All Lists 3085 total

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Lumis Fantasy


TESV Skyrim SE

by Lumis

An attempt at upgrading Skyrim from an old 2011 game to a modern RPG with beautiful and improved visuals and a gameplay experience based on the full Simonrim setup. This is a WIP list that I'm working on in my spare time and might release if it turns out ok :)

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago

Modlist - March 2023

TESV Skyrim SE

by Anonymous

Please mind that some files might be present but NOT active. Also, lots of the mods here have been tweaked by myself.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago

Enderal SE by bubak


Enderal SE

by bubak

Quite extensive modlist I made for my playthrough. As much different from Skyrim as I could make it :) It won't work for you without patching.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago



TESV Skyrim SE

by Anonymous

Ultra, alternate leveling, raytracing and physics (beta)

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago

Calradia Under Fire


Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

by Maelstrom

Only shows what mods I downloaded, not what mods I have am actually using, as I use Novus Launcher. For now, see: for that.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago

Dragonborn Customized

TESV Skyrim SE

by Anonymous

Based on the Dragonborn Wabbajck modlist version Its mostly for my own record but also for someone else who like me, enjoys going through different loadorders on LoL.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago

Just a Humble Warden


Dragon Age: Origins


The goal of this modlist is to create a version of the game that plays smoothly (without encountering any annoying bugs), has some graphical changes and improvements, and adds some changes to improve the quality of life. Basically, to create the ideal version of the game that I would like to play.

Created almost 2 years ago

Updated almost 2 years ago

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