the Dahrk
- 279. OpenMW Volumetric Clouds
- 281. Rafael's Shader Pack
- 282. OpenMW (0.49) Distortion Effects
- 284. Alternative TrueType Fonts
- 285. HD texture buttons (English)
- 286. HD Cinematics for OpenMW
- 287. (OpenMW 0.49) Better Bars
- 288. (OpenMW 0.49) Floating Healthbars
- 289. (OpenMW 0.49) trav's OpenMW Books Enhanced
- 290. Attend Me
- 291. OpenMW Skyrim Style Quest Notifications
- 292. Big Icons
- 293. Morrowind Definitive Menu Animation
- 294. Interface Reimagined for OpenMW
- 295. Quicktrain
- 297. Animation Compilation
- 298. One-handed animations and idle fixes
- 299. Weapon Sheathing
- 300. Weapon Sheathing - Staff and Spear Flip (OpenMW Only)
- 301. ReAnimations - first-person animation pack
- 302. Simply Walking (Remastered)
- 303. MCAR
- 304. Silt Strider Animation Restored
- 305. OpenMW Animated Pickup and Sneak to Steal
- 306. OpenMW Dynamic Actors
- 307. Flight Animated for OpenMW
- 309. Quest Voice Greetings
- 310. Ashlander Voices
- 311. Nordic Banter
- 312. Friends Reunited
- 313. Sermons and Preachers Vanilla edit
- 314. Idle Talk
- 315. Great Service
- 316. Same Low Price Fix
- 317. Audiobooks of Morrowind
- 318. Thunderstruck sound replacer
- 319. Raizer's Better Medium Armor Footstep Sound Effects
- 321. Kezyma's Voices of Vvardenfell
- 322. Voices of Vvardenfell Unofficial Addon - Yagrum's Wisdom
- 323. Voices of Vvardenfell Unofficial Addon - Vivec
- 324. Voices of Vvardenfell Unofficial Addon - The Wisest Women
- 325. Voices of Vvardenfell Unofficial Addon - Talkative Telvanni
- 326. Voices of Vvardenfell Unofficial Addon - Talkative Telvanni - Idles Addon
- 327. Silt Strider Sounds Mod
- 329. Morrowind Optimization Patch - Weapon Sheathing Patch
- 330. Morrowind Optimization Patch - Graphic Herbalism Patch
- 331. Beautiful Cities of Morrowind - Patches
- 332. The Stonewood pass reworked - OOAB - Foyada Mamaea Overhaul Patch
- 333. The Stonewood pass reworked - Caldera Mine Expansion - Simplified and Bug Free Patch
- 334. AATL - DOB Interoperability Patch - OpenMW
- 335. Vanilla friendly wearables expansion
- 336. Interesting Outfits - Cultists - DSO Compatibility Patch
- 337. OpenMW Voices of Vvardenfell patch
- 338. The Stonewood pass reworked - Floating Grass Patch
- 339. OpenMW 0.49 Sitting animation glitch fix
- 340. Morag Tong Polished - BCoM Patch
- 341. NCGDMW Lua Edition - Patches
- 342. The Bird Yoinker - Where are all birds going OpenMW fix
- 343. BCOM Ald'ruhn stairs Fix
- 344. OpenMW Distortion Effects Patches
- 345. Azura's Shrine Overhaul - Water fix patch
- 348. OMWLLF Output
- 349. tes3cmd Output
- 350. mashed Output
- 351. MLOX output
- 353. delta-merged