All Lists 3122 total

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Fallout 4

by SpringHeelJon

FUSION is a lightweight mod list that focuses on removing the vanilla games annoyances and improving the core experience. The list is optimised for the low end and includes no ENB or large texture packs. Performance is better than the vanilla game and requirements have not changed from Bethesda's 20...

Created over 2 years ago

Updated 12 months ago



Fallout 4

by Anonymous

FUSION Is a lightweight mod list that is small in scope with around 150 active mods. These mods have been carefully chosen to not change the game in radical new ways and instead compliment the original vision Bethesda had for the game. Performance is targeted to be the same or even slightly better ...

Created over 2 years ago

Updated over 2 years ago

Xanza's Modded Skyrim


TESV Skyrim SE

by Xanza

A modlist centered around Legacy of the Dragonborn with various mods to boost gameplay such as Ordinator and the rest of the Enairim suite. Difficulty and combat are altered throughout the game with mods like Skyrim Revamped and Perk/Spell Distribution via Spell Perk Item Distributor

Created over 2 years ago

Updated over 2 years ago

Do Not Go Gentle


TESV Skyrim SE

by Blessed_by_Arkay

A modlist meant to encourage you to try out the Requiem gameplay style. Vigilant, Bruma, and Wyrmstooth are in the list. Missives, Pilgrim(kind of), Pit Fighter, and many others to help extend the life of your next requiem character. Rage Against the Dying of the Light

Created over 2 years ago

Updated about 1 year ago

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