by Aosana
Created 2 days ago
Updated 2 days ago
This game is so bad why do I bother aaa
Load Order Files
- 2. Starfield.esm
- 3. OldMars.esm
- 4. SFBGS003.esm
- 5. SFBGS004.esm
- 6. SFBGS006.esm
- 7. SFBGS007.esm
- 8. SFBGS008.esm
- 9. sfbgs00a_e.esm
- 10. sfbgs00a_a.esm
- 11. sfbgs00a_f.esm
- 12. sfbgs00a_j.esm
- 13. sfbgs00c.esm
- 14. kgcdoom.esm
- 15. sfbgs019.esm
- 16. sfbgs021.esm
- 17. sfbgs023.esm
- 18. sfbgs00a_d.esm
- 19. sfbgs00a_g.esm
- 20. sfbgs00a_i.esm
- 21. rbt_RealFuel.esm
- 22. variable ship repair cost.esm
- 23. heatleech infestations.esm
- 24. Better Explosives.esm
- 25. CraftableWeaponSkins.esm
- 26. StarValor.esm
- 27. rbt_BalancedBallistics.esm
- 28. rbt_BalancedBallistics_VanillaEdits.esm
- 29. rbt_DeadlyEffective.esm
- 30. RoyalTerror.esm
- 31. Better Locational Damage.esm
- 32. Ship Power Fix.esm
- 33. CraftableWeaponSkins-TrackersAlliance.esm
- 34. GalacticMeshFixes.esm
- 35. Eit_Clothiers_Z.esm
- 36. VaruunX_Z.esm
- 37. CrimsonX_Z.esm
- 38. Starfield_Backpacks_Z.esm
- 39. BountyHunter_Outfit_Z.esm
- 40. Better Mines - Fixed Explosion Delay.esm
- 41. NPCsAlwaysDropEquippedArmors.esm
- 42. Starfield_Neuroamps_Z.esm
- 43. CraftableWeaponSkins-AtHellsGate.esm
- 44. rbt_costofliving.esm
- 45. Varuun_CR_Z.esm
- 46. CyberOps_Z.esm
- 47. Starfield_Gadgets_Z.esm
- 48. MoreOwnableShips.esm
- 49. Robotics_Outfit.esm
- 50. Starfield_Masks_Z.esm
- 51. Starfield_SpaceMasks_Z.esm
- 52. Ecliptic_Merc_Standalone_Z.esm
- 53. IncreasedSpaceLootDistance.esm
- 54. Sit To Add Ship.esm
- 55. Ship Remote Control.esm
- 56. NG+ Framework.esm
- 57. GreenAndGold.esm
- 58. NoXPKillSteal.esm
- 59. rbt_CaptainsChoice.esm
- 60. SP2_ConfigurableLimitedFastTravel.esm
- 61. rbt_CostOfSpacing.esm
- 62. rbt_MagicBoostDisabler.esm
- 63. rbt_RealFuel_SFE.esm
- 64. rbt_realo2.esm
- 65. rbt_SpacefaringEconomy.esm
- 66. rbt_SuitUp.esm
- 67. RyujinXCombatech.esm
- 68. ShipBuilderCategories.esm
- 69. SKKFastStartNewGame.esm
- 70. Starfield_Eyewear_Z.esm
- 71. TheTrackersAllianceDelayed.esm
- 72. ws_VariableContrabandPrices.esm
- 73. BlueprintShips-Starfield.esm
- 2. Creation Club: At Hell's Gate
- 3. Creation Club: Blackout Big Bang Skin
- 4. Creation Club: Blackout Drumbeat Skin
- 5. Creation Club: Blackout Equinox Skin
- 6. Creation Club: Blackout Grendel Skin
- 7. Creation Club: Blackout Hard Target Skin
- 8. Creation Club: Blackout Kodama Skin
- 9. Creation Club: Blackout Shotty Skin
- 10. Creation Club: Deimog
- 11. Creation Club: Observatory
- 12. Creation Club: Starborn Gravis Suit
- 13. Creation Club: The Perfect Recipe
- 15. Creation Club: Heatleech Infestations
- 16. Creation Club: Variable Ship Repair Cost
- 18. Starfield Script Extender (SFSE)
- 19. Address Library for SFSE Plugins
- 20. Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE)
- 21. Real Time Form Patcher (SFSE)
- 22. Starfield Engine Fixes - SFSE
- 23. StarPatcher
- 24. Unity Framework
- 25. SKK Fast Start New Game (Starfield)
- 27. Cleanfield - A No-Intro Videos And Clean Menu Fix
- 28. Configurable Limited Fast Travel
- 29. Ship Builder Categories
- 30. StarUI HUD
- 31. StarUI Inventory
- 32. StarUI Outpost
- 33. StarUI Ship Builder
- 34. StarUI Workbench
- 36. Vasco - Reduced Footsteps Volume by Xtudo
- 38. Galactic Mesh Fixes
- 40. The Trackers Alliance Delayed Start
- 42. Balanced Ballistics
- 43. Better Explosives - An Explosive Overhaul
- 44. Better Locational Damage
- 45. Better Mines
- 46. Deadly Effective - Minimal Skills Overhaul
- 47. Magic Boost Disabler - Immersive Boost Pack Behavior
- 48. No XP Kill Steal Fix
- 49. NPCs Always Drop Equipped Armors
- 50. Real O2
- 51. Royal Terror - Better Faster Stronger Terrormorphs
- 52. StarValor
- 53. Suit Up
- 55. Cost Of Living - Simple Taxes
- 56. Cost Of Spacing
- 57. Green and Gold
- 58. Spacefaring Economy
- 59. Variable Contraband Prices - Redux
- 61. Captain's Choice - A Shipbuilding Overhaul
- 63. Increased Space Loot Distance
- 64. More Ownable Ships
- 65. Real Fuel
- 66. Ship Power Allocation Fix - Revert Unwanted Power Changes
- 67. Sit To Add Ship to Fleet
- 68. Summoning of Ship - Ship Remote Control - Land - Take off - Set gravity
- 70. Bounty Hunter Outfit
- 71. Crimson X - Clothing Jackets Glasses Masks Belts Gloves Gear
- 72. Cyber Ops Outfit
- 73. Ecliptic Mercenary Standalone
- 74. Eit Clothiers Plus - Clothes jackets belts gloves glasses necklace
- 75. Robotics Outfit (VBB with morphs)
- 76. Starfield Backpacks
- 77. Starfield Eyewear
- 78. Starfield Gadgets - Watches and Headphones
- 79. Starfield Masks - Clothing
- 80. Starfield Masks - Spacemasks
- 81. Starfield Neuroamps
- 82. Varuun Cyber Runner
- 83. Varuun X - Clothing Jackets hoods Masks Belts Gloves Gear ZBB
- 84. Immersive Renames
- 86. Craftable Weapon Skins - CWS
- 87. Ryujin x CombaTech
- 88. Weapon Skin Expansion Project (WSEP) - Ryujin
- 2. sfbgs00a_e.esm
- 3. sfbgs00a_a.esm
- 4. sfbgs00a_f.esm
- 5. sfbgs00a_j.esm
- 6. sfbgs00c.esm
- 7. kgcdoom.esm
- 8. sfbgs019.esm
- 9. sfbgs021.esm
- 10. sfbgs023.esm
- 11. sfbgs00a_d.esm
- 12. sfbgs00a_g.esm
- 13. sfbgs00a_i.esm
- 14. rbt_RealFuel.esm
- 15. variable ship repair cost.esm
- 16. heatleech infestations.esm
- 17. Better Explosives.esm
- 18. CraftableWeaponSkins.esm
- 19. StarValor.esm
- 20. rbt_BalancedBallistics.esm
- 21. rbt_BalancedBallistics_VanillaEdits.esm
- 22. rbt_DeadlyEffective.esm
- 23. RoyalTerror.esm
- 24. Better Locational Damage.esm
- 25. Ship Power Fix.esm
- 26. CraftableWeaponSkins-TrackersAlliance.esm
- 27. GalacticMeshFixes.esm
- 28. Eit_Clothiers_Z.esm
- 29. VaruunX_Z.esm
- 30. CrimsonX_Z.esm
- 31. Starfield_Backpacks_Z.esm
- 32. BountyHunter_Outfit_Z.esm
- 33. Better Mines - Fixed Explosion Delay.esm
- 34. NPCsAlwaysDropEquippedArmors.esm
- 35. Starfield_Neuroamps_Z.esm
- 36. CraftableWeaponSkins-AtHellsGate.esm
- 37. rbt_costofliving.esm
- 38. Varuun_CR_Z.esm
- 39. CyberOps_Z.esm
- 40. Starfield_Gadgets_Z.esm
- 41. MoreOwnableShips.esm
- 42. Robotics_Outfit.esm
- 43. Starfield_Masks_Z.esm
- 44. Starfield_SpaceMasks_Z.esm
- 45. Ecliptic_Merc_Standalone_Z.esm
- 46. IncreasedSpaceLootDistance.esm
- 47. Sit To Add Ship.esm
- 48. Ship Remote Control.esm
- 49. NG+ Framework.esm
- 50. GreenAndGold.esm
- 51. NoXPKillSteal.esm
- 52. rbt_CaptainsChoice.esm
- 53. SP2_ConfigurableLimitedFastTravel.esm
- 54. rbt_CostOfSpacing.esm
- 55. rbt_MagicBoostDisabler.esm
- 56. rbt_RealFuel_SFE.esm
- 57. rbt_realo2.esm
- 58. rbt_SpacefaringEconomy.esm
- 59. rbt_SuitUp.esm
- 60. RyujinXCombatech.esm
- 61. ShipBuilderCategories.esm
- 62. SKKFastStartNewGame.esm
- 63. Starfield_Eyewear_Z.esm
- 64. TheTrackersAllianceDelayed.esm
- 65. ws_VariableContrabandPrices.esm