All Lists 3089 total

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Beautiful and Balanced New Vegas


Fallout New Vegas

by phobos2077

Based on Viva New Vegas + salamand3r Texture Guide + parts of WSG + lots of additions to get a game that looks fresh, atmospheric yet vanilla-friendly. Also focused on balancing and improving various aspects of gameplay.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago



TESV Skyrim SE

by Anonymous

A Wabbajack list for Skyrim SE; Ascensio is a comprehensive visual overhaul, providing very minimal gameplay tweaks in favor of an expansive graphical package.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago

Pomegranate ENB my modlist

TESV Skyrim SE

by hamblepants

Just the mods I'm using. Lots of hidden files, lots of duplicates, it's a gigantic mess but should give an idea of what I'm using. ENB is Pomegranate ENB and Reshade for Picturesque Weathers, based on Verdrenna ENB.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated about 1 year ago



TESV Skyrim SE

by aljoxo

A comprehensive modlist that focuses on bringing the gameplay of Skyrim to the modern age, without compromising on the original vision. Meticulously balanced and full of handpicked content, new gear, spells, and quest mods that are designed to integrate seamlessly into the game.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated 8 months ago

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