Vanilla Plus Tactics-Like (DISCONTINUED)
Fallout 4by jitters1992
Created over 1 year ago
Updated over 1 year ago
Legacy version of a nearly finished old modlist.
Load Order Files
- 2. Fallout4.esm
- 3. DLCRobot.esm
- 4. DLCworkshop01.esm
- 5. DLCCoast.esm
- 6. DLCworkshop02.esm
- 7. DLCworkshop03.esm
- 8. DLCNukaWorld.esm
- 9. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
- 10. HUDFramework.esm
- 11. WorkshopFramework.esm
- 12. BakaWaitAnywhere.esm
- 13. XDI.esm
- 14. BakaFramework.esm
- 15. DCGuard_Overhaul.esp
- 16. InstituteTechnologyOverhaul.esm
- 17. Overlays.esm
- 18. TrueStormsFO4.esm
- 19. CanarySaveFileMonitor.esl
- 20. Autorun Console Commands.esl
- 21. WhatsYourName.esl
- 22. NQAS - Automatron.esl
- 23. NQAS - VaultTec.esl
- 24. ScrapMachine.esl
- 25. TuneTheRadios.esl
- 26. Floorsroofswalls.esl
- 27. NoBilly.esl
- 28. ClassicUnarmedPack.esl
- 29. LIF.esl
- 30. MWNPCFST.esl
- 31. Bighorner.esl
- 32. hologramtable.esl
- 33. SSTMinutemenOrganizedMilitiaWeapons.esl
- 34. ConfigurableHotkeys.esl
- 35. Munitions - An Ammo Expansion.esl
- 36. Munitions - Vanilla Ammo Addon.esl
- 37. RPGHacking.esl
- 38. Skb-MinigunsRebirth.esl
- 39. MolotovBurns.esp
- 40. ImmersiveAnimationFramework.esp
- 41. IAF - Far Harbor & Nuka World.esp
- 42. Thermal_Scope_Addon.esp
- 43. Phoenix - Simple Crafting Stations.esp
- 44. What's Your Name - WTP Patch.esp
- 45. SettlementMenuManager.esp
- 46. T60to51.esp
- 47. Piezonucleic_Fix.esp
- 48. Fixed Alpha Maps.esp
- 49. Fixed Gobo Effects.esp
- 50. Wetness Shader Fix.esp
- 51. Less Ugly Intercom.esp
- 52. MTM-NukaTownEastArchwayFix.esp
- 53. MTM-GardenTerraceCeilingFixedByMonorail.esp
- 54. Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp
- 55. WestonWaterLOD.esp
- 56. PerceptionBugFix.esp
- 57. CarPhysicsDeathBugfix.esp
- 58. AutomatronLoadScreenFix.esp
- 59. AtomCatsDragRaceStartFix.esp
- 60. Ownership Fixes.esp
- 61. Docile Radstags.esp
- 62. InstitWeapPosit.esp
- 63. Less Annoying Berry Mentats.esp
- 64. No Aggro Impact Landing.esp
- 65. Binary Speech Checks V.4.esp
- 66. NoNegativeAffinity.esp
- 67. NoNegativeAffinitySeason.esp
- 68. NoLollygagging.esp
- 69. MeleeFinishersRebalance.esp
- 70. Non-repeating player comments in Vault 111.esp
- 71. PoolRackFix.esp
- 72. NoCraftingExperience.esp
- 73. NPC Protection Tweaks.esp
- 74. SCDC_v0.5.esp
- 75. ShorterNPCgreeting.esp
- 76. Indestructible Sandbags & Bollards.esp
- 77. Immersive HUD.esp
- 78. M8rDisablePipboyEffects.esp
- 79. WheelMenu.esp
- 80. HoloTime.esp
- 81. No 3D Objects - All DLC + Unoffical Patch.esp
- 82. Less intrusive tutorial.esp
- 83. TrueBlood.esp
- 84. Gloomy Glass.esp
- 85. FO4ParticlePatch.esp
- 86. Pip2000MkVi_Replacer.esp
- 87. MGRCurrency.esp
- 88. LasersRemeshed.esp
- 89. InstituteRifleDebulked.esp
- 90. Fog Remover II (AIO) Recommended.esp
- 91. Wasteland Water Revival - Toxic Sludge.esp
- 92. TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp
- 93. TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp
- 94. PollutedClimate.esp
- 95. Polluted Storms.esp
- 96. Polluted Storms - Return of the Fog Filters.esp
- 97. Cinematographic fog effect - Light.esp
- 98. CROSS_GoreCrits.esp
- 99. CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul - WTP Patch.esp
- 100. TeslaImpact.esp
- 101. Bye-Bye Clouds.esp
- 102. Natural Landscapes.esp
- 103. Natural Rocks.esp
- 104. Quintessential Quarries.esp
- 105. GreenGoo.esp
- 106. Targeted Textures.esp
- 107. Indubitable Ivy.esp
- 108. WAVE.esp
- 109. 50 Shades Of Rust - Repacked.esp
- 110. Patch Job - Fill Those Holes.esp
- 111. Langleys HD Texture Workshop.esp
- 112. NMC Bundle HIGH.esp
- 113. Dilapidated Roads - Faded.esp
- 114. Better Settlements and Camps.esp
- 115. Shack Floors Re-Done.esp
- 116. Haul'd Out.esp
- 117. Fallout 4 Ultimate Window Overhaul.esp
- 118. True Caves.esp
- 119. Gritty Subway Stations.esp
- 120. Natural Bundle Masonry Set.esp
- 121. Natural Bundle Submarine Set.esp
- 122. Natural Bundle Bunker Set.esp
- 123. Diamond City Wall Retexture.esp
- 124. RedderRocket.esp
- 125. Blasted Billboards.esp
- 126. Peeling Posters.esp
- 127. Military Vehicles Retextured.esp
- 128. Train Engine - Game Jam 2015.esp
- 129. Simple Yellow Forklift.esp
- 130. NukaWorld HiRez Fakerocks.esp
- 131. Transit Sign HD.esp
- 132. CC's Vertibirds.esp
- 133. CC's UHD APC.esp
- 134. CC's UHD UFO.esp
- 135. oHDTP - defined Hightech Floor Tiles 2K - Textures.esp
- 136. Workbench Replacer HD 2K.esp
- 137. No more Halloween decorations.esp
- 138. Retro Radio Replacer.esp
- 139. nukaproject.esp
- 140. chem redux.esp
- 141. MK_ComponentsRedone.esp
- 142. Base Scrap Is Not Junk Jet Ammo.esp
- 143. RRTV_RobotModelKits.esp
- 144. RRTV_NukaRecipeRetextures.esp
- 145. ODT - Raider Armors Retextured.esp
- 146. SSTHazmatSuitImproved.esp
- 147. Crimsomrider's Transparent Cleanroom Suit.esp
- 148. Makeshifttextures.esp
- 149. deathclawshd4k.esp
- 150. SSTImposingGunnerSkulls.esp
- 151. Frame Job.esp
- 152. P42MarineArmor.esp
- 153. MarineHelmetNoMask.esp
- 154. WoodReduxHD.esp
- 155. WoodReduxHD-InvertedTile-OptionalPatch.esp
- 156. RetroInstitute.esp
- 157. Fallout3StyleVaults.esp
- 158. Texture Pack - Clutter.esp
- 159. Texture Pack - Apparel.esp
- 160. Texture Pack - Power Armor.esp
- 161. Texture Pack - Weapons.esp
- 162. Texture Pack - Creatures.esp
- 163. LooksMenu.esp
- 164. LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
- 165. The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
- 166. MoreBeards.esp
- 167. MoreHairstyles4Male.esp
- 168. MoreHairstyles4Female3.1.esp
- 170. Mama Murphy.esp
- 171. Concept Art Characters - AIO-DLC-Companions.esp
- 172. SSNPC - KelloggNEW.esp
- 173. KindKasumi.esp
- 174. Sexy_Hancock.esp
- 175. SSNPC - DCResidentsAIO.esp
- 176. ConsumeWithoutPickup.esp
- 177. NPC Accuracy Revised.esp
- 178. AA Better Companions - No Conflicts.esp
- 179. Companion Thoughts Overhaul.esp
- 180. PD_LowerWeapon.esp
- 181. RAW INPUT.esp
- 182. Be Exceptional.esp
- 183. Be Exceptional Rebalanced (LVL 78).esp
- 184. UnbogusHealthScaling.esp
- 185. Combat AI Empowered.esp
- 186. Combat AI Empowered - Game Settings Upgrade.esp
- 187. Combat AI Empowered - Reduce Grenade Spam.esp
- 188. MOVTspeedTweak - All.esp
- 189. Immersive Fallout - Movement (DLC).esp
- 190. Stimpaks help you breathe.esp
- 191. _WastelandMedic_.esp
- 192. WastelandMedic Edits.esp
- 193. Engaging Loot of the Commonwealth.esp
- 194. ELotC - Wasteland Medic Patch.esp
- 195. Vendor Diversity Overhaul.esp
- 196. Munitions - Reduced Ammo Patch.esp
- 197. LootBalance_Armor.esp
- 198. Workshop Scavenge tiered scrap only.esp
- 199. NoLegendaries.esp
- 200. SyringerAmmoSimplerIngredientsAlternate.esp
- 201. RRTV_TeaganSellsBOSClothing.esp
- 202. More Sensible Mod Perk Req GOTY.esp
- 203. AdrenalineRedone.esp
- 204. FGT - Barter.esp
- 205. FGT - Carry Weight.esp
- 206. FGT - Compass.esp
- 207. FGT - Fall Damage.esp
- 208. FGT - Pickpocketing.esp
- 209. FGT - No Enemy Bonus.esp
- 210. FGT - Respawn Time.esp
- 211. FGT - Sneak Attack.esp
- 212. FGT - Timescale.esp
- 213. FGT - XP.esp
- 214. Radiation Rebalance All DLCs.esp
- 215. Strength_WeaponRequirements.esp
- 216. Risky Prewar Food.esp
- 217. Soda For AP.esp
- 218. Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp
- 219. Better Power Armor - Redux.esp
- 220. RestorePAFrames.esp
- 221. Restore Power Armor Frames - Perk Up Patch.esp
- 222. dcc-palock.esp
- 223. Power Armor Lore-Friendly Distribution.esp
- 224. Some Assembly Required.esp
- 225. Some Assembly Rquired - CPAO patch.esp
- 226. Some Assembly Required - WTP Patch.esp
- 227. Minutemen Paint Job.esp
- 228. whisperVaultTecPaintJob.esp
- 229. whisperAbraxoSugarBombsPaintJobs.esp
- 230. CommonWealthRascalPaint.esp
- 231. CagebreakerPowerArmor.esp
- 232. PA-Quick Animations.esp
- 233. Keep Radiants In Commonwealth.esp
- 234. One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp
- 235. PrestonNoRadiant.esp
- 236. No BoS without Call to Arms.esp
- 237. infinite_settlement_budget.esp
- 238. Better_Settlement_Defence.esp
- 239. Visible Idle Markers.esp
- 240. Visible Idle Markers - WTP Patch.esp
- 241. extendedLightsWS - No shadows.esp
- 242. Light Radius Redux AIO.esp
- 243. Better Workshop Street Oil Lamps.esp
- 244. Un-Randomized Workshop Turrets.esp
- 245. RRShutters.esp
- 246. BetterGenerators.esp
- 247. Settler Sandbox Overhaul.esp
- 248. scavengesandboxmod.esp
- 249. Diamond City Shanty Town.esp
- 250. DCVendorClutter.esp
- 251. AEH_ShackinUp.esp
- 252. whisperExtraPieces.esp
- 253. NaiRaeCozyScavver.esp
- 254. SSTWorkshopPowerPack.esp
- 255. Vault88 - Essentials.esp
- 256. Vault 88 Essentials - WTP Edits.esp
- 257. FWC_FourWallCorners.esp
- 258. BetterJunkFences.esp
- 259. GrafsSecurityFences.esp
- 260. ruined_handmadeturrets.esp
- 261. TurretStands.esp
- 262. Wall Oil Lamps.esp
- 263. Wall Oil Lamps - Real Light Patch.esp
- 264. BluesMinutemenFlagsStandalone.esp
- 265. DogFurniture.esp
- 266. RealTroughs.esp
- 267. cVc Dead Wasteland 6.esp
- 268. cVc Dead Wasteland 6 DLC.esp
- 269. cVc Dead Wasteland 6 DLC2.esp
- 270. KURO.esp
- 271. WindowBoards.esp
- 272. PRP-NukalurkRecipeBook.esp
- 273. Ketaros_MissingMags.esp
- 274. Ketaros Missing Magazines - WTP Patch.esp
- 275. DirtyPreWarClothesRestored.esp
- 276. Upgradeable Vault Suit.esp
- 277. FV20_DreadHG.esp
- 278. TNR Shoulder Lamp.esp
- 279. TNR Shoulder Lamp - Settings.esp
- 280. WestTekTacticalOptics.esp
- 281. Crimsomrider's Accessories.esp
- 282. CROSS_Cybernetics.esp
- 283. More_Clothes_Textures.esp
- 284. Eli_Sleeveless Outfits.esp
- 285. Tribal Forged.esp
- 286. Desert Punk Raiders.esp
- 287. WulfRaiderAccessories.esp
- 288. CROSS_MojaveManhunter.esp
- 289. DPNAL Mojave Manhunter.esp
- 290. CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit.esp
- 291. CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp
- 292. CROSS_CoA.esp
- 293. DWT_TrashcanCarla_and_Guards.esp
- 294. Synth Overhaul.esp
- 295. Synth Overhaul - No level requirements Patch.esp
- 296. Synth Overhaul - Black Patch.esp
- 297. Look At Me IE.esp
- 298. Look At Me GE.esp
- 299. Look At Me NE.esp
- 300. Look At Me TE.esp
- 301. Far West Minutemen.esp
- 302. MiscMeleePack.esp
- 303. Zanthir_BumpVertSwords.esp
- 304. ABundleofTape.esp
- 305. A Bundle of Tape - Unofficial Update.esp
- 306. InstituteTechnologyOverhaul - LITE.esp
- 307. 9mmPistol.esp
- 308. 9mm Pistol - Unofficial Update.esp
- 309. 45autoPistol.esp
- 310. P220.esp
- 311. HK_MP5.esp
- 312. Sten.esp
- 313. Vault-Tec_MPL.esp
- 314. M1928A1.esp
- 315. PigFNC.esp
- 316. AUG-A1.esp
- 317. M1918A2.esp
- 318. M1A.esp
- 319. 1CAS_ServiceRifle.esp
- 320. AK74M.esp
- 321. Ak5C.esp
- 322. PigAAM1897.esp
- 323. FOLON_Bren.esp
- 324. FOLON_Bren_Addon.esp
- 325. M60.esp
- 326. HaxRPG7.esp
- 327. GaussRevolver.esp
- 328. .45 Auto Pistol - Unofficial Update.esp
- 329. Sten Gun Replace Pipe Guns.esp
- 330. LeeEnfieldNo4MkI.esp
- 331. PigAAMC96.esp
- 332. Modern Weapon Replacer - Sig Sauer P220 - 10mm Pistols.esp
- 333. Modern Weapon Replacer - MP5 Complex - Submachine Guns.esp
- 334. Modern Weapon Replacer - Springfield Armory M1A - Combat Rifles.esp
- 335. Modern Weapon Replacer - SREP Redux - Assault Rifles.esp
- 336. Modern Weapon Replacer - AK74M - Handmade Rifles.esp
- 337. RiotShotgun.esp
- 338. Modern Weapon Replacer - RPG-7V2 - Fat Man.esp
- 339. LaserGarand.esp
- 340. Modern Weapon Replacer - Ak5C - Plasma Guns.esp
- 341. GaussRifleMk2_Replacer.esp
- 342. AVBGuns.esp
- 343. AUG-A1_LoreFriendly.esp
- 344. M1918A2_LoreFriendly.esp
- 345. FOLON_Bren_LoreFriendly.esp
- 346. M60_LoreFriendly.esp
- 347. Skb-MinigunsRebirth_LoreFriendly.esp
- 348. M60LLInjection.esp
- 349. 4estGimp - RO1 Raider Buff - Vanilla Weapon Injection.esp
- 350. Hollywood Bullet Tracers.esp
- 351. Hollywood Lasers.esp
- 352. True Damage.esp
- 353. True Damage - DLC.esp
- 354. True Damage - Vehicle Module.esp
- 355. True Damage - Munitions.esp
- 356. True Damage - Munitions Vanilla Ammo Addon.esp
- 357. FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
- 358. SKKCombatStalkers.esp
- 359. DLCCreaturesJ3T.esp
- 360. NightstrikerCreatureMod.esp
- 361. BighornersOnly.esp
- 362. Cyberman.esp
- 363. WD_Pistol_Renimation_Pack.esp
- 364. WD_44.esp
- 365. wd_huntingrifle.esp
- 366. Laser Weapon Reanimated.esp
- 367. Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
- 368. LOST Audio Tweaks.esp
- 369. Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - WTP Patch.esp
- 370. postalreduxost.esp
- 371. Boston Pirate Radio.esp
- 372. JSRS_Footsteps.esp
- 373. SimplyLouderGuns1.5.esp
- 374. Bullet Impact Overhaul.esp
- 375. Melee Impact Overhaul.esp
- 376. Physics Sound Overhaul.esp
- 377. Elzee Recoil Shake.esp
- 378. Elzee Jolly Item Sounds.esp
- 379. WTR.esp
- 380. SCM.esp
- 381. CheatTerminal.esp
- 382. NPCInventoryManipulator.esp
- 383. ESPExplorerFO4.esp
- 384. SKKActorReplaceRespawnManager.esp
- 385. SKKActorReplaceCustom_Rustpunk.esp
- 386. SKKFastReunions.esp
- 387. StartMeUp.esp
- 388. smudoor.esp
- 389. SKKFastStartNewGame.esp
- 390. SKKFastStopInstitute.esp
- 391. DCGUard_Overhaul-VanillaSkin.esp
- 392. Declutter - DCGuard_Overhaul.esp
- 393. DC_Guard_Overhaul_ReArmed.esp
- 394. AtomCatsSettlement.esp
- 395. BADLANDS 2 Landscape.esp
- 396. No Ugly Plants And Things 2.0 - FOMOD (Fixed).esp
- 397. Remove Ugly Flat Trash.esp
- 398. Anti-Phobia-Fog-Crawler-Far-Harbor-0.1.esp
- 399. anti-phobia-hermit-crabs-01.esp
- 400. Anti-Phobia-Insects-Arachnids-0.3.esp
- 401. Anti-Phobia-Insects-Arachnids-Nuka-World-0.1.esp
- 402. Anti-Phobia-Mirelurks-0.3.esp
- 403. Anti-Phobia-Mirelurks-Far-Harbor-0.1.esp
- 404. Anti-Phobia-Mirelurks-Nuka-World-0.1.esp
- 405. No Mirelurk Hatchlings.esp
- 406. Hit Em Where It Hurts- FH & NW.esp
- 407. LegendaryShadersMessagesSoundRemoved.esp
- 408. FO4LODGen.esp
- 409. FO4LODGen-HighTrees.esp
- 410. FO4LODGen-DLCCoast-WindTurbines.esp
- 411. FO4LODGen-DLCWorkshop03.esp
- 412. FO4LODGen-DLCNukaWorld.esp
- 413. FOLODIP - New LODs.esp
- 414. PRPFX-BostonCommon.esp
- 415. PRPFX-BostonAirport.esp
- 416. PRPFX-Concord.esp
- 417. PRPFX-Corvega.esp
- 418. PRPFX-Financial.esp
- 419. Less_Intense_Speculars_TrueBlood.esp
- 420. No More Fake Puddles - Nuka World 1-0.esp
- 421. Rustpunk_CR.esp
- 422. MyLOD - Main.esp
- 1. DLC: Wasteland Workshop
- 2. DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop
- 3. DLC: Nuka-World
- 4. DLC: Far Harbor
- 5. DLC: Contraptions Workshop
- 6. DLC: Automatron
- 11. Fallout 4 Script Extender
- 12. ENBSeries - Binaries
- 16. Senescence-ENB
- 17. Reshade
- 18. xSE Plugin Preloader
- 19. Creation Kit Misc
- 20. Bat Files
- 22. F4SE Scripts
- 23. Address Library for F4SE Plugins
- 24. Buffout 4
- 25. ENB Helper for Fallout 4
- 26. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
- 28. Mod Configuration Menu
- 29. Mod Configuration Menu - MCM INI
- 30. MCM Booster
- 31. MCM Settings Manager
- 33. RustPunk - MCM Settings
- 34. Canary Save File Monitor
- 35. Better Console
- 36. Console Commands
- 37. High FPS Physics Fix
- 38. High FPS Physics Fix - WTP Settings
- 39. Fallout Priority - F4SE Plugin
- 40. Shadow Boost FO4
- 41. Shadow Boost FO4 - Config File
- 44. HUD Framework
- 45. Bullet Counted Reload System (BCR)
- 46. Bullet Counted Reload System - Far Harbor Lever Action Rifle
- 47. Workshop Framework
- 49. Settlement Menu Manager
- 52. Simple Crafting Stations
- 53. Simple Immersive Chem Benches for Crafting
- 56. Baka Framework
- 57. Baka ScrapHeap - Script Memory Limit Expander
- 58. Baka MaxPapyrusOps
- 59. BuffBaka Settings for Buffout 4 and Baka ScrapHeap
- 60. Spell Perk Item Distributor
- 61. Leveled Item Framework (LIF)
- 62. Immersive Animation Framework
- 63. RobCo Patcher
- 64. Overlay Framework
- 65. Overlay Framework Fix
- 66. Thermal Vision Framework
- 78. Faster Workshop (Workshop Lag Fix)
- 79. Crafting Highlight Fix
- 81. Molerat Disease Fix
- 82. T-60 Lore Fix
- 83. Piezonucleic Lining Fix
- 84. Fixed Alpha Maps
- 85. Fixed Gobo Effects
- 86. Wetness Shader Fix
- 87. Less Ugly Intercom
- 88. Glowing Glass Fix
- 89. Decayed Army Fatigues Fix
- 90. Eye Normal Map Fix Fallout 4 Edition
- 91. Power Armor Map Fix
- 92. Nuka-World - Nuka Town East Archway Fix
- 93. Nuka-World - Garden Terrace Ceiling Fixed by Monorail
- 94. Nuka-World - Bottle Scenery Fix
- 96. Sprint Stuttering Fix
- 97. Weston Water LOD Fix
- 98. Perception Bug Fix
- 99. Car Physics Death Bug Fix
- 100. Automatron Load Screen Fix
- 101. Fixed Textures for Mirelurk Egg Omelette
- 102. Institute Floor Fix
- 103. Atom Cats Drag Race Start Fix
- 104. Ownership Fixes
- 107. Docile Radstags
- 108. Laser Weapons 1st Person Reposition
- 109. Less Annoying Berry Mentats
- 110. No Aggro Impact Landing (Power Armor)
- 112. Binary Speech Checks
- 113. No Negative Affinity
- 114. No Negative Affinity DLC Patch
- 115. No Lollygagging Settlers
- 116. Far Harbor Melee Killmove Frequency Rebalance
- 117. Non-Repeating Player Comments in Vault 111
- 118. No Player Comments - Chems Only
- 119. Pool Rack Fix
- 120. CryoFix
- 121. No Crafting Experience
- 122. Better Female Sitting Animation
- 123. Faster Getup
- 124. Glass Roofs Stop Rain and Snow - Vanilla Green House Roof
- 125. No Holotape Tease - Texture Replacement
- 126. Base Scrap Is Not Junk Jet Ammo
- 127. NPC Protection Tweaks
- 129. Unlimited Survival Mode - F4SE
- 130. Silent Protagonist F4SE
- 131. SCDC - Subjective Cinematic Dialogue Camera
- 132. Reduced NPC greeting distance
- 133. No Billy Peabody or Kid in a fridge
- 134. No Hatching Mirelurk Eggs
- 135. Indestructible Sandbags and Bollards
- 136. Mesh Bounds Fix
- 137. Fallout 4 Particle Patch - No More Glowing Objects
- 138. Legendary Effects and Damage Shaders Removed
- 139. Long Loading Times Fix
- 142. FallUI - Interface
- 143. FallUI - HUD
- 145. FallUI - Map
- 146. FallUI - Confirm Boxes
- 147. FallUI - Workbench
- 148. Extended Dialogue Interface
- 149. Immersive HUD - iHUD
- 150. HoloTime - HUD Clock Widget
- 154. Lockpicking Retextured
- 157. Clock Widget - Show Real Time While Loading
- 158. CCCleaner
- 160. FallUI - Icon Library
- 161. FIS - The NEW FallUI Item Sorter
- 162. Fallout 4 Wheel Menu
- 163. Wheel Menu - FallUIified
- 165. FALLUI - Space Efficient HUD V2
- 166. FallUI - Sleek HUD
- 167. Power Armor Hud - No Transparency - Version 4 - Classic - Filled in
- 168. Different Colours for Power Armour Hud
- 169. LevelUpMenuEx
- 170. Classically Fallout Main Menu
- 171. Less intrusive tutorial
- 172. No 3D Objects In Loading Screens - All DLC
- 178. Gloomy Glass - All Transparent Materials Revised
- 179. Fixed Protectron Textures
- 180. Cryolator Cryo-Cell Fix
- 181. Marine Wet Suit Material Fix
- 182. Marine Combat Armor Material Fix
- 183. Far Harbor Marine Armor Boots Fix
- 184. X-01 Power Armor Neck Fix
- 185. X-01 Helmet Light FX Fix
- 186. Workshop Spotlight Fix
- 187. Workshop Lightbulb Emittance Fix
- 188. Assaultron Left Hand Hydraulic Frame Arm Mesh Bug Fix
- 189. Carlisle Typewriter Mesh Fix
- 190. NPC Drinking Fix
- 191. Not So Bright Pins
- 192. Armor Workbench No Fire Barrel
- 193. Less Annoying Water Foam Circles
- 195. Pip-Boy 2000 Mk VI
- 197. Military-Grade Rounds - A Currency Mod
- 198. Covered Male Disciples
- 199. Marine Helmet No Mask - Vanilla
- 200. Combat Armor Diaper Remover
- 201. Radium Rifle - No Radar Dish
- 202. Laser Rifle Remeshed
- 203. Institute Weapons Debulked
- 210. Gore Overhaul 3.0 -Reload-
- 211. CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul
- 212. CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul - WTP Patch
- 213. UNLIMITED POWER - Tesla Rifle Projectiles Create Visual Effect On Impact
- 216. True Blood
- 217. Fog Remover II ESL (Main) v2.2 Installer
- 218. True Storms Wasteland Edition v1.4
- 219. True Storms - Nuka World Plus Far Harbor Add-On
- 220. True Storms - MCM Settings Menu with Hotkeys
- 221. Polluted Climate
- 223. Polluted Storms - Polluted Climate and True Storms merged
- 224. Cinematographic fog effect -Light
- 229. Spitfire (Enhanced Muzzle FX)
- 230. Spitfire - Smoke Visibility Options
- 231. Hollywood Bullet Tracers
- 232. Hollywood Laser Bolts
- 234. Natural Landscapes 4K
- 235. Natural Rocks 2K
- 236. Dilapidated Roads - Faded 4K
- 237. Quintessential Quarries 4K
- 241. Indubitable Ivy - Dry
- 243. WAVE - Wave Animation Vanilla Enhanced
- 253. Bye Bye Clouds
- 254. Enhanced Night Sky - Improved Visible Galaxy Framework
- 256. Scifi Grass
- 258. Barren Trees - Loose Files
- 261. BADLANDS 2 - LANDSCAPE Flora Tweaks - LOOSE
- 265. No Ugly Plants And Things 2.0 - FOMOD (Fixed) - PACKED
- 266. Remove Ugly Flat Trash - PACKED
- 267. 50 Shades Of Rust - Repacked
- 268. Green Goo 1.4 - Classic
- 269. Wasteland Water Revival
- 272. Targeted Textures - Vanilla Textures Upscaled Fixed and Sized
- 273. Patch Job - Fill Those Holes
- 274. Langleys HD Texture Workshop (Packed)
- 275. NMC's Texture Bundle
- 276. Better Settlements and Camps 4K
- 277. Shack Floors Re-Done - Dull 4K
- 278. Haul'd Out - Pier and Warehouse 4K
- 279. Fallout 4 Ultimate Window Overhaul
- 280. True Caves 4K
- 281. Gritty Subway Stations 4K
- 282. The Natural Bundle - Masonry Set 4K
- 283. The Natural Bundle - Submarine Set 4K
- 284. The Natural Bundle - Bunker Set 4K
- 285. Diamond City Wall Retexture 4K
- 286. Redder Rocket 4K
- 287. Blasted Billboards - A Weathered Billboard Overhaul
- 288. Peeling Posters - Weathered Paper Based Signs
- 289. Spiff's Military Vehicles Retextured - Original Green
- 290. Spiffy's Workshop - Train Engine (Game Jam 2015 Edition)
- 291. Spiffy's Workshop - Simple Yellow Forklifts
- 292. Spiffy's Workshop - NukaWorld HiRez FakeRocks 4K
- 293. Subway Transit Sign HD Texture 4K
- 294. CC's Vertibirds 4K
- 295. CC's UHD APC 4K
- 296. CC's UHD UFO 4K
- 297. Defined Hightech Floor Tiles 2K
- 298. Fix for Tiles02 2K
- 299. Workbench Replacer HD 2K
- 300. No More Halloween Decorations
- 301. Retro Radio Replacer
- 302. The Nuka Project 1K
- 304. Chem Redux
- 307. Robot Model Kit 1K Retextures
- 309. Nuka Recipe Book 2K Retextures
- 311. Raider Armors Retextured 2K
- 312. Hazmat Suit Improved
- 314. Fixed and Optimized Transparent Institute Cleanroom Suit
- 316. Scrap Metal and Makeshift Welds - A Pipe Gun Retexture
- 317. Deathclaws HD Remastered 4K
- 319. Imposing Gunner Skulls
- 320. Frame Job - A Power Armor Frame Retexture
- 322. Texture Pack - Clutter ESP
- 323. Texture Pack - Clutter BA2
- 324. Texture Pack - Apparel ESP
- 325. Texture Pack - Apparel BA2
- 326. Texture Pack - Power Armor ESP
- 327. Texture Pack - Power Armor BA2
- 328. Texture Pack - Weapons ESP
- 329. Texture Pack - Weapons BA2
- 330. Texture Pack - Creatures ESP
- 331. Texture Pack - Creatures BA2
- 333. Components Redone - No VIS
- 334. Proper Flyers And Posters
- 335. New Faction Flags
- 336. Punky Raiders_A Raider Clothing Overhaul
- 337. Darker Combat Armor
- 338. P42 Frogskin Marine Armor
- 339. Dark Institute Weapons
- 340. Terminator Synths
- 341. I've got Wood too - The Sanctuary Texture REDUX
- 342. I've got Wood Too - Inverted Tile Patch
- 343. Retro Institute Overhaul
- 344. Fallout 3 Styled Vaults
- 347. deLuxe Makeup
- 348. Appealing Moles
- 349. Immersive Mouth and Teeth
- 350. Hair Tones Redux - A Hair Color Overhaul
- 353. Natural Male Textures - Vanilla
- 354. FOFW Redux - Vanilla AIO
- 355. Immersive Mama Murphy
- 356. SeriouslySarcastic's Kellogg Face Overhaul
- 357. SeriouslySarcastic's Diamond City Faces Overhaul
- 363. The Eyes of Beauty Fallout Kaleidoscope Edition - All-in-One
- 364. The Eyes of Beauty - SHJ Edit Loose
- 365. MoreHairstyles
- 366. Kind Kasumi - Vanilla
- 367. Sexy Hancock 4.0
- 368. Concept Art Characters - AIO-DLC-Companions
- 369. LooksMenu
- 370. Looks Menu Customization Compendium
- 371. Looks Menu Customization Compendium Fix
- 374. PerkPointsPerLevel
- 375. Lively's PerkPointsPerLevel Config
- 376. Baka Wait Anywhere
- 380. Consume Without Pickup
- 381. Encounter Zone Recalculation
- 382. NPC Accuracy Revised
- 384. Vertibird Jump
- 385. Better Companions - No Conflicts
- 386. Companion Thoughts Overhaul
- 389. Configurable Hotkeys
- 390. Automatically Lowered Weapons
- 391. RAW INPUT - The Ultimate Mouse Sensitivity Fix
- 393. Unleveled World - F4SE
- 394. Munitions - An Ammo Expansion
- 395. Reaper's Robco Munitions Patches
- 396. Be Exceptional - Skills and Perk Overhaul
- 397. Be Exceptional Rebalanced
- 402. Combat AI Empowered
- 403. Combat AI Empowered - Game Settings Upgrade
- 404. Combat AI Empowered - Reduce Grenade Spam
- 405. Movement Speed Tweak - NPC and Player
- 406. Immersive Fallout - Movement Only
- 407. Wasteland Medic
- 408. Wasteland Medic Diakyuto Edition
- 412. LootBalance - Armor
- 416. Scavenge Station Improvements - Tiered Scrap Only
- 420. Syringer Ammo Simpler Ingredients
- 421. Proctor Teagan Sells BOS Clothing
- 423. More Sensible Modification Perk Requirements
- 425. Unbogus Health Scaling
- 426. True Damage
- 427. True Damage - Munitions Updated Patch
- 428. Engaging Loot of the Commonwealth (ELotC)
- 429. ELotC - Wasteland Medic Patch
- 430. Vendor Diversity Overhaul
- 431. No Legendaries (Weapons OR NPCs)
- 432. 4estGimp - Raider Buff
- 433. Organized Militia - Lightweight Minuteman Overhaul
- 434. Adrenaline Redone - A Logical Approach
- 435. FGT - Fallout 4 Gameplay Tweaks
- 436. Hit Em Where It Hurts- Far Harbor and Nuka World
- 437. Radiation Rebalance All DLCs (ESL flagged ESP version)
- 438. Weapon Strength Requirements - Scripted - FNV(Fallout New Vegas) Style
- 439. Burning Molotovs
- 440. RPG Minigames
- 441. Risky Prewar Food
- 442. Soda for Action Points
- 446. Consistent Power Armor Overhaul
- 448. Restore Power Armor Frames
- 449. Restore Power Armor Frames - Perk Up Patch
- 451. Take Your Cores
- 452. Power Armor Lore-Friendly Distribution
- 453. Some Assembly Required (Merged DLC)
- 454. Some Assembly Required - Atom Cats CPAO Patch
- 455. Some Assembly Required - WTP Patch
- 457. Minutemen Paint Job
- 458. Locked Vault-Tec Power Armor Paint
- 460. Locked Abraxo and Sugar Bombs Power Armor Paints
- 463. Power Armor Animation Changes
- 464. No PA Battery Pathing
- 466. Better Power Armor - Redux
- 467. The Commonwealth Rascal paintjob (Standalone)
- 468. Tumbajamba's Raider Power Armor
- 470. No Quest Autostart - Automatron
- 471. No Quest Autostart - Vault-Tec
- 472. No Quest Autostart - Far Harbor
- 473. No Quest Autostart - Nuka World
- 474. Keep Radiants in the Commonwealth - UFO4P Version
- 475. One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time
- 476. Preston Garvey No Radiant Settlement Quests
- 477. Whose Quest Is It Anyway
- 479. SKK Fast Start new game
- 480. SKK Fast Start Reunions
- 483. SKK Fast Stop Institute
- 485. The Fens Sheriff's Department - Main and Plugin
- 486. The Fens Sheriff's Department - Textures
- 487. The Fens Sheriff's Department - Vanilla Body Users
- 488. The Fens Sheriff's Dept- Declutterer
- 489. The Fens Sheriff's Department - ReArmed
- 490. No BoS without Call to Arms
- 492. Place Everywhere
- 493. Place Everywhere - WTP INI File
- 494. new infinite settlement budget plugin
- 495. This Settlement Does Not Need Your Help - BS Defence Redone
- 496. R2K's Gameplay Mods - Power Grid Tools
- 497. Visible Idle Markers
- 498. Visible Idle Markers - WTP Patch
- 499. Improved Workshop Lights
- 500. Better Workshop Street Oil Lamps
- 501. DLC Light Radius Redux
- 502. Wasteland Workshop Street Lamp and Ceiling Light Fix
- 503. Un-Randomized Workshop Turrets
- 504. Red Rocket - Window Shutters
- 505. Better Generators (2x)
- 506. Tune the Radios
- 507. What's Your Name
- 508. What's Your Name - WTP Patch
- 509. Settler Sandbox Expansion
- 510. Stationary Scavengers
- 512. Diamond City Shanty Town
- 513. Diamond City Vendor Clutter
- 514. Diamond City Vendor Clutter - Lite
- 518. SS3 - Atom Cats
- 523. Shackin' Up - A Prefab Shack Mod
- 524. Whisper's Extra Pieces and Snaps
- 525. The Cozy Scavver - A Settlement Workshop Kit
- 526. Workshop Power Pack
- 528. Vault 88 Essentials
- 529. Vault 88 Essentials - WTP Edits
- 530. Scrapping Machine
- 531. Wasteland Workshop Snappable Posters
- 532. Garden Plot Snap
- 533. Useful Posts
- 534. Five Wall Corners
- 535. Warehouse Corner Wall Snap
- 536. Warehouse Top Wall Snap
- 537. Snappy Half Walls
- 538. No More Gaps Under Junk Fences
- 539. Snappable Junk Fences
- 540. Graf's Security Fences
- 541. Handmade Turrets
- 542. Craftable Turret Stands
- 543. Wall Oil Lamps
- 544. Better Workshop Street Oil Lamps - Wall Oil Lamp Patch
- 545. Blue's Minutemen Flag Pack (Standalone)
- 546. Dog Furniture Pack
- 547. Real Troughs - New Brahmin Feeders
- 549. cVc Dead Wasteland
- 550. cVc Dead Wasteland 6 - DLC1
- 551. cVc Dead Wasteland 6 - DLC2
- 552. The Kuro Tab
- 553. Window Floor and Roof Boards
- 554. Floors - Roofs - Walls
- 555. Robco Holotron
- 557. The Missing Nukalurk Recipe Book
- 559. Ketaros Missing Magazines
- 561. Ketaros Missing Magazines - WTP Patch
- 562. Cut Content Restored - Dirty PreWar Clothes
- 564. Upgradeable Vault Suit
- 574. Dread HeadGear Pack V1d
- 575. TNR Shoulder Lamp
- 576. West Tek Tactical Optics
- 577. Crimsomrider's Accessories (AWKCR-AE)
- 578. No AWKCR and AE for Crimsomrider's Accessories
- 579. CROSS Pre-War Cybernetics
- 580. More Clothes and Textures
- 581. Eli's Sleeveless Outfits (VANILLA and CBBE)
- 582. Eli's Sleeveless Outfits - No AWKCR
- 583. Raiders - Tribal Forged
- 584. Desert Punks - A Raider Outfit Pack
- 585. 4estGimp - Desert Punks Compacted and Injected
- 586. Raider Accessories
- 587. CROSS_MojaveManhunter
- 588. Dr. Phibbs' Neuro-Atomic Limbs - Mojave Manhunter
- 589. CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit
- 590. CROSS_Courser Strigidae
- 591. CROSS_Chosen_Of_Atom
- 592. CROSS Chosen of Atom for Vanilla-EVB
- 593. Caravans ReArmed
- 594. Synth Overhaul - By Maaro and Echoes
- 595. Look At Me - Institute Edition
- 596. Look At Me - Gunner Edition
- 597. Look At Me - Goodneighbor Edition
- 598. Look At Me - Nuka World Triggermen - Payday
- 599. 4estGimp - Far West Minutemen - No AWKCR No CROSS Cybernetics
- 600. Far West Minutemen Normal 2.1 - No AWKCR
- 602. Classic Unarmed Pack
- 603. Misc Melee Pack
- 604. Mojave Bumper Swords and Vertibird Blade
- 605. A Bundle of Tape - A weapons pack
- 606. A Bundle of Tape - Unofficial Update
- 608. Miniguns Rebirth
- 609. 9mm Pistol (Browning Hi-Power) Redux
- 610. 9mm Pistol - Unofficial Update
- 611. .45 Auto Pistol (Colt M1911)
- 612. M3D - Sig Sauer P220
- 613. Heckler und Koch - MP5 Complex
- 614. MP5 Complex - Get the Shak'outta here
- 615. AnotherOne Sten MkII Redux
- 616. Vault-Tec MPL
- 617. Vault-Tec MPL Animations
- 618. Vault-Tec MPL Fixes - DiaEdit
- 621. M1928A1 Thompson - Day of Infamy
- 625. European Assault Rifle - FN FNC - Another Another Millenia
- 626. Steyr AUG A1
- 627. AnotherOne Browning M1918A2
- 628. Springfield Armory M1A
- 629. SREP REDUX - Service Rifle Expansion Project
- 630. AK74M - Assault Rifle
- 631. Ak5C - A Nordic Relic
- 632. Lee Enfield No.4 Mk.1 - Britain's Finest
- 633. BCR-LeeEnfield
- 634. 4estGimp - Lee Enfield No4 MkI No Meme
- 635. Riot Shotgun (Fallout 4 Edition)
- 636. Riot Shotgun - Retexture
- 637. Riot Shotgun Animations
- 638. Power Riot Shotgun (TecottsaF - Cumble)
- 639. Vintage Shotgun - Winchester 1897
- 640. Fallout London - Bren Gun
- 641. AnotherOne's Bren LMG Addon
- 642. M60 Light Machinegun
- 643. M60 New Firing sounds
- 644. Scripted Leveled List Injection for M60
- 645. RPG-7V2
- 646. RPG-7V2 - No LL Injector
- 648. The Laser Garand - a Post War Battle Rifle
- 650. Garand and SVT Lower Reload Volume
- 651. The Charger Pistol - a Gauss based weapon platform
- 652. WW II Weapon Replacer - .45 Auto Pistol (Colt M1911) - Pipe Revolvers
- 653. WW II Weapon Replacer - .45 Auto Pistol (Colt M1911) - 4k Textures
- 654. WW II Weapon Replacer - Sten MkII Redux - Pipe Guns
- 655. WW II Weapon Replacer -Lee Enfield No4 MkI - Pipe Bolt Actions
- 656. WW II Weapon Replacer - Vintage Pistol - Mauser C96 - Gamma Guns
- 657. Modern Weapon Replacer - Sig Sauer P220 - 10mm Pistols
- 658. Modern Weapon Replacer - MP5 Complex - Submachine Guns
- 659. Modern Weapon Replacer - Springfield Armory M1A - Combat Rifles
- 660. Modern Weapon Replacer - SREP Redux - Assault Rifles
- 661. Modern Weapon Replacer - AK74M - Handmade Rifles
- 662. 4estPimp - My Riot Shotgun - Combat Shotgun Replacer
- 663. Modern Weapon Replacer - RPG-7V2 - Fat Man
- 664. Energy Weapon Replacer - The Laser Garand - Laser Muskets
- 666. Modern Weapon Replacer - Ak5C - Plasma Guns
- 667. Gauss Rifle Replacer (Tumbajamba's XM73)
- 668. Super Mutant Weaponry - Post-Apocalyptic Weapons
- 669. Super Mutant Weaponry - Post-Apocalyptic Weapons - Unleveled rifles
- 670. Lore-Friendly Weapons Project - LL Patches
- 672. NPCs Travel
- 673. NPCs Travel - MCM Settings Menu
- 676. SKK Combat Stalkers (nexus edition - Only Synths)
- 677. SKK Combat Stalkers - MCM Settings Menu
- 678. DLC Creatures in the Commonwealth - Only Rats And Wolves
- 679. Nightstrikers
- 680. Nightstrikers Tweaks
- 681. Mojave Bighorners
- 682. Bighorners Only
- 683. Age of Steel - Cybermen in the Commonwealth
- 687. Pistol Reanimation Pack by Wardaddy
- 688. Double Action Revolver
- 689. Ha_Ru's Lever Action Reanimation Pack
- 690. Right Handed Hunting Rifle
- 691. Double Barrel Shotgun Reload Animation
- 692. Laser Rifle Reanimation
- 694. Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul
- 695. Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - WTP Patch
- 696. LOST Audio Tweaks
- 707. DV's custom Fallout 4 Soundtrack - Wasteland Music
- 709. Postal Redux Rampage OST - Combat Music Replacer
- 710. Boston Pirate Radio - Anarchist Raider Punk
- 711. Aggressive synth voice overhaul
- 712. Mutant Bash - Gutturals
- 713. P.A.M.S - Power Armor Movement Sounds
- 714. JSRS Movement Sounds
- 715. NPC Footsteps
- 716. Intense Realistic Gun Sounds Overhaul (IRGSO) - Custom
- 717. Realistic Bullet Cracks
- 718. Bullet Impact Overhaul
- 719. Melee Impact Overhaul
- 720. Physics Impact Overhaul and Bullet Casing Sounds
- 721. Cinematic Sounds - Explosions
- 723. Recoil Shake and Low Ammo Sounds
- 725. Simply Louder Weapons and Guns - Only 3rd Person
- 726. Retro UI Overhaul
- 727. Jolly Item Sounds
- 728. Stimpaks help you breathe
- 729. No More Perk Popups - Silent Perks
- 730. GOOD BOY - Charisma Perk Sound Replacer
- 731. No Death Music
- 732. No Grenade Click Sound
- 736. Start Me Up - Basic Version
- 737. Lively's Start Me Up Tweak
- 738. Console Commands Extender
- 740. White test room
- 741. Survival Configuration Menu
- 742. Cheat Terminal
- 743. NPC Inventory Manipulating Sniper Rifle
- 744. DavesMods - In Game ESP Explorer Maintenance
- 745. SKK Replace Any Actor with Any Actor
- 746. SKK Replace Any Actor With Any Actorr User List
- 750. Overwrite Dump
- 752. FO4LODGen Resources
- 759. Far Object LOD Improvement Project
- 770. Anti-Phobia Redux
- 771. PRPFX Boston Commons
- 772. PRPFX Boston Airport
- 773. PRPFX Concord
- 774. PRPFX Corvega
- 775. PRPFX Financial District
- 776. Flickering Blood and Flickering Puddles - The Solution
- 777. No More Fake Puddles
- 778. Rustpunk Conflict Resolution
- 779. Rustpunk LOD - Vanilla
- 2. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
- 3. HUDFramework.esm
- 4. WorkshopFramework.esm
- 5. BakaWaitAnywhere.esm
- 6. XDI.esm
- 7. BakaFramework.esm
- 8. DCGuard_Overhaul.esp
- 9. InstituteTechnologyOverhaul.esm
- 10. Overlays.esm
- 11. TrueStormsFO4.esm
- 12. CanarySaveFileMonitor.esl
- 13. Autorun Console Commands.esl
- 14. WhatsYourName.esl
- 15. NQAS - Automatron.esl
- 16. NQAS - VaultTec.esl
- 17. ScrapMachine.esl
- 18. TuneTheRadios.esl
- 19. Floorsroofswalls.esl
- 20. NoBilly.esl
- 21. ClassicUnarmedPack.esl
- 22. LIF.esl
- 23. MWNPCFST.esl
- 24. Bighorner.esl
- 25. hologramtable.esl
- 26. SSTMinutemenOrganizedMilitiaWeapons.esl
- 27. ConfigurableHotkeys.esl
- 28. Munitions - An Ammo Expansion.esl
- 29. Munitions - Vanilla Ammo Addon.esl
- 30. RPGHacking.esl
- 31. Skb-MinigunsRebirth.esl
- 32. MolotovBurns.esp
- 33. ImmersiveAnimationFramework.esp
- 34. IAF - Far Harbor & Nuka World.esp
- 35. Thermal_Scope_Addon.esp
- 36. Phoenix - Simple Crafting Stations.esp
- 37. What's Your Name - WTP Patch.esp
- 38. SettlementMenuManager.esp
- 39. T60to51.esp
- 40. Piezonucleic_Fix.esp
- 41. Fixed Alpha Maps.esp
- 42. Fixed Gobo Effects.esp
- 43. Wetness Shader Fix.esp
- 44. Less Ugly Intercom.esp
- 45. MTM-NukaTownEastArchwayFix.esp
- 46. MTM-GardenTerraceCeilingFixedByMonorail.esp
- 47. Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp
- 48. WestonWaterLOD.esp
- 49. PerceptionBugFix.esp
- 50. CarPhysicsDeathBugfix.esp
- 51. AutomatronLoadScreenFix.esp
- 52. AtomCatsDragRaceStartFix.esp
- 53. Ownership Fixes.esp
- 54. Docile Radstags.esp
- 55. InstitWeapPosit.esp
- 56. Less Annoying Berry Mentats.esp
- 57. No Aggro Impact Landing.esp
- 58. Binary Speech Checks V.4.esp
- 59. NoNegativeAffinity.esp
- 60. NoNegativeAffinitySeason.esp
- 61. NoLollygagging.esp
- 62. MeleeFinishersRebalance.esp
- 63. Non-repeating player comments in Vault 111.esp
- 64. PoolRackFix.esp
- 65. NoCraftingExperience.esp
- 66. NPC Protection Tweaks.esp
- 67. SCDC_v0.5.esp
- 68. ShorterNPCgreeting.esp
- 69. Indestructible Sandbags & Bollards.esp
- 70. Immersive HUD.esp
- 71. M8rDisablePipboyEffects.esp
- 72. WheelMenu.esp
- 73. HoloTime.esp
- 74. No 3D Objects - All DLC + Unoffical Patch.esp
- 75. Less intrusive tutorial.esp
- 76. TrueBlood.esp
- 77. Gloomy Glass.esp
- 78. FO4ParticlePatch.esp
- 79. Pip2000MkVi_Replacer.esp
- 80. MGRCurrency.esp
- 81. LasersRemeshed.esp
- 82. InstituteRifleDebulked.esp
- 83. Fog Remover II (AIO) Recommended.esp
- 84. Wasteland Water Revival - Toxic Sludge.esp
- 85. TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp
- 86. TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp
- 87. PollutedClimate.esp
- 88. Polluted Storms.esp
- 89. Polluted Storms - Return of the Fog Filters.esp
- 90. Cinematographic fog effect - Light.esp
- 91. CROSS_GoreCrits.esp
- 92. CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul - WTP Patch.esp
- 93. TeslaImpact.esp
- 94. Bye-Bye Clouds.esp
- 95. Natural Landscapes.esp
- 96. Natural Rocks.esp
- 97. Quintessential Quarries.esp
- 98. GreenGoo.esp
- 99. Targeted Textures.esp
- 100. Indubitable Ivy.esp
- 101. WAVE.esp
- 102. 50 Shades Of Rust - Repacked.esp
- 103. Patch Job - Fill Those Holes.esp
- 104. Langleys HD Texture Workshop.esp
- 105. NMC Bundle HIGH.esp
- 106. Dilapidated Roads - Faded.esp
- 107. Better Settlements and Camps.esp
- 108. Shack Floors Re-Done.esp
- 109. Haul'd Out.esp
- 110. Fallout 4 Ultimate Window Overhaul.esp
- 111. True Caves.esp
- 112. Gritty Subway Stations.esp
- 113. Natural Bundle Masonry Set.esp
- 114. Natural Bundle Submarine Set.esp
- 115. Natural Bundle Bunker Set.esp
- 116. Diamond City Wall Retexture.esp
- 117. RedderRocket.esp
- 118. Blasted Billboards.esp
- 119. Peeling Posters.esp
- 120. Military Vehicles Retextured.esp
- 121. Train Engine - Game Jam 2015.esp
- 122. Simple Yellow Forklift.esp
- 123. NukaWorld HiRez Fakerocks.esp
- 124. Transit Sign HD.esp
- 125. CC's Vertibirds.esp
- 126. CC's UHD APC.esp
- 127. CC's UHD UFO.esp
- 128. oHDTP - defined Hightech Floor Tiles 2K - Textures.esp
- 129. Workbench Replacer HD 2K.esp
- 130. No more Halloween decorations.esp
- 131. Retro Radio Replacer.esp
- 132. nukaproject.esp
- 133. chem redux.esp
- 134. MK_ComponentsRedone.esp
- 135. Base Scrap Is Not Junk Jet Ammo.esp
- 136. RRTV_RobotModelKits.esp
- 137. RRTV_NukaRecipeRetextures.esp
- 138. ODT - Raider Armors Retextured.esp
- 139. SSTHazmatSuitImproved.esp
- 140. Crimsomrider's Transparent Cleanroom Suit.esp
- 141. Makeshifttextures.esp
- 142. deathclawshd4k.esp
- 143. SSTImposingGunnerSkulls.esp
- 144. Frame Job.esp
- 145. P42MarineArmor.esp
- 146. MarineHelmetNoMask.esp
- 147. WoodReduxHD.esp
- 148. WoodReduxHD-InvertedTile-OptionalPatch.esp
- 149. RetroInstitute.esp
- 150. Fallout3StyleVaults.esp
- 151. Texture Pack - Clutter.esp
- 152. Texture Pack - Apparel.esp
- 153. Texture Pack - Power Armor.esp
- 154. Texture Pack - Weapons.esp
- 155. Texture Pack - Creatures.esp
- 156. LooksMenu.esp
- 157. LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
- 158. The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
- 159. MoreBeards.esp
- 160. MoreHairstyles4Male.esp
- 161. MoreHairstyles4Female3.1.esp
- 163. Mama Murphy.esp
- 164. Concept Art Characters - AIO-DLC-Companions.esp
- 165. SSNPC - KelloggNEW.esp
- 166. KindKasumi.esp
- 167. Sexy_Hancock.esp
- 168. SSNPC - DCResidentsAIO.esp
- 169. ConsumeWithoutPickup.esp
- 170. NPC Accuracy Revised.esp
- 171. AA Better Companions - No Conflicts.esp
- 172. Companion Thoughts Overhaul.esp
- 173. PD_LowerWeapon.esp
- 174. RAW INPUT.esp
- 175. Be Exceptional.esp
- 176. Be Exceptional Rebalanced (LVL 78).esp
- 177. UnbogusHealthScaling.esp
- 178. Combat AI Empowered.esp
- 179. Combat AI Empowered - Game Settings Upgrade.esp
- 180. Combat AI Empowered - Reduce Grenade Spam.esp
- 181. MOVTspeedTweak - All.esp
- 182. Immersive Fallout - Movement (DLC).esp
- 183. Stimpaks help you breathe.esp
- 184. _WastelandMedic_.esp
- 185. WastelandMedic Edits.esp
- 186. Engaging Loot of the Commonwealth.esp
- 187. ELotC - Wasteland Medic Patch.esp
- 188. Vendor Diversity Overhaul.esp
- 189. Munitions - Reduced Ammo Patch.esp
- 190. LootBalance_Armor.esp
- 191. Workshop Scavenge tiered scrap only.esp
- 192. NoLegendaries.esp
- 193. SyringerAmmoSimplerIngredientsAlternate.esp
- 194. RRTV_TeaganSellsBOSClothing.esp
- 195. More Sensible Mod Perk Req GOTY.esp
- 196. AdrenalineRedone.esp
- 197. FGT - Barter.esp
- 198. FGT - Carry Weight.esp
- 199. FGT - Compass.esp
- 200. FGT - Fall Damage.esp
- 201. FGT - Pickpocketing.esp
- 202. FGT - No Enemy Bonus.esp
- 203. FGT - Respawn Time.esp
- 204. FGT - Sneak Attack.esp
- 205. FGT - Timescale.esp
- 206. FGT - XP.esp
- 207. Radiation Rebalance All DLCs.esp
- 208. Strength_WeaponRequirements.esp
- 209. Risky Prewar Food.esp
- 210. Soda For AP.esp
- 211. Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp
- 212. Better Power Armor - Redux.esp
- 213. RestorePAFrames.esp
- 214. Restore Power Armor Frames - Perk Up Patch.esp
- 215. dcc-palock.esp
- 216. Power Armor Lore-Friendly Distribution.esp
- 217. Some Assembly Required.esp
- 218. Some Assembly Rquired - CPAO patch.esp
- 219. Some Assembly Required - WTP Patch.esp
- 220. Minutemen Paint Job.esp
- 221. whisperVaultTecPaintJob.esp
- 222. whisperAbraxoSugarBombsPaintJobs.esp
- 223. CommonWealthRascalPaint.esp
- 224. CagebreakerPowerArmor.esp
- 225. PA-Quick Animations.esp
- 226. Keep Radiants In Commonwealth.esp
- 227. One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp
- 228. PrestonNoRadiant.esp
- 229. No BoS without Call to Arms.esp
- 230. infinite_settlement_budget.esp
- 231. Better_Settlement_Defence.esp
- 232. Visible Idle Markers.esp
- 233. Visible Idle Markers - WTP Patch.esp
- 234. extendedLightsWS - No shadows.esp
- 235. Light Radius Redux AIO.esp
- 236. Better Workshop Street Oil Lamps.esp
- 237. Un-Randomized Workshop Turrets.esp
- 238. RRShutters.esp
- 239. BetterGenerators.esp
- 240. Settler Sandbox Overhaul.esp
- 241. scavengesandboxmod.esp
- 242. Diamond City Shanty Town.esp
- 243. DCVendorClutter.esp
- 244. AEH_ShackinUp.esp
- 245. whisperExtraPieces.esp
- 246. NaiRaeCozyScavver.esp
- 247. SSTWorkshopPowerPack.esp
- 248. Vault88 - Essentials.esp
- 249. Vault 88 Essentials - WTP Edits.esp
- 250. FWC_FourWallCorners.esp
- 251. BetterJunkFences.esp
- 252. GrafsSecurityFences.esp
- 253. ruined_handmadeturrets.esp
- 254. TurretStands.esp
- 255. Wall Oil Lamps.esp
- 256. Wall Oil Lamps - Real Light Patch.esp
- 257. BluesMinutemenFlagsStandalone.esp
- 258. DogFurniture.esp
- 259. RealTroughs.esp
- 260. cVc Dead Wasteland 6.esp
- 261. cVc Dead Wasteland 6 DLC.esp
- 262. cVc Dead Wasteland 6 DLC2.esp
- 263. KURO.esp
- 264. WindowBoards.esp
- 265. PRP-NukalurkRecipeBook.esp
- 266. Ketaros_MissingMags.esp
- 267. Ketaros Missing Magazines - WTP Patch.esp
- 268. DirtyPreWarClothesRestored.esp
- 269. Upgradeable Vault Suit.esp
- 270. FV20_DreadHG.esp
- 271. TNR Shoulder Lamp.esp
- 272. TNR Shoulder Lamp - Settings.esp
- 273. WestTekTacticalOptics.esp
- 274. Crimsomrider's Accessories.esp
- 275. CROSS_Cybernetics.esp
- 276. More_Clothes_Textures.esp
- 277. Eli_Sleeveless Outfits.esp
- 278. Tribal Forged.esp
- 279. Desert Punk Raiders.esp
- 280. WulfRaiderAccessories.esp
- 281. CROSS_MojaveManhunter.esp
- 282. DPNAL Mojave Manhunter.esp
- 283. CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit.esp
- 284. CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp
- 285. CROSS_CoA.esp
- 286. DWT_TrashcanCarla_and_Guards.esp
- 287. Synth Overhaul.esp
- 288. Synth Overhaul - No level requirements Patch.esp
- 289. Synth Overhaul - Black Patch.esp
- 290. Look At Me IE.esp
- 291. Look At Me GE.esp
- 292. Look At Me NE.esp
- 293. Look At Me TE.esp
- 294. Far West Minutemen.esp
- 295. MiscMeleePack.esp
- 296. Zanthir_BumpVertSwords.esp
- 297. ABundleofTape.esp
- 298. A Bundle of Tape - Unofficial Update.esp
- 299. InstituteTechnologyOverhaul - LITE.esp
- 300. 9mmPistol.esp
- 301. 9mm Pistol - Unofficial Update.esp
- 302. 45autoPistol.esp
- 303. P220.esp
- 304. HK_MP5.esp
- 305. Sten.esp
- 306. Vault-Tec_MPL.esp
- 307. M1928A1.esp
- 308. PigFNC.esp
- 309. AUG-A1.esp
- 310. M1918A2.esp
- 311. M1A.esp
- 312. 1CAS_ServiceRifle.esp
- 313. AK74M.esp
- 314. Ak5C.esp
- 315. PigAAM1897.esp
- 316. FOLON_Bren.esp
- 317. FOLON_Bren_Addon.esp
- 318. M60.esp
- 319. HaxRPG7.esp
- 320. GaussRevolver.esp
- 321. .45 Auto Pistol - Unofficial Update.esp
- 322. Sten Gun Replace Pipe Guns.esp
- 323. LeeEnfieldNo4MkI.esp
- 324. PigAAMC96.esp
- 325. Modern Weapon Replacer - Sig Sauer P220 - 10mm Pistols.esp
- 326. Modern Weapon Replacer - MP5 Complex - Submachine Guns.esp
- 327. Modern Weapon Replacer - Springfield Armory M1A - Combat Rifles.esp
- 328. Modern Weapon Replacer - SREP Redux - Assault Rifles.esp
- 329. Modern Weapon Replacer - AK74M - Handmade Rifles.esp
- 330. RiotShotgun.esp
- 331. Modern Weapon Replacer - RPG-7V2 - Fat Man.esp
- 332. LaserGarand.esp
- 333. Modern Weapon Replacer - Ak5C - Plasma Guns.esp
- 334. GaussRifleMk2_Replacer.esp
- 335. AVBGuns.esp
- 336. AUG-A1_LoreFriendly.esp
- 337. M1918A2_LoreFriendly.esp
- 338. FOLON_Bren_LoreFriendly.esp
- 339. M60_LoreFriendly.esp
- 340. Skb-MinigunsRebirth_LoreFriendly.esp
- 341. M60LLInjection.esp
- 342. 4estGimp - RO1 Raider Buff - Vanilla Weapon Injection.esp
- 343. Hollywood Bullet Tracers.esp
- 344. Hollywood Lasers.esp
- 345. True Damage.esp
- 346. True Damage - DLC.esp
- 347. True Damage - Vehicle Module.esp
- 348. True Damage - Munitions.esp
- 349. True Damage - Munitions Vanilla Ammo Addon.esp
- 350. FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
- 351. SKKCombatStalkers.esp
- 352. DLCCreaturesJ3T.esp
- 353. NightstrikerCreatureMod.esp
- 354. BighornersOnly.esp
- 355. Cyberman.esp
- 356. WD_Pistol_Renimation_Pack.esp
- 357. WD_44.esp
- 358. wd_huntingrifle.esp
- 359. Laser Weapon Reanimated.esp
- 360. Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
- 361. LOST Audio Tweaks.esp
- 362. Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - WTP Patch.esp
- 363. postalreduxost.esp
- 364. Boston Pirate Radio.esp
- 365. JSRS_Footsteps.esp
- 366. SimplyLouderGuns1.5.esp
- 367. Bullet Impact Overhaul.esp
- 368. Melee Impact Overhaul.esp
- 369. Physics Sound Overhaul.esp
- 370. Elzee Recoil Shake.esp
- 371. Elzee Jolly Item Sounds.esp
- 372. WTR.esp
- 373. SCM.esp
- 374. CheatTerminal.esp
- 375. NPCInventoryManipulator.esp
- 376. ESPExplorerFO4.esp
- 377. SKKActorReplaceRespawnManager.esp
- 378. SKKActorReplaceCustom_Rustpunk.esp
- 379. SKKFastReunions.esp
- 380. StartMeUp.esp
- 381. smudoor.esp
- 382. SKKFastStartNewGame.esp
- 383. SKKFastStopInstitute.esp
- 384. DCGUard_Overhaul-VanillaSkin.esp
- 385. Declutter - DCGuard_Overhaul.esp
- 386. DC_Guard_Overhaul_ReArmed.esp
- 387. AtomCatsSettlement.esp
- 388. BADLANDS 2 Landscape.esp
- 389. No Ugly Plants And Things 2.0 - FOMOD (Fixed).esp
- 390. Remove Ugly Flat Trash.esp
- 391. Anti-Phobia-Fog-Crawler-Far-Harbor-0.1.esp
- 392. anti-phobia-hermit-crabs-01.esp
- 393. Anti-Phobia-Insects-Arachnids-0.3.esp
- 394. Anti-Phobia-Insects-Arachnids-Nuka-World-0.1.esp
- 395. Anti-Phobia-Mirelurks-0.3.esp
- 396. Anti-Phobia-Mirelurks-Far-Harbor-0.1.esp
- 397. Anti-Phobia-Mirelurks-Nuka-World-0.1.esp
- 398. No Mirelurk Hatchlings.esp
- 399. Hit Em Where It Hurts- FH & NW.esp
- 400. LegendaryShadersMessagesSoundRemoved.esp
- 401. FO4LODGen.esp
- 402. FO4LODGen-HighTrees.esp
- 403. FO4LODGen-DLCCoast-WindTurbines.esp
- 404. FO4LODGen-DLCWorkshop03.esp
- 405. FO4LODGen-DLCNukaWorld.esp
- 406. FOLODIP - New LODs.esp
- 407. PRPFX-BostonCommon.esp
- 408. PRPFX-BostonAirport.esp
- 409. PRPFX-Concord.esp
- 410. PRPFX-Corvega.esp
- 411. PRPFX-Financial.esp
- 412. Less_Intense_Speculars_TrueBlood.esp
- 413. No More Fake Puddles - Nuka World 1-0.esp
- 414. Rustpunk_CR.esp
- 415. MyLOD - Main.esp
Ini Files
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- 100. bLensFlare=1
- 101. bMBEnable=0
- 102. bScreenSpaceBokeh=1
- 103. [Interface]
- 104. bDialogueCameraEnable=1
- 105. bDialogueSubtitles=0
- 106. bGeneralSubtitles=0
- 107. bShowCompass=1
- 108. iHUDColorB=0
- 109. iHUDColorG=247
- 110. iHUDColorR=1
- 111. uHUDActiveEffectWidget=2
- 112. [Launcher]
- 113. bEnableFileSelection=1
- 114. [LightingShader]
- 115. bScreenSpaceReflections=1
- 116. bScreenSpaceSubsurfaceScattering=1
- 117. [LOD]
- 118. fLODFadeOutMultActors=30.0
- 119. fLODFadeOutMultItems=30.0
- 120. fLODFadeOutMultObjects=30.0
- 121. fLODFadeOutMultSkyCell=1.0000
- 122. [MAIN]
- 123. bCrosshairEnabled=1
- 124. bSaveOnPause=1
- 125. bSaveOnRest=1
- 126. bSaveOnTravel=1
- 127. bSaveOnWait=1
- 128. fHUDOpacity=1.0000
- 129. fSkyCellRefFadeDistance=150000.0000
- 130. [NVFlex]
- 131. bNVFlexDrawDebris=1
- 132. bNVFlexEnable=0
- 133. bNVFlexInstanceDebris=1
- 134. fKillRadius0=2000.0000
- 135. fKillRadius1=3000.0000
- 136. fKillRadius2=4000.0000
- 137. iMaxNeighbors0=32
- 138. iMaxNeighbors1=48
- 139. iMaxNeighbors2=64
- 140. iMaxParticles0=6000
- 141. iMaxParticles1=16000
- 142. iMaxParticles2=32768
- 143. iQuality=0
- 144. [NVHBAO]
- 145. bBackgroundAOEnable=1
- 146. bBlurEnable=1
- 147. bBlurSharpnessProfileEnable=0
- 148. bDepthThresholdEnable=0
- 149. bEnable=1
- 150. fBackgroundAOViewDepth=750.0000
- 151. fBias=0.1000
- 152. fBlurSharpness=16.0000
- 153. fBlurSharpnessProfileBackgroundViewDepth=1.0000
- 154. fBlurSharpnessProfileForegroundSharpnessScale=4.0000
- 155. fBlurSharpnessProfileForegroundViewDepth=0.0000
- 156. fCoarseAO=1.0000
- 157. fDepthThresholdMaxViewDepth=500.0000
- 158. fDepthThresholdSharpness=100.0000
- 159. fDetailAO=0.6500
- 160. fPowerExponent=2.5000
- 161. fRadius=0.6500
- 162. iBlurRadiusEnum=1
- 163. iDepthClampModeEnum=0
- 164. [Particles]
- 165. iMaxDesired=750
- 166. [Pipboy]
- 167. fPipboyEffectColorB=1.0000
- 168. fPipboyEffectColorG=0.9920
- 169. fPipboyEffectColorR=1.0000
- 170. [SaveGame]
- 171. fAutosaveEveryXMins=10.0000
- 172. [TerrainManager]
- 173. bShowLODInEditor=0
- 174. fBlockLevel0Distance=75000
- 175. fBlockLevel1Distance=100000
- 176. fBlockLevel2Distance=125000
- 177. fBlockMaximumDistance=15000
- 178. fSplitDistanceMult=1.000
- 179. fTreeLoadDistance=40960.0000
- 180. [VATS]
- 181. fModMenuEffectColorB=0.0050
- 182. fModMenuEffectColorG=0.9705
- 183. fModMenuEffectColorR=0.0050
- 184. fModMenuEffectHighlightColorB=0.2040
- 185. fModMenuEffectHighlightColorG=0.9705
- 186. fModMenuEffectHighlightColorR=0.0050
- 187. fModMenuEffectHighlightPAColorB=0.0000
- 188. fModMenuEffectHighlightPAColorG=0.9690
- 189. fModMenuEffectHighlightPAColorR=0.0040
- 190. fModMenuEffectPAColorB=0.4100
- 191. fModMenuEffectPAColorG=0.8200
- 192. fModMenuEffectPAColorR=1.0000
- 193. [Water]
- 194. bUseWaterDepth=1
- 195. bUseWaterDisplacements=1
- 196. bUseWaterReflections=1
- 197. bUseWaterRefractions=1
- 1. [General]
- 2. LocalSaves=true
- 3. LocalSettings=true
- 4. AutomaticArchiveInvalidation=false
- 5. [UserInterface]