Skyrim CS Fantasy Modlist (WIP)

TESV Skyrim SE

by wegotclass

Created about 1 month ago

Updated about 1 month ago

WIP modlist built for balanced, roleplaying gameplay that doesn't stray too far from Skyrim's existing gameplay, and slightly fantasy leaning visuals that aim to still keep the feel of Skyrim. -Core mods- Lighting and Weather: Community Shaders Azurite Weathers and Seasons Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows Skyrim is Luminous -Flora- Fabled Forests Veydosebrom Regions Realistic High Altitude Treeline -Textures and Meshes- ERM - Enhanced Rocks and Mountains Skyland AIO Skyland Bits and Bobs Skyland 202X (although I'm hiding specific textures from this as I go through as there's a few that feel out of place) Fantasia Landscapes Embers HD -Locations- JK's Skyrim Cities of the North The Great City of Winterhold The Great Towns and Villages FuzzBeed's Green Thumb Overhauls Blubbo's Whiterun, Riften and Markarth Ryn's location overhauls -Equipment- Sentinel - An Equipment Overhaul Immersive Armors Sentinel Edition Xavbio Retextures -NPCs- Nordic Faces - Immersive Characters Overhaul Gameplay: Simonrim base with streamlined survival mods such as Campfire, Simple Hunting Overhaul and some additional mechanics through Honed Metal, Nether's Follower Framework, Leadership , Immersive Spell Learning and Immserive Speechcraft. Precision for combat. Enemy expansions such as Lawless, King-Priest, D.E.A.D, Haugbui, Dragon War, Madmen and Hokoron. Animations: Full suite of Velorevi animations Dialogue and NPCs: Multiple NPC line and dialogue expansions Quests: Jayserpa quest expansions, tweaks to all guilds and factions. Various new quests and lands. -Future Plans- More advanced interior overhauls such as JK's Additional followers Additional quests

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