Starfield 1.14.74 Windows Steam Jason
Starfieldby taosecurity
Created about 18 hours ago
Updated about 18 hours ago
This is my current mod load order using Steam and Nexus Mods, plus a few manually bundled Creations and personal mods. Vortex generated this plugins.txt file from %localappdata%\Starfield
Load Order Files
- 2. PXC_AmmoHud_Patch_KZ_TCA.esm
- 3. SKKFastStartNewGame.esm
- 4. SmarterSpacesuitAutohide.esm
- 5. SmarterSpacesuitAutohide_SFBGS001.esm
- 6. SKKShipTools.esm
- 7. SKKHeadshotAnyActor.esm
- 8. ShipVendorFramework.esm
- 9. RefurbishedGoodsQuestFix.esm
- 10. CompanionsConvoFix.esm
- 11. SimpleImmersiveLooting.esm
- 12. TheGangsAllHere.esm
- 13. polyamory.esm
- 14. GB_ShipBuilderConfigurator.esm
- 15. S-47 speeder bike.esm
- 16. Bedlam.esm
- 17. Ganymede.esm
- 18. du_takeover.esm
- 19. OutpostMissionBoards.esm
- 20. dmLegendaryRecycler.esm
- 21. dzone.esm
- 22. SmugglerVeteran.esm
- 23. Alternate Vasco.esm
- 24. RagdollGun.esm
- 25. TrackersAllianceMissionBoardFix.esm
- 26. forgottenfrontierspoi.esm
- 27. Useful Brigs.esm
- 28. Non-Lethal Framework.esm
- 29. forgottenfrontierseasymode.esm
- 30. GB_SBCX_ShatteredSpace.esm
- 31. POICooldown.esm
- 32. PXC_AmmoHud.esm
- 33. PXC_AmmoHud_Patch_RagdollGun.esm
- 34. LazyPanda.esm
- 35. LazyPanda_DLC.esm
- 36. Vortex Phantom Integration.esm
- 37. G231_MultToolAxe.esm
- 38. poi_variations_shuffle.esm
- 39. CooldownVariationsPatch.esm
- 40. 4 Unique Locations.esm
- 41. All_Trilogy_Lightsabers.esm
- 42. aselyria.esm
- 43. AstridCrew.esm
- 44. AuriePatch_TheGangsAllHereCompanionsConvoFix.esm
- 45. Aurie_SkipCompanionQuests.esm
- 46. BejModSF1SVF001.esm
- 47. BejModSF1SVF002.esm
- 48. El Jefe Combat AI.esm
- 49. End-To-End Mission Boards 1.0.esm
- 50. faction expansion project.esm
- 51. faction expansion project outfit asset pack.esm
- 52. faction expansion project spacesuit asset pack.esm
- 53. forgotten frontiers - faction & encounter expansion project patch.esm
- 54. G231_XenoMaster.esm
- 55. G231_XenoMaster_DLCSupport.esm
- 56. HaloShotgun.esm
- 57. Mattells Brig Stuff.esm
- 58. ModularPeopleSystemLight.esm
- 59. NCCPumpkinFacility.esm
- 60. Pathfinder_MEA_Redux.esm
- 61. RagdollGun_SS.esm
- 62. sfta01.esm
- 63. Shades_Glowy_Stuff.esm
- 64. Spacesuit_AK-N7.esm
- 65. StarfieldCommunityPatch.esm
- 66. TheGangsAllHereShatteredSpace.esm
- 67. TNPlasmaLaredo.esm
- 68. weaponworkbenchsnapfix.esm
- 69. zeeogreshandscannertweaks.esm
- 70. fleet commander.esm
- 71. BejModsSF1EMSabers001.esp