TESIV Oblivionby Anonymous
Created 4 months ago
Updated 4 months ago
A Vanilla-Plus profile is all that is playable for now. Looking to make other profiles soon.
Load Order Files
- 2. DLC: Knights
- 3. DLC: DLCVileLair
- 4. DLC: DLCThievesDen
- 5. DLC: DLCSpellTomes
- 6. DLC: DLCShiveringIsles
- 7. DLC: DLCOrrery
- 8. DLC: DLCMehrunesRazor
- 9. DLC: DLCHorseArmor
- 10. DLC: DLCFrostcrag
- 11. DLC: DLCBattlehornCastle
- 14. Unofficial Oblivion Patch
- 15. Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch
- 16. Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches
- 17. DLC Lore Books
- 19. Engine Bug Fixes
- 20. SB_Weapon Drop Fix
- 21. Menu Alt-Tab Crash Fix
- 22. Blue's Engine Fixes
- 23. SkyBSA
- 24. Add Actor Values
- 25. ConScribe
- 26. Shambles Crash Fix
- 27. RuntimeEditorIDs
- 28. Ayleid Wells and Chapel Altars Give Messages - UOP
- 29. AveSithis Engine Fixes
- 31. Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE xOBSE)
- 32. OBSE
- 33. PEBKAC
- 34. Blockhead
- 35. MenuQue
- 36. Let People Speak - Voice Management Overhaul System
- 37. MessageLogger
- 38. OBL Mod Limit Fix
- 39. Oblivion Display Tweaks
- 40. Better Autowalk (OBSE)
- 41. Console Ignores Player
- 42. Console Numpad Support (OBSE)
- 43. Console Paste Support
- 44. Faster Sleep Wait (OBSE)
- 45. Instant Continue Button
- 46. List Missing Mods On Load
- 47. No Inventory On Alt-Tab
- 48. Migck's Miscellaneous fixes tweaks and additions
- 49. MigMaster Script Resources
- 50. ConsoleCommands
- 51. Crash Logger
- 52. CameraCommands
- 53. Better Saves
- 54. Oblivion Subtle Sprint
- 55. AGF - Action Graph Framework
- 56. IIC Handlers
- 57. No unnecessary membrane shaders patch
- 65. Oblivion Reloaded Combined(ORC)
- 66. Whiteflame fix
- 69. Oblivion Upscaled Textures BSA - Part 1
- 70. Oblivion Upscaled Textures BSA - Part 2
- 71. Oblivion Upscaled Textures BSA - Part 3
- 72. Oblivion Upscaled Textures BSA - Part 4
- 73. Bomret's Texture Pack for Shivering Isles BSA
- 74. Really Textured Normal Maps - Updated BSA
- 78. Mesh Improvement Project BSA Files
- 85. Improved Doors and Trees and Flora BSA
- 91. 2020 Retexture Project BSA
- 93. DarkUI'd DarN
- 94. DarNifiedUI Config Addon
- 95. UHD Fonts for Darnified UI
- 96. Dynamic Map
- 97. VKVII Oblivion Cyrodiil Map
- 98. nONatees colored Shivering Isles map
- 99. NorthernUIAway (Vanilla Style)
- 100. NorthernUIAway - INI Preset
- 101. Pick Me - lockpicking interface retexture
- 102. LINK Plus Plus
- 103. Configuration Items Begone
- 104. Darnified Animated Menus
- 105. Extended UI
- 106. Enhanced Hotkeys
- 107. QZ Easy Menus Update
- 108. Map Marker Overhaul
- 109. World Maps For All Worldspaces
- 110. Quest Log Manager
- 111. Progress Tracker - Quest Completionist's Companion Update
- 112. Quest INIs for Progress Tracker
- 113. Progress Tracker Ini Mod Compendium
- 114. Really Lore Friendly Loading Screens
- 115. Follower Status
- 116. Davascript's Universal Fonts
- 117. Display Stats
- 118. Colored Quests - Updated
- 119. Better Scroll Background
- 120. Evandars Better Book Paper
- 121. Take or Equip
- 122. Death Notifications
- 123. Loot Feed
- 124. Better Enemy Health
- 125. Stats Checker
- 126. Unknown Undiscovered Colored Map Markers
- 127. Book Tracker Updated
- 128. Diverse Effect Icons
- 129. Diverse Effect Icons OBSE
- 130. Oblivion Splash Screen Overhaul (1440p splash screens)
- 131. Intro Video REDUX - 4K UHD - 60FPS
- 132. Achievements for Oblivion
- 133. Character Customization Expanded
- 134. Health Magicka and Fatigue Bars Retextures
- 144. Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2
- 145. Oblivion Character Overhaul - Advanced Edition
- 146. AI Enhanced - Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2
- 148. Ragdolls for Oblivion
- 149. Wraith Ragdoll - Optional File
- 150. Light compatible Skeleton
- 151. Seamless - OCOv2
- 152. EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion
- 153. BBB for EVE HGEC stock replacer
- 154. BBB for HGEC Body Replacer Underwear
- 155. Seamless - Robert Male
- 156. EVE_HGEC_BodyStock E cup Seamless
- 157. BBB for EVE E Cup Seamless
- 158. New Brows for OCO v2
- 159. Detailed Mouth for OCOv2
- 160. Oblivion Texture Overhaul - Realistic Mouth ( Teeth plus )
- 161. better teeth
- 162. New Eyes for OCO v2
- 163. Beards in Tamriel
- 164. NPC Hair Matches Beard - Updated
- 165. Beards in Tamriel - Optimised Meshes
- 166. OCOv2 Male Beard
- 167. OCOv2 Male Beard Extended
- 168. OCOv2 Uses Merged Teeth
- 169. Better Teeth Texture and Mesh for OCOv2 Uses Merged Teeth
- 170. better merged teeth
- 171. Distinct Nord Stubbles for OCOv2
- 172. Lifelike Eye Normalmaps
- 173. Extra detailed OCOv2 human eyes
- 174. Warpaints scars and face markings for OCO2
- 175. Argonian and Khajiit patch
- 176. Argonians patch for Seamless mod
- 177. For OCOv2 - Reposition Teeth For All Races
- 178. OCO 2 glowing nostrils fix
- 179. Improved NPC Faces for OCOv2
- 181. Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 - DLC Addon
- 182. Unused OCOv2 Eyes and DLC Characters Incorporated
- 183. OCO Face Updater - Fixes Normal and Age Maps on Load
- 184. OCOv2 - Filter Patch for Mods
- 185. Better Necks for OCOv2
- 186. Better OCOv2 Agemaps
- 187. Dark Elf Fix for Better Necks for OCOv2
- 188. Hidden Hair Styles
- 189. Redguardians - WIP
- 190. Redguard - Texture replacers for Redguardians and Better Looking Redguards
- 191. Seamless OCOv2 Patch
- 192. Retexture Diverse Female Faces for OCOv2 - And some cleaning to the others
- 193. Adoring Fan and Sheogorath fix for OCO
- 194. Additional beauty pack for OCO2 beast races
- 195. BAF - Beast Argonians Forever Early Version
- 196. BAF v0.20 Textures Fix Take 1
- 197. Beast Argonians Forever 0.20 Bash Tag fix and some hairstyle restore
- 198. OCOv2 Argonian eye color plus
- 199. OCO2 Argonian Player Eyes addon
- 200. OCOv2 Enhanced Beast Races patch
- 201. Claws whiskers and Seamless tails only
- 202. Enhanced Beast Races HGEC Argonian patch
- 203. Enhanced Beast Races alternate male Argonians
- 204. Alternate male Argonian head
- 205. pack generated patches for Oblivion Character Overhaul - Advanced Edition
- 206. Miscellaneous Patch Collection by Dispensation - OCO V2 Patch
- 207. NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer
- 208. Ragdolls for Oblivion - Filter Patch for Mods
- 213. Ascension - Immersive Vanilla 'Overhaul'
- 214. Ascension - Bash Filter for Unofficial Patch
- 215. Ascension - No Starting Map Markers
- 216. Ascension - Creature Diversity Patch
- 217. Ascension - Weapons of Morrowind Patch
- 218. Ascension - WEPON Patch
- 224. Oblivion Grass Overhaul
- 225. Oblivion Grass Overhaul - Atlas Textures
- 226. Oblivion Grass Overhaul - Atlas Textures - Fixed Mesh
- 227. Far Cry inspired Grass - Expanded
- 228. Grass Overhaul Universal
- 229. Grass Overhaul Universal - Landscape Texture Fix
- 230. Grass Overhaul Universal - Anvil Grass Fixed Both Versions
- 231. Grass Overhaul Universal - Let There Be Flowers Patch
- 232. Let there be Flowers
- 233. Let There Be Flowers Texture Tweak
- 234. Arboretum - retexture for a tree-hugging crowd
- 235. Tree Bark HD Reduced
- 236. Improved Fruits Vegetables and Meats
- 237. Improved Fruits Vegetables and Meats - Update
- 238. TD Premium Meat
- 239. Harvest Flora
- 240. TreeOPT
- 241. TD Beautiful Garden
- 242. TD Beautiful Garden - Harvest Flora Add-On
- 243. TD Mushroom Replacer
- 244. Garlic - A Garlic Replacer
- 245. Unofficial Oblivion Tree Patch
- 246. Unofficial Shivering Isles Tree Patch
- 247. Bigger Trees
- 248. Improved Arboretum LOD
- 249. Real Lava
- 250. Real Lava 8K retextured
- 252. Aurora in Motion Everywhere
- 253. Falling Leaves
- 254. High Quality Snowflakes by Xelus
- 255. moonreplacer
- 256. DOWNPOUR - rain retexture
- 257. Lights of Oblivion - Road Lanterns
- 258. Improved Sky Textures
- 259. Oblivion NightSkies Overhaul
- 260. Realistic HD Night Sky
- 261. Improved LightBeam
- 262. Improved Light Beam - Transparency Fix
- 265. Atmos4096 - Fog and Mist - Gas Cloud
- 266. HDR Sun
- 267. Better Rainbows
- 268. ORLv8.1 Archival Package - Classic
- 269. ORLv8.1 Archival Package - HDR Fix
- 270. ORLv8.1 Archival Package - Base
- 271. ORLv8.1 Archival Package - Additional Effects
- 272. ORLv8.1 Archival Package - sHDR Additional Effects
- 274. Arena Of Awe - Retexture
- 275. Statues HD
- 276. VKVII Oblivion Imperial City
- 277. Gecko's Fort Interior Textures
- 278. Gecko's Imperial Dungeon Textures - 2K Parallax
- 279. Gecko's Ayleid Ruins Textures V2 - Parallax
- 280. Ayleid Ruins Fixed - Mesh Replacer and Modder Resource
- 281. Ayleid Ruin Meshes Fixed for Gecko's Parallax Ayleid Ruins
- 282. Ayleid Glow Maps Minor Fix
- 283. Improved glow maps for Oblivion Realm
- 284. Farm fence retexture and UV maps
- 285. Farm Fence Retexture And UV Maps Alt Colors
- 286. Cheery Cheydinhal - Retexture
- 287. Bruma retexture
- 288. Leyawiin Woodland
- 289. Improved Chorrol
- 290. Improved Chorrol - Update
- 291. Improved Chorrol - Update - 2011
- 292. Leyawiin Woodland floor fix
- 293. Leyawiin Woodland 2k - Better Columns
- 294. Improved Bravil
- 295. BravilUpdate
- 296. TD Aesthetics of Garbage
- 297. TD Unique Skingrad
- 298. VKVII Oblivion Anvil
- 299. Nice Ice a.k.a. The Hills Have Ice
- 301. Oblivion Realm HD
- 302. Oblivion Caves retexture
- 303. Oblivion Caves retexture 2K Enhanced meshes
- 304. Strange Caves - A 2K Cave Retexture
- 305. Strange Caves - Dirt Normal Map
- 306. Strange Caves - Better Dungeons
- 307. HiRez Architecture- Daedric Shrines
- 308. Ruined Ruins
- 309. Ruined Ruins - Skirting
- 310. AI Enhanced - Ruined Ruins
- 311. Bettys Sewer Textures
- 312. better cloudrulertemple
- 313. VKVII Oblivion Cathedrals
- 314. Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - AWLS
- 315. 2020 Retexture Project - Snowy Roofs in Bruma for AWLS
- 316. 2020 Retexture Project - Farmhouses (AWLS)
- 317. AWLS - FarmHouses UOP POM fix
- 318. Diverse Chapels Vanilla
- 319. Kvatch HD
- 320. Kvatch HD Update
- 321. Khettienna's Mini-Mods
- 322. Improved Skulls and Bones and Ironwork
- 323. VKVII Oblivion Castles
- 324. VKVII Oblivion Sidewalks Stonewalls
- 325. Skingrad Statue Improved
- 326. New Shrine of Azura
- 328. Mythic Creatures
- 329. Mythic Animals High res part 1
- 330. Mythic Animals High res part 2
- 331. Mythic Ghosts and Goblins
- 332. Mythic Madness
- 333. Beautiful Creatures - Spriggan
- 334. Beautiful Creatures - Spider Daedra
- 336. Improved Flame Atronachs
- 337. Improved Frost Atronachs
- 338. Better minotaurs
- 339. Better Lorgren Benirus
- 340. Diverse Liches (Modders Resource)
- 341. Unique Liches
- 342. Goblin Aesthetics Tweak - Sound Replacer
- 343. Goblin Aesthetics Tweak - Mythic Ghosts and Goblins
- 344. Goblin Aesthetics Tweak - Creature Diversity
- 346. Akatosh Retexture by themythofstrider
- 347. Mehrunes Dagon Retex by themythofstrider
- 348. Creature Diversity
- 349. Better Atronachs
- 350. Better Atronachs - High-res Remains
- 351. Mehrunes Dagon Walking Animation
- 352. Wraiths without faces
- 353. Coop's Vanilla Wolf Revamp 4K
- 354. Coop's Vanilla Mudcrab Remake
- 355. Coops Deer and Mountain Lion Revamp
- 360. Weapon Improvement Project
- 361. Weapon Improvement Project Fixes
- 362. Town Guard Shields - Preview
- 363. Knights of the Nine_Weapon Improvement Project Patch
- 364. Knights of the Nine Larger Shields
- 365. Visually Improved Staffs
- 366. Vanilla Gear Redux
- 367. Vanilla Gear Redux-Seamless OCOv2 fix
- 368. VGR Reasonable Clothes - Tweaks and Fixes
- 369. Patch for Vanilla Gear Redux Reasonable Flavor - Clipping and fpv fixes
- 370. Dark Brotherhood Armor Extended
- 371. Golden Elven Armor and Weapons
- 372. Lindai and Nenalata Crowns
- 373. Ebony Armor Extended
- 374. Ebony Weapons Silver
- 375. Silver Dagger for Weapon Improvement Project
- 376. Darker and Bloody Daedric Equipment
- 377. Blue Darker Glass - Armor and Weapons
- 378. Imperial Dragon
- 379. Imperial Watch and Palace
- 380. Legion Armor
- 381. Amber Bow Replacer
- 382. Amber Sword replacer
- 383. Mythic Amber Armor
- 384. Madness Armor and Weapons Retex by TheMythofStrider
- 385. Half-off Clavicusvile Mask remodel replacer
- 386. Gray Cowl of Nocturnal Reshaped
- 387. Goblin Totem Staff Icon
- 388. Closed Ebony Helmet
- 389. Closed Iron Helmet
- 390. Cutlass Retexture
- 391. Akaviri Katana - Blades Sword Replacer
- 392. Insanitys Ebony Sword Replacer
- 393. Magical Arrows
- 394. Revamp Raiment of the Crimson Scar plus Hood
- 395. Initial Glow Redux
- 396. Guard Armor Retexture
- 397. SI Mania Clothing Fix
- 398. Thinner Glass Blades
- 399. Narrowed Blade Elven Longsword
- 400. No Shine Narrow Elven Longsword by Kyuzo
- 401. Female Chainmail armor replacer
- 402. Female Iron Armor replacer
- 403. Female Mithril Armor replacer
- 404. Female Dwemer Armor replacer
- 405. Female Ebony Armor replacer
- 406. Female Glass Armor replacer and retexture
- 407. Protective Female Armour - Amelion
- 408. Assorted Protective Female Armors - Refined
- 409. Fantasy Mithril
- 410. Madness Armor Replacer
- 411. Silvered Mithril weaponry and new Silver weapons
- 412. Daedric Claymore Replacer
- 413. Daedric Dagger Replacer
- 414. Daedric Longsword Replacer
- 415. Scabbard For Dwarven Longsword
- 416. Silver Weapon Replacers
- 417. Steel Longsword Replacer
- 418. Chillrend Replacer
- 419. Gambesons
- 420. Strange Name Custom Gambeson
- 421. Steel Rondel Dagger
- 422. Steel Longsword Replacer - Weapon Improvement Project
- 423. Recolored Steel for Weapon Improvement Project
- 424. Madness Longsword Replacer
- 425. Dawnfang and Duskfang Replacers
- 426. New Steel Dagger
- 427. New Steel Dagger II
- 428. New Steel Dagger III
- 429. New Glass Dagger
- 430. New Leather Armor
- 431. Leather Armor N Patch
- 432. New Leather Armor - Male Version
- 433. Robert's Version (Average Body) (V1.2)
- 434. Closed Iron Helmet (Non-Replacer)
- 435. Closed Chainmail Helmet (Non-Replacer)
- 436. Elven Frogmouth (Non-Replacer)
- 437. Closed Ebony Helmet (Non-Replacer)
- 438. Phitts Helmet Collection
- 439. Knightly Armory
- 440. Knightly Armory - HGEC Conversion 1.0
- 441. Knightly Armory - Roberts Male Conversion 1.0
- 442. KnightlyArmory-Leveled Lists Integration 1.1
- 443. Shields of Light
- 444. Weapon Improvement Project - UOPClubStatic.nif Fix
- 447. Glass Armor N 2K OR Fix
- 448. Padded Gambeson with Arming Caps - Leather Armor Replacer
- 449. Padded Scale Armor for Leveled Lists
- 450. Iron Armor Replacer - Morrowind Style
- 451. Real Steel Armor Replacer - Morrowind Style Breton Plate
- 452. Fur and Leather Armor - Visual Edits
- 453. Gray Blackwater Leather
- 454. Jounk's Polearms - Remixed and Remastered
- 455. Original Elven Textures-Jounk's Polearms-RemixedRe
- 456. Skyrim Blades
- 457. Nightingale DB Replacer
- 458. Hounskull Bascinet
- 459. Hounskull Bascinet - Update
- 461. Improved Fires and Flames
- 462. Optional torch
- 463. Book Jackets Oblivion High Res BAIN
- 464. Grimbots DLC Book Jackets
- 465. EGO - Spell Tomes Replacer
- 466. Book Jackets KOTN
- 467. Book Jackets KOTN HD update
- 468. Book Jackets for Misc DLC
- 469. Shivering Book Jackets - Icons fix
- 470. TD Alternative Books Covers
- 471. Glowing Fractured Soulgems
- 472. Icon Patch for Glowing Fractured Soulgems
- 473. HiRes Silver Clutter
- 474. HiRez Clutter- Silverware
- 475. HiRes Pewter
- 476. Vanilla Amulets fix for HGEC
- 477. Retextured Amulets
- 478. Retextured Rings
- 479. Improved Signs
- 480. Retextured Inn Signs
- 481. Retextured Road Signs
- 482. Reworked Posts
- 483. EGO - Beverages and Bottles Replacer
- 484. Nirnroot retexture
- 486. EGO - Potions and Poisons Replacer
- 487. Paintings Variation
- 488. Paintings Variation SI
- 489. Faster Dungeon Doors
- 490. HD Cobwebs
- 491. TD Lower Clutter
- 492. TD Middleclass Replacer 3.0
- 493. TD Middleclass 3.1
- 494. TD Upperclass 3.0
- 495. TD Upperclass 3.1
- 496. Darooz Upperclass clutter
- 497. Colovian Carpets - A rug and mat retexture
- 498. VKVII Oblivion Mages Guild Clutter
- 499. HiRes Hay Bail Textures
- 500. Better Window Reflections
- 501. Kinda Actually Decent Environment Map
- 502. Retextured Caves and Mines Doors
- 503. Luna's Ironwood Nut Retex
- 504. Azuras Star retexture
- 505. Darooz artsupplies
- 506. No more crosshair on Rythe's painting
- 507. Modryn Oreyn Renaissance Master
- 508. Kaizits Animated Ingredients
- 509. Kaizits Animated Ingredients - Update
- 510. Kaizits Animated Ingredients - Update Fix
- 511. Kaizits Animated Daedric Ingredients
- 512. Kaizits Animated Daedric Ingredients Fix
- 513. Kaizits Animated Ingredients - No Shadows
- 514. Icons for Alchemy Apparatus
- 515. Icons for novice Alembic and Retort
- 516. Clickable Magic Gate
- 517. Alternate ghost effect
- 518. Smoking Firesources beta - Project Ambience - Torch MIP version
- 519. Smoking Firesources beta - Project Ambience - LANTERN PACK for VANILLA
- 520. Smoking Firesources beta - Project Ambience - CANDLES PACK
- 521. Hotfix for Candles pack
- 522. No post-game floor burn at Cloud Ruler
- 523. VAs Better Gold with No Menu Icon
- 524. Glittering Prizes - No Shadows
- 525. Glitter for VAs Better Gold
- 526. Luxury Ayleid Chests
- 527. Luxury Ayleid Chests - Small Chest Glow
- 528. Improved Chests
- 529. HiRes textures for Chests (2k)
- 530. Little Baron Flower Pot Makeover - patched and adjusted
- 531. Savilla's Stone Enhanced
- 532. Sweet Rolls - A Sweet Roll Replacer
- 533. Archmage Robe Replacer
- 534. Arch-Mage Robe F Replacer 1.0
- 535. Mage Robe F Replacer 1.0
- 536. Deceiver's Finery Replacer
- 537. Black Hand Robe Replacer
- 538. Necromancer Robes Replacer
- 539. Aqua Silk and Tattered Robes Replacer
- 540. HGEC conversion by Asteriasennall
- 541. Aqua Silk Robe F Replacer 1.0
- 542. Tattered Robe F Replacer 1.0
- 543. Elven armor replacer
- 544. HGEC version
- 545. Fur Armor Replacer
- 546. Fur Armor Replacer - HGEC Version
- 547. King of Worms Robe Replacer
- 548. Arena Poster
- 557. Race Relations
- 564. COCC - Birthsigns
- 566. COCC - Classes
- 567. COCC Classes - Ascension Patch
- 570. Oblivion Magic Extender
- 571. Less Annoying Magic Experience
- 572. Av Latta Magicka - Oblivion Magic Overhaul
- 573. Av Latta Magicka - Sun Magic Additions
- 575. FractionalMagicDamage
- 577. Minimalistic Magic Effects for LAME compatibility
- 578. Magic Visuals Overhaul
- 579. Lightning Crash Fix
- 580. Detect Life Texture Fix
- 581. Magic Visuals Overhaul - Balls Remover (Patch)
- 582. Magic Visuals Overhaul - OBME Patch
- 583. Improved Storm Atronachs
- 584. Better Summon Undead Effect
- 585. Gather Ye Rosebuds
- 586. Stronghold Teleport Spell
- 587. Varied Spell Sounds
- 588. IMPROVED Fire Spell Animation
- 589. Convenient Open Spells
- 590. Enchantment Cost Multiplier
- 591. More Summons
- 602. Deadly Reflex
- 603. Combat Additions
- 604. New Dodge Roll Animations
- 605. Combat Stance Reanimation
- 606. tbsk Improve HandtoHand Animation
- 607. Idle Stagger and Recoil
- 608. Symphony of Violence - Combat Sound Enhancement
- 609. Better Blood
- 610. Better Blood skin decal fix
- 611. Normal Map for Better Blood
- 612. Normal Map and ORC Decal Fix for Better Blood
- 613. Darker Blood Splatter
- 614. Decal lifetime reset fix 2 - Mergeable
- 615. StarXs Vampire Deaths
- 616. StarX Vampire death Improved Extended Edition
- 617. Lich - Skeleton Hand-To-Hand Animations
- 618. IIC - Ir4ne's Immersive Combat
- 619. Realistic Combat Behaviour - Vanilla
- 620. Realistic Combat Behaviour - Fighter's Stronghold DLC
- 621. Realistic Combat Behaviour - Knights of the Nine Patch
- 622. Realistic Combat Behaviour - Unofficial Oblivion Patch
- 628. Ultimate Leveling
- 629. Ultimate Leveling - Patch
- 630. Fundament
- 631. Dynamic Training Cost
- 633. SB - Skill Bonus Items (Fix for Skeleton Key - Gray Princes Training - and Night Mother's Blessing)
- 634. OCRAFT - Oblivion Crafting Framework
- 635. De Rerum Dirennis - Alchemy Overhaul
- 636. FEA - Fundament Enchanting Addons
- 637. Fundament Enchanting Addon - Enhanced
- 638. PSO - Pickpocket Skill Overhaul
- 639. OCRAFT Crafting Skill
- 640. Maskar's Unarmored Skill
- 645. Cobl
- 646. Cobl for DLC Homes
- 647. KMM Higher-Res Welkynd Textures for Cobl Ayleid Meteoric Weapons
- 648. Pek COBL Book Jackets - Stand Alone
- 649. Pekkas COBL Books Jackets - Mergeable
- 650. Real tea
- 651. TIBs Compact Quivers - Manual Install
- 652. TIBs Compact Quivers - Manual Install - SI
- 654. TIBs Compact Quivers - Manual install - Apachii and COBL
- 656. GOSH - Gecko's Oblivion Sound overHaul
- 657. Alternative Beginnings
- 658. Better Character Lighting for Arthmoor's Alternative Beginnings
- 659. Crime has witnesses
- 660. Crime Has Witnesses - Responsibility Tweak
- 661. SM DLC Plugin Refurbish
- 662. Voiced Addons Collection for Mods (ElevenLabs)
- 663. Oblivion Content Restoration Project
- 664. Oblivion Content Restoration Project -- Knights
- 665. Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells
- 666. Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells - Script Patch
- 667. Simple Shield on Back
- 668. Simple Primary Needs
- 669. Reduced shield spike
- 670. Reduced shield spike - Simple Shield on Back patch
- 671. Mysticism and Soul Gem Tweaks - Ascension
- 672. Mercers Ingredient Effect Overhaul
- 683. Weapons Of Morrowind
- 684. Weapons Of Morrowind - Daedric Crescent
- 685. Weapon Expansion Pack for Oblivion Nthusiasts
- 686. WEPON HGEC Conversion 1.0
- 687. WEPON Roberts Male Conversion 1.0
- 688. Item Description Framework for Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul and WEPON
- 690. WEPON - Mithril and Orcish Arrows Compact Quivers
- 693. Local Guards Features
- 694. Local Guards Features Unofficial Patch
- 695. Local Guards Features - White Stallion Addon
- 696. Local Guards Features - Thorn Addon
- 697. Local Guards Features - Kvatch Addon
- 698. Local Guards Features - Gaius Prentus Addon
- 699. Spears Revised With Leveled Lists
- 700. Spears Revised With Leveled Lists Esp Only Update
- 701. Cloud Ruler Armory
- 702. Hammers Revised
- 703. Colorful Clothing - Collection
- 704. 03 Colorful Clothing - UC Seamless OCOv2 -04 F shirts arms fix
- 705. Colorful Clothing Collection - Gloves Distribution
- 706. AI Enhanced - Colorful Clothing Collection
- 711. The Imperial Waters
- 712. Imperial City Canal Overhaul
- 713. Temple District Repaired
- 714. Market District Landscape Fix and Imperial City Landscape Fix
- 715. SI Cities Expanded
- 716. SI New Sheoth Palace Improvements
- 717. County Gates
- 718. County Gates - Town Guard Shields Preview Patch
- 719. Louder Chapel Bells
- 720. Add some flavor - city gates
- 721. Add some flavor - Talos Bridge
- 722. Add some flavor - priories
- 723. Add some flavor - Roadside inns
- 724. Add some flavor - Bridges
- 725. Honor Thy Dead
- 726. Imperial Palace Improvement
- 727. Ice's Waterfront Tunnel
- 728. Gweden Farm Repopulated
- 729. The Black Mirror - A Necromancer Shop
- 730. The Black Mirror - Voiced Addon Loose
- 735. Hooded Imperial Archers
- 736. Legions of Cyrodiil Revisited
- 737. Legions of Cyrodiil OCO Eyes Addon
- 739. Niben Bay Camp
- 742. Very Horny Knights
- 743. Daedric Shrines Prodded With A Stick
- 744. Legion Forester Outposts Revisited
- 745. LFO OCO New Eyes Addon
- 747. Countess
- 749. Better Camps
- 750. Less Static NPCs - cleaned and UOP compatible
- 751. Pinarus Inventius - Actual Hunter
- 752. Immersive Porters V2 - Wild Edit Fixed
- 753. Beards in Tamriel - Immersive Porters Patch
- 754. GodStatues
- 755. Glowing Stones
- 756. Road Shrines
- 758. Radiant AI - NPCs Alive - Cyrodiil - Beta
- 759. RadiantAI - NPCs Alive - Cyrodiil - Unofficial Patch
- 760. Restore Nirn - Oblivion Gates Be Gone
- 766. Better Dungeons BSA
- 767. Better Dungeons
- 768. Better Dungeons - Balance Patch
- 769. Variant Vagabonds
- 770. Diverse Highwaymen
- 771. More Mythic Dawn Agents - Cleaned
- 773. Better Forts
- 774. Better Forts - Voiced Addon BSA
- 776. No Annoying Conjurer Attack (Spell Tomes DLC fix)
- 777. Randomised Conjurer Wardrobe
- 778. Fleshed-Out Necromancers
- 779. Necromancer Battlemages
- 780. Real Black Bow Bandits Revised
- 781. Real Black Bow Bandits Revised - Main Version
- 782. Real Black Bow Bandits Revised - Compact Quivers
- 783. Phitts Artifacts
- 784. Ayleid Loot EXtended
- 785. Deadlands
- 786. Deadlands - Compatibility replacer ESP
- 787. Landmarks of Cyrodiil
- 788. Vicious Trolls Sound Replacer
- 789. Faction Relations
- 790. Faction Relations - Knights of the Nine Improved Infamy System Patch
- 791. Goblin Tribes Fixed
- 792. Better Traps
- 793. Balanced Creature Stats - Fixed Level Scaling
- 794. Balanced Creature Stats - DLC Patch
- 795. Hooded Outlaws
- 796. Hooded Outlaws - Conjurers and Necromancers
- 797. Hooded Outlaws - OCO2 Patch
- 798. Balanced NPC Level Cap - Logical Levels for All NPCs
- 799. Balanced NPC Level Cap - DLC Patches
- 800. Balanced NPC Level Cap - Hooded Outlaws Patch
- 801. Leveled List Fixes - Goons Without Glass - BNPCLC
- 802. Balanced Unleveled Rewards
- 803. Dungeon Surprise Attacks - Extra Spawns
- 810. Is Anybody Home (AoG)
- 811. AutoHaggle
- 812. Sigil Stone Selector
- 813. Rebalanced and Unleveled Quest Gold Rewards - Mergeable
- 814. Rebalanced Arena Gold Rewards
- 815. Voices for Female Dremora NPCs
- 816. RefScope
- 817. Artifacts Redone
- 818. Artifacts Redone - Calming Pants Replacer
- 819. Artifacts Redone - HGEC Roberts Conversion
- 820. HGEC -Artifacts Redone 1.2
- 821. SM Combat Hide
- 822. Quest NPCs Run - Reduced
- 823. Quest NPCs Run - Filter Patch for Mods
- 824. Dialogue Tweaks Fixes and Restorations
- 825. Miguick's Dialogue Tweaks Trespassing Tweaked
- 826. NPC Idle Animation Restoration and Additions
- 827. Vile Lair DLC - Tweaks and Fixes
- 828. Consistent Beggar Voices
- 829. Show Weapons While Mounted
- 830. No More Wild Goose Chases - Re-Patched and UOP Fixes Applied
- 831. Light Your Way - Insanity Sorrow Edition
- 832. Medieval Torch
- 833. Morrowind Style Paper Lanterns
- 834. Light Your Way-All-In-One ESP Only
- 835. Torches Have Value - Bash Patched
- 836. Knights of the Nine - Improved Infamy System
- 837. Guard Infamy Greeting Fix
- 838. A Rainbow of Treasures - New Gems and Gem Dust
- 839. Glitter for A Rainbow of Treasures - New Gems
- 840. Discord Rich Presence (OBSE)
- 841. Get rid of small Souls - Empty Soulgems
- 842. Get rid of Small Souls - Soulgem Prices
- 843. Travelling Equipment - Cloaks and Backpacks
- 844. Traveler's Tent - portable customizable player home
- 845. Travelers Tent - COBL Patch
- 846. Less Maddening Shivering Isles Fetch Quests -- Place Matrices and Oddities in World
- 847. Thieves Den Barter for Upgrades
- 849. Expanded Greetings
- 850. More Vegetables
- 851. More Vegetables Holly Crop Fix
- 852. Basic harvest
- 854. Jauffre's Skill-Based Chest
- 855. TIBs Tidy Arrows - Archery Organized and Updated
- 856. ef's Fishing Mod
- 857. Dynamic Drop Lit Torches
- 858. Simple Horse Utilities - Saddlebags and Follow-Wait Commands
- 859. Coop's TW3 Oblivion Horse Replacer
- 860. Class portraits diversified
- 861. Ascension - Better Clutter Icons
- 862. Potion Bottle Variation Restoration
- 863. Potion Bottle Variation - Poisons Addon
- 864. Unique Wolf Animations Restored
- 865. Bibliophilia
- 866. Oblivifall - Something is Definately Not Right
- 867. AI Voices for Better Dungeons
- 868. ILOO - Interior Lighting Oblivion Overhaul
- 869. SB_Knights Infamy ODD Patch
- 870. Miscellaneous Patch Collection by Dispensation
- 871. ROTS Preset Compilation
- 881. Torches and Stones - A Torch Idle Replacer
- 882. Silver Ranger - Animation Replacer
- 883. Natural Walk - Animation Replacer
- 884. Smoother Horse Animations
- 891. Bashed Patch
- 893. TES4 Edit Cache