Starfield 1.14.74 Windows Steam Jason
Starfieldby taosecurity
Created 24 days ago
Updated 24 days ago
I'm testing the Gorefield mod. Other than the test weapon disintegration effect, none of my other gore effects are working. Here is my plugins.txt as created by Vortex.
Load Order Files
- 2. SmarterSpacesuitAutohide.esm
- 3. SmarterSpacesuitAutohide_SFBGS001.esm
- 4. StarfieldCommunityPatch.esm
- 5. 2XEnemies.esm
- 6. Bedlam.esm
- 7. Ganymede.esm
- 8. du_takeover.esm
- 9. End-To-End Mission Boards 1.0.esm
- 10. OutpostMissionBoards.esm
- 11. dmLegendaryRecycler.esm
- 12. Non-Lethal Framework.esm
- 13. Habz_HopeTech.esm
- 14. Habz_Stroud.esm
- 15. Habz.esm
- 16. Useful Brigs.esm
- 17. ShipVendorFramework.esm
- 18. BejModSF1SVF001.esm
- 19. SKKShipTools.esm
- 20. BejModSF1SVF002.esm
- 21. polyamory.esm
- 22. RefurbishedGoodsQuestFix.esm
- 23. 2XEnemies_ShatteredSpace.esm
- 24. AstridCrew.esm
- 25. fleet commander.esm
- 26. stregretsquest.esm
- 27. dzone.esm
- 28. stlazarusawakened.esm
- 29. SKKFastStartNewGame.esm
- 30. S-47 speeder bike.esm
- 31. SKKHeadshotAnyActor.esm
- 32. SimpleImmersiveLooting.esm
- 33. Mattells Brig Stuff.esm
- 34. Useful Brigs - Habz Patch.esm
- 35. SpartanArmorCollection.esm
- 36. Aurie_SkipCompanionQuests.esm
- 37. poi_variations_shuffle.esm
- 38. Mine Caelumite.esm
- 39. CityInteriorMapMarkers.esm
- 40. CompanionsConvoFix.esm
- 41. Mine Aqueous Hematite.esm
- 42. sylvsdensity.esm
- 43. forgottenfrontierspoi.esm
- 44. SpartanArmorCollection4K.esm
- 45. forgottenfrontierseasymode.esm
- 46. SmugglerVeteran.esm
- 47. TheGangsAllHere.esm
- 48. Galactic Highway Network.esm
- 49. IncreasedScanDistance.esm
- 50. Blep_Gore_framework.esm