troubleshooting modlist
by bodilystew
Created 6 months ago
Updated 6 months ago
No description provided.
Load Order Files
- 1. Creation Club: _ResourcePack
- 2. DLC: HearthFires
- 3. DLC: Dragonborn
- 4. DLC: Dawnguard
- 5. Creation Club: ccQDRSSE001-SurvivalMode
- 6. Creation Club: ccBGSSSE037-Curios
- 7. Creation Club: ccBGSSSE025-AdvDSGS
- 8. Creation Club: ccBGSSSE001-Fish
- 13. Actor Value Generator
- 15. Address Library for SKSE Plugins AE
- 17. Alternate Start - Live Another Life - AE
- 20. Backported Extended ESL Support
- 21. Base Object Swapper
- 23. Bug Fixes SSE - Anniversary Edition (1.6.629.0 and later)
- 26. JContainers AE
- 27. Trainwreck - A Crash Logger
- 28. Lazy Tools
- 29. MCM Helper SE
- 31. MfgFix NG
- 34. PapyrusUtil AE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions
- 35. Payload Interpreter
- 36. powerofthree's Papyrus Extender (SE)
- 37. powerofthree's Tweaks
- 38. PrivateProfileRedirector SE - Faster game start (INI file cacher)
- 39. Scaleform Translation Plus Plus NG
- 40. Spell Perk Item Distributor
- 42. SSE Display Tweaks AE
- 43. SSE Display Tweaks AE ini
- 45. SSE Engine Fixes AE
- 46. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
- 47. XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended
- 48. XPMSE Left Hand Sheath Fix
- 49. Maximum Skeletons D-Won Edition
- 50. ConsoleUtilSSE
- 51. ConsoleUtilSSE NG
- 52. Auto Input Switch AE
- 53. More Informative Console AE
- 55. Auto Parallax
- 56. DynDOLOD Resources SE
- 57. Better Dyndolod Red Mountain Plume
- 58. Ruins Clutter Improved - Fixes
- 59. Static Mesh Improvement Mod
- 60. Static Mesh improvement Mod - SMIM - Quality Addon
- 61. Ruins Clutter Improved SE
- 62. Disk Cache Enabler
- 63. Skyland AIO
- 64. Mrf's Markarth
- 65. Mrf's Solitude
- 66. Mrf's Solitude - Fixes
- 67. Noble Skyrim Mod HD-2K
- 68. Noble Skyrim Mod HD-2K SMIM Patch
- 69. WiZkiD Riften and Ratway
- 74. Blended Roads
- 75. Blended Roads - Medieval Bridges
- 76. Blended Roads - Simplicity of Snow Patch
- 77. Blended Roads Redone Bridges SE - 2K
- 78. Blended Roads Redone SE - 2K
- 79. Cathedral - 3D Mountain Flowers - BOS
- 80. CleverCharff's Caves 2K
- 81. ElSopa - Potions Redone
- 82. ElSopa HD - Realistic Dark Elf Urns
- 83. Enhanced Blood Textures
- 84. Glorious Doors of Skyrim (GDOS)
- 85. HD LODs Textures SE
- 86. High Poly Project
- 87. JS Shrines of the Divines
- 88. Majestic Mountains
- 89. Majestic Mountains - LOD Pack
- 90. Majestic Mountains - Northside
- 91. Metallurgy - Ingots Ore and Veins HD
- 92. Nordic Snow (aka HQ Snow Texture)
- 94. Rally's Solstheim Landscapes
- 95. Skyrim 3D Docks and Boardwalks
- 96. Skyrim 3D Furniture
- 97. Skyrim 3D Furniture SMIM patch
- 98. Skyrim 3D Landscapes
- 99. Skyrim 3D Rocks
- 100. Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants
- 101. Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants - 3DLOD
- 102. Skyrim 3D Windmill
- 104. A Nirnroot
- 105. A Quality World Map
- 106. Basic Dining Set Replacer
- 107. Book Covers Skyrim
- 108. Cabbage - A Cabbage Mod
- 109. Dwemer Pipework Reworked
- 110. Dwemer Pipework Reworked - Decorative
- 111. Elemental Staffs SE
- 112. Elemental Staffs SE - Mysticism Patch
- 113. Ennead Banners
- 114. Footprints!
- 115. Glacierslab SSE
- 116. HD Werewolf Retexture
- 117. High Quality Food and Ingredients SE
- 118. Holy Wards
- 119. JS Dragon Claws AE Anniversary Edition
- 120. Kabu's Fire Salts
- 121. Maximum Carnage
- 122. Maximum Carnage CBBE Patch
- 123. Maximum Carnage for SkySA and MCO
- 124. Medieval Candlehorns and Sconces
- 125. Near Vanilla Project - Control Cube Redone 2K
- 126. ProjectedDiffuse Patch - Skyrim 3D Landscapes 2k
- 127. Renthal's Waterwheel Remastered
- 128. Rudy HQ - Miscellaneous SE
- 131. SD's Horn Candles
- 132. Simplicity of Snow
- 133. Strange Runes
- 134. Stunning Statues of Skyrim
- 135. Unique Uniques
- 136. Vampire Lord Retexture
- 138. Project New Reign - Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine
- 139. Animation Motion Revolution
- 140. 360 Walk and Run Plus
- 141. 3PCO - 3rd Person Camera Overhaul - Smooth Camera Follow
- 142. ADXP I MCO elden rim moveset collection (SCAR)
- 145. Improved Alternate Conversation Camera
- 146. No Camera Collision ( Fade out any more)
- 148. EVG Animation Variance
- 149. EVG Conditional Idles
- 150. Feminine Pickup Animation SE
- 151. Goetia Animations - Enchanted Staves
- 152. Goetia Animations - Male Idle Walk And Run
- 153. Goetia Animations - Sprint
- 154. Immersive Equipping Animations
- 155. Immersive Interactions - Animated Actions
- 157. Leviathan Animations - Two-Handed High Stance
- 158. Leviathan Animations II - Female Idle Walk And Run
- 159. Look Around - Searching Animations For NPCs
- 160. Mystic Knight Animations
- 162. Sky Idles
- 163. Take a Seat
- 164. True Directional Movement - Modernized Third Person Gameplay SE
- 165. Vanargand Animations - Archery
- 166. Vanargand Animations - Crossbows
- 167. Vanargand Animations - Sneak Archery
- 168. Vanargand Animations - Sneak Crossbows
- 169. Vanargand Animations - Sneak idle walk and run
- 170. Vanargand Animations - Sneak Strike Attacks
- 171. Vanargand Animations - Sneak Thrust Attacks
- 173. Animation Queue Fix
- 174. Paired Animation Improvements
- 175. Paired Animation Improvements Hotfix
- 176. Open Animation Replacer
- 178. Animated Potions Hotfix
- 179. SMP-NPC crash fix
- 180. Improved Camera AE
- 182. Another Vampire Leather Armor - CBBE SSE BodySlide
- 183. Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks
- 184. Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks Extra
- 185. Arch-Knight Judicator Armor and Greatsword
- 186. Armor and Clothing Extension 2K Textures
- 187. Armor and Clothing Extension SPID Patch
- 188. Armor Variants Expansion
- 189. Armor Variants Expansion Atronach Forge Patch
- 190. Armor Variants Expansion Hide Fix
- 192. Black Mage Armor SE
- 193. Black Sacrament Armor - ESL
- 194. Black Sacrament Armor - Shadowscale
- 195. Black Sacrament Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics)
- 196. Bosmer Ceremonial Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide
- 197. Aetherium Armor and Weapons Compilation by lautasantenni
- 198. aMidianBorn Book of Silence
- 199. Chevaleresse II Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide
- 200. Chevaleresse II Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide High Heels
- 201. Chinese JiangShi - CBBE-TBD SE
- 202. ComfyKnight for SE - Faraam Knight Armor from Dark Souls
- 205. DCR - King Crusader Mega Pack
- 206. DCR King Crusader Female Armor Addon 4K - 16K - BodySlide - 8K Weapon Retexture
- 207. Demon Hunter Armor by Jojjo
- 208. Dremora Markynaz Armor - My patches and fixes SE
- 209. Dremora Markynaz Armor SE
- 210. Drow Ranger Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics)
- 211. Drow Ranger Armor HDT SMP SE v1.1
- 212. Drow Ranger Armor HDT SMP SE v1.1 CBBE Patch
- 213. Dwemer Researcher Armor and Outfit
- 214. Dwemer Researcher Armor and Outfit Perk Patch
- 215. DX Ancient Draugr Outfit - UNP TOP MODEL BBP
- 216. DX Armors and Clothing 3BA Emporium AIO
- 217. DX Black Widow Outfit - UNP
- 218. DX Cassandra Apocrypha Robes - UNP
- 219. DX Cassandra Frost Witch Outfit - UNP
- 220. DX Celes Mercy Outfit - UNP
- 221. DX Celes Nightingale Outfit and Weapons - UNP
- 222. DX Celes Rogue Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics)
- 223. DX Celes Rogue Armor - UNP
- 225. DX Celes Tarot Outfit (Witch of the Black Rose) - UNP
- 226. DX Christmas Bunny Outfit - UNP
- 227. DX Crimson Blood Armor - CBBE
- 228. DX Crimson Blood Armor - HDT-SMP Patch
- 229. DX Crimson Blood Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide
- 230. DX Crimson Blood Armor Poison Theme (Theme 1 of many)
- 231. DX Daedric Reaper Armor - UNP and MALE
- 232. DX Dark Knight Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide
- 233. DX Dark Knight Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide ESPFE
- 234. DX Dark Knight Armor - UNP
- 235. DX Daughter of the Sea Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics)
- 236. DX Daughter of the Sea Armor - UNP CBBE
- 237. DX Demon Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide
- 238. DX Demon Armor - UNP
- 239. DX Druid Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide (Standalone Themes)
- 240. DX Druid Armor - UNP
- 241. DX Emfy Cleric Outfit - UNP
- 242. DX Gwelda Dawnguard Outfit - UNP
- 243. DX Gwelda Red Riding Hood Outfit - UNP
- 244. DX Gwelda Vampire Outfit - UNP
- 245. DX Gwelda Witch Outfit - UNP
- 246. DX Merta Assassin Outfit - UNP
- 247. DX Merta Black Rose Outfit - UNP
- 248. DX Morenn Outfit - UNP
- 249. DX Necromancer Robes - UNP
- 250. DX Sotteta Huntress Outfit - UNP
- 251. DX Sotteta Necromancer Outfit - UNP
- 252. DX Spartan Bard Outfit - UNP
- 253. DX Stella Mithril Armor - UNP
- 254. DX Succubus (Mazken) Armor - CBBE Physics
- 255. DX Tembtra Thief Outfit - UNP
- 256. DX Ursine Armor Pack - UNP
- 257. DX Wild Huntress Outfit - UNP
- 258. DX Witch Hunter Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics)
- 259. DX Witch Hunter Armor - UNP
- 260. DX Witcher Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics)
- 261. DX Witcher Armor - UNP
- 262. Egil's Demon Hunter 3BA
- 263. Elven Weapons for Silence SE Obsidian
- 264. Elvenia Special Edition
- 265. Forsworn Fashions- More Variety for forsworn (Armor Pack- BHUNP CBBE 3BA and HIMBO)
- 266. Frankly HD Dragonbone and Dragonscale - Armor and Weapons
- 267. Frankly HD Dragonbone and Dragonscale - Armor and Weapons Mesh Fix
- 268. Frankly HD Imperial Armor and Weapons
- 269. Frankly HD Imperial Armor and Weapons - Sleeves
- 270. Frankly HD Nightingale Armor and Weapons [SSE]
- 271. Frankly HD Nightingale Armor and Weapons [SSE] CBBE
- 272. Frankly HD Shrouded Armor
- 273. Frankly HD Thieves Guild Armors
- 274. Hammerfell Armory SE
- 275. Heavy Armory - New Weapons
- 276. Immersive Armors
- 277. Immersive Armors Retexture and Mesh Fixes SE
- 278. Immersive Weapons
- 279. Imperial Guard Centurion Armor SE
- 280. Imperial Guard Centurion Armor SE ESL Officer Guard Replacer
- 281. Justice Glass Armor - CBBE SSE BodySlide
- 282. Justice Glass Armor - CBBE SSE BodySlide Replacer
- 283. Justice Stalhrim Armor - CBBE SSE BodySlide
- 284. Justice Stalhrim Armor - CBBE SSE BodySlide Replacer
- 285. Katarina Armor
- 286. Katarina Armor and Weapon - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics)
- 287. Kozakowy's Falka Armor - CBBE 3BA Bodyslide
- 288. Kozakowy's Falka Armor UNP - SSE
- 289. Kvetchi Mercenary Set
- 290. Legendary Alpha Shields 2
- 291. Lord of Coldharbour Armor and Harkon outfit replacer
- 292. Lunar Guard Armor
- 293. Lustmord Vampire Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics)
- 294. Midnight Breed Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics)
- 295. Morrowind Armor - Netch Leather - SSE CBBE BodySlide
- 296. Morrowind Armor - Netch Leather - SSE CBBE BodySlide ESPFE
- 297. Nether Mage Armor SSE
- 298. Nightshade Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Immersive Physics)
- 299. Nightshade Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Immersive Physics) ESPFE
- 300. Northern God Armor SE
- 301. Northern God Armor - My patches - SE-AE
- 302. Ranger Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide (with Physics)
- 303. Resplendent Armor and Greatsword SE
- 304. Ritter Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide
- 305. Shanoa Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide
- 306. Shanoa Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide Update
- 307. Stormcloak Warmaiden Armor (CBBE 3BA- HIMBO)
- 308. Stormcloak Warmaiden Armor (CBBE 3BA- HIMBO) BodySlide
- 309. Tera Rogue Armor - CBBE-TBD SE
- 310. Tera Succubus Armor - CBBE-TBD SE
- 311. Toxin Doctor Outfit- Mihail Armors and Clothes (SE-AE version) (''plague doctor'')
- 312. Truly Light Elven Armor (female) for SSE - Replacer - Standalone
- 313. Truly Light Elven Armor (male) - Replacer - Standalone
- 314. Twilight Princess Armor Mashup
- 315. Viridian Knight Armor
- 316. Volkihar Knight - Vampire Armor
- 317. Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes
- 318. Weapons of the Third Era SSE
- 319. Wind Ruler Armor SE
- 320. Wind Ruler Armor SE Patch
- 321. yurica chevaleresse II Armor SMP SE V1.3
- 322. Sovereign's Slayer Armor - SSE CBBE BodySlide
- 323. Sovereign's Slayer Armor HDT SMP SE
- 324. Sovereign's Slayer Armor HDT SMP SE CBBE
- 326. Bijin AIO SE for USSEP
- 327. Bijin NPCs SE
- 328. Bijin Warmaidens SE
- 329. Bijin Wives SE
- 331. Demoniac_Texture
- 332. BodySlide and Outfit Studio
- 333. Botox For Skyrim SE
- 334. Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-
- 335. CBBE 3BA
- 336. CBPC - Physics with Collisions
- 337. Community Overlay 3 (51- 70) Bodypaints Warpaints and Tattoos
- 338. Community Overlays 1 (0-30) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos and more made for the Community (Special Edition)
- 339. Community Overlays 1 (0-30) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos and more made for the Community (Special Edition) Bug Fix
- 340. Community Overlays 2 (31-50) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos and more made for the Community (Special Edition)
- 341. Elemental Eyes - 2K
- 342. Expressive Facegen Morphs SE
- 343. Expressive Facial Animation -Female Edition-
- 344. Expressive Facial Animation -Male Edition-
- 346. Face Discoloration Fix AE
- 348. Faster HDT-SMP AE
- 349. Female Makeup Suite - Face - RaceMenu Overlays of Eyeliner EyeShadow Contours and Highlights - Special Edition
- 350. Feminine Argonian Textures 2K
- 351. Feminine Khajiit Textures 2K
- 352. Guards Armor Replacer
- 353. Half Dragon Race
- 354. HDT High Heels Fix
- 355. HDT-SMP Dremora Markynaz Armor Patch
- 356. High Poly Head SE
- 357. High Poly Head Patch Installer
- 358. High Poly Vanilla Hair
- 359. Hvergelmir's Aesthetics - Brows
- 360. Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul SE ONLY
- 361. Imperious - Races of Skyrim
- 362. Improved Eyes Skyrim
- 363. KS Hairdos - HDT SMP (Physics)
- 364. Kyoe's Bang'n Brows
- 365. AI Overhaul SSE
- 366. Mikan Eyes - SE
- 367. Modpocalypse NPCs - All Vanilla NPCs
- 368. Modpocalypse NPCs - Resources
- 370. RaceMenu Anniversary Edition
- 371. RaceCompatibility with fixes for SSE
- 372. RaceMenu High Heels (Height Fixes)
- 373. Seranaholic
- 374. Simple Outfit System
- 375. Skin Feature Overlays SE - Freckles Scars Birthmarks Stretch Marks Moles and More for Face and Body RaceMenu Overlays
- 376. Succubus Race
- 377. TDN Equipable Horns SE
- 378. TDN Equipable Horns SE Head Slot Fix
- 379. The Eyes Of Beauty SSE
- 380. Vanilla hair - Salt and Wind
- 381. Vitruvia - skin texture overhaul for males - SE
- 382. Wolfpaint - Face - Facepaint Collection for Racemenu Overlays
- 384. SCAR - Skyrim Combos AI Revolution
- 385. SCAR AE Support
- 387. Elemental Arrows
- 388. Forceful Tongue - Shouts Overhaul
- 390. IFrame Generator RE AE Support
- 391. Inpa Sekiro Combat
- 394. Precision
- 396. Thu'um - Fully Animated Shouts
- 397. TK Dodge AE Meshes
- 398. TK Dodge RE-OnlyDodge
- 399. TK Dodge NG
- 401. Undead summons emerge from the ground
- 402. Undead summons emerge from the ground - bubble change
- 403. VioLens
- 404. Wait Your Turn - Enemy Circling Behaviour
- 405. Wards Functionalities Extended
- 406. Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim
- 408. Stop On Slash AE - Hitstop and Screenshake
- 409. dTry Plugin Updates
- 410. Attack MCO-DXP
- 411. Dodge MCO-DXP
- 412. Smooth Input - Input Buffer
- 413. Dual Wield Parrying SKSE AE
- 415. Gore
- 416. Gore - Paarthurnax Quest Expansion Patch
- 417. Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia
- 418. INIGO
- 419. Remiel-Custom Voiced Follower
- 420. Serana Dialogue Add-On
- 421. Serana's Hood Fix with Animation
- 422. Song of the Green (Auri Follower)
- 424. Grass FPS Booster
- 425. Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods
- 426. Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods - Military Camps
- 427. Mari's flora
- 428. No Grassias
- 429. Northern Grass SE
- 430. Northern Grass Aliased Grass Fix
- 432. Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
- 433. Apocalypse & Ordinator Patch
- 434. Growl - Werebeasts of Skyrim
- 435. Headhunter - Bounties Redone
- 436. Heart Breaker
- 437. Immersive Patrols
- 438. Immersive World Encounters SE
- 439. Lonely Karliah
- 440. Marriage Mod - To Have And To Hold
- 441. Marry Me Serana
- 442. Missives
- 443. Mortal Enemies
- 444. Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul
- 445. Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
- 446. Paarthurnax - Quest Expansion
- 447. Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE
- 448. Scion - A Vampire Overhaul
- 449. Scoped Bows SE 1.3.1
- 450. Skyrim Sewers
- 451. Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim
- 452. The Notice Board
- 453. True Thane
- 454. True Thane Hearthfire Patch
- 455. Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim
- 456. Zebsirious - Tamrielic Races of Skyrim
- 458. SkyUI
- 459. SkyUI - Note Fix
- 460. SkyHUD
- 462. Even Better Quest Objectives SE
- 464. Immersive HUD
- 465. JS Lockpicking UI SE
- 467. moreHUD Inventory Edition A
- 468. NORDIC UI - Interface Overhaul
- 469. NORDIC UI - Miscellaneous Patches
- 470. Elder Scrolls Levelling and Attributes
- 471. Elder Scrolls Levelling and Attributes Willpower Fix
- 472. Paper UI Sounds
- 473. Quick Loot RESE
- 474. Sovngarde - A Nordic Font
- 475. Quick Loot RE for 1.6.1130
- 476. TrueHUD - HUD Additions SE
- 477. Nordic...ish - A TrueHUD preset based on Nordic UI
- 478. Nordic...ish - Recent Items Widget
- 479. YOT - Your Own Thoughts SE
- 480. dMenu
- 481. Detection Meter
- 482. Detection Meter - AE Support
- 483. Security Overhaul SKSE - Lock Variations
- 485. Embers XD
- 487. Fixed Mesh Lighting
- 488. Animated Forge Water
- 489. Lux
- 490. Lux Orbis
- 491. Lux Via
- 492. Realistic Water Two SE
- 493. See Enchantments SE (Visual Weapon Effects)
- 494. Smoking Torches and Candles SSE
- 495. Water in Wells - mesh-only animated wells
- 496. Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows AE
- 497. Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows AE Underside
- 500. Caramella A Lustful Luna Racemenu Preset
- 501. Elva A Lustful Luna Racemenu Preset
- 502. Estrid A Lustful Luna High Poly Nord Racemenu Preset
- 503. Evelyn - a High Poly Racemenu preset SE
- 504. Hayase A Lustful Luna High Poly Nord Racemenu Preset
- 505. Lynnlea A Lustful Luna High Poly Nord Racemenu Preset
- 506. Myra the Taffy Dragon SSE - Default Body meshes with CBBE or UUNP textures
- 507. Aela A Lustful Luna High Poly Nord Racemenu Preset
- 508. R246 Female Presets for RaceMenu and ECE
- 509. Rosemary A Lustful Luna Racemenu Preset
- 510. Saffy A Lustful Luna High Poly Nord Racemenu Preset
- 511. Sexy Jiangshi A Lustful Luna High Poly Nord Racemenu Preset
- 512. Shivvy A Lustful Luna Half Dragon Racemenu Preset
- 513. Sswaye's Mom NG - Highpoly Nordic Preset
- 514. Victoria - Racemenu Preset
- 517. Better Jumping AE
- 518. Configurable Commentary Rate Slider
- 519. Dragon Soul Relinquishment
- 520. Dynamic Dungeon Loot
- 521. Ecotone Dual Sheath
- 523. Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice AE
- 524. No Disarm (Unequip Instead)
- 525. No Spinning Death Animation
- 527. RS Children Overhaul
- 528. SNIFF - Simple No Internal Friendly Fire
- 529. Staves Give XP
- 530. Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers
- 531. The Companions - Don't be a Milk Drinker
- 532. Thugs Not Assassins
- 533. Unread Books Glow
- 534. WoW Dragon Mounds CTD Fix
- 535. Better AltTab
- 537. Immersive Sounds - Compendium
- 538. Heels Sound 1.5 SSE
- 540. Mythical Ages - weathers and lighting overhaul
- 541. Northern Realistic Clouds
- 542. Obsidian Mountain Fogs
- 543. RealRainSE
- 544. Seasonal Weathers Framework - Mythical Ages
- 545. Seasonal Weathers Framework - Seasons support for Weathers Mods
- 547. Storm Lightning for SSE and VR (Minty Lightning 2019) AE
- 548. Wonders of Weather
- 2. HLIIRemiLOTD.esp
- 3. JS Dragon Claws AE - Legacy of the Dragonborn.esp
- 4. Lux - Legacy of the Dragonborn patch.esp
- 5. YOT - LOTD.esp
- 6. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
- 7. RSkyrimChildren.esm
- 8. MajesticMountains_Landscape.esm
- 9. Cathedral - 3D Mountain Flowers.esp
- 10. RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm
- 11. MajesticMountains_Moss.esp
- 12. RaceCompatibility.esm
- 13. Zebsirious.esm
- 14. Lux Orbis - Master plugin.esm
- 15. 1Markynaz.esl
- 16. BlackSacramentArmor.esl
- 17. 1WR.esl
- 18. 1NGarmor.esl
- 19. KvetchiMercenary.esl
- 20. Legendary Alpha Shields 2.esl
- 21. Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl
- 22. hdtHighHeel.esm
- 23. High Poly Head.esm
- 24. Zebsirious High Poly Head.esl
- 25. AHZmoreHUDInventory.esl
- 26. TrueHUD.esl
- 27. Lux - Master plugin.esm
- 28. Lux - Resources.esp
- 29. ConfigureCommentaryRate.esl
- 30. Ecotone Dual Sheath.esl
- 31. Heels Sound.esm
- 32. Dodge_MCO-DXP.esl
- 33. DodgeFramework.esl
- 34. InputBuffer.esl
- 35. HD Lods SSE.esp
- 36. SkyUI_SE.esp
- 37. SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp
- 38. Mortal Enemies.esp
- 39. Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
- 40. aMidianBorn_Book of Silence.esp
- 41. Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
- 42. S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp
- 43. Lux Orbis.esp
- 44. Mrf solitude.esp
- 45. Book Covers Skyrim.esp
- 46. Modpocalypse NPCs (v1) SSE.esp
- 47. Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp
- 48. AI Overhaul.esp
- 49. MysticismMagic.esp
- 50. S3DLandscapes NextGenerationForests.esp
- 51. Obsidian Mountain Fogs.esp
- 52. Immersive Encounters.esp
- 53. GORE.esp
- 54. Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
- 55. AVExpansion.esp
- 56. SeranaDialogAddon.esp
- 57. YOT - Your Own Thoughts.esp
- 58. ForcefulTongue.esp
- 59. WACCF_Armor and Clothing Extension.esp
- 60. Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
- 61. Heart Breaker SE.esp
- 62. VioLens SE.esp
- 63. Inpa Sekiro Combat.esp
- 64. MarriageModSE.esp
- 65. Immersive Weapons.esp
- 66. Embers XD.esp
- 67. Guards_Armor_Replacer.esp
- 68. BetterQuestObjectives.esp
- 69. Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim.esp
- 70. PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp
- 71. SkyrimSewers.esp
- 72. Inigo.esp
- 73. 018Auri.esp
- 74. True Thane.esp
- 75. HLIORemi.esp
- 76. fta_TES5OblivionSys.esp
- 77. Lux Orbis - Wintersun patch.esp
- 78. Immersive Patrols II.esp
- 79. WoW Dragon Mounds CTD Fix.esp
- 80. notice board.esp
- 81. PaarthurnaxQuestExpansion.esp
- 82. ScopedBows.esp
- 83. Lux Orbis - Notice board patch.esp
- 84. FNIS.esp
- 85. LazyTools.esp
- 86. MCMHelper.esp
- 87. RaceMenu.esp
- 88. XPMSE.esp
- 89. Missives.esp
- 90. AetheriumSwordsnArmor.esp
- 91. Lux Orbis - Saints and Seducers patch.esp
- 92. Lux Orbis - USSEP patch.esp
- 93. Landscape For Grass Mods - Military Camps.esp
- 94. KozakowyFalkaArmor.esp
- 95. BlackSacramentArmor.esp
- 96. BlendedRoads.esp
- 97. Twilight Princess Armor.esp
- 98. fta_TES5OblivionSysDarkBrotherhoodFix.esp
- 99. Skyland-AIO.esp
- 100. Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp
- 101. Growl - Werebeasts of Skyrim.esp
- 102. Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp
- 103. dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
- 104. GDOS - Splendid Mechanized Dwemer Door.esp
- 105. HPP - Vaermina's Torpor.esp
- 106. S3DRocks.esp
- 107. MajesticMountains.esp
- 108. OreIngotsFadingsignal.esp
- 109. Simplicity of Snow.esp
- 110. Simplicity of Snow - Blended Roads Patch.esp
- 111. Elemental_Staffs.esp
- 112. Elemental_Staffs_Patch_Mysticism.esp
- 113. Footprints.esp
- 114. IcePenguinWorldMap.esp
- 115. JS Dragon Claws AE - Skyrim Sewers.esp
- 116. MaximumCarnage.esp
- 117. Renthal's Waterwheel Remastered - Katla's Farm Adjustments.esp
- 118. Rudy Nordic Pottery SSE.esp
- 119. StrangeRunes.esp
- 120. Unique Uniques.esp
- 121. 360WalkandRunPlus-RunBackwardSpeedAdjust.esp
- 122. 3PCO.esp
- 123. EVGConditionalIdles.esp
- 124. Immersive Equipping Animations.esp
- 125. ImmersiveInteractions.esp
- 126. Look Around.esp
- 127. Skidles.esp
- 128. TrueDirectionalMovement.esp
- 129. AncientDraugr.esp
- 130. AnotherVampireLeatherArmor.esp
- 131. Apophysis_DPM_SE.esp
- 132. DX Dark Knight Armor & Shield.esp
- 133. DX Dark Knight Armor.esp
- 134. Arch-Knight Judicator.esp
- 135. Armor Variants Expansion - Atronach Forge Addon.esp
- 136. Black Mage Armor SE.esp
- 137. Black Widow Outfit.esp
- 138. BlackSacramentDBReplacer.esp
- 139. calyps-bosmer.esp
- 140. Cassandra Apocrypha UNP.esp
- 141. Cassandra Frost Witch.esp
- 142. Celes Mercy.esp
- 143. Celes Nightingale Armor.esp
- 144. Celes Rogue Armor CBBE.esp
- 145. Celes Rogue Armor UNP.esp
- 146. Celes Tarot Outfit Cloth UNP.esp
- 147. Chevaleresse II Armour SE.esp
- 148. CRArmor.esp
- 149. Crimson Blood Armor.esp
- 150. Emfy Cleric Robes.esp
- 151. LustmordVampireArmor.esp
- 152. mihailtoxindoctoroutfit.esp
- 153. Daedric Reaper Armor.esp
- 154. DCR_KingCrusaderMegaPack_SSE.esp
- 155. Demon Armor.esp
- 156. Drow Ranger SE.esp
- 157. Drow Ranger SMP SE.esp
- 158. DwemerResearcherArmor.esp
- 159. DX Christmas Bunny Outfit.esp
- 160. DX Daughter of the Sea.esp
- 161. DX Druid Armor.esp
- 162. DX Morenn Outfit.esp
- 163. DX Necromancer Robes.esp
- 164. DX Succubus Armor.esp
- 165. DX Witch Hunter Armor.esp
- 166. DX Witcher Armor.esp
- 167. Elvenia.esp
- 168. FaraamOutfit.esp
- 169. ForswornVarietyArmorPack.esp
- 170. CBBE.esp
- 171. FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp
- 172. SeeEnchs.esp
- 173. GDZZJJDH.esp
- 174. Gwelda Dawnguard Armor.esp
- 175. Gwelda Red Riding Hood.esp
- 176. Gwelda Vampire.esp
- 177. Gwelda Witch.esp
- 178. Hammerfell Armory SE.esp
- 179. Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
- 180. Imperial Guard Centurion Armor SE - Johnskyrim.esp
- 181. JiangShi.esp
- 182. Justice Glass Armor.esp
- 183. Justice Stalhrim Armor.esp
- 184. Katarina SSE.esp
- 185. KSA_vdk.esp
- 186. Lords of Coldharbour.esp
- 187. LunarGuardArmor.esp
- 188. Merta Assassin Armor.esp
- 189. Merta Black Rose Armor.esp
- 190. MidnightBreed.esp
- 191. Bijin AIO.esp
- 192. Bijin Warmaidens.esp
- 193. NetchLeather.esp
- 194. NetherMage.esp
- 195. nightshade_armor.esp
- 196. R18pn - Shanoa Armour SE.esp
- 197. R18Pn - Ritter Armor - Heavy.esp
- 198. Ranger Outfit.esp
- 199. ResplendentArmor.esp
- 200. Sotteta Huntress Armor.esp
- 201. Sotteta Necromancer Outfit.esp
- 202. Spartan Bard Outfit.esp
- 203. Stella Mithril Armor.esp
- 204. StormcloakWarmaidenArmor.esp
- 205. Tembtra Thief Armor.esp
- 206. TeraRogueCBBE.esp
- 207. TeraSuccubusArmor.esp
- 208. Twilight Princess Armor - Alt Textures and Cloth Addon.esp
- 209. Ursine Armor Pack.esp
- 210. Volkihar Knight.esp
- 211. WACCF_Armor and Clothing Extension_SPID.esp
- 212. WeaponsOf3E_SSE.esp
- 213. WildHuntress.esp
- 214. yurica chevaleresse II Armor SMP SE.esp
- 215. 3BBB.esp
- 216. Bijin NPCs.esp
- 217. Bijin Wives.esp
- 218. Botox SE.esp
- 219. Botox SE - Immersive Encounters.esp
- 220. Botox SE - Immersive Patrols II.esp
- 221. Brows.esp
- 222. CommunityOverlays1_0T30.esp
- 223. CommunityOverlays2_31T50.esp
- 224. CommunityOverlays3.esp
- 225. Elemental Eyes.esp
- 226. FMS_FemaleMakeupSuite.esp
- 227. fta_TES5OblivionSysPatchStartArth.esp
- 228. fta_TES5OblivionSysPatchSurvivalMode.esp
- 229. halfdragonrace.esp
- 230. Half Dragon High Poly Head.esp
- 231. Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp
- 232. KSHairdosSMP.esp
- 233. MikanEyes All in one SE.esp
- 234. Scion.esp
- 235. RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
- 236. RaceMenuHH.esp
- 237. RaceMenuPlugin.esp
- 238. RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp
- 239. Serana.esp
- 240. SFO_SkinFeatureOverlays.esp
- 241. Simple Outfit System.esp
- 242. SuccubusRaceLite.esp
- 243. Succubus High Poly Head.esp
- 244. TDNEquipableHorns.esp
- 245. TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
- 246. Wolfpaint_Face.esp
- 247. ElementalArrows.esp
- 248. Precision.esp
- 249. scar-adxp-patch.esp
- 250. Thuum.esp
- 251. WaitYourTurn.esp
- 252. WardsFunctionalitiesExtended.esp
- 253. GORE - PaarthurnaxQuestExpansion Patch.esp
- 254. HLIORemiRelaxAnywhere.esp
- 255. SeranaHoodFixWithAnim.esp
- 256. Sovereign's Slayer Armor SE.esp
- 257. NorthernGrass.esp
- 258. Grass FPS Booster.esp
- 259. NoGrassias.esp
- 260. Headhunter - Bounties Redone.esp
- 261. BountiesRedone_MissivesExtension.esp
- 262. BountiesRedone_NoticeBoard.esp
- 263. LonelyKarliah.esp
- 264. marrymeserana.esp
- 265. ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp
- 266. True Thane - Hearthfire Patch.esp
- 267. BetterQuestObjectives - Wintersun Patch.esp
- 268. BetterQuestObjectives-PaarExpansion Patch.esp
- 269. iHUD.esp
- 270. Paper UI Sounds.esp
- 271. SkyHUD.esp
- 272. YOT - Fishing.esp
- 273. YOT - Forceful Tongue.esp
- 274. YOT - Growl.esp
- 275. YOT - Immersive Sounds.esp
- 276. YOT - Saints & Seducers.esp
- 277. YOT - Survival Mode.esp
- 278. YOT - Wintersun.esp
- 279. Embers XD - Fire Magick Add-On.esp
- 280. Embers XD - Patch - ENB Light.esp
- 281. Smoking Torches And Candles.esp
- 282. MyraTheTaffyDragon.esp
- 283. BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp
- 284. Companions - Don't be a Milk Drinker.esp
- 285. dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp
- 286. Dragon Soul Relinquishment.esp
- 287. DynamicDungeonLoot.esp
- 288. Ecotone Dual Sheath Patch.esp
- 289. fox-DisarmUnequip.esp
- 290. RSChildren.esp
- 291. SNIFF.esp
- 292. StavesGiveXp.esp
- 293. ThugsNotAssassins.esp
- 294. UnreadBooksGlow.esp
- 295. Mythical Ages.esp
- 296. RealRainSE.esp
- 297. Seasonal Weathers Framework.esp
- 298. Seasonal Weathers Framework - Mythical Ages.esp
- 299. StormLightning.esp
- 300. WondersofWeather.esp
- 301. StopOnSlash.esp
- 302. Animated Potions.esp
- 303. ImprovedAlternateConversationCamera.esp
- 304. noCamColl_2_SE.esp
- 305. FSMPM - The FSMP MCM.esp
- 306. DVLaSS Skyrim Underside.esp
- 307. Attack_MCO.esp
- 308. Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp
- 309. YOT - Imperious.esp
- 310. Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
- 311. Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp
- 312. YOT - Apocalypse.esp
- 313. YOT - Ordinator.esp
- 314. fta_TES5OblivionSysPatchOrdinator.esp
- 315. Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
- 316. Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
- 317. ImprovedCompanionsBoogaloo.esp
- 318. ICBLydia_BijiinAIO_USSEP.esp
- 319. ICLydiaRDOPatch.esp
- 320. alternate start - live another life.esp
- 321. BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp
- 322. Lux Orbis - Alternate Start patch.esp
- 323. Lux.esp
- 324. Lux - Embers XD patch.esp
- 325. Lux - Live Another Life patch.esp
- 326. Lux - Saints and Seducers patch.esp
- 327. Lux - Skyrim Sewers.esp
- 328. Lux - USSEP patch.esp
- 329. Lux - Wintersun patch.esp
- 330. RealisticWaterTwo.esp
- 331. Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Ini Files
- 1. [Actor]
- 2. bUseNavMeshForMovement=0
- 3. [Archive]
- 4. bInvalidateOlderFiles=1
- 5. bLoadArchiveInMemory=1
- 6. sArchiveToLoadInMemoryList=Skyrim - Animations.bsa
- 7. sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes1.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa
- 8. sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures0.bsa, Skyrim - Textures1.bsa, Skyrim - Textures2.bsa, Skyrim - Textures3.bsa, Skyrim - Textures4.bsa, Skyrim - Textures5.bsa, Skyrim - Textures6.bsa, Skyrim - Textures7.bsa, Skyrim - Textures8.bsa, Skyrim - Patch.bsa
- 9. [Audio]
- 10. fMenuModeFadeInTime=1.0
- 11. fMenuModeFadeOutTime=3.0
- 12. fMusicDuckingSeconds=6.0
- 13. fMusicUnDuckingSeconds=8.0
- 14. uMaxSizeForCachedSound=4096
- 15. [Camera]
- 16. fMouseWheelZoomSpeed=10.00
- 17. [Combat]
- 18. bForceNPCsUseAmmo=1
- 19. f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7
- 20. f1PBoltTiltUpAngle=0.7
- 21. f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=2.5
- 22. fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0
- 23. fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0
- 24. [Controls]
- 25. fDialogueHardStopAngle1P=180
- 26. fDialogueHardStopAngle3P=180
- 27. fDialogueSoftStopAngle1P=150
- 28. fDialogueSoftStopAngle3P=150
- 29. fMouseHeadingSensitivityMax=0.1000
- 30. fMouseHeadingXScale=0.0200
- 31. fMouseHeadingYScale=0.8500
- 32. [Decals]
- 33. uMaxSkinDecalPerActor=20
- 34. [Display]
- 35. bEnableLandFade=0
- 36. bEnableSnowMask=0
- 37. bEnableSnowRimLighting=0
- 38. bLockFrameRate=0
- 39. bVolumetricLightingDisableInterior=1
- 40. fDDOFFocusCenterweightExt=2
- 41. fDecalLifetime=240
- 42. fDefaultWorldFOV=85.00
- 43. fDOFMaxDepthParticipation=10000
- 44. fDynamicDOFFarBlur=0.4
- 45. fFirstSliceDistance=1991
- 46. fGlobalBrightnessBoost=0.0000
- 47. fGlobalContrastBoost=0.0000
- 48. fGlobalSaturationBoost=0.0000
- 49. fLightLODRange=6656
- 50. fLightLODStartFade=3500.0
- 51. fShadowDirectionalBiasScale=0.47
- 52. fSnowGeometrySpecPower=3.00
- 53. fSnowNormalSpecPower=2.00
- 54. fSnowRimLightIntensity=0.30
- 55. fSparklesDensity=0.85
- 56. fSparklesSize=6.00
- 57. fSunShadowUpdateTime=1
- 58. fSunUpdateThreshold=0.5
- 59. fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=9999999.0000
- 60. fWaterSSRIntensity=0.5
- 61. iLandscapeMultiNormalTilingFactor=1
- 62. sScreenShotBaseName=D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ScreenShot
- 63. [General]
- 64. bBackgroundLoadVMData=1
- 65. bModManagerMenuEnabled=0
- 66. fFlickeringLightDistance=8192
- 67. sIntroSequence=
- 68. sLanguage=ENGLISH
- 69. SLocalSavePath=__MO_Saves\
- 70. sTestFile1=Dawnguard.esm
- 71. sTestFile2=HearthFires.esm
- 72. sTestFile3=Dragonborn.esm
- 73. uExterior Cell Buffer=36
- 74. uGridsToLoad=5
- 75. [GeneralWarnings]
- 76. SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
- 77. [Grass]
- 78. bAllowCreateGrass=1
- 79. bAllowLoadGrass=0
- 80. bDrawShaderGrass=1
- 81. bEnableGrassFade=1
- 82. fGrassFadeRange=3175
- 83. fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=7000.0000
- 84. fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=0.0000
- 85. fGrassWindMagnitudeMax=65
- 86. fGrassWindMagnitudeMin=5
- 87. iGrassCellRadius=2
- 88. iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=2
- 89. iMinGrassSize=40
- 90. [HAVOK]
- 91. fMaxTime=0.01666667
- 92. [Imagespace]
- 93. iRadialBlurLevel=2
- 94. [Interface]
- 95. bShowTutorials=0
- 96. uMaxCustomItemNameLength=64
- 97. [Launcher]
- 98. bEnableFileSelection=1
- 99. [LightingShader]
- 100. fDecalLODFadeEnd=0.3
- 101. fDecalLODFadeStart=0.2
- 102. fEnvmapLODFadeEnd=0.4
- 103. fEnvmapLODFadeStart=0.3
- 104. [LOD]
- 105. fDistanceMultiplier=1.00
- 106. [MapMenu]
- 107. fMapWorldMaxPitch=90
- 108. fMapWorldMinPitch=0
- 109. fMapWorldYawRange=400
- 110. [Menu]
- 111. iConsoleSizeScreenPercent=40
- 112. iConsoleTextSize=20
- 113. [Papyrus]
- 114. bEnableLogging=0
- 115. bEnableProfiling=0
- 116. bEnableTrace=0
- 117. bLoadDebugInformation=0
- 118. fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=2000
- 119. [SaveGame]
- 120. iAutoSaveCount=3
- 121. [Trees]
- 122. bEnableTreeAnimations=1
- 123. bEnableTrees=1
- 124. fUpdateBudget=1.5
- 125. [Water]
- 126. bReflectLODLand=1
- 127. bReflectLODObjects=0
- 128. bReflectLODTrees=1
- 129. bReflectSky=1
- 1. [AudioMenu]
- 2. fAudioMasterVolume=1.0000
- 3. fVal0=1.0000
- 4. fVal1=0.8000
- 5. fVal2=0.8000
- 6. fVal3=0.5000
- 7. fVal4=1.0000
- 8. fVal5=1.0000
- 9. fVal6=1.0000
- 10. fVal7=1.0000
- 11. uID0=94881
- 12. uID1=1007612
- 13. uID2=554685
- 14. uID3=466532
- 15. uID4=0
- 16. uID5=0
- 17. uID6=0
- 18. uID7=0
- 19. []
- 20. uPersistentUuidData0=481335794
- 21. uPersistentUuidData1=1492467911
- 22. uPersistentUuidData2=3119475287
- 23. uPersistentUuidData3=1540149115
- 24. [Clouds]
- 25. fCloudLevel0Distance=16384.0000
- 26. fCloudLevel1Distance=32768.0000
- 27. fCloudLevel2Distance=262144.0000
- 28. fCloudNearFadeDistance=9000.0000
- 29. [Controls]
- 30. bAlwaysRunByDefault=1
- 31. bGamePadRumble=1
- 32. bInvertYValues=0
- 33. bUseKinect=0
- 34. fGamepadHeadingSensitivity=0.6667
- 35. fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0500
- 36. [CreationsMenu]
- 37. [Decals]
- 38. bDecals=1
- 39. bSkinnedDecals=1
- 40. uMaxDecals=100
- 41. uMaxSkinDecals=35
- 42. [Display]
- 43. bBorderless=1
- 44. bDrawLandShadows=1
- 45. bEnableImprovedSnow=0
- 46. bEnableProjecteUVDiffuseNormals=1
- 47. bForceCreateTarget=0
- 48. bFull Screen=0
- 49. bFXAAEnabled=0
- 50. bIBLFEnable=1
- 51. bIndEnable=0
- 52. bSAO_CS_Enable=0
- 53. bSAOEnable=1
- 54. bScreenSpaceReflectionEnabled=1
- 55. bToggleSparkles=0
- 56. bTreesReceiveShadows=1
- 57. bUse64bitsHDRRenderTarget=0
- 58. bUsePrecipitationOcclusion=1
- 59. bUseTAA=1
- 60. bVolumetricLightingEnable=1
- 61. fDynamicDOFBlurMultiplier=0.8
- 62. ffocusShadowMapDoubleEveryXUnit=450
- 63. fGamma=1.0000
- 64. fInteriorShadowDistance=3000
- 65. fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd=4600
- 66. fLeafAnimDampenDistStart=3600
- 67. fLightLODStartFade=6144
- 68. fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault=256
- 69. fMeshLODFadePercentDefault=1.2
- 70. fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=4096
- 71. fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=4096
- 72. fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=8192
- 73. fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=8192
- 74. fProjectedUVDiffuseNormalTilingScale=0.2
- 75. fProjectedUVNormalDetailTilingScale=0.8
- 76. fShadowDistance=3620
- 77. fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=8192
- 78. iMaxDecalsPerFrame=60
- 79. iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame=35
- 80. iNumFocusShadow=2
- 81. iNumSplits=2
- 82. iReflectionResolutionDivider=1
- 83. iSaveGameScreenShotHeight=192
- 84. iSaveGameScreenShotHeighWSt=192
- 85. iSaveGameScreenShotWidth=256
- 86. iSaveGameScreenShotWidthWS=320
- 87. iScreenShotIndex=0
- 88. iShadowMapResolution=1024
- 89. iShadowMaskQuarter=4
- 90. iSize H=1440
- 91. iSize W=2560
- 92. iVolumetricLightingQuality=1
- 93. iVSyncPresentInterval=0
- 94. uBookRatio=2
- 95. [GamePlay]
- 96. bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=1
- 97. bShowQuestMarkers=1
- 98. iDifficulty=2
- 99. [General]
- 100. bEnableStoryManagerLogging=0
- 101. bFreebiesSeen=0
- 102. fLightingOutputColourClampPostEnv=1.0000
- 103. fLightingOutputColourClampPostLit=1.0000
- 104. fLightingOutputColourClampPostSpec=1.0000
- 105. iStoryManagerLoggingEvent=-1
- 106. uLargeRefLODGridSize=7
- 107. [Grass]
- 108. fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=6144
- 109. fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=0
- 110. fGrassStartFadeDistance=1381
- 111. [Imagespace]
- 112. bDoDepthOfField=1
- 113. bLensFlare=1
- 114. [Interface]
- 115. bDialogueSubtitles=1
- 116. bGeneralSubtitles=1
- 117. bShowCompass=1
- 118. fMouseCursorSpeed=1.00
- 119. [Launcher]
- 120. sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660"
- 121. [LOD]
- 122. fLODFadeOutMultActors=6.0
- 123. fLODFadeOutMultItems=3.0
- 124. fLODFadeOutMultObjects=5.0
- 125. fLODFadeOutMultSkyCell=1
- 126. [MAIN]
- 127. bCrosshairEnabled=1
- 128. bGamepadEnable=1
- 129. bSaveOnPause=0
- 130. bSaveOnRest=1
- 131. bSaveOnTravel=1
- 132. bSaveOnWait=1
- 133. fHUDOpacity=1.0000
- 134. fSkyCellRefFadeDistance=262144
- 135. [NavMesh]
- 136. fCoverSideHighAlpha=0.8000
- 137. fCoverSideLowAlpha=0.6500
- 138. fEdgeDistFromVert=10.0000
- 139. fEdgeFullAlpha=1.0000
- 140. fEdgeHighAlpha=0.7500
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- 142. fEdgeThickness=10.0000
- 143. fLedgeBoxHalfHeight=25.0000
- 144. fObstacleAlpha=0.5000
- 145. fPointSize=2.5000
- 146. fTriangleFullAlpha=0.7000
- 147. fTriangleHighAlpha=0.3500
- 148. fTriangleLowAlpha=0.2000
- 149. [Particles]
- 150. iMaxDesired=750
- 151. [SaveGame]
- 152. fAutosaveEveryXMins=15.0000
- 153. [TerrainManager]
- 154. bShowLODInEditor=1
- 155. fBlockLevel0Distance=32768
- 156. fBlockLevel1Distance=81920
- 157. fBlockMaximumDistance=196608
- 158. fSplitDistanceMult=1.000
- 159. fTreeLoadDistance=32768
- 160. [Trees]
- 161. bRenderSkinnedTrees=1
- 162. uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=75
- 163. [Water]
- 164. bUseWaterDepth=1
- 165. bUseWaterDisplacements=1
- 166. bUseWaterReflections=1
- 167. bUseWaterRefractions=1