Ultimate Skyrim 4.3.0 - Medium Preset
TESV Skyrim LEby Phinocio
Created over 3 years ago
Updated 9 months ago
Medium Preset for UltSkyaa
Load Order Files
- 2. Skyrim.esm
- 3. Update.esm
- 4. Dawnguard.esm
- 5. HearthFires.esm
- 6. Dragonborn.esm
- 7. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
- 8. ApachiiHair.esm
- 9. UnlimitedBookshelves.esp
- 10. Campfire.esm
- 11. WM Flora Fixes.esp
- 12. Skyrim Project Optimization - No Homes - Full Version.esm
- 13. ETaC - RESOURCES.esm
- 14. RaceCompatibility.esm
- 15. SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esm
- 16. ImCh.esm
- 17. JSwords.esm
- 18. AtronachCrossing.esp
- 19. AtronachCrossingDLC.esp
- 20. Dragon Stalking Fix.esp
- 21. FISS.esp
- 22. SkyUI.esp
- 23. Customizable Camera.esp
- 24. iHUD.esp
- 25. FNIS.esp
- 26. RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
- 27. Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp
- 28. Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
- 29. TradeRoutes.esp
- 30. Immersive Patrols II.esp
- 31. Inconsequential NPCs.esp
- 32. RealisticRoomRental.esp
- 33. RTSSDNDSS.esp
- 34. Waymark - A Road Signs Mod - LE Backport.esp
- 35. ETaC - Complete.esp
- 36. ETaC - Dragon Bridge South.esp
- 37. Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp
- 38. Immersive Solstheim.esp
- 39. LootandDegradation.esp
- 40. Windhelm Exterior Altered.esp
- 41. RiftenBetterDocks.esp
- 42. DawnofSkyrim-AllMajorCities.esp
- 43. Nightingale Hall.esp
- 44. Sanctuary Reborn.esp
- 45. JBMod.esp
- 46. VHTNF.esp
- 47. HSTNF.esp
- 48. hjerimtnf.esp
- 49. BHTNF.esp
- 50. SeverinManorImprovements.esp
- 51. RaceMenu.esp
- 52. RaceMenuPlugin.esp
- 53. wizDynamicThings.esp
- 54. WetandCold.esp
- 55. WetandCold - Ashes.esp
- 56. Holidays.esp
- 57. Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
- 58. Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
- 59. CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp
- 60. Undeath.esp
- 61. Undeath Immersive Lichdom V3.esp
- 62. PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp
- 63. Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
- 64. aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp
- 65. Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
- 66. ESFCompanions.esp
- 67. Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim - Merged.esp
- 68. Cidhna Mine Expanded.esp
- 69. Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
- 70. UIExtensions.esp
- 71. Dead Body Collision.esp
- 72. SmartCast_1_0.esp
- 73. Thieves Guild Requirements.esp
- 74. SleepTight.esp
- 75. Beards.esp
- 76. Brows.esp
- 77. DVA - Dynamic Vampire Appearance.esp
- 78. WondersofWeather.esp
- 79. honedmetal.esp
- 80. SimplyKnock.esp
- 81. Faction Crossbows.esp
- 82. Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
- 83. SFO - Dragonborn.esp
- 84. TradeBarter.esp
- 85. HHoS Subterranean Hot Spring.esp
- 86. FishingInSkyrim.esp
- 87. imp_helm_legend.esp
- 88. HHoS Ancient Shrine.esp
- 89. iNeed.esp
- 90. Chesko_WearableLantern.esp
- 91. Frostfall.esp
- 92. Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
- 93. Grass On Steroids.esp
- 94. ORM-Arvak.esp
- 95. Book Covers Skyrim.esp
- 96. Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library.esp
- 97. DisableRangedKillCams1.6.esp
- 98. Footprints.esp
- 99. AnonymousPeople.esp
- 100. Chesko_LevelUp.esp
- 101. TakeNotes.esp
- 102. Real Roads.esp
- 103. HeljarchenFarm.esp
- 104. RentMyHouse.esp
- 105. Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp
- 106. PumpingIron.esp
- 107. SpellResearch.esp
- 108. FollowerPotions.esp
- 109. Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp
- 110. HoldBorderBanners.esp
- 111. CFTO.esp
- 112. CFTO-CoveredCarriages.esp
- 113. AHZmoreHUD.esp
- 114. AMatterOfTime.esp
- 115. LessIntrusiveHUD.esp
- 116. Toggleable Combat Music.esp
- 117. TavernAIFix.esp
- 118. SimpleTaxes.esp
- 119. TavernGames.esp
- 120. GPLockedGates.esp
- 121. SL99Exchanger.esp
- 122. ImperialMail.esp
- 123. AllThievesGuildJobsConcurrently.esp
- 124. Hunterborn.esp
- 125. Bathing in Skyrim - Main.esp
- 126. SkyrimSewers.esp
- 127. ArtOfTheCatch.esp
- 128. Missives.esp
- 129. TrainAndStudy.esp
- 130. planters.esp
- 131. alesCampBedrollsSupplies.esp
- 132. CobbPositioner.esp
- 133. Spellsword.esp
- 134. Underwater_Treasure.esp
- 135. ClothingCraft.esp
- 136. SVMiscMCMMerged.esp
- 137. RealisticTorches.esp
- 138. LookCloser.esp
- 139. GuessDistance.esp
- 140. GIST soul trap.esp
- 141. EasyWheel.esp
- 142. Requiem.esp
- 143. Fozars_Dragonborn_-_Requiem_Patch.esp
- 144. KFR-Kryptopyr'sFixesReqtified.esp
- 145. COR-CraftingOverhaulReqtified.esp
- 146. CAR-ContentAddonReqtified.esp
- 147. MLQPaarthurnax.esp
- 148. TheChoiceIsYours.esp
- 149. Skyrim Unbound.esp
- 150. Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
- 151. Hunters Not Bandits.esp
- 152. hearthfireextended.esp
- 153. Immersive Horses.esp
- 154. Craftable Horse Barding.esp
- 155. Brevi_MoonlightTalesEssentials.esp
- 156. WWNightEye.esp
- 157. RealisticWaterTwo.esp
- 158. RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp
- 159. RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp
- 160. RLO - Interiors.esp
- 161. SnowFall Weathers.esp
- 162. XPMSE.esp
- 163. SimpleFollowerExtension.esp
- 164. SAS.esp
- 165. HouseOfHorrorsAlternateEnding.esp
- 166. Requiem - Illusion Redone.esp
- 167. REQMOD.esp
- 168. Snotgurg Simple Drop Lit Torches.esp
- 169. UltimateSkyrim.esp
- 170. Ultimate Skyrim - Book Covers Skyrim.esp
- 171. Ultimate Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim.esp
- 172. Ultimate Skyrim - Inconsequential NPC's.esp
- 173. Ultimate Skyrim - Realistic Lighting Overhaul.esp
- 174. Ultimate Skyrim - Snowfall Weathers.esp
- 175. Ultimate Skyrim - Windhelm Exterior Altered.esp
- 176. Ultimate Skyrim - Expanded Towns and Cities.esp
- 177. Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Texture 2.esp
- 178. warburg's 3d paper world map - dawnguard.esp
- 179. Paper World Map - Solstheim.esp
- 180. Automatic Variants.esp
- 181. DynDOLOD.esp
- 182. Requiem for the Indifferent.esp
- 1. DLC: HearthFires
- 2. DLC: Dragonborn
- 3. DLC: Dawnguard
- 5. Cleaned Masters
- 6. SKSE Scripts
- 7. FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Script - FISS
- 8. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch 3.0.15
- 9. Better Animal Footsteps
- 10. Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2
- 11. ApachiiSkyHair
- 12. AV
- 13. AV Atronachs
- 14. AV Bellyache
- 15. AV Dwemers
- 16. AV Dog n Fox
- 17. AV Huskies
- 18. AV Insanity
- 19. AV Sounaipr
- 20. AV Draugr
- 21. AV Falmer
- 22. AV Giant
- 23. AV Hagraven
- 24. AV Trolls
- 25. AV Storm Atro
- 26. Better Dialogue Controls
- 27. Better MessageBox Controls
- 28. Beards
- 29. Brows
- 30. Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins
- 31. Cidhna Mine Expanded (Deluxe)
- 32. True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone v1.5
- 33. Winter Is Coming - Cloaks
- 34. Cloaks of Skyrim
- 35. Customizable Camera 2.11
- 36. aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures
- 37. aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Dragonborn DLC
- 38. Improved closefaced helmets
- 39. aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Unique Items
- 40. Bandolier - Bags and Pouches
- 41. Bandolier - Dawnguard
- 42. Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Dawnstar Sanctuary
- 43. DVA Dynamic Vampire Appearance
- 44. Unmasked Faces - no green detailmaps for complexion and necks -
- 45. Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim
- 46. Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim - DLC
- 47. Grimy Plugin
- 48. Memory Blocks Log
- 49. Enchantment Reload Fix
- 50. Campfire
- 51. Simply Knock
- 52. Wet and Cold
- 53. Guard Dialogue Overhaul
- 54. HD Enhanced Terrain
- 55. Heavy Armory
- 56. Heavy Armory - aMidianBorn Skyforge Patch
- 57. Follower Trap Safety
- 58. Nemesis Patcher
- 59. Immersive HUD - iHUD
- 60. Immersive Patrols 2.2.2
- 61. Inconsequential NPCs
- 62. Lore-Based Loading Screens
- 63. Less Annoying Merchants
- 64. Perseid's Inns and Taverns - Enhanced
- 65. Waymark - A Road Signs Mod - LE Backport
- 66. Roadsigns Redone
- 67. Realistic Ragdolls and Force
- 68. SkyUI
- 69. Sleep Tight
- 70. Smart Cast
- 71. Wonders of Weather
- 72. Fishing In Skyrim
- 73. Static Mesh Improvement Mod 2.08
- 74. Ruins Clutter Improved 3.1
- 75. No Snow Under The Roof
- 76. Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins - SMIM Patch
- 77. Dynamic Immersive Seriously Dark Dungeons 2.91
- 78. Expanded Towns and Cities Complete 14.3.1
- 79. Windhelm Exterior Altered
- 80. Better Docks
- 81. RaceMenu
- 82. Better Vampire Fangs and Eyes
- 83. Enhanced Camera
- 84. Fences of Skyrim
- 85. aMidianBorn Solstheim Landscape
- 86. Skyrim Flora Overhaul
- 87. aMidianBorn Landscape
- 88. aMidianBorn Caves and Mines
- 89. Brigandage
- 90. Immersive Armors
- 91. Dead Body Collision Fix
- 92. Realistic Water Two
- 93. Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax (brown)
- 94. Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax Update
- 95. Realistic wolf howls
- 96. Unlimited Bookshelves
- 97. iNeed - Food, Water and Sleep
- 98. OneTweak
- 99. Grass on Steroids Regular - Vanilla
- 100. High Quality LODs Hi-Res
- 101. Holidays
- 102. Improved Arjestin Font Replacement
- 103. iWASM - Immersive Wait And Sleep Menu
- 104. People are Strangers
- 105. DynDOLOD Resources
- 106. Indistinguishable Vanilla Tree Billboards High Res
- 107. SFO Billboards for v2.5b
- 108. Honed Metal 1.091
- 109. HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit for Hearthfire
- 110. Hearthfire Extended (Legendary)
- 111. Hjerim TNF - Hearthfire
- 112. Honeyside TNF - Hearthfire
- 113. Vlindrel Hall TNF - Hearthfire
- 114. BreezehomeTNF - Hearthfire
- 115. Windhelm - Legendary Kings
- 116. Trade Routes
- 117. Frostfall 3.4 Release
- 118. Wearable Lanterns
- 119. Trade and Barter (Hearthfire)
- 120. Bard Instrumentals Only - Sing Upon Request
- 121. Immersive College of Winterhold 6.2
- 122. Hold Border Banners
- 123. RaceCompatibility with fixes 1.107
- 124. Dragon Stalking Fix
- 126. Nightingale Hall Restored - Karliah as a Follower
- 127. Severin Manor Improvements
- 128. Undeath
- 129. Dynamic Things
- 130. Dynamic Things - Enhanced
- 131. Fuz Ro Doh 6.1
- 132. Better Stealing
- 133. JS Dragon Claws
- 134. Immersive Sounds - Compendium
- 135. Skyrim Project Optimization
- 136. Wiseman303's Critter Fixes
- 137. Wiseman303's Flora Fixes
- 138. Wiseman303's Flora Fixes SMIM Patch
- 139. Immersive Horses
- 140. Immersive Horses 2K Horse Textures
- 141. Faction Crossbows
- 142. Reflection - Level Up Messages
- 143. Dawn of Skyrim (Original Collection)
- 144. Dawn of Skyrim (Original Collection) - 1.3 Update
- 145. Book Covers Skyrim
- 146. Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library
- 147. aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Content Addon
- 148. JaySuS Swords
- 149. JaySuS Swords V13C to V13D Update
- 150. Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade
- 151. Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild
- 152. Thieves Guild Requirements
- 153. Requiem 3.0.2
- 154. Requiem - Minor Arcana Reborn
- 155. Requiem - Dragonborn Patch 2.0.x
- 156. Undeath Immersive Lichdom V3.5
- 157. The Paarthurnax Resolution
- 158. The Choice is Yours
- 159. Immersive Children 5.0
- 160. Even Better Quest Objectives 1.7
- 161. Rustic Clothing 3.0
- 162. Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade 5.3
- 163. Clothing and Clutter Fixes 2.0
- 164. Gemling Queen Jewelry
- 165. Content Addon Reqtified - Complete
- 166. Kryptopyr's Fixes Reqtified 2.1b5
- 167. Crafting Overhaul Reqtified 2.1b3
- 168. Requiem - Undeath Patch
- 169. aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Armors
- 170. aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Weapons
- 171. LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons - All in One Installer
- 172. Craftable Horse Barding
- 173. SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators 1.65
- 174. Relationship Dialogue Overhaul 2.0
- 175. Horses Revamped - Animations
- 176. Bug fixes
- 177. Disabled Ranged and Magic KillCams
- 178. Footprints
- 179. Crash Fixes v12 - Beta
- 180. NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash
- 181. XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended 4.80
- 182. Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Essentials
- 183. Werewolf Nighteye Toggle
- 184. Heart of the Beast - Werewolf Sound and Texture Overhaul
- 185. Detailed Rugs 1.5
- 186. Real Roads for Skyrim
- 187. Real Roads for Skyrim (Dawnguard and Dragonborn)
- 188. Smithing Perks Reqtified
- 189. Paper World Map (Texture 2)
- 190. Paper World Map - Dawnguard
- 191. Paper World Map Addons 1.2.2
- 192. Mfg Console
- 193. Dragon Masks Retextured
- 194. Osmodius Solitude Texture Pack (Med)
- 195. Osmodius Solitude Texture Pack - Alternate Wall
- 196. Osmodius Windhelm Texture Pack
- 197. Osmodius Windhelm Texture Pack - Alternate Ground
- 198. Loot and Degradation
- 199. Safety Load
- 200. Dawnguard Rewritten - Arvak
- 201. College of Winterhold Entry Requirements
- 202. Better College Application
- 203. House of Horrors Alternate Ending
- 204. Better Horse Pain Sounds
- 205. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul
- 206. Covered Carriages (SMIM Version)
- 207. Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Covered Carriages Addon
- 208. Mortal Enemies (Requiem - No Movement)
- 209. Heljarchen Farm
- 210. Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed
- 211. Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn
- 212. Rent My House - A Landlord Mod
- 213. Pumping Iron - Dynamic Muscle Growth
- 214. Realistic Trading Stocks of Skyrim (with DnD Spellcasting Service)
- 215. Spell Research 2.1.2
- 216. Hunters Not Bandits 3.1
- 217. Sound Hammering Sounds
- 218. Follower Potions 2.00.02
- 219. Dual Wield Parrying Reimplementation
- 220. Real Bows
- 221. moreHUD
- 222. A Matter of Time 2.0.10
- 223. Less Intrusive HUD II
- 224. Less Intrusive HUD II - FISS Patch
- 225. Toggleable Combat Music
- 226. Traps Make Noise 2.3
- 227. Mining Makes Noise - CCO Version
- 228. TavernAIFix 1.1c
- 229. Simple Taxes
- 230. Tavern Games
- 231. SV Mods Menu - Merged
- 232. Google's Locked City Gates
- 233. Exchange currency
- 234. Imperial Mail - Post and Banking Service
- 235. Craft-able Bottled Water for Requiem
- 236. Dragon Priest Mask Journal
- 237. Spellsword - Spell Casting with Weapons
- 238. Underwater Treasure
- 239. All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently
- 240. Combat Evolved
- 241. ClothingCraft
- 242. ClothingCraft - Darker Flax
- 243. Hunterborn 1.6
- 244. Hunterborn SkyTEST Patch
- 245. Bathing in Skyrim
- 246. Skyrim Sewers 4
- 247. Art of the Catch
- 248. Missives 2.03
- 249. Train and Study
- 250. Atronach Crossing 2.3.0
- 251. Atronach Crossing - Build Your Own Home DLC content pack
- 252. Craftable Hearthfire Planters
- 253. Simple Bedrolls and Supplies - for Campfire
- 254. Cobb Positioner 2.3.2
- 255. Skyrim Souls
- 256. Realistic Lighting Overhaul (Interiors Only) 5.0.3
- 257. Vivid Weathers
- 258. SnowFall Weathers
- 259. Realistic Water Two - ENB Textures
- 260. Dust Effects
- 261. Interior and Dungeon Fog Remover
- 262. JContainers
- 263. PapyrusUtil - Modders Scripting Utility Functions
- 264. ConsoleUtil
- 265. Realistic Torches
- 266. A Closer Look - Simple Smooth Hotkey Zoom
- 267. Guess the Distance - Perceptive Scouting
- 268. Display Enemy Level
- 269. GIST - Genuinely Intelligent Soul Trap
- 270. moreHUD Inventory Edition
- 271. UIExtensions
- 272. Cobb Bug Fixes
- 273. Easy Wheelmenu
- 274. Simple Follower Extension
- 275. Termor's Notification Mod
- 276. PrivateProfileRedirector LE - Faster game start (INI file cacher)
- 277. Better Jumping
- 278. SkyUI AIO Survival (SAS)
- 279. Faster Sleep Wait (SKSE)
- 280. Disable Follower Collision
- 281. Requiem - Noxcrab's Tweaks (Illusion Redone)
- 282. Requiem Plus USLEEP 3.0
- 283. BestInClassPlusPlus - SKSE Plugin
- 284. Simple Drop Lit Torches
- 285. Copy and Paste in Console
- 286. powerofthree's Papyrus Extender
- 287. Skyrim Unbound Reborn
- 288. Sunglare disabler
- 289. UltSky - Core Files
- 290. UltSky - DynDOLOD
- 291. UltSky - Post Install
- 2. Skyrim.esm
- 3. Update.esm
- 4. Dawnguard.esm
- 5. HearthFires.esm
- 6. Dragonborn.esm
- 7. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
- 8. ApachiiHair.esm
- 9. UnlimitedBookshelves.esp
- 10. Campfire.esm
- 11. WM Flora Fixes.esp
- 12. Skyrim Project Optimization - No Homes - Full Version.esm
- 13. ETaC - RESOURCES.esm
- 14. RaceCompatibility.esm
- 15. SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esm
- 16. ImCh.esm
- 17. JSwords.esm
- 18. AtronachCrossing.esp
- 19. AtronachCrossingDLC.esp
- 20. Dragon Stalking Fix.esp
- 21. FISS.esp
- 22. SkyUI.esp
- 23. Customizable Camera.esp
- 24. iHUD.esp
- 25. FNIS.esp
- 26. RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
- 27. Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp
- 28. Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
- 29. TradeRoutes.esp
- 30. Immersive Patrols II.esp
- 31. Inconsequential NPCs.esp
- 32. RealisticRoomRental.esp
- 33. RTSSDNDSS.esp
- 34. Waymark - A Road Signs Mod - LE Backport.esp
- 35. ETaC - Complete.esp
- 36. ETaC - Dragon Bridge South.esp
- 37. Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp
- 38. Immersive Solstheim.esp
- 39. LootandDegradation.esp
- 40. Windhelm Exterior Altered.esp
- 41. RiftenBetterDocks.esp
- 42. DawnofSkyrim-AllMajorCities.esp
- 43. Nightingale Hall.esp
- 44. Sanctuary Reborn.esp
- 45. JBMod.esp
- 46. VHTNF.esp
- 47. HSTNF.esp
- 48. hjerimtnf.esp
- 49. BHTNF.esp
- 50. SeverinManorImprovements.esp
- 51. RaceMenu.esp
- 52. RaceMenuPlugin.esp
- 53. wizDynamicThings.esp
- 54. WetandCold.esp
- 55. WetandCold - Ashes.esp
- 56. Holidays.esp
- 57. Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
- 58. Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
- 59. CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp
- 60. Undeath.esp
- 61. Undeath Immersive Lichdom V3.esp
- 62. PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp
- 63. Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
- 64. aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp
- 65. Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
- 66. ESFCompanions.esp
- 67. Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim - Merged.esp
- 68. Cidhna Mine Expanded.esp
- 69. Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
- 70. UIExtensions.esp
- 71. Dead Body Collision.esp
- 72. SmartCast_1_0.esp
- 73. Thieves Guild Requirements.esp
- 74. SleepTight.esp
- 75. Beards.esp
- 76. Brows.esp
- 77. DVA - Dynamic Vampire Appearance.esp
- 78. WondersofWeather.esp
- 79. honedmetal.esp
- 80. SimplyKnock.esp
- 81. Faction Crossbows.esp
- 82. Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
- 83. SFO - Dragonborn.esp
- 84. TradeBarter.esp
- 85. HHoS Subterranean Hot Spring.esp
- 86. FishingInSkyrim.esp
- 87. imp_helm_legend.esp
- 88. HHoS Ancient Shrine.esp
- 89. iNeed.esp
- 90. Chesko_WearableLantern.esp
- 91. Frostfall.esp
- 92. Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
- 93. Grass On Steroids.esp
- 94. ORM-Arvak.esp
- 95. Book Covers Skyrim.esp
- 96. Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library.esp
- 97. DisableRangedKillCams1.6.esp
- 98. Footprints.esp
- 99. AnonymousPeople.esp
- 100. Chesko_LevelUp.esp
- 101. TakeNotes.esp
- 102. Real Roads.esp
- 103. HeljarchenFarm.esp
- 104. RentMyHouse.esp
- 105. Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp
- 106. PumpingIron.esp
- 107. SpellResearch.esp
- 108. FollowerPotions.esp
- 109. Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp
- 110. HoldBorderBanners.esp
- 111. CFTO.esp
- 112. CFTO-CoveredCarriages.esp
- 113. AHZmoreHUD.esp
- 114. AMatterOfTime.esp
- 115. LessIntrusiveHUD.esp
- 116. Toggleable Combat Music.esp
- 117. TavernAIFix.esp
- 118. SimpleTaxes.esp
- 119. TavernGames.esp
- 120. GPLockedGates.esp
- 121. SL99Exchanger.esp
- 122. ImperialMail.esp
- 123. AllThievesGuildJobsConcurrently.esp
- 124. Hunterborn.esp
- 125. Bathing in Skyrim - Main.esp
- 126. SkyrimSewers.esp
- 127. ArtOfTheCatch.esp
- 128. Missives.esp
- 129. TrainAndStudy.esp
- 130. planters.esp
- 131. alesCampBedrollsSupplies.esp
- 132. CobbPositioner.esp
- 133. Spellsword.esp
- 134. Underwater_Treasure.esp
- 135. ClothingCraft.esp
- 136. SVMiscMCMMerged.esp
- 137. RealisticTorches.esp
- 138. LookCloser.esp
- 139. GuessDistance.esp
- 140. GIST soul trap.esp
- 141. EasyWheel.esp
- 142. Requiem.esp
- 143. Fozars_Dragonborn_-_Requiem_Patch.esp
- 144. KFR-Kryptopyr'sFixesReqtified.esp
- 145. COR-CraftingOverhaulReqtified.esp
- 146. CAR-ContentAddonReqtified.esp
- 147. MLQPaarthurnax.esp
- 148. TheChoiceIsYours.esp
- 149. Skyrim Unbound.esp
- 150. Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
- 151. Hunters Not Bandits.esp
- 152. hearthfireextended.esp
- 153. Immersive Horses.esp
- 154. Craftable Horse Barding.esp
- 155. Brevi_MoonlightTalesEssentials.esp
- 156. WWNightEye.esp
- 157. RealisticWaterTwo.esp
- 158. RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp
- 159. RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp
- 160. RLO - Interiors.esp
- 161. SnowFall Weathers.esp
- 162. XPMSE.esp
- 163. SimpleFollowerExtension.esp
- 164. SAS.esp
- 165. HouseOfHorrorsAlternateEnding.esp
- 166. Requiem - Illusion Redone.esp
- 167. REQMOD.esp
- 168. Snotgurg Simple Drop Lit Torches.esp
- 169. UltimateSkyrim.esp
- 170. Ultimate Skyrim - Book Covers Skyrim.esp
- 171. Ultimate Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim.esp
- 172. Ultimate Skyrim - Inconsequential NPC's.esp
- 173. Ultimate Skyrim - Realistic Lighting Overhaul.esp
- 174. Ultimate Skyrim - Snowfall Weathers.esp
- 175. Ultimate Skyrim - Windhelm Exterior Altered.esp
- 176. Ultimate Skyrim - Expanded Towns and Cities.esp
- 177. Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Texture 2.esp
- 178. warburg's 3d paper world map - dawnguard.esp
- 179. Paper World Map - Solstheim.esp
- 180. Automatic Variants.esp
- 181. DynDOLOD.esp
- 182. Requiem for the Indifferent.esp
Ini Files
- 1. [AudioMenu]
- 2. fAudioMasterVolume = 1.0000
- 3. fVal0 = 0.8000
- 4. fVal1 = 1.0000
- 5. fVal2 = 0.5000
- 6. fVal3 = 1.0000
- 7. fVal4 = 1.0000
- 8. fVal5 = 1.0000
- 9. fVal6 = 1.0000
- 10. fVal7 = 0.7000
- 11. uID0 = 1007612
- 12. uID1 = 554685
- 13. uID2 = 466532
- 14. uID3 = 94881
- 15. uID4 = 3187674027
- 16. uID5 = 3187674030
- 17. uID6 = 3954
- 18. uID7 = 2132285184
- 19. [Clouds]
- 20. fCloudLevel0Distance = 16384.0000
- 21. fCloudLevel1Distance = 32768.0000
- 22. fCloudLevel2Distance = 262144.0000
- 23. fCloudNearFadeDistance = 9000.0000
- 24. [Controls]
- 25. bAlwaysRunByDefault = 1
- 26. bGamePadRumble = 1
- 27. bInvertYValues = 0
- 28. bUseKinect = 0
- 29. fGamepadHeadingSensitivity = 1.4050
- 30. fMouseHeadingSensitivity = 0.0160
- 31. [Decals]
- 32. bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry = 1
- 33. uMaxDecals = 100
- 34. [Display]
- 35. bDeferredShadows = 1
- 36. bDrawLandShadows = 1
- 37. bDrawShadows = 1
- 38. bFloatPointRenderTarget = 1
- 39. bFull Screen = 0
- 40. bFXAAEnabled = 0
- 41. bMainZPrepass = 0
- 42. bShadowMaskZPrepass = 0
- 43. bShadowsOnGrass = 1
- 44. bTransparencyMultisampling = 0
- 45. bTreesReceiveShadows = 1
- 46. fDecalLOD1 = 1000
- 47. fDecalLOD2 = 1500
- 48. fDecalLODFadeEnd = 0.2100
- 49. fDecalLODFadeStart = 0.3100
- 50. fGamma = 1.2400
- 51. fInteriorShadowDistance = 3000
- 52. fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd = 4600
- 53. fLeafAnimDampenDistStart = 3600
- 54. fLightLODStartFade = 1069
- 55. fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault = 256
- 56. fMeshLODFadePercentDefault = 1.2
- 57. fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist = 5376
- 58. fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance = 3584
- 59. fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist = 3456
- 60. fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance = 1920
- 61. fShadowBiasScale = 1
- 62. fShadowDistance = 2800
- 63. fShadowLODStartFade = 200
- 64. fSpecularLODStartFade = 2000
- 65. fTreesMidLODSwitchDist = 3584
- 66. iBlurDeferredShadowMask = 4
- 67. iMaxAnisotropy = 0
- 68. iMaxDecalsPerFrame = 60
- 69. iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame = 35
- 70. iMultiSample = 0
- 71. iScreenShotIndex = 0
- 72. iShadowFilter = 3
- 73. iShadowMapResolution = 1024
- 74. iShadowMaskQuarter = 4
- 75. iShadowMode = 3
- 76. iSize H = 1440
- 77. iSize W = 2560
- 78. iTexMipMapMinimum = 1
- 79. iTexMipMapSkip = 1
- 80. iWaterMultiSamples = 0
- 81. sD3DDevice = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970"
- 82. [GamePlay]
- 83. bShowFloatingQuestMarkers = 1
- 84. bShowQuestMarkers = 1
- 85. iDifficulty = 2
- 86. [General]
- 87. bEnableStoryManagerLogging = 0
- 88. iStoryManagerLoggingEvent = -1
- 89. [Grass]
- 90. b30GrassVS = 0
- 91. fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance = 5000
- 92. fGrassMinStartFadeDistance = 0
- 93. fGrassStartFadeDistance = 1000
- 94. [Imagespace]
- 95. bDoDepthOfField = 1
- 96. [Interface]
- 97. bDialogueSubtitles = 1
- 98. bGeneralSubtitles = 0
- 99. bShowCompass = 1
- 100. fMouseCursorSpeed = 1.00
- 101. [Launcher]
- 102. bEnableFileSelection = 1
- 103. bShowAllResolutions = 0
- 104. uLastAspectRatio = 3
- 105. [LOD]
- 106. fLODFadeOutMultActors = 30.0
- 107. fLODFadeOutMultItems = 3.0
- 108. fLODFadeOutMultObjects = 5.0
- 109. fLODFadeOutMultSkyCell = 1
- 110. [MAIN]
- 111. bCrosshairEnabled = 0
- 112. bGamepadEnable = 0
- 113. bSaveOnPause = 0
- 114. bSaveOnRest = 1
- 115. bSaveOnTravel = 0
- 116. bSaveOnWait = 1
- 117. fHUDOpacity = 1.0000
- 118. fSkyCellRefFadeDistance = 600000
- 119. [Particles]
- 120. iMaxDesired = 750
- 121. [SaveGame]
- 122. fAutosaveEveryXMins = 15.0000
- 123. [TerrainManager]
- 124. bShowLODInEditor = 0
- 125. fBlockLevel0Distance = 20000
- 126. fBlockLevel1Distance = 42000
- 127. fBlockMaximumDistance = 90000
- 128. fSplitDistanceMult = 0.750
- 129. fTreeLoadDistance = 25600
- 130. [Trees]
- 131. bRenderSkinnedTrees = 1
- 132. bUseMultiThreadedTrees = 1
- 133. uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender = 75
- 134. [Water]
- 135. bUseWaterDepth = 1
- 136. bUseWaterDisplacements = 1
- 137. bUseWaterReflections = 1
- 138. bUseWaterRefractions = 1
- 139. iWaterReflectHeight = 512
- 140. iWaterReflectWidth = 512
- 1. [Actor]
- 2. fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288
- 3. [Archive]
- 4. bInvalidateOlderFiles=1
- 5. SInvalidationFile=ArchiveInvalidation.txt
- 6. sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa
- 7. sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa
- 8. [Audio]
- 9. fMenuModeFadeInTime=1.0
- 10. fMenuModeFadeOutTime=3.0
- 11. fMusicDuckingSeconds=6.0
- 12. fMusicUnDuckingSeconds=8.0
- 13. uMaxSizeForCachedSound=4096
- 14. [BackgroundLoad]
- 15. bBackgroundCellLoads=1
- 16. bUseBackgroundFileLoader=1
- 17. bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen=1
- 18. bUseMultiThreadedTrees=1
- 19. [Camera]
- 20. fMouseWheelZoomSpeed=10.00
- 21. [Combat]
- 22. f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7
- 23. f1PBoltTiltUpAngle=0.7
- 24. f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7
- 25. f3PBoltTiltUpAngle=0.7
- 26. fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0
- 27. fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0
- 28. [Controls]
- 29. bMouseAcceleration=0
- 30. fMouseHeadingSensitivityMax=0.0660
- 31. fMouseHeadingXScale=0.0200
- 32. fMouseHeadingYScale=0.8500
- 33. [Decals]
- 34. bDecals=1
- 35. uMaxSkinDecalPerActor=20
- 36. uMaxSkinDecals=35
- 37. [Display]
- 38. bAllowScreenshot=0
- 39. bShadowsOnGrass=1
- 40. fDecalLifetime=240
- 41. fDefault1stPersonFOV=80
- 42. fDefaultWorldFOV=80
- 43. fLightLODMaxStartFade=4569
- 44. fLightLODRange=9623
- 45. fShadowLODMaxStartFade=1000
- 46. fSpecularLODMaxStartFade=2000
- 47. fSunShadowUpdateTime=0.25
- 48. fSunUpdateThreshold=1.5
- 49. iAdapter=0
- 50. iPresentInterval=1
- 51. [General]
- 52. bBackgroundLoadVMData=1
- 53. bMultiThreadMovement=1
- 54. bRunHighLevelProcess=1
- 55. bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=1
- 56. bUseHardDriveCache=0
- 57. bUseThreadedAI=1
- 58. bUseThreadedBlood=1
- 59. bUseThreadedLOD=1
- 60. bUseThreadedMeshes=1
- 61. bUseThreadedMorpher=1
- 62. bUseThreadedParticleSystem=1
- 63. bUseThreadedTempEffects=1
- 64. bUseThreadedTextures=1
- 65. fFlickeringLightDistance=8192
- 66. sIntroSequence=
- 67. sLanguage=ENGLISH
- 68. uExterior Cell Buffer=36
- 69. uGridsToLoad=5
- 70. uStaticNeverFade=1
- 71. [GeneralWarnings]
- 72. SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
- 73. [Grass]
- 74. b30GrassVS=0
- 75. bAllowCreateGrass=1
- 76. bAllowLoadGrass=0
- 77. bDrawShaderGrass=1
- 78. bGrassPointLighting=1
- 79. fGrassFadeRange=3000
- 80. fGrassWindMagnitudeMax=65
- 81. fGrassWindMagnitudeMin=5
- 82. iGrassCellRadius=2
- 83. iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=7
- 84. iMinGrassSize=120
- 85. [Interface]
- 86. bShowTutorials=0
- 87. fBookOpenTime=200.0
- 88. [LightingShader]
- 89. fDecalLODFadeEnd=0.3
- 90. fDecalLODFadeStart=0.2
- 91. fEnvmapLODFadeEnd=0.4
- 92. fEnvmapLODFadeStart=0.3
- 93. [LOD]
- 94. fDistanceMultiplier=1.00
- 95. [MapMenu]
- 96. bWorldMapNoSkyDepthBlur=1
- 97. fMapWorldMaxHeight=130000.0000
- 98. fMapWorldMaxPitch=90
- 99. fMapWorldMinHeight=5000.0000
- 100. fMapWorldMinPitch=0
- 101. fMapWorldYawRange=400
- 102. fWorldMapDepthBlurScale=0
- 103. fWorldMapMaximumDepthBlur=0
- 104. fWorldMapNearDepthBlurScale=0
- 105. sMapCloudNIF=0
- 106. [Papyrus]
- 107. bEnableLogging=0
- 108. bEnableProfiling=0
- 109. bEnableTrace=0
- 110. bLoadDebugInformation=0
- 111. fExtraTaskletBudgetMS=1.2000000477
- 112. fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=2000
- 113. fUpdateBudgetMS=1.2000000477
- 114. iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=76800
- 115. iMaxMemoryPageSize=512
- 116. iMinMemoryPageSize=128
- 117. [SaveGame]
- 118. bAllowProfileTransfer=1
- 119. bUseSaveGameHistory=1
- 120. [TerrainManager]
- 121. bKeepLowDetailTerrain=0
- 122. [Trees]
- 123. bEnableTreeAnimations=1
- 124. bEnableTrees=1
- 125. bForceFullDetail=1
- 126. fUpdateBudget=1.5
- 127. [Water]
- 128. bReflectLODLand=1
- 129. bReflectLODObjects=0
- 130. bReflectLODTrees=1
- 131. bReflectSky=1
- 132. [Launcher]
- 133. bEnableFileSelection=1