All Lists 3094 total

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Just a Humble Warden


Dragon Age: Origins


The goal of this modlist is to create a version of the game that plays smoothly (without encountering any annoying bugs), has some graphical changes and improvements, and adds some changes to improve the quality of life. Basically, to create the ideal version of the game that I would like to play.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago



TESV Skyrim VR

by Rali3d

My current list. Contains NSFW mods, because #cultured.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago



TESV Skyrim SE

by thomasjames145

A Vanilla-Plus Skyrim experience with completely modernized graphics and gameplay. Meant to hit the sweet spot between a list like AVO and Aldrnari. Includes much lore expansion and lore friendly quest mods. With AC Valhalla ADXP MCO combat.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated about 1 year ago



TESV Skyrim VR

by Rali3d

Previous list I was using. Contains NSFW mods.

Created about 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago

City of Nights

Fallout New Vegas

by TheSeekker

A Vanilla Plus modlist sticking, not replacing and enhancing vanilla visuals. Bringing hardcore metro-style difficulty and gameplay. It's just like Vegas but not better.

Created about 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago

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