by Anonymous
Created about 1 month ago
Updated about 1 month ago
No description provided.
Ini Files
- 1. [General]
- 2. SStartingCell=
- 3. SCharGenQuest=00102037
- 4. SStartingCellY=
- 5. SStartingCellX=
- 6. SStartingWorld=
- 7. STestFile10=
- 8. STestFile9=
- 9. STestFile8=
- 10. STestFile7=
- 11. STestFile6=
- 12. STestFile5=
- 13. STestFile4=
- 14. STestFile3=
- 15. STestFile2=
- 16. STestFile1=FalloutNV.esm
- 17. sEssentialFileCacheList=Data\Fallout.esm|Data2\Fallout.esm, Data\Music\Special\MainTitle.mp3, Data\Fallout - Sound.bsa|Fallout - Sound.bsa, Data\Fallout - Voices1.bsa|Fallout - Voices1.bsa
- 18. sUnessentialFileCacheList=Data\Fallout - Meshes.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Textures.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Data\Music\Dungeon\*.xma, Data\Music\Base\*.mp3, Data\Music\Battle\*.mp3, Data\Music\Explore\*.mp3, Data\Music\Public\*.mp3, Data\Music\Special\*.mp3
- 19. bPreCullActors=1
- 20. bTaskletActorSceneGraphUpdates=0
- 21. bTaskletActorAnimMovementUpdates=1
- 22. bAnimationUseBlendFromPose=1
- 23. bEnableProfile=0
- 24. bDrawSpellContact=0
- 25. bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess=1
- 26. iHoursToSleep=3
- 27. bActorLookWithHavok=0
- 28. SMainMenuMusicTrack=special\maintitle.mp3
- 29. bUseEyeEnvMapping=1
- 30. bFixFaceNormals=0
- 31. bUseFaceGenHeads=1
- 32. bFaceMipMaps=1
- 33. bFaceGenTexturing=1
- 34. bDefaultCOCPlacement=0
- 35. uGridDistantCount=20
- 36. uGridsToLoad=5
- 37. fGlobalTimeMultiplier=1.0000
- 38. bNewAnimation=1
- 39. bFixAIPackagesOnLoad=0
- 40. bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath=1
- 41. bKeepPluginWhenMerging=0
- 42. bCreate Maps Enable=0
- 43. SLocalSavePath=Saves\
- 44. SLocalMasterPath=Data\
- 45. bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck=1
- 46. bTintMipMaps=0
- 47. uInterior Cell Buffer=3
- 48. uExterior Cell Buffer=36
- 49. iIntroSequencePriority=3
- 50. bPreloadIntroSequence=1
- 51. fStaticScreenWaitTime=3.0000
- 52. SMainMenuMovieIntro=
- 53. SIntroSequence=
- 54. sIntroMovie=Fallout INTRO Vsk.bik
- 55. iFPSClamp=0
- 56. bRunVTuneTest=0
- 57. STestFile1=
- 58. bActivateAllQuestScripts=0
- 59. bUseThreadedBlood=0
- 60. bUseThreadedMorpher=0
- 61. bBorderRegionsEnabled=1
- 62. bDisableHeadTracking=0
- 63. bTrackAllDeaths=0
- 64. uiFaceGenMaxEGTDataSize=67108864
- 65. uiFaceGenMaxEGMDataSize=67108864
- 66. bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=0
- 67. iNumBitsForFullySeen=248
- 68. iPreloadSizeLimit=26214400
- 69. bUseHardDriveCache=0
- 70. bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion=1
- 71. bDisplayBoundingVolumes=0
- 72. bUseThreadedTempEffects=1
- 73. bUseThreadedParticleSystem=0
- 74. bExternalLODDataFiles=1
- 75. bCheckCellOffsetsOnInit=0
- 76. uGridDistantTreeRange=5
- 77. bCreateShaderPackage=0
- 78. bWarnOnMissingFileEntry=0
- 79. bAllowScriptedAutosave=0
- 80. uGridDistantTreeRangeCity=4
- 81. uGridDistantCountCity=4
- 82. iSaveGameBackupCount=1
- 83. bDisplayMissingContentDialogue=1
- 84. SSaveGameSafeCellID=2AEEA
- 85. bUseThreadedAI=0
- 86. bChangeTimeMultSlowly=1
- 87. bCheckPurgedTextureList=0
- 88. bAnimateDoorPhysics=0
- 89. sLanguage=ENGLISH
- 90. bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=0
- 91. [Display]
- 92. fDecalLifetime=10.0000
- 93. bEquippedTorchesCastShadows=0
- 94. bReportBadTangentSpace=0
- 95. bStaticMenuBackground=1
- 96. bForcePow2Textures=0
- 97. bForce1XShaders=0
- 98. bHighQuality20Lighting=0
- 99. bAllow20HairShader=1
- 100. bAllowScreenShot=1
- 101. iMultiSample=0
- 102. bDoTallGrassEffect=1
- 103. bForceMultiPass=1
- 104. bDoTexturePass=1
- 105. bDoSpecularPass=1
- 106. bDoDiffusePass=1
- 107. bDoAmbientPass=1
- 108. bImageSpaceEffects=1
- 109. bDoCanopyShadowPass=1
- 110. bDrawShadows=0
- 111. bUseRefractionShader=1
- 112. bUse Shaders=1
- 113. iNPatchNOrder=0
- 114. iNPatchPOrder=0
- 115. iNPatches=0
- 116. iLocation Y=5
- 117. iLocation X=5
- 118. bFull Screen=1
- 119. iAdapter=0
- 120. iScreenShotIndex=0
- 121. SScreenShotBaseName=ScreenShot
- 122. iAutoViewMinDistance=2000
- 123. iAutoViewHiFrameRate=40
- 124. iAutoViewLowFrameRate=20
- 125. bAutoViewDistance=0
- 126. fDefaultFOV=75.0000
- 127. fNearDistance=5
- 128. fFarDistance=1000.0000
- 129. iDebugTextLeftRightOffset=10
- 130. iDebugTextTopBottomOffset=20
- 131. bShowMenuTextureUse=1
- 132. fLightLODDefaultStartFade=1000.0
- 133. fLightLODRange=500.0
- 134. fLightLODMinStartFade=200.0
- 135. fLightLODMaxStartFade=3500.0
- 136. fShadowLODDefaultStartFade=200.0
- 137. fShadowLODRange=200.0
- 138. fShadowLODMinStartFade=100.0
- 139. fShadowLODMaxStartFade=1000.0
- 140. fSpecularLODDefaultStartFade=500.0
- 141. fSpecularLODRange=300.0
- 142. fSpecularLODMinStartFade=200.0
- 143. fSpecularLODMaxStartFade=2000.0
- 144. fGamma=1.0000
- 145. bAllow30Shaders=0
- 146. iTexMipMapMinimum=0
- 147. bDoStaticAndArchShadows=0
- 148. bDoActorShadows=1
- 149. fNoLODFarDistancePct=1.0000
- 150. fNoLODFarDistanceMax=10240.0000
- 151. fNoLODFarDistanceMin=100.0000
- 152. fEyeEnvMapLOD2=800.0000
- 153. fEyeEnvMapLOD1=500.0000
- 154. fEnvMapLOD2=1800.0000
- 155. fEnvMapLOD1=1500.0000
- 156. fGammaMax=0.6000
- 157. fGammaMin=1.4000
- 158. iMaxDecalsPerFrame=10
- 159. iActorShadowCount=4
- 160. bIgnoreResolutionCheck=0
- 161. fSpecualrStartMax=1000.0000
- 162. fSpecularStartMin=0.0000
- 163. iActorShadowIntMax=10
- 164. iActorShadowIntMin=0
- 165. iActorShadowExtMax=10
- 166. iActorShadowExtMin=0
- 167. bDynamicWindowReflections=1
- 168. fShadowFadeTime=1.0000
- 169. iPresentInterval=1
- 170. bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=1
- 171. uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4=0
- 172. uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3=0
- 173. uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2=0
- 174. uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1=0
- 175. iShadowFilter=0
- 176. bAllowPartialPrecision=1
- 177. iShadowMapResolution=256
- 178. bShadowsOnGrass=0
- 179. bActorSelfShadowing=0
- 180. iActorShadowCountInt=2
- 181. iActorShadowCountExt=2
- 182. fPipboy1stPersonFOV=47.0
- 183. fDefault1stPersonFOV=55.0000
- 184. bLODNoiseAniso=1
- 185. iMaxAnisotropy=8
- 186. fLandLOFadeSeconds=15.0
- 187. bEnableEyefinity=1
- 188. [Controls]
- 189. bAlwaysRunByDefault=1
- 190. bBackground Mouse=0
- 191. bBackground Keyboard=1
- 192. [Water]
- 193. bUseWaterShader=1
- 194. bUseWaterReflections=1
- 195. bUseWaterRefractions=1
- 196. bUseWaterDepth=1
- 197. bUseWaterHiRes=0
- 198. bUseWaterDisplacements=1
- 199. bUseWaterLOD=1
- 200. bReflectExplosions=0
- 201. bAutoWaterSilhouetteReflections=1
- 202. bForceHighDetailReflections=0
- 203. bForceLowDetailReflections=0
- 204. fTileTextureDivisor=4.7500
- 205. fSurfaceTileSize=2048.0000
- 206. fNearWaterOutdoorTolerance=1024.0000
- 207. fNearWaterIndoorTolerance=512.0000
- 208. fNearWaterUnderwaterVolume=0.9000
- 209. fNearWaterUnderwaterFreq=0.3000
- 210. uNearWaterPoints=8
- 211. uNearWaterRadius=1000
- 212. uSurfaceFPS=12
- 213. [Audio]
- 214. fASFadeInTime=2.0
- 215. fASFadeOutTime=10.0
- 216. fRegionLoopFadeInTime=5.0
- 217. fRegionLoopFadeOutTime=5.0
- 218. fAudioDebugDelay=0.0
- 219. bEnableAudio=1
- 220. bEnableAudioCache=1
- 221. bMultiThreadAudio=0
- 222. bEnableEnviroEffectsOnPC=0
- 223. ; cache sizes in kilobytes
- 224. iAudioCacheSize=2048
- 225. iMaxSizeForCachedSound=256
- 226. bUseAudioDebugInformation=1
- 227. fAudioDebugDelay=0.0000
- 228. fDefaultMasterVolume=1.0000
- 229. fDefaultFootVolume=0.5000
- 230. fDefaultMusicVolume=0.6000
- 231. fDefaultRadioVolume=0.5000
- 232. fDefaultEffectsVolume=1.0000
- 233. fDefaultVoiceVolume=0.6000
- 234. iMaxImpactSoundCount=32
- 235. fMaxFootstepDistance=1100.0000
- 236. fPlayerFootVolume=0.6500
- 237. iCollisionSoundTimeDelta=150
- 238. iRadioUpdateInterval=250
- 239. fDialogMinDistance=600.00
- 240. fDialogMaxDistance=2000.00
- 241. fMainMenuMusicVolume=0.6
- 242. fDBVoiceAttenuationIn2D=2.0
- 243. fCollisionSoundHeavyThreshold=60.0
- 244. fDialogueFadeDecibels=6.0
- 245. fDialogueFadeSecondsIn=2.0
- 246. fDialogueFadeSecondsOut=1.0
- 247. fDialogueHeadPitchExaggeration=2.0
- 248. fDialogueHeadRollExaggeration=2.0
- 249. fDialogueHeadYawExaggeration=2.0
- 250. fHardLandingDamageThreshold=500.0
- 251. fWoodMediumMassMin=7.0
- 252. fWoodLargeMassMin=15.0
- 253. fStoneMediumMassMin=5.0
- 254. fStoneLargeMassMin=30.0
- 255. fEarthMediumMassMin=5.0
- 256. fEarthLargeMassMin=30.0
- 257. fSkinMediumMassMin=5.0
- 258. fSkinLargeMassMin=30.0
- 259. fMetalMediumMassMin=8.0
- 260. fMetalLargeMassMin=25.0
- 261. fRadioDialogMute=0.50
- 262. fFilterDistortionGain=-7.5
- 263. fFilterPEQGain=-15.0
- 264. fFilterdBAttenuation=11.5
- 265. bEnableTextToSpeech=0
- 266. fTextToSpeechVolume=0.35
- 267. fDialogReverbAttenuation=0.15
- 268. [Pathfinding]
- 269. bDrawPathsDefault=0
- 270. bPathMovementOnly=0
- 271. bDrawSmoothFailures=0
- 272. bDebugSmoothing=0
- 273. bSmoothPaths=1
- 274. bSnapToAngle=0
- 275. bDebugAvoidance=0
- 276. bDisableAvoidance=0
- 277. bBackgroundPathing=1
- 278. bUseObstacleAvoidance=1
- 279. bBackgroundNavmeshUpdate=1
- 280. [MAIN]
- 281. bEnableBorderRegion=1
- 282. fLowPerfCombatantVoiceDistance=1000.0000
- 283. iDetectionHighNumPicks=40
- 284. fQuestScriptDelayTime=5.0000
- 285. bCloneModelsInBackground=0
- 286. iLastHDRSetting=-1
- 287. [HAVOK]
- 288. bDisablePlayerCollision=0
- 289. fJumpAnimDelay=0.7500
- 290. bTreeTops=0
- 291. iSimType=1
- 292. bPreventHavokAddAll=0
- 293. bPreventHavokAddClutter=0
- 294. fMaxTime=0.016
- 295. bHavokDebug=0
- 296. fRF=1000.0000
- 297. fOD=0.9000
- 298. fSE=0.3000
- 299. fSD=0.9800
- 300. iResetCounter=5
- 301. fMoveLimitMass=95.0000
- 302. iUpdateType=0
- 303. bHavokPick=0
- 304. fCameraCasterSize=10.0000
- 305. iHavokSkipFrameCountTEST=0
- 306. iNumHavokThreads=1
- 307. fChaseDeltaMult=0.0500
- 308. bAddBipedWhenKeyframed=1
- 309. fQuadrupedPitchMult=1.0000
- 310. iEntityBatchRemoveRate=100
- 311. iMaxPicks=40
- 312. [RagdollAnim]
- 313. bRagdollFeedback=0
- 314. fCameraDist=1000.0
- 315. fHierarchyGain=0.17
- 316. fVelocityDamping=0.0
- 317. fAccelerationGain=1.0
- 318. fVelocityGain=0.6
- 319. fPositionGain=0.05
- 320. fPositionMaxLinearVelocity=14.0
- 321. fPositionMaxAngularVelocity=18.0
- 322. fSnapGain=0.1
- 323. fSnapMaxLinearVelocity=3.0
- 324. fSnapMaxAngularVelocity=0.3
- 325. fSnapMaxLinearDistance=0.3
- 326. fSnapMaxAngularDistance=1.0
- 327. [FootIK]
- 328. fOnOffGain=0.5
- 329. fGroundAscendingGain=0.4
- 330. fGroundDescendingGain=0.4
- 331. fFootRaisedGain=0.9000
- 332. fFootPlantedGain=1.0000
- 333. bFootPlacementOn=1
- 334. fPelvisUpDownBias=0.75
- 335. fPelvisOffsetDamping=0.2
- 336. fVertErrorGain=0.5
- 337. fOriginalGroundHeightMS=-0.11
- 338. fAnkleOffset=0.2000
- 339. fRagdollFeedback=0.7
- 340. [LookIK]
- 341. fLookAtTargetGain=0.3
- 342. fLookAtGain=0.045
- 343. [Interface]
- 344. fKeyRepeatInterval=50.0000
- 345. fKeyRepeatTime=500.0000
- 346. fActivatePickSphereRadius=16.0000
- 347. fMenuModeAnimBlend=0.0000
- 348. iSafeZoneXWide=15
- 349. iSafeZoneYWide=15
- 350. iSafeZoneX=15
- 351. iSafeZoneY=15
- 352. bAllowConsole=1
- 353. bActivatePickUseGamebryoPick=0
- 354. bUseFuzzyPicking=1
- 355. fMenuBGBlurRadius=2.0000
- 356. fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseBlue=0.8000
- 357. fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseGreen=0.8000
- 358. fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseRed=0.8000
- 359. fMenuPlayerLightAmbientBlue=0.2500
- 360. fMenuPlayerLightAmbientGreen=0.2500
- 361. fMenuPlayerLightAmbientRed=0.2500
- 362. iMaxViewCasterPicksGamebryo=10
- 363. iMaxViewCasterPicksHavok=10
- 364. iMaxViewCasterPicksFuzzy=5
- 365. fInterfaceTintB=0.8824
- 366. fInterfaceTintG=0.9843
- 367. fInterfaceTintR=0.6314
- 368. bUseImageSpaceMenuFX=0
- 369. iSystemColorTerminalRed=33
- 370. iSystemColorTerminalGreen=231
- 371. iSystemColorTerminalBlue=121
- 372. iSystemColorSystemRed=26
- 373. iSystemColorSystemGreen=255
- 374. iSystemColorSystemBlue=128
- 375. iSystemColorMainMenuRed=199
- 376. iSystemColorMainMenuGreen=255
- 377. iSystemColorMainMenuBlue=165
- 378. iSystemColorPipboyRed=26
- 379. iSystemColorPipboyGreen=255
- 380. iSystemColorPipboyBlue=128
- 381. iSystemColorHUDAltRed=255
- 382. iSystemColorHUDAltGreen=67
- 383. iSystemColorHUDAltBlue=42
- 384. iSystemColorHUDMainRed=26
- 385. iSystemColorHUDMainGreen=255
- 386. iSystemColorHUDMainBlue=128
- 387. fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMin=-3.5
- 388. fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMax=3.5
- 389. fPopUpBackgroundOpacity=0.87
- 390. fMenuBackgroundOpacity=0.76
- 391. bHideUnavailablePerks=0
- 392. [Loading]
- 393. sWelcomeScreen1=loading_screen_legal
- 394. sWelcomeScreen2=loading_screen_bethsoft
- 395. sWelcomeScreen3=loading_screen_BGS
- 396. sWelcomeScreen4=loading_screen01
- 397. sMainMenuBackground=main_background
- 398. sTitleMusic=MainTitle
- 399. sInitialSound=fx\ui\loadscreen\initial\ui_loadscreen_initial.wav
- 400. iMaxScreens=4
- 401. iMaxScreens_MainMenu=20
- 402. fLoadingTextUpdateInterval=10.0000
- 403. fLoadingBkgdUpdateInterval=10.0000
- 404. fMainMenuBkgdUpdateInterval=10.0000
- 405. fLoadingInitUpdateInterval=3.0000
- 406. iNumLocationSpecificScreens=1
- 407. [Menu]
- 408. fCreditsScrollSpeed=40.0000
- 409. iConsoleTextYPos=940
- 410. iConsoleTextXPos=30
- 411. iConsoleVisibleLines=15
- 412. iConsoleHistorySize=50
- 413. rDebugTextColor=255,251,233
- 414. iConsoleFont=2
- 415. iDebugTextFont=3
- 416. [GamePlay]
- 417. bHealthBarShowing=0
- 418. fHealthBarFadeOutSpeed=1.0000
- 419. fHealthBarSpeed=80.0000
- 420. fHealthBarHeight=4.0000
- 421. fHealthBarWidth=40.0000
- 422. fHealthBarEmittanceFadeTime=0.5000
- 423. fHealthBarEmittanceTime=1.5000
- 424. bAllowHavokGrabTheLiving=0
- 425. bEssentialTakeNoDamage=1
- 426. iDetectionPicks=21
- 427. [Fonts]
- 428. sFontFile_1=Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Large.fnt
- 429. sFontFile_2=Textures\Fonts\Monofonto_Large.fnt
- 430. sFontFile_3=Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Medium.fnt
- 431. sFontFile_4=Textures\Fonts\Monofonto_VeryLarge02_Dialogs2.fnt
- 432. sFontFile_5=Textures\Fonts\Fixedsys_Comp_uniform_width.fnt
- 433. sFontFile_6=Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_VL_dialogs.fnt
- 434. sFontFile_7=Textures\Fonts\Baked-in_Monofonto_Large.fnt
- 435. sFontFile_8=Textures\Fonts\Glow_Futura_Caps_Large.fnt
- 436. sFontFile_9=Textures\Fonts\NVFont_Test.fnt
- 437. [SpeedTree]
- 438. iTreeClonesAllowed=1
- 439. fCanopyShadowGrassMult=1.0000
- 440. iCanopyShadowScale=512
- 441. fTreeForceMaxBudAngle=-1.0000
- 442. fTreeForceMinBudAngle=-1.0000
- 443. fTreeForceLeafDimming=-1.0000
- 444. fTreeForceBranchDimming=-1.0000
- 445. fTreeForceCS=-1.0000
- 446. fTreeForceLLA=-1.0000
- 447. fTreeLODExponent=1.0000
- 448. bEnableTrees=1
- 449. bForceFullLOD=0
- 450. fLODTreeMipMapLODBias=-0.7500
- 451. fLocalTreeMipMapLODBias=-0.2500
- 452. [Debug]
- 453. bDebugFaceGenCriticalSection=0
- 454. bDebugFaceGenMultithreading=0
- 455. bDebugSaveBuffer=0
- 456. [BackgroundLoad]
- 457. bBackgroundPathing=1
- 458. bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen=1
- 459. bBackgroundCellLoads=1
- 460. iAnimaitonClonePerLoop=5
- 461. bUseMultiThreadedTrees=1
- 462. iExteriorPriority=50
- 463. iBackgroundLoadFaceMult=200
- 464. fBackgroundLoadingPerLoop=20.0000
- 465. fBackgroundLoadClonedPerLoop=5.0000
- 466. iBackgroundLoadExtraMaxFPS=20
- 467. iBackgroundLoadExtraMinFPS=10
- 468. iBackgroundLoadExtraMax=3000
- 469. iBackgroundLoadExtraMin=5
- 470. iBackgroundLoadExtraMilliseconds=2
- 471. iBackgroundLoadTreeMilliseconds=7
- 472. iBackgroundLoadMilliseconds=1
- 473. iBackgroundLoadLoading=1
- 474. bUseBackgroundFileLoader=0
- 475. bBackgroundLoadLipFiles=0
- 476. bLoadBackgroundFaceGen=0
- 477. bLoadHelmetsInBackground=1
- 478. iAnimationClonePerLoop=5
- 479. bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=0
- 480. bCloneModelsInBackground=0
- 481. [LOD]
- 482. fLODLandDropAmount=230.0000
- 483. fLodDistance=500.0000
- 484. bUseFaceGenLOD=0
- 485. iLODTextureTiling=2
- 486. iLODTextureSizePow2=8
- 487. fLODNormalTextureBlend=0.5000
- 488. bDisplayLODLand=1
- 489. bDisplayLODBuildings=0
- 490. bLODPopTrees=0
- 491. bLODPopActors=0
- 492. bLODPopItems=0
- 493. bLODPopObjects=0
- 494. fLODFadeOutMultItems=3
- 495. fLODFadeOutMultObjects=5
- 496. fLODFadeOutMultActors=6
- 497. fLODMultLandscape=1.0000
- 498. fLODMultTrees=0.5000
- 499. fLODMultActors=1.0000
- 500. fLODMultItems=1.0000
- 501. fLODMultObjects=5
- 502. iFadeNodeMinNearDistance=500
- 503. fLODFadeOutPercent=0.6000
- 504. fFadeOutThreshold=0.3000
- 505. fFadeInThreshold=0.7000
- 506. fFadeInTimet=2.0
- 507. fFadeOutTime=2.0
- 508. fDistanceMultiplier=1
- 509. fLODBoundRadiusMult=10
- 510. fObjectLODMax=15.0
- 511. fObjectLODMin=1.0
- 512. fObjectLODDefault=5
- 513. fItemLODMax=15.0
- 514. fItemLODMin=1.0
- 515. fItemLODDefault=2
- 516. fActorLODMax=15.0
- 517. fActorLODMin=2.0
- 518. fActorLODDefault=5
- 519. fTreeLODMax=2.0000
- 520. fTreeLODMin=0.0200
- 521. fTreeLODDefault=0.5000
- 522. bLODUseCombinedLandNormalMaps=1
- 523. bForceHideLODLand=0
- 524. fLODLandVerticalBias=0.0000
- 525. fTalkingDistance=1000.0000
- 526. iBoneLODForce=-1
- 527. fLODQuadMinLoadDistance=65536.0000
- 528. bDisplayLODTrees=1
- 529. bDisplayLODBuildings=1
- 530. fLODFadeOutActorMultInterior=1.0000
- 531. fLODFadeOutItemMultInterior=1.0000
- 532. fLODFadeOutObjectMultInterior=1.0000
- 533. fLODFadeOutActorMultCity=1.0000
- 534. fLODFadeOutItemMultCity=1.0000
- 535. fLODFadeOutObjectMultCity=1.0000
- 536. fLODFadeOutActorMultComplex=1.0000
- 537. fLODFadeOutItemMultComplex=1.0000
- 538. fLODFadeOutObjectMultComplex=1.0000
- 539. [Weather]
- 540. fSunGlareSize=800.0000
- 541. fSunBaseSize=750.0000
- 542. bPrecipitation=1
- 543. fAlphaReduce=1.0000
- 544. SBumpFadeColor=255,255,255,255
- 545. SLerpCloseColor=255,255,255,255
- 546. SEnvReduceColor=255,255,255,255
- 547. [Voice]
- 548. SFileTypeLTF=ltf
- 549. SFileTypeLip=lip
- 550. SFileTypeSource=wav
- 551. SFileTypeGame=ogg
- 552. [Grass]
- 553. iMinGrassSize=80
- 554. bGrassPointLighting=0
- 555. bDrawShaderGrass=1
- 556. iGrassDensityEvalSize=2
- 557. iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=2
- 558. fWaveOffsetRange=1.7500
- 559. fGrassWindMagnitudeMax=125.0000
- 560. fGrassWindMagnitudeMin=5.0000
- 561. fTexturePctThreshold=0.0000
- 562. fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=0.0
- 563. fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=7000.0
- 564. fGrassDefaultStartFadeDistance=3500.0
- 565. fGrassFadeRange=1000.0
- 566. [Landscape]
- 567. bCurrentCellOnly=0
- 568. bPreventSafetyCheck=0
- 569. fLandTextureTilingMult=2.0000
- 570. fLandFriction=2.5000
- 571. iLandBorder2B=0
- 572. iLandBorder2G=0
- 573. iLandBorder2R=0
- 574. iLandBorder1B=0
- 575. iLandBorder1G=255
- 576. iLandBorder1R=255
- 577.
- 578.
- 579. [bLightAttenuation]
- 580. fQuadraticRadiusMult=1.0000
- 581. fLinearRadiusMult=1.0000
- 582. bOutQuadInLin=0
- 583. fConstantValue=0.0000
- 584. fQuadraticValue=16.0000
- 585. fLinearValue=3.0000
- 586. uQuadraticMethod=2
- 587. uLinearMethod=1
- 588. fFlickerMovement=8.0000
- 589. bUseQuadratic=1
- 590. bUseLinear=0
- 591. bUseConstant=0
- 592. [BlurShaderHDRInterior]
- 593. fTargetLUM=1.0000
- 594. fUpperLUMClamp=1.0000
- 595. fEmissiveHDRMult=1.0000
- 596. fEyeAdaptSpeed=0.5000
- 597. fBrightScale=2.2500
- 598. fBrightClamp=0.2250
- 599. fBlurRadius=7.0000
- 600. iNumBlurpasses=1
- 601. [BlurShaderHDR]
- 602. fTargetLUM=1.0000
- 603. fUpperLUMClamp=1.0000
- 604. fGrassDimmer=1.5000
- 605. fTreeDimmer=1.0000
- 606. fEmissiveHDRMult=1.0000
- 607. fEyeAdaptSpeed=0.5000
- 608. fSunlightDimmer=1.5000
- 609. fSIEmmisiveMult=1.0000
- 610. fSISpecularMult=1.0000
- 611. fSkyBrightness=0.5000
- 612. fSunBrightness=0.0000
- 613. fBrightScale=2.2500
- 614. fBrightClamp=0.2250
- 615. fBlurRadius=7.0000
- 616. iNumBlurpasses=1
- 617. iBlendType=2
- 618. bDoHighDynamicRange=1
- 619. [BlurShader]
- 620. fSunlightDimmer=1.0000
- 621. fSIEmmisiveMult=1.0000
- 622. fSISpecularMult=1.0000
- 623. fSkyBrightness=0.5000
- 624. fSunBrightness=0.0000
- 625. fAlphaAddExterior=0.2000
- 626. fAlphaAddInterior=0.7000
- 627. iBlurTexSize=256
- 628. fBlurRadius=0.0300
- 629. iNumBlurpasses=1
- 630. iBlendType=2
- 631. bUseBlurShader=1
- 632. [GethitShader]
- 633. fBlurAmmount=0.5000
- 634. fBlockedTexOffset=0.0010
- 635. fHitTexOffset=0.0050
- 636. [MESSAGES]
- 637. bBlockMessageBoxes=0
- 638. bSkipProgramFlows=1
- 639. bAllowYesToAll=1
- 640. bDisableWarning=1
- 641. iFileLogging=0
- 642. bSkipInitializationFlows=1
- 643. bUseWindowsMessageBox=0
- 644. [DistantLOD]
- 645. bUseLODLandData=0
- 646. fFadeDistance=12288.0000
- 647. iDistantLODGroupWidth=8
- 648. [GeneralWarnings]
- 649. SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
- 650. SMasterMismatchWarning=One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
- 651. This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
- 652. but not necessarily fix any errors.
- 653. [Archive]
- 654. SInvalidationFile=
- 655. iRetainFilenameOffsetTable=1
- 656. iRetainFilenameStringTable=1
- 657. iRetainDirectoryStringTable=1
- 658. bCheckRuntimeCollisions=0
- 659. bInvalidateOlderFiles=1
- 660. bUseArchives=1
- 661. SArchiveList=Fallout - Invalidation.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa
- 662. [CameraPath]
- 663. iTake=0
- 664. SDirectoryName=TestCameraPath
- 665. iFPS=60
- 666. SNif=Test\CameraPath.nif
- 667. [Absorb]
- 668. fAbsorbGlowColorB=1.0000
- 669. fAbsorbGlowColorG=0.6000
- 670. fAbsorbGlowColorR=0.0000
- 671. fAbsorbCoreColorB=1.0000
- 672. fAbsorbCoreColorG=1.0000
- 673. fAbsorbCoreColorR=1.0000
- 674. iAbsorbNumBolts=1
- 675. fAbsorbBoltGrowWidth=0.0000
- 676. fAbsorbBoltSmallWidth=7.0000
- 677. fAbsorbTortuosityVariance=2.0000
- 678. fAbsorbSegmentVariance=7.0000
- 679. fAbsorbBoltsRadius=5.0000
- 680. [TestAllCells]
- 681. bFileShowTextures=1
- 682. bFileShowIcons=1
- 683. bFileSkipIconChecks=0
- 684. bFileTestLoad=0
- 685. bFileNeededMessage=1
- 686. bFileGoneMessage=1
- 687. bFileSkipModelChecks=0
- 688. bFileCheckModelCollision=0
- 689. [CopyProtectionStrings]
- 690. SCopyProtectionMessage2=Insert the Fallout Disc.
- 691. SCopyProtectionTitle2=Fallout Disc Not Found
- 692. SCopyProtectionMessage=Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer.
- 693. SCopyProtectionTitle=CD-ROM Drive Not Found
- 694. [Pipboy]
- 695. fBlurRadiusPipboy=3.5
- 696. fBlurIntensityPipboy=0.25
- 697. fScanlineScalePipboy=50
- 698. bEnableFlickerPipboy=1
- 699. bUsePipboyMode=1
- 700. [InterfaceFX]
- 701. fDefaultBurstDuration=200
- 702. fDefaultBurstIntensity=2
- 703. fMiniBurstDuration=200
- 704. fMiniBurstIntensity=1.5
- 705. ;pulse effect
- 706. fPulseBrightenIntensity=0.25
- 707. fPulseRadiusIntensity=0.5
- 708. fPulseRate=0.0006
- 709. ;pipboy menu transitions
- 710. fVertHoldChance=0.08
- 711. fShudderChance=0.20
- 712. fScanlineScaleMenus=50.0000
- 713. bEnableFlickerMenus=1
- 714. bEnableScanlinesMenus=1
- 715. bEnableScanlinesPipboy=1
- 716. fBlurRadiusMenus=0.3000
- 717. fBrightenMenus=1.7000
- 718. fBrightenPipboy=1.3000
- 719. bUseImageSpaceMenuFX=1
- 720. fBlurIntensityHUD=1.2000
- 721. fBlurRadiusHUD=2.0000
- 722. fScanlineFrequencyHUD=0.0000
- 723. fScreenLightBaseIntensity=0.6
- 724. fScreenLightRadius=6
- 725. [RenderedTerminal]
- 726. bUseRenderedTerminals=1
- 727. fRenderedTerminalFOV=0.15
- 728. fRenderedTerminalZoom=36
- 729. bDoRenderedTerminalScanlines=1
- 730. fRenderedTerminalScanlineScale=130.000000
- 731. fRenderedTerminalHPos=0.0
- 732. fRenderedTerminalVPos=0.38
- 733. fScreenLightBaseIntensity=1.2
- 734. fScreenLightRadius=80
- 735. fScreenLightColorR=0.68
- 736. fScreenLightColorG=0.74
- 737. fScreenLightColorB=0.62
- 738. fRaceSexMenuHPos=0.0
- 739. fRaceSexMenuVPos=-0.6
- 740. fRaceSexMenuZoom=70.0
- 741. fRaceSexMenuScale=0.5
- 742. [Decals]
- 743. uMaxDecalCount=100
- 744. bProfileDecals=0
- 745. bDecalOcclusionQuery=1
- 746. [TerrainManager]
- 747. fSplitDistanceMult=0.75
- 748. fBlockMorphDistanceMult=0.70
- 749. bUseNewTerrainSystem=1
- 750. bUseDistantObjectBlocks=1
- 751. fBlockLoadDistance=125000.0
- 752. fDefaultBlockLoadDistanceLow=50000.0
- 753. fLowBlockLoadDistanceLow=25000.0
- 754. fHighBlockLoadDistanceLow=50000.0
- 755. fDefaultTreeLoadDistance=25000.0
- 756. fLowTreeLoadDistance=10000.0
- 757. fHighTreeLoadDistance=40000.0
- 758. [VATS]
- 759. fVATSLightLevelMin=20.0
- 760. fVATSLightLevelMax=65.0
- 761. fVATSLightAngle=0.0
- 762. fVATSLightDistance=100.0
- 763. fVATSLightElevation=100.0
- 764. fVatsLightColorR=0.35
- 765. fVatsLightColorG=0.35
- 766. fVatsLightColorB=0.35
- 767. [ScreenSplatter]
- 768. bScreenSplatterEnabled=1
- 769. [Launcher]
- 770. bEnableFileSelection=1